Silent Treatment

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Silent Treatment Page 2

by Jackie Williams

  Daniel turned his head slightly and laughed grimly at her as he began scooping up more of the gloopy foam.

  “Don’t worry about it. This is only my old rugby towel. It gets a lot worse on it than this stuff, and I won’t be missing much at home. I think I’d rather stay here and help you clear up this lot.”

  Carrie looked at him quizzically not sure whether he wanted her to ask why he wasn’t particularly keen on going home but curiosity got the better of her.

  “Why? It’s not like it’s fun,” she asked after a few seconds silence.

  Daniel pulled a big dollop of foam out of the locker and looked around for somewhere to put it. Carrie pulled an old plastic sandwich bag from her pocket and he shook the foam inside.

  He stood pulling bits of foam from his fingers for a few seconds before he glanced down at her, his blue eyes startlingly intense as his dark eyebrows descended into a straight line over them.

  “It’s not good at home at the moment. My parents aren’t getting on at all. It has been bad for a while now. I think they’d get divorced if they could actually afford to split up. As it is they just spend the whole time arguing about who should live where and how much money they both need. It’s awful. I’d rather stay here.”

  Carrie balled up the lunch bag and tipped the rest of the books into her duffel. She’d clean off any remaining foam when she arrived home.

  “Oh, Dan that’s terrible! What are you going to do if they split up? I mean, this is your last year here. I thought you wanted to go away to university, will their decision affect that?” Carrie was almost too scared to ask. She was going to miss him terribly just not seeing him at school. If he went away she would be heartbroken.

  He leaned towards her and suddenly lifted one of his huge hands to her mass of dark hair. He pulled a couple of strands gently and then frowned.

  “You have some of this stuff stuck in your hair. It’s not as bad as the chewing gum but it won’t come out by pulling. Well, not pulling gently at any rate. I’m just spreading it.” He glanced down at her face as he pulled a little harder.

  Carrie winced slightly and concentrated on the thin line of dark stubble above his arching top lip. His cheeks were darkened attractively too. She swallowed as she noticed a new bruise coming out along his cheekbone, probably from the latest rugby challenge. He lifted his other hand to cup her face for support and ran his tongue over his perfect white teeth as he focused on her hair.

  His hand was surprisingly soft. Carrie resisted the urge to lean into his palm as she felt her heart rate pick up to an alarming rhythm. Suddenly light headed she took some deep, steadying breaths and moved her face away from his hand.

  “Leave it Dan, I’ll wash it out later.” She didn’t really want to stop him touching her but apart from beginning to feel as though her hair was being pulled from her scalp, she didn’t think she would be able to resist throwing herself into his arms if she stood there much longer. She brushed his hand away and a shiver of pleasure ran down her spine as their fingers met. Daniel caught her hand and she glanced up as he spoke.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  A slight frown marred his forehead as he stared down at her then he dropped her hand and continued to pick silly foam from his fingertips.

  Carrie diverted the conversation back to safer ground. “Come on tell me, what are you going to do next year?”

  Daniel looked down from his great height, frowning at his hand and turning it over, then he looked up again, his dark blue eyes suddenly sparkling at her.

  “Don’t laugh, but I’m trying to get into a sports college in the States. I’ve sent off the applications but I haven’t had a response yet. If I get the right results in my A levels I want to go to Atlanta, they have the best training there.”

  Carrie was horrified, her heart leapt in her chest and her stomach fell to the floor, but she kept her face and her voice as neutral as possible.

  “America! Wow! That’s ambitious. What will the rest of the world do without you? I mean, what will all the rest of the female half of the world do without you?” She nudged his arm playfully and cemented the smile onto her face, trying not to think of what she would do without him herself.

  He smiled widely now, showing his perfectly straight, white teeth, obviously relieved that she wasn’t falling about the floor laughing at him.

  “If I can get there I’m not going to miss the chance. It’s a three year course, so it’s not to be taken on lightly, but I have to do something with my education. I’m a bit like you with the dancing. That’s just short term stuff. The rugby isn’t going to last me forever, we get too many injuries or are just too old by the time we’re about thirty, so I want something that will get me somewhere in the future too. They run a fantastic sports therapy course alongside the training and that ties in nicely with something else I really want to do. The scholarships are few and far between, but you never know, I may get lucky.” He bent down and picked up her bag, swinging the locker door shut with his huge shoulder and swiping his towel across the drip splattered floor. Then he stood straight again. “Have you told anyone about this bullying?”

