Still Air

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Still Air Page 11

by Freya Barker

  “I’ve mentioned that a few times already, Detective,” I jump in. “Jonas was at my house, visiting, having dinner with me. Jesus, the kid had the snot beaten out of him, you can’t honestly think he has anything to do with this.” The detective looks at me apologetically before turning to Dino.

  “I have to make sure,” he clarifies. “Ms. Brunard’s phone is unlisted, and I have to wonder how those two managed to find her. Your son is the only connection.”

  “He wouldn’t have told them,” Dino says in a sure voice.

  “With all due respect, a lot was going on in your son’s life recently you weren’t aware of.”

  I’m done. This time I surge up from my seat. “It’s none of your goddamn business, but for the sake of getting you off this dead end street; Jonas was at my house a few minutes before seven for our scheduled appointment.” When the detective’s eyebrows rise in question, I continue. “He’s comfortable talking to me about things. He was there on Thursday night as well. Now tell me, Detective Barnes, does it make sense to you that a boy who goes to see a counselor because he struggles emotionally, would share this information with anyone? Have you considered the possibility he was followed?” His hand has come up defensively during my tirade, but he doesn’t speak until I’m done.

  “Of course,” he says curtly, “but what you may not understand is the kind of hold these gangs can have on their recruits. This particular group won’t hesitate threatening a life—a family member’s life—to get what they want from an individual.”

  “See...that’s where you’re wrong,” I fire back immediately. “I know it better than most.” I feel the immediate scrutiny from both men the moment the revealing words leave my mouth, so I quickly push on. “What you don’t seem willing to understand is that if Jonas had been forced somehow to pass on my address, why in God’s name would he sit at my kitchen counter eating my food with gusto? Why would he spend an hour sharing the most painful thoughts and feelings with me, all the time knowing someone was waiting outside to have a go at me? That doesn’t make any sense at all!”

  A heavy silence settles in the room after I lose my cool. A gentle tugging at my hand draws my attention as Dino pulls me to sit back down. The moment I do, he slings an arm around my shoulders. Heavy, but grounding. He doesn’t say a word, and I’m afraid to look his way, so I look at my knees instead.

  “Two possibilities remain,” Barnes suggests. “They either encountered him by chance and followed him, or—and this is a bit more worrisome—they’ve had their eye on your son the entire time. Which would imply they know where your family lives.” Dino goes solid beside me. “I’ll have to talk to Jonas at some point when he’s recovered enough. In the meantime, until we have these two picked up, please be cautious.” Without another word, he gets up and leaves.

  “You jumped in for my boy,” Dino rumbles beside me, and I turn to see him watching me intently.

  “Of course I did. He had nothing to do with this,” I sputter defensively.

  “No,” he says, leaning in a little. “You’re not getting it. You barely know him, and yet you trusted him enough to know he wouldn’t have done that.” I just nod at that, unsure exactly what he’s trying to tell me. “I’m his father, and I didn’t believe him.”

  “What?” I’m confused, did he really think...

  “Not about this,” he clarifies. “His mother accused him of stealing from me when I found money missing. I believed her.” The way his head hangs dejectedly tugs at my heartstrings.

  “That’s different,” I offer softly, wanting to ease his guilt. “You loved her.”

  “I didn’t,” he says, surprising me. “Not anymore. Probably not for a long time.” I need a minute to take that in before responding.

  “Doesn’t matter. Would you ever, as a parent, try to sell out your child?” I want him to answer the question himself. He’s toting a lot of responsibility that doesn’t belong on his shoulders.

  “Of course not,” he snaps, his eyes shooting daggers at me. I’ll take it.

  “Then why would you think the mother of your children would be capable of that?” I volley back, sitting back, letting him think on that by himself.

  Shortly after that Ike comes back, carrying two bottles of water and a couple of brown paper bakery bags. He’s not alone; Gunnar walks in behind him. Ike shrugs his shoulders at Dino’s glare and sits down, pulling a pastry out of one of the bags and chomping down.

