Claimed: Satan's Knights MC

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Claimed: Satan's Knights MC Page 38

by Brook Wilder

  “What?” Carla gasped, shaking her head in dismay, “He can’t…he can’t do that.”

  “He’s the leader of one of the worst gangs in the area, Carla. He can pretty much do what he wants–” Hot Wheels words were interrupted by another approaching rumble and her face fell as dread flooded her features, “Oh, shit.”

  “Oh shit?” Elle whispered, “What’s ‘oh shit’?”

  Hot Wheels just pointed towards the opening in the drive as five large bikers rode in, “That’s oh shit.”

  They were all big, the one at the front the biggest by far, and none of them where Dirty Cruisers. They had to be members of the Nomads. With a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach Elle watched as they circled the small group of woman, the one at the front finally close enough for her to recognize.

  “Scorpio,” she said softly, her mouth suddenly going dry.

  “It’s Scorpion, actually, sweetheart,” the big man said, still circling around her with the four other bikers. “Don’t worry, though. After today you won’t have any problems remembering my name.”

  “W–Why?” Elle asked despite Hot Wheels hissed advice to keep her mouth shut.

  “Boys, why don’t we show the pretty lady why they won’t ever forget us, huh?” At his words the other bikers whooped excitedly, three of them breaking off and that’s when Elle noticed that they all had baseball bats and metal rods with them.

  She watched in horror, helpless as the Nomads set about destroying everything that was within their reach, smashing equipment, plants, and the machines without prejudice. Nothing was safe from them as they tore the farm apart, right in front of their eyes. It wasn’t until one of the men went rushing into the greenhouse that Carla reacted.

  Elle watched wide eyed as Carla ran after him, yelling at him to stop, begging with him but there was no reasoning with the men and the others quickly joined in, breaking the fragile glass of the building’s walls. Elle’s heart broke for her friend as tears started to run in a steady stream down Carla’s cheeks as she watched all of her dreams and hard work were destroyed and she couldn’t do anything but stand there and watch it happen.

  Elle was so distracted that she didn’t even hear the approaching footsteps until a large shadow fell over her. With a gasp she spun around, twisting her ankle on the uneven ground but she didn’t move her gaze from the big man who was suddenly standing far too close to her.

  “Wh–what do you think you’re doing?” she demanded, hating the fear and weakness in her voice. She couldn’t see Hot Wheels or Carla now even though she could still hear the telltale sounds of destruction coming from behind her.

  “Did you mean what you said earlier?” Scorpion asked, stepping even closer. She tried to back up, the twinge in her ankle stopping her.

  “What did I say?” Delay him. Keep him talking. Hopefully Honey would notice the noise and come running. She prayed, just this once, that he would be there to save her because she had a sinking feeling in her stomach that she wouldn’t be able to talk herself out of this one.

  “What you said about me believing in myself. That I was important.” There was something in his dark eyes that said this meant something to him, even though for the life of her she couldn’t figure out why. But she still nodded her head.

  “Of course,” she said quickly, desperately searching for a way to escape. He kept walking towards her, backing her up closer to the empty office. “I always say what I mean. And I think that everyone is important.”

  “No! No,” he shouted, obviously fighting to moderate his tone but his outburst still had a new wave of fear rushing dizzily through her, “You said I was important. Me. Not anyone else.” He tilted his head to one side, “Did you mean it?”

  Elle stared at him, wondering what she could possibly say to get herself out of this mess. He was a foot and half taller than her and as wide as the tool shed that was currently being dismantled and smashed to pieces. Finally, she took a deep breath, nodding, shaking too much to form words. She jerked back as he reached out a hand, sliding it across her cheek.

  “I meant what I said, too.” Scorpion leaned close, inhaling a lock of her hair, “You are pretty.”

  “Th–Thanks,” Elle forced out after he stared at her, waiting for some sort of answer. He took another step forward and she cried out, more in terror than in pain, as her back ran into the outer wall of the office. That was it. There was nowhere else to go. No other way to escape him.

  He leaned forward then, grabbing her arms and jerking her off of her feet as he slammed her so hard against the wall that all the air rushed painfully out of her lungs and she knew she’d have bruises across her upper arms, and her ribs where it had dug in.

  “I also told you something else, earlier. You should have listened to me,” Scorpion shook his head sadly, as if he was disappointed in her, “I told you that there would be consequences.”

  Elle closed her eyes tight against whatever was coming. She’d rather not know. It seemed easier to face somehow. But one moment Scorpion was there, holding her in the air in a bruising grip, and the next he was gone and she was dropping like a dead weight back down to earth. She landed with a jarring force, pain shooting up her ankle. Her eyes flew open in shock and widened ever more as they saw him.

  Honey let his fist fly, landing squarely on Scorpion’s jaw, he swooped in like some avenging angel and Elle couldn’t help but marvel for a moment. Her wish had come true. Just past Honey she could see Joel and Tucker dealing with the rest of the bikers, with the help of Hot Wheels, and even Carla who was chasing after one with a baseball bat.

