Claimed: Satan's Knights MC

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Claimed: Satan's Knights MC Page 42

by Brook Wilder

  Hot Wheels glanced down, sliding a hand over whatever it was she held, almost caressing it. It looked like a bundle of dark leather but Elle couldn’t see it clearly in the dim light of the storage room.

  “Here, I want you to wear this.” She held it out and Elle gasped. It was her Dirty Cruisers jacket. Elle didn’t know much about the inner workings of the crew but she knew how much these jackets meant, and how much it meant that Hot Wheels was offering hers.

  “I…thank you.” Elle said, quickly sliding her arms in as Hot Wheels held it out for her. As she pulled it on, Elle could practically feel herself changing, growing more confident in herself, like she’d just put on a suit of armor instead of an old, worn leather jacket. Elle ran her hand down the soft dark leather before looking up at Hot Wheels again.

  “I’ll return it safe and sound, I promise.”

  “You better.” Hot Wheels said with a laugh, “That coat is my baby. You treat it like that and we’ll get along just fine. Now, there’s a few other things you need to know before we toss you to the wolves…”


  Impatience bubbled in his gut like an acid, corroding what was left of his ability to sit still and Honey started pacing the small office as the others continued to hash out the details of the plan. What the fuck was taking them so long? A change of clothes, a little makeup. How long could that possibly take?

  With a muttered curse, he threw himself back into one of the old armchairs shoved into the corner where he could sit with a clear view of the door that lead to the storage room in the back. A door that hadn’t opened in almost an hour. If he had to wait any longer he thought, he might just perish then and there. Had anyone ever died from sheer impatience before? Honey thought it a distinct possibility.

  He wasn’t sitting long before he noticed a shadow thrown over him. He didn’t break his gaze from watching the door as he spoke.

  “What, any other dangerous stunts you’ve thought up for Elle? Want to see her jump through a ring of fire or shoot arrows at an apple on her head and see if any of them stick?” Honey knew he sounded like a petulant child but he couldn’t’ keep the bitterness from his voice.

  “Honey, you know it’s not like that,” Joel said with an exhausted sigh, “if there was any other way we could make this thing work, we would do it. But we haven’t been able to come up with anything. Have you? Because if you have an idea I would love to hear it! Don’t think for a second that I’m happy about how this is playing out.”

  Joel’s growl was just as pissed as his own had sounded and Honey looked up at him, for the first time he noticed the dark circles under his eyes and the haggard way he held himself as if he hadn’t slept in days. It was more than likely that he hadn’t. Honey bit back the caustic words he’d been about to say, realizing that whatever he was going through, his leader was going through far worse.

  “No,” Honey finally sighed as he turned his attention back to the door. Just because he understood, didn’t make it any easier for him to swallow, “I haven’t been able to think of a damn thing.”

  “I am sorry for putting you in this position, but,” Joel took a deep breath, “I believe in Elle. I wouldn’t have suggested it if I didn’t think she could do it. And I think…well, I think she needs you to believe in her too.”

  “I do, damn it! Of course I believe in her. But that doesn’t mean I have to be happy about tossing her into the lion’s den. Would you be if it was Carla we were sending out there?” Honey turned his questioning gaze back towards his leader and the look in his silver eyes was answer enough for him, “I didn’t think so.”

  “Honey, I am sorry.” Joel finally said, repeating his words and Honey could hear the sincerity in them. Slowly he nodded.

  “I know, Joel. I know you are. It’s okay.” Honey had to force to words out, wondering if he could ever truly mean them or not, “but if anything happens to her, anything at all–.”

  “I know. I know!” Joel said, throwing his hands up in the air. Honey was still watching the door so he missed Joel’s smirk as he glanced down at him.

  “I never thought I’d see the day,” Joel said, a bit of humor tinging his voice, “the great Honey has finally fallen.”

  Honey was about to reply with a biting comment but he didn’t have the chance, and he didn’t hear any of the other words that Joel was saying because just then the door to the back storage room was finally creaking slowly open.

  Shock hit him first, and then confusion. There was no way that was Elle. That couldn’t be his Elle. But it was. That long honey blond hair, wavy and teased and tousled as if someone’s hands had just been running through it, was hers. And those eyes, those big, dark, fathomless eyes couldn’t belong to anyone else, even if Hot Wheels had done something to them to make them look enormous.

  And her clothes. She was wearing the sexiest thing he’d ever seen. Every inch of her bottom half was molded with skin tight soft black leather that made him ache to reach out and see if her curves were as lush as they looked. He knew from experience that they were but even still he found himself curling his fingers into his palm to keep from reaching for her.

  Her top half was covered with a tank that revealed more than it hid and he felt his mouth water for a taste at the glimpse of black lace just underneath it. Boots, fingerless gloves, and finally a black leather Cruisers jacket that Honey recognized as Hot Wheels own completed the look.

  “You better close your mouth,” Joel said under his breath, his words were quiet but still held a wealth of amusement, “before you start drooling on the floor.”

