Only Her

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Only Her Page 5

by Carolyn Faulkner

  The longer he kept her there without bringing that tawse down across her ass, the more agitated Anna became about the potential for that to happen in the next few seconds. "Y-yes. You asked me to p-promise you that I wouldn't do drugs at her party."

  His hands began to wander over the tantalizing flesh that was on display before him, cupping the taut muscles of her behind, the backs of her thighs, up over her hips and around to her less than petite breasts, pulling her butt back against him and rubbing his bulge into her cleft threateningly. Dev had never tired of touching her anywhere, any time he could. It had become such a primal urge in him that he wondered how he had managed to keep his hands to himself all those years. Her skin was like satin, damned near perfect, and it made his fingers literally itch for want of more of her.

  All of her was never going to be enough for him. He already wanted more from her, but wasn't about to bring it up. He figured fortune wasn't going to smile on him again in another big way, like letting him have her in his life on a permanent basis or even exclusively.

  Not that he thought she was seeing someone else. He thought he knew pretty well that she wasn't. He kept her much too busy for that at work and sexually sated elsewhere, to make her feel she needed to look for someone new.

  He sincerely hoped.

  And he was doing his best to learn to take what he could get, although it wasn't much in his nature to do so. He tended to go after what he wanted, but then, technically, he already had her in a lot of different, very intimate ways.

  "And did you?" He placed the tawse over her butt cheeks gently, but she still flinched, which brought a small smile to his lips.

  "I didn't do drugs at her party."

  "Good. Now I want a further promise from you that you won't do recreational drugs at all, ever, with anyone."

  "Even weed?" she asked, the words out of her mouth before she could stop them.

  The tawse left her butt abruptly and came down on it just as smartly, once, very hard.

  Or hard enough to make her not just moan but very nearly sing with the burning sting it left behind. She shuddered to think that there was a level that was worse than that, but she knew that, with his strength, that was wishful thinking. As much as she had tried, the reality of it pointed out to her very starkly that she would never have been able to ready herself for that.

  "Yes, even weed."

  Before that one stripe, she might have argued a bit with him – the "But" died on her lips, though. That implement inspired a desire to acquiesce – and quickly! That wasn't usually a part of her personality.

  "I promise." She sounded overeager, even to her own ears.

  Dev tried not to grin. He'd debated about what implement to use on her next. He preferred his hand probably the most, because it was so personal. He made her bottom hot, and she, in turn, made his palm warm, and he could easily – and did often – take a few seconds to slip his fingers between her thighs and tease her while he was spanking her.

  The psychology of putting something between them with which to punish her was different on both ends. He had fewer body language clues about how she was doing. He was standing much further way from her than he usually did, to account for the length of the leather. Although he certainly spanked hard, the paddle, which he'd used on her occasionally, and the tawse were each much more severe than just his hand, so he was ultra conscious of what he was doing to her.

  This time, however, was less of a punishment and more of a challenge to him – to see if he could get her hot this way. He kind of thought that, once she overcame her fears, she would come to the same love/hate relationship she had with a spanking.

  At least he hoped so, because doing this to her – hell, who was he kidding? Doing anything to her – got him so riled up he was having a hard time not just grabbing her and drilling himself into her, slapping his hips up against that round white flesh with its angry slash of red marring – and further enhancing – its perfection, as far as he was concerned.

  He laid four more of those wide swaths across her bottom, his cock becoming just that much harder with every squeal she emitted. She had gotten used to trying to squelch her cries of pain – and pleasure – in his old place and was having a hard time letting go here, even though she knew that no one could hear her.

  But Dev wasn't about to let her get away with that. He loved to hear Anna's moans of distress almost as much as her helpless screams as she came, and he was going to prove to her that she didn't need to – nor was she now allowed to – suppress her responses to him any longer.

  He wanted to hear her scream – full-bodied, unchecked by embarrassment or concern at who heard her, screams. He wanted to fill the room with them, to make them echo off the walls of his bedroom to remind her – to remind the both of them – just who he was to her.

  And so he did, starting off slowly but building steadily, making her dance, kicking her legs apart when they ended up too close together for his liking then bringing the stiff leather down on the insides of her thighs. Twice each – to remind her where they should be, which earned him indignant squeals that were as close to screams as he'd gotten her to so far.

  But then he began to strap her in earnest, falling into a rhythm from which he didn't vary, hearing her distress compounding with each splat of the leather across a backside that had no more pristine areas to cover; every bit of it was already a deep shade of red.

  To her horror and humiliation, it didn't take many of those after that to wrench a ragged scream from her throat and several fuller ones after that as the tawse continued to fall.

  In all, she gifted him with ten unselfconscious cries. On the tenth, he threw the tawse away and stepped between her legs with a ferocious growl. Gripping that seared flesh and snapping his hips forward against it while pulling hers back onto him, pounding himself into her as he held her still for his invasion, feeling his own slight embarrassment when his body wrested control from his mind and sent him spurting within her much sooner than he would have wanted. For a few seconds, as he was jackhammering himself into her, he felt a bit lightheaded, as if he was going to faint, but he somehow managed not to do so.