  “Any news?” Gunnar asks, sitting on the other side of Dino after pecking me on the cheek. He doesn’t mince words, doesn’t go into long explanations, he’s just here supporting his friend.

  “Nothing yet,” I hear Dino mumble, as I lean over to snag a bottle and one of the bags from the seat beside Ike. He winks at me and I can’t hold back the little smile tugging at my mouth.

  I’ve been dozing off, with the occasional rumble of voices as the guys shoot the shit, when a different doctor—presumably Doctor Morton, the surgeon—walks in the door to tell us Jonas has come through surgery. He’s in recovery, but his father can see him as soon as he’s moved to a room.

  Dino urges the guys to get home to their families. It’s coming up on one o’clock in the morning. As we’re saying goodbye to Gunnar and Ike, I notice Dino hasn’t suggested I head home. Nor have the other guys offered me a ride. Men will always be something of a mystery to me. They seem to be able to communicate between them without words, or effort in some cases, but become severely incapacitated in the skills of communication at other times.

  It’s the same now. He sits back down next to me, picks up the hand he really hasn’t let go of all night, and leans his head back, his eyes closed. Never once telling me what he wants from me. I chuckle quietly, but he hears.


  “Should I leave too?” I tease him a little and laugh a little harder when his eyebrows scrunch up in confusion.

  “No, I want you to stay,” he says, matter-of-factly. “Unless you want to go. Maybe I can still...” He moves to get up but I hold him back.

  “I’ll stay. I just wanted to be sure.” I put him at ease, and—if I’m honest—myself.



  That’s one night I never want to do over again.

  We didn’t have to wait long before a nurse came to let us know Jonas had been moved to a room and we could go see him briefly. I grab Pam’s hand and pull her along. Not sure why, but her presence calms me, otherwise I might’ve put a few holes in the wall with all this pent up anger I have churning my blood. There’s a strong urge to go out and hunt down those two kids who did this to my son—to Pam.

  “Five minutes,” the nurse said outside the door. “His roommate is sleeping.”

  Jonas was asleep, his face still a mess. I barely noticed the light snoring coming from behind the curtains the nurse pulled around the other patient, I’m focused on the sounds my son was making. He woke up briefly, once, just long enough for me to tell him I love him and promise to be back in the morning. We left shortly after that, Pam quietly supportive beside me.

  Just like she is now, sitting in the passenger seat beside me, as I drive her home. I reach over and grab her hand again and notice how easily she slides her long fingers between mine. Effortlessly, as if we’ve done this our entire lives—hold hands. Suddenly I don’t want to drop her off.

  “Come home with me?” I hear myself asking, without taking my eyes from the road. I can feel her shifting in her seat, pinning those deep brown eyes on me.

  “Dino...” she starts, her voice careful.

  “Never mind,” I quickly interrupt, not wanting to put her on the spot. Things are too raw right now. Too many emotions close to the surface. It’s probably better. “Forget I said anything.” I cringe, I sound like a fucking girl.

  “What I was going to say,” Pam says sternly, her hand squeezing mine. “Is that I’d like to grab a few things at my place quickly first. If that’s okay?”

  Stopped at a red
light, I take the opportunity to glance over. Her eyes are bright in her dark face, surprising, given the long night we’ve had. A small smile tugs at her lips. I simply nod, bringing her hand up to kiss the back of it. I want to tell her I’m not looking for anything more than her company tonight, but I’m pretty sure she gets that.

  She literally takes just two minutes before she appears with a small bag in her hand, tossing it in the backseat. Five minutes after that we pull into my driveway. The house is dark and quiet, something that’s pretty rare with two teenagers. I briefly spoke with Marcy’s mom earlier tonight, while Jonas was in surgery, and agreed with her that we’d let Gina have her fun tonight, and she’d bring her home tomorrow morning.

  “Can I get you anything?” I ask Pam, walking into the kitchen.

  “I’m good, thanks. I think I’m going to get ready for bed,” she says.

  “Up the stairs and to the right,” I direct her. “I’ll just lock up.”