  Elle would have laughed in relief but for the fight that was playing out just feet in front of her. Honey had gotten in the blow because of the element of surprise but the other man was far larger, and far stronger and Elle felt a moment of panic as one of Scorpion’s punches hit caught Honey in the side, causing him to double over in pain.

  Without even thinking about it, Elle leapt forward, grabbing Scorpion’s ankles as Honey let another one fly and once again, surprise made the bigger man topple backwards. A moment later Joel and Tucker were surrounding him, the rest of his crew members already chased off with their tails between their legs.

  “Tell your boss,” Joel said as he dabbed at the blood that was oozing from his split lip, “That if he tries something like that again, we’re not just going to let you leave peacefully. Consider this your only warning.” Joel tossed the blood-covered bandana at the man who stalked towards his bike with a baleful glare. A moment later a strange, empty silence settle over the farm especially after the noise and destruction of just a few moments before.

  The trembling came then. A bone deep cold that sank all the way to her core that even the bright shining sun couldn’t warm her. Elle was shaking so hard her teeth were chattering as she stared blankly at the remnants of the farm they had worked so hard to build up and keep running.

  The next moment, Honey was there. He wrapped his arms around her but she was so numb that she could barely feel it at first, and then it was like a wildfire rushing through her and she clung to him, trembling in his embrace. For the first time since earlier, since the first time Scorpion had darkened their doorstep that morning, she finally felt safe. She finally felt secure. Like she was exactly where she was supposed to me.

  “Take me home, Honey,” Elle whispered painfully as Honey rubbed comforting circles over and over on her back, “Please, let’s just go home.”

  Chapter 22

  Elle couldn’t remember leaving the farm. She couldn’t remember the drive home. She couldn’t even remember how she’d gotten to be there, sitting on her couch, wrapped up in her pink and green terrycloth robe with a cup of steaming hot tea clutched in her hands. She had a feeling it had something to do with Honey, who was sitting on the couch next to her, but her memories were so fuzzy that she couldn’t be sure.

  A lethargy had fallen over her like a blanket that was just too heavy for her to shake and it took an inordinate a
mount of effort just to raise the tea cup up to her lips and take a small sip of the hot liquid.

  She did remember the fight, though, earlier at the farm. That she remembered in crystal clear, agonizing detail. Elle shook off the thought, unable or just unwilling to dwell on it anymore, at least not at the moment. She looked over at Honey, whose gaze was focused on the T.V. There was another black and white movie playing. He must have found it in her collection and put it on. For her. To comfort her.

  Suddenly, Elle knew exactly what she wanted. What she needed. She needed him. Honey. The one person in the world who had every made her feel safe, made her feel like she wasn’t so alone. Made her feel like someone cared.

  Slowly, methodically, she set down the still full tea cup, the effort to drink it too much, especially when she had something else entirely on her mind. Elle turned towards him and he looked over questioningly.

  “Elle, do you need something? Can I get you anything? More tea?” he asked, and it was as if he was talking too fast, or her mind was moving too slow. Maybe it was both. She didn’t care.

  “No, no tea,” she whispered, reaching out and holding his hand in both of hers.

  “Did you want a hot bath? I could get one going for you–” Honey cut off abruptly as she leaned forward placing one, delicate finger across his lips, staring up into his dark, endless eyes so that he could see the intent in hers. The desire.

  “I don’t want tea, Honey. I don’t want a bath.” She looked up at him. She might have been smiling. She wasn’t sure. It seemed so hard to make her body do what she wanted it to do. “I want you to kiss me.”


  “You heard me. I want you to kiss me,” she said again, still staring up at him as her fingers fumbled with the tie that secured her robe. His hands where there in an instant, halting her less than graceful movements.

  “Stop. Please, stop Elle,” he said, growling the words as he squeezed his eyes shut, “Believe me, there is nothing more in the world that I would rather do right now but…” He opened them again, gazing at her with something soft in his eyes this time, “You’re in shock, Elle. It wouldn’t be fair.”

  “Wouldn’t be fair?” she scoffed, “No, what’s not fair is being dropped in the middle of a problem that was never mine. What’s not fair is watching my best friend’s dream and livelihood destroyed in front of her. What’s not fair is being hurt and afraid and–” she paused, drawing a deep breath to calm herself, once more settling back into the icy nothingness that consumed her.

  “I know, Honey. I know I’m in shock. But I also know that I want you. Right now. I want you more than I can even say,” she leaned forward, just barely pressing her lips against his, Honey’s slack as she whispered the words against them, “Please, I need you. I need you to hold me. I need you to make me warm again. I need you to make me feel alive again. Please Honey, Please…”

  Elle was afraid that he wouldn’t listen to her because he still didn’t move as she spoke, as she pleaded with him to kiss her back. She was about to pull away, a deep sadness rolling through her when she felt it. Soft at first, like the touch of a feather against her skin, but then there it was again.