  With his last few, still powerful, thrusts, he leaned a bit over her, and he heard something he never wanted to hear from her again.

  An scream of pain that had nothing to do with discipline at all, that shriveled him completely, almost causing his balls to creep back into his body and had him immediately reaching up to unhook her wrists. She collapsed into his arms and he sank with her to the floor, cradling her gently and using one hand to remove the cuffs from her wrists. "Baby girl, what is it? Did I hurt you? I'm so sorry!"

  As her raw, bare butt connected with the carpet, raising the residual bite she felt from the strapping he had given her to new heights, Anna almost smiled at the irony of the situation. He was beside himself, thinking he might have hurt her. She should have pointed him to her butt!

  When she got her breath back, she whispered roughly, "Sorry – your weight just pulled a bit too much on my arms and it –" She hesitated, because she didn't want to alarm him, then shrugged and told him the truth. "Really hurt."

  His hands went to her shoulders and upper arms, rubbing carefully. "Does it still hurt? How about if I put you in the shower? Hot water will help." She wasn't given much choice, or even opportunity to answer him, before he'd bundled her up in his arms and brought her into the huge, open shower stall with spray coming at her from all sides. He adjusted the temperature and washing her all over, paying particular attention to her right shoulder, which she told him was beginning to ache a bit.

  Anna was touched at how utterly horrified he looked. If she hadn't known him better, she would have said he was about to cry at the idea of how he had hurt her.

  She put her hand on his chest. "I'm fine, you know, Dev. It's just a kink or something. It'll work itself out."

  He smiled, but she knew it was perfunctory – he was just doing it for her benefit. He hadn't heard a word she'd sa
id, continuing to rub and wash her thoroughly, even shampooing her hair, then drying her off and carrying her back to the bed, dancing attendance on her to make sure she was comfortable.

  She gave him a disbelieving look at his behavior. "I think I need to get hurt more often – I like seeing you all worried like this."

  After getting her a cold glass of ice water and some Aleve, then tucking her in, he joined her on the bed but didn't pull her to him as he usually did. In fact, he remained about a foot away from her, for some reason, and Anna was unsure what to do about it, hoping it didn't have anything to do with what had just happened, but afraid that it did.

  He grabbed the remote and turned on the television, putting it on a WWII documentary that she wouldn't have any interest in, but knowing that it would help her fall asleep faster.

  Finally, when he'd made no move at all to get closer to her, she whispered softly, longingly, "I'm afraid that I can't get to sleep any more unless I'm in your arms." All the while, scooting herself backwards until she could feel her back against his chest, yet he still didn't curl himself around her and pull her close, as he normally would.

  "Dev? Is something wrong?"

  He didn't answer her immediately, then said, "Yes, of course there is! I hurt you and I can't – it's just unacceptable. I'm your Dom. You're in my care, and I let you get injured. I've never hurt a woman in my life – I mean, not counting spankings."

  Anna turned towards him, doing her best not to wince at the pain in her shoulder as she did so. "That's enough. You're acting as if you deliberately wrenched my arm out of its socket, when it was just a bit of a sex injury – nothing more, nothing planned or intentional, in the least. Considering the differences in our sizes, it's probably going to happen again. It just…happened, and you have to get over it."

  "Yeah, but –" His overactive sense of guilt where she was concerned refused to let go.

  "So what? You're never going to touch me again?"

  That thought was abhorrent. He could barely make it through a workday any more without touching her inappropriately, despite his moratorium on combining work and their private life together.

  His arms finally made their way around her, however gingerly.

  "Of course, I am. I'm just – sorry."

  "Apology accepted. Now, if you'd like to swear off strapping me like that or spanking me, I'm all for that –"

  His rich chuckle tingled in her ear. "No, I don't think so, darlin'. You're not going to get off that easily."

  She sniffed loudly and repeatedly, trying to sound as if she was crying, "But my butt! It hurts! Ooh – horribly! Ow! Oh! The aaa-go-knee!"

  That got him laughing.

  "Well, it does," she said in her normal voice. "Why can't I get you to feel guilty about the very real state of my behind?"

  Dev nuzzled the hair at the back of her head, saying, "Because you know you need it. You need me to keep you in line, to hold you to account, to paddle that little bottom of yours until you cry then make you faint as you come on my mouth…"

  No response.

  He poked her in the ribs. "Ahem. This is where you're supposed to say an enthusiastic, 'Yes, Dev!'"

  Anna snuggled more comfortably into his arms, saying sleepily, "What am I, an idiot? I'm taking the fifth on that. And just in case, I'm taking the first, the eighteenth, the nineteenth and the twenty-first, too."

  Dev laughed. "Free speech, prohibition, a woman's right to vote, and the repeal of prohibition?"

  "Definitely. Just in case."