  Honey glared up at him, or at least he tried to but he couldn’t tear his gaze away from Elle as she walked further into the room. Hot Wheels was right behind her, looking like nothing more than a proud mama bear with her cub but it still took him a moment to drag his attention away from the temptress in front of him to notice.

  Elle walked over the table, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear and suddenly the two versions of Elle that he knew collided. There was the Elle that taught piano lessons to kids, always patient, always kind. Who always stopped to help an injured animal and who would bring home strays just to nurse them back to health. The Elle that was quiet, watchful, and hated being the center of attention. The wallflower that he loved.

  And now, there was this Elle. Not knew, but merely hidden until now. The strong Elle, the take no prisoners Elle. The Elle that would always do what she believed was right no matter how hard it was, no matter how much it hurt. The tough Elle. Honey didn’t know how he could have missed it before.

  It was like his eyes were opened for the first time and he saw the real her. As the other’s joined her to start talking about how the plan was going to go down, all he could was marvel. It wasn’t the clothes. It wasn’t the make up or the sexy hair. As much as he liked those things. No, instead it was like there had always been a picture of her in his mind that he’d seen whenever he looked at her. And now, instead of the picture, he could see her, in all her complex, complicated, infuriating beauty.

  She’d tried to tell him again and again. That she could make her own choices, even if they put her at risk. That she wasn’t some fragile doll to be placed on a shelf. And he could see the truth of her words, finally they sank in and he felt like a…well, like a damned fucking fool for not seeing it sooner.

  “I’ve got Scorpion taken care of,” Sparkplug’s words drew Honey out of his deep, swirling thoughts and his ears perked as he listened, “I got a hold of him and convinced that I needed to talk to him. Alone. I’ll be able to draw him away from the warehouse long enough to give you the time you need.”

  “You promise?” Elle asked warily, “He won’t be there?”

  “I promise. Scorpion is a very logical guy, in his own way. He knows it’s best to settle things with me quietly. So the coast is clear. He’s the only one that knows what you look like and believe me, even he would have trouble recognize you looking like that.”

  Honey had to hold back a p
ossessive growl at the appreciative look in the other man’s eyes but he had a feeling it was more for Elle’s benefit than anything else. Slowly, she nodded and he released a pent up breath. A part of him had still hoped that she would come to her senses and tell everyone to just fuck off. Well, maybe not in those terms exactly, not Elle, but he’d hoped she would change her mind. Had prayed for it the whole time she was in that damned back room with Hot Wheels.

  But he could the determined slant of her shoulders, the focus in her furrowed brows as Joel told her everything she would have to say, everything she would have to do to convince the leader of the Nomads that she was one of Viper’s thugs, and that he was demanding more, changing the terms of their deal. It was crucial that she convince them, not just for their sake, for the farm’s sake, but for her sake as well. He shuddered to think of what Damaris might do if he suspected any sort of duplicity. It wouldn’t end well for Elle, that he was certain of.

  All too soon, they were wrapping it up. The plan in itself was relatively simple so there wasn’t much to go through and Sparkplug had already left to draw Scorpion away from the warehouse. Now, the path was clear for Elle to play her part. And Honey was more terrified than he’d ever been in his life.

  “I’ll take her.” He blurted out, striding forward.

  “The plan was for her to drive herself. If you’re recognized–.” Joel started but Honey didn’t let him finish.

  “I won’t be. I’ll be careful. But I am driving her. I’ll take my bike.”

  “Your bike isn’t here.” Elle said, staring at him now. He just stood his ground, refusing to back down. She was right but it didn’t matter.

  “Here, take mine,” Tucker was leaning forward, tossing his keys towards him and Honey barely caught them through his surprise, “It’s parked out front. Just don’t scratch her up.”

  “I won’t. Thanks, man.” Honey breathed out his gratitude and the large man just nodded in acknowledgement. They didn’t waste much more time. There was a round of quick but heartfelt goodbyes and he noticed Hot Wheels lean close, whispering something in Elle’s ear that made her stand up straighter but it was too quiet for him to hear the words.

  Then they were heading outside, just the two of them and he revved Tucker’s bike, getting used to the unfamiliar machined while Elle slowly climbed on behind him. He handed her a spare helmet and she put it on quickly, buckling the strap under her chin before nodding towards him.

  “Are you ready?” Honey asked quietly.

  “I feel like I’m going to throw up.” She replied but then took a deep breath, nodding again, “Yeah, I’m ready.” Despite how stupid he thought this whole plan was, he couldn’t help be proud of her.

  Honey turned back around and had to close his eyes against the exquisite feeling of Elle’s arms wrapping around his waist.

  “Hold on.”

  Honey tore off down the driveway, flying onto the highway, blind to the mountains and tree lined roads that they passed. The ride felt like it lasted an eternity, heaven and hell all wrapped up together in something that Honey was pretty sure was the closest to torture that he’d ever come to. Finally, almost an hour later, he started to slow and pull over to the side.