  I watch her go up the stairs and am amazed, once again, at how easy it is with her. I check the doors and turn off the lights before following her upstairs. I sent her to my room without even thinking about it, and when I walk in, I hear the tap running in the adjoining bathroom. I strip down to my boxers and lie back on the bed, on top of the covers with my hands behind my head. The moment she walks into the bedroom, wearing old man’s PJ pants and a loose tank top, I find myself smiling.

  “Only you,” I chuckle, as I get off the bed to take my turn in the bathroom.

  “Only me, what?” she inquires.

  “Make grandpa’s pyjamas look sexy as shit.” I don’t wait for a response when I close the bathroom door behind me and the growing tent in my boxers. I could do with a cold splash of water. By the time I open the door, the tentative control I regained over my body evaporates at the sight of Pam in my bed. Fucking hell.

  Her eyes trail down the length of my body, which doesn’t really help my condition. I’m big, but perhaps not as buff as some of the other guys. A little soft around the middle, maybe, but judging from her expression, whatever it is she sees when she looks at me, she likes. She flicks back the covers for me and I get in. Without hesitation, she snuggles up with her head on my shoulder, her hand on my chest, fingers toying with the hair there, as she pulls a leg up over mine.

  “Thank you,” I mumble against her short hair, choked up by the easy care she shows me. Pretty fucking humbling, considering she’s the one who was attacked tonight. “You’re doing it again.”

  “What?” she asks, her breath stroking my nipple and I inadvertently shiver at the sensation.

  “Looking out for others—for me, my boy.” Her shoulders shrug under my arm. “Yet, it’s not easy for you to let someone look out for you.”

  “I know,” she quietly admits, surprising me.

  “How come?” I tuck her a little tighter to me, trying not to get too distracted with the way her soft body molds with mine.

  “Survival.” Her response is as obscure as it is telling.

  “Trust,” I counter, feeling the instant stiffening of her shoulders as I let her know I’m on to her. “One of these days I hope you’ll trust me enough.”

  It takes a while before she’s relaxed against me again. I wonder if she’s fallen asleep, as I’m about to do, when she suddenly speaks.

  “You always did see right through me...”

  I lift her chin with my hand, lower my mouth and slide my lips over hers in a soft kiss, without ever taking my eyes of her. When I pull back, I let my thumb stroke along her full mouth.

  “Sleep,” I gently prompt her. “I’ve got you.”


  “Mmmm. Don’t move.”

  I’m not sure what time it is, just that I have a heavy, hairy leg over mine, keeping them trapped, and a strong arm holding me tight. I’m on my side with Dino behind me, his body draped over mine, holding it captive. Yet, it’s the kind of captivity I don’t really want to escape. His hand is possessively curved around my breast and his morning wood is pressing against my ass. Although I’m not sure it’s morning wood, he felt hard against me last night as we lay talking.

  It’s strange, sleeping with someone. I’m not sure how long it’s been since I’ve actually gone to sleep with someone beside me, let alone holding me. Sex, yes...I’ve indulged from time to time, but more as a physical release than anything else. This is intimate, much more so than I’m comfortable with.

  “Need the bathroom,” I whisper, both from actual need and an urge to escape.

  “Mmmm,” Dino groans behind me again, before kissing my neck where his face is nestled, and reluctantly letting me go.

  I can only hide in here so long, once I’ve done my business and washed my face and hands. I even brushed my teeth, part of me hoping he’s fallen back asleep, and part of me longing for something else altogether.

  His arm is covering his face when I tiptoe back in. Figuring him asleep, I sneak over to the window beside the bed to peek through the curtains. It’s still dark as night out there, but at this time of year, the sun takes a while to come up. All I know is, it’s after two and before eight a.m.

  When I move past the bed to try and find my purse, and my phone, I’m suddenly pulled down by the arm. I tumble across Dino’s chest where his arms band around me tightly.

  “Where are you off to?” he asks, his voice gruff with sleep.

  “Just checking the time.”

  “It’s early,” he mumbles, pulling me up so my body is draped over his.