  Honey’s hand had swept up, as if of its own volition, to sweep across the skin of her cheek, down until he could hold her chin in place as he tilted his head and ravaged her mouth. This wasn’t a gentle kiss, there was nothing sweet about it. And Elle reveled in it. It was exactly what she needed. Somehow, he knew that she didn’t want soft and sweet and gently.

  As he moved it was if he knew her desires even before she did. He tore at the sash to her robe, throwing it unheeded to the floor and the robe itself followed soon after. She was left bare and open to his searching gaze and wandering hands.

  He kissed her, hard and fast, his tongue thrusting into her mouth in the same rhythm that her body called out for. And then his fingers were there, sliding between her thighs exactly where she needed him. He thrust, first one to find her wet and ready, and then two deep inside her. Faster and faster, each time brushing against her clit with his thumb her first orgasm hit her like a steam engine, cracking open the shell of icy numbness but she still needed more.

  With a growl, Elle pushed against his shoulders, pressing him back until he was sitting on the couch facing forward once more and wasted no time straddling his lap. She growled again though, frustration filling her as she tore at his clothes. Finally, he was stripped and as naked as she was, her hand automatically sliding over the hard length that jutted towards her.

  Honey hissed out a sharp breath and Elle marveled at the sense of power that filled her. She ducked her head, swiping her tongue over the head and was rewarded with another pained sound from Honey.

  “Elle, please. I can’t last if you do that,” his voice was rough as he pleaded and she eased back, looking up at him through a fringe of dark lashes. A part of her, the devilish part, wanted to suck him into her mouth again just to see if he was telling the truth, but a bigger part of her needed him, all of him, every inch that he could give her.

  Finally, she capitulated, digging for his jeans, and the stash of condoms he always kept on him. She grabbed one, tearing it open and rolled it onto his thick erection, barely waiting to straddle him again, lowering herself in one, quick move until he was as deep as he could go.

  She drew in a harsh breath as the feeling of it, of him, rolled through her, widening the crack, letting in more of the warmth and fire and need that drove her to hitch her hips against him. Over and over, faster and faster she took him deep inside, feeling him in her, surrounding her, like he was a part of her. A necessary, intrinsic part like her lungs, or her heart.

  Elle closed her eyes tight at the thought, trying to focus only on the intense pleasure that winged through her body with every roll of her hips and the harsh groans that it drew from Honey’s throat. She loved that sound.

  Adrenaline caught at them both, pushing them harder and faster until they were flying apart, clinging to each other as they shuddered in each other’s arms. Elle cried out Honey’s name over and over but she wasn’t even aware as ecstasy exploded through her body. But slowly, slowly, the real world came crashing down and as the pleasure faded the memories returned. And as they did all she could do was cling to Honey and pray that she would survive the storm.


  Honey held her tight, his heart pounding a furious pace. He didn’t know what else to do. He could feel her hot tears make tracks down his chest and he didn’t know what else he could do. So he tightened his arms around her, and held her as close as he could, trying to wish her tears away just by force of will. But no matter how hard he tried, it didn’t stem the flood.

  She’d been numb, unfeeling since he’d brought her home, but now that shield was gone and all the emotions had come flooding back, overwhelming emotions. He knew, because he felt them too. The paralyzing fear when he’d seen her in Scorpion’s grip. The impotent anger and the sheer, mind numbing terror. And he’d realized something in that moment. Something that had shocked him to his core, something that had pushed him forward and had him throwing that punch no matter that the guy he was going up against was bigger and stronger and could probably take him down with one good hit.

  “I love you,” Honey said, the words falling out of his mouth before he’d even realized he’d said them out loud.

  “What?” Elle said, drawing back so that she could see his face.

  “I– Elle, I’m in love with you,” Honey said, and now that the words were out there, he found that he couldn’t stop, that he didn’t want to stop, “I love you. I’ve loved you since the first moment you walked into the clubhouse. I knew it instantly, like a lightning strike or…or a message from heaven. I just knew.”

  Honey stared at her for a long moment, and she just stared back, her eyes tracing over his face looking for…something.

  “Well, aren’t you going to say something?” he asked with a nervous laugh, forcing a shaky grin across his face but
it faded slowly, but completely as he watched the panic flit across her features like a hummingbird. Quick, almost too quick for him to catch, but he knew her now. He knew her better than he knew himself, better than she realized and he saw it. And it hurt worse than any of that giant Scorpion’s punches ever had.

  “Well, fuck,” he muttered with another laugh, this time laced with bitterness as Elle looked away, slowly sliding from his lap.

  “I– I’m sorry, Honey. I’m so sorry…” Elle stood there, her arms wrapped around herself as she hurried to grab her robe and put it back on but Honey still didn’t look at her again. He couldn’t. Because he knew if he did he would start bawling like a little baby and although there wasn’t a lot of things that could make that moment any worse, that was definitely one of them. So he stared at the wall like his life depended on it, as the woman he loved turned around, and ran away.

  Chapter 23


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