  “Are we– Are we there yet?” Elle asked breathlessly, looking around but all that she could see were the forest that lined this part of the road.

  “Almost. It’s just through the patch of trees. I came in from the side so anyone driving in through the front won’t see me. I don’t want to give you away.” Honey said softly as he threw the kickstand down and helped Elle off. Honey pointed ahead and just to the right.

  “It’s down there. Just a shout away, okay?” Honey asked, cupping her face in his hand as he drew her gaze up to meet his. He could see her fear, but he could also see her courage, her determination. And he didn’t think he’d ever loved her as fiercely as he did in that moment.

  He drew her close, laying a hard kiss across her lips. He couldn’t stop himself even if he wanted to and he damn well didn’t. The way she melted against him drove him crazy and all to soon she was pulling away, breathless and flushed, and some of the fear in her eyes had lessened. He would have to be satisfied with that. For the moment.

  “You’ll wait for me?” Elle asked softly and Honey kissed her one last time.

  “I’m not going anywhere, baby. I promise you that.” Elle nodded, and then he did the hardest thing he’d ever had to do. Let the woman he loved walk into danger, alone. Unprotected. The only thing he had left to do was wait.

  Chapter 27

  She didn’t know how long she’d been in there. All notion of time passing had stopped the moment Elle had stepped foot into the Nomad’s warehouse, their home base. She’d been outnumbered and even still there were men hovering, watching her with a hint of suspicion but somehow, she seemed to be pulling it off.

  It had taken every single ounce of courage that she possessed to pull open the big rusted gate like door and when she’d stepped inside everything had stopped, all eyes had turned towards her. Then, she’d had to pull on that strength again not to just turn around and bolt back the way she’d come.

  At first one leather clad biker had started towards her, and then the next, and then suddenly a whole group had been standing around her and she had wished desperately that she had just listened to Honey and kept her nose out of it. It wasn’t really any of her business anyway, right? What business did she have pretending to be part of a motorcycle gang? She must have finally lost her marbles. Yes, that’s it. She just finally went around the bend. That was the only explanation her frightened mind could conjure just then.

  “State your business.” One of the larger brutes had demanded and for a second she forgot everything that Hot Wheels had told, but then it came rushing back in along with a surge of adrenaline that had her throwing her shoulders back, stalking forward making sure to put an extra swing in her hip and pointing her finger straight into the man’s bearded face.

  “My business is exactly that, mine,” She’d sneered, inwardly shocked at her own brazenness. “I’m here to see Damaris.”

  “Well, he doesn’t like uninvited guests.” The giant leather clad man had said. Then Elle had leaned forward until she could smell the stale beer on his breath.

  “Do I look like an uninvited guest to you?” She’d whispered the question in a way that she didn’t even know that she knew how to do and the man took a quick step back.

  “Uh, well. Um, now that you mention it, no, uh not really. But you’re not on my list. Wait a minute, I don’t even know your name.” He’d growled suspiciously.

  “It’s Ell–.” Elle had started to answer his unasked question before she’d even realized it. They may not know what she looked like but they might know her real name, “It’s Electra.” A second later she was mentally cursing herself. She was pretty sure that was a comic book character or something but it was too late now. And besides, none of these guys looked like they read much, even if there were pictures.

  “Electra? I ain’t never heard of you. You in the Cruisers?” He asked, looked her over suspiciously.

  “Obviously,” She snorted, pointing to her jacket, hoping that her bravado would outlast the nerves that she could feel threatening to rattle her apart.

  “You with Viper?”

  “Yeah. I’m new to the club, Viper brought me in.” Elle shoved her chin in the air as far as it would go, just daring him to question her answer but instead he gave her an abashed look.

  “No, I mean…are you with Viper. Are you his girl?”

  “His girl?” Elle almost choked. The last thing she expected to be questioned on was her relationship status, but she realized that for the moment it might be best to let them going on thinking that her and Viper were an item. As deplorable as that thought was. She gave him a coy look, at least she hoped it was coy and didn’t just look like she had something stuck in her eye.

  “Look, Damaris doesn’t like to be kept waiting. You know what happe
ns to people who make him wait, don’t you?” Elle said, still shaken by the question but now that she was there, there was nowhere to go but forward.

  As shocked as she was that they seemed to accept her as a member of the Cruisers she was even more shocked when the big man shrugged, and a path opened up in the crowd that had gathered around her. She huffed out a sigh a relief as he turned, gesturing her to follow him but that relief was short lived as they walked into the main room of the warehouse and she realized there were a lot more members in the Nomads than she thought. And it looked like every single one of them was there.

  Not Scorpion, she thought to herself, and relaxed a minute amount at the comforting thought. It was obvious that none of the other bikers saw beyond the clothes and makeup. The big man took her up towards the front of the room and she swore she could hear Hot Wheels voice in her head. Shoulders back, chin up, look straight ahead as if nothing and no one is in your way. It’s just you, and the thing you want most in the world.


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