  Perfectly, deliciously brushing along my skin, proving it truly is just one large erogenous zone. My brain slightly disoriented, I follow the lead of my body and let my legs fall open to cradle his hips. With my knees in the mattress, it’s like my center seeks the promise I saw through the thin fabric of his boxers. His hands land deceptively casually on my thighs as I involuntarily rock myself against him, a hot flush burning up my skin.

  This is not like me.

  I freeze my movements and push up on his chest, trying desperately to regain some sense. Strong hands grab firm hold of my hips and Dino resumes the rhythm I abandoned, drawing a deep moan from my throat as his hot, prominent length engraves a path through my thinly covered folds.

  “Feel what you do to me?” His voice is raw with need, his touch controlling. He renders me breathless—mindless—as I struggle to hang onto one coherent thought amid this sensory overload.

  Each time the head of his cock brushes the tight bundle of nerves crowning my center, an electric charge travels along my skin. Goosebumps rise on my flesh and my nipples harden in response. I give myself up to sensations with my head thrown back, slowly gliding along his erection.

  “Up,” he croaks, pulling up on my tank top and I obediently raise my arms. He sits up underneath me and slides his hands up alongside my spine, pressing me close. My hands grab onto his head the instant his lips close around my nipple, tugging me deep into the wet heat of his mouth.

  “Oh my God...” I can’t hold back as he flips me on my back, his hips still between my legs and his mouth firmly attached to my breast.

  “So sweet,” he mumbles against my skin as his mouth travels to the other side, rolling his tongue around my nipple.

  “Dino...” I sigh when his hands slip under the elastic of my PJs and work them down my hips.

  “Easy, Biscuit,” he cautions when my movements become urgent. “It’s been a fucking long time and I don’t want this over yet.” I whimper when he moves off me, sitting on his heels and slowly dragging my pants down, lifting each of my legs clear.

  I’m completely aware of the state of my body, but the look of reverence on his face as he traces my skin with his eyes relieves me of any misgivings I might have. Neither of us is looking for perfection. In fact, neither of us is looking, period. Yet here we are. And oh...hello! With an agile move I wouldn’t have thought possible for a man his size, Dino has managed to ditch the boxers. One of his large paws is wrapped around his impressive looking cock, leisur
ely stroking, and with the fingers of the other hand he deftly plays between my legs. All I can reach in this position is the headboard, and I hold on tight, as he plays my body like a fine-tuned instrument. A little flick, a tentative brush, a languid caress, and a firm pinch have me rushing at breakneck speed toward what promises to be an earth-shattering orgasm, when suddenly his fingers drift away.

  “Dino!” I hiss my displeasure, putting a self-satisfied smirk on his face as he eases himself on top of me. My hands immediately release the headboard to touch him, but he sharply shakes his head.

  “Leave them,” he suggests in a low voice, asking me to do more than just hold on. He’s asking me to trust. When I slowly stretch them back over my head, once again grabbing the headboard, he kisses my chin, and then my nose, but his eyes never leave mine. “Thank you,” he whispers, barely audible.

  Settling himself a little deeper in the cradle of my hips, I feel his erection nudge at my center; I open my legs wider in invitation. I’m rewarded with another kiss.

  “Next test,” he mumbles against my mouth. “I don’t have condoms and I’m not about to scour my son’s room for them. I’m clean, babe, and I’m desperate to get inside you. You can stop me.”

  In his eyes I see a challenge as well as a hint of insecurity; just like that he reminds me that I have as much power as he does.

  “I need a test?” I ask, my voice raspy with a need I’m struggling not to give in to. “I wasn’t aware there were going to be questions.” Bluster. All of it bluster, a blind man could see the hunger on my face as I attempt to feign indifference. Inasmuch as that is possible, with my legs spread wide and my arms raised well above my head, basically offering myself up.

  “Say the word,” he prompts, seeing right through.

  “Aren’t you worried about me?”

  “Not even a little,” he responds instantly. “Your call, Beautiful.” He rocks his hips slightly, letting the head of his cock slip just inside me before pulling back. I lift my butt off the bed in an attempt to keep the connection.


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