  Chapter 5

  The promise she made to him that evening was tested a few months afterwards. A group of girls from Aces decided to throw one of their own, Jennifer Stewart, the current cash room manager, a bachelorette party, on the occasion of her long time coming and apparently very extravagant wedding to her long time boyfriend, Ken.

  Jenny was one of those girls who watched all of those bridal shows and wanted one of everything she'd seen on them at her own wedding.

  Even though they certainly weren't planning on doing anything too crazy, Anna was quite nervous about asking Dev if she could go.

  In fact, she wasn't really sure whether they were at the point in their relationship where she needed to ask if she could go. He was always so positive about making sure he didn't stifle any social life she might have without him when she mentioned things she wanted to do, and he hadn't told her expressly that he expected her to do so.

  But things had progressed between them so well – so relatively smoothly and surprisingly naturally – that she kind of had the feeling she ought to. Then she considered what she'd do if he said no, which she thought was highly unlikely, but still, it was a possibility. She'd be one very unhappy girl if she had to miss this night out with her friends.

  So, when he arrived home after her, one evening, because he had a business meeting, he found her on her knees, a few steps in from the door. He was already at half-mast just at the idea of being alone with her again and from thinking about her on the drive home. He made it the rest of the way at the sight of her, nude, in such a lovely, submissive position, wearing only the diamond studs he had given her as a Christmas gift – which she'd almost refused and got spanked for trying to do so – as well as the first gift he'd given her as her Dom. It was a pretty silver necklace with a locking heart that cost about two percent of what the earrings had, but, as far as he knew, she had never taken it off since he'd put it around her neck.

  Dev put his briefcase down and began wrenching at his tie as he came to stand in front of her, towering over her, the bulge at the front of his pants growing more enormous by the second. Her eyes met his, then he watched her lower them to his feet.

  "My, my, my, this is a lovely surprise," he said, more gruffly than he wanted to, but he was achingly hard, and he sometimes – always, often – found it hard to modulate his voice when he was in that condition.

  "I hoped you'd like it," she said softly. "May I help you with that?" she asked, reaching up with her hands as if she'd get up and remove the tie for him, but he shook his head.

  "No, I like the sight of you kneeling there like that very much." He got rid of his tie completely, flinging it aside, removing his jacket and dropping it onto the floor, then going for the cuffs of his dress shirt and folding them back slowly, knowing she liked to watch him do that; he knew just that simple act would make her wet. He didn't know why, or what it was about it, but it seemed to remind her very acutely of his dominance over her and was certainly easy enough for him to do.

  When his tanned, well-muscled forearms were revealed, he reached out to run his hand through her hair, then cupped her jaw and brought her eyes to his. "Since you're already there, and looking so beautifully submissive, I think I'll avail myself of that pretty little mouth of yours."

  His hands went to his belt buckle, and she put hers over his, silently asking permission to do that for him. With a small smile, he left off and let her do what she wanted to – what he liked and often expected her to do for him.

  Somehow, the differences in their heights worked out just about right when she was positioned this way – his cock, when it bobbed forth from his underwear, was just about at the same level as her mouth when she leaned forward a bit. Dev took a step closer so she wouldn't have to come out of her kneel, pressing himself past those tightly pursed lips and into that warm, wet cavern.

  Her supplicant position, her nakedness and the sheer fact that even now, after all the time they'd been together, he was still as hungry for her as he had been that first night, all of that conspired against him. He was quicker with her – almost every time – than he'd ever been with any woman before, and it was one of the few things that bothered him about how he was with her. He wanted to last forever with her and for her, but he showed an annoying lack of ability to control himself when she had him in her mouth, especially.

  Watching the length of his cock disappearing between those lightly frosted pink lips drove him wild, and, long before he wante
d to, he had to reach down and grab her head. Burying his fingers in her hair and taking over from her amazing instincts, feeling her relax around him and beneath his hands to let him take her mouth as he would, which was yet another thing about her that pulled out all the stops for him. Any time she yielded herself to him, made him feel like a sixteen-year-old with his first woman. She deep throated him with no hesitancy whatsoever from the beginning, despite his size, and had only gotten better at it as she'd become familiar with what he liked.

  The woman damned near killed him every time, he thought as he erupted down her throat and felt her sucking his cum out of him until he had to back her off – he was much too sensitive. She had already wrung him dry in a humiliatingly short amount of time.

  He did hold her there, with her face buried against his cock, his fingers clenched in the hair at the top of her head while the breath blew out of him like a hurricane and he tried to gather his scattered brains into some semblance of order.

  "Christ, woman, you are going to be the death of me!" he complimented, although it sounded more like a complaint.

  Anna smiled at his praise. "I should hope not!"

  Finally, he stepped back and tucked himself back into his underwear.

  She wanted to catch him when he was still basking in the afterglow, so Anna spoke up. "Dev?"

  "Yes, baby girl?" He would have helped her up and kissed her, then headed for the bedroom to change, but she sounded unusually serious, so he paused where he was, the high of the climax still buzzing through his body.


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