  The change of subject surprised her. She looked up at him and raised her eyebrows.

  “What’s the point? It’ll stop when whoever it is gets bored. It’s such stupid, childish stuff that it’s hardly worth mentioning.” She snorted at the thought of the jam doughnuts. They had been really fresh and incredibly jammy. Anyone half sensible would have eaten them, not stuffed them in her shoes. “I don’t want to make a big fuss about it…But what makes you think it’s bullying anyway? It could just be someone out to have a laugh at my expense.”

  For the first time Daniel looked uncomfortable. He shifted his feet and glanced away from her. Eventually he mumbled.

  “Well, apart from having to help you out every time it happens, somebody just said something. I mean it’s obviously not accidental. I don’t remember who told me, word just gets around. Do you know why they’re doing it?”

  Carrie shrugged and was about to dismiss it but then she spoke again.

  “Some people are really up tight about things. Did you know that some girls here get bullied just for being too pretty? Not that I think I have a problem there.” She wrinkled up her nose. There was no danger of her being picked upon for being too attractive. While she knew that she wasn’t ugly, her milk white skin was just a little too pale, her near black hair was almost too dark. Her eyes had no definite colour, changing from slate grey to hazel depending on the light, and her slightly overfull rose red lips made her features striking more than pretty. “I think it’s all to do with that dance video. I think someone’s jealous. It’s probably my ex-best friend Jennifer Crane, who dragged me along to the audition but didn’t get any further, while I did. I think she wanted me to turn the place down, but that would have been stupid. It wouldn’t have made any difference anyway, she would still know that I was given the part while she wasn’t. I’m pretty sure it’s her, but I can’t prove anything.”

  Daniel handed her bag over, his face a picture of confusion.

  “Jennifer Crane? You mean you don’t know it’s…” He paused and then took a deep breath before continuing. “Well, if she would stoop to doing something like that, just because she didn’t make the grade, she’s an idiot! I can’t stand people like that. She’d do better to put her efforts into trying harder next time. My best friend Paul and I will be loyal to each other no matter what. He’s hoping for a place in America too and I’d love for him to do well even if I didn’t. I’ll be cheering him on regardless of what happens to me. He’s my best friend now and always will be, whatever happens in the future.” He paused and frowned suddenly. “But I don’t understand, what do you mean about not being pretty? I think you’re pretty and the video was great too. At least you dancing girls look better than that sappy bunch of choir boys who sing badly in front of you. You should do another one without them distracting the viewers with their tuneless w
arbling.” His tone was firm as he grinned down at her.

  She laughed and felt her cheeks flush at his compliments.

  “So you’re a big fan of the band then?” She laughed again as he rolled his eyes meaningfully, and then she carried on. “They’re all-right actually, really friendly and most people seem to enjoy their singing even if you don’t. We’re doing another video for them already. They were so pleased with the first one they wanted us for their follow up and there’s talk about us joining them for their first live tour. It’s really hard work though and what with my GCSE’s I’m finding it difficult to fit everything in. I don’t need this kind of hassle as well.” She nodded back to the locker. “And now I’m going to miss Thursday evening’s revision classes too. Evans will just make me sit in his dingy office for a whole hour, doing nothing. I could get so much done in that time.”

  Daniel looked worried for a moment, then his face brightened.

  “I’ll see if I can have a word with him. I’m coming in early tomorrow for another training session with the team. The season’s nearly over but we have the biggest two games coming up and Simms wants us in every day this week. Evans is always about then. I’ve been giving his son some tips on training so perhaps he’ll listen to me.” He puffed out his huge chest and Carrie thought that she would definitely listen if he came and talked to her. His size could be very frightening if you didn’t know what a nice guy he was. She giggled as she thought how the year sevens cowered and fell back whenever either Daniel or any of his huge friends were around.

  They walked down the corridor together and Carrie suddenly noticed that there were two or three other enormous year thirteen’s hovering at the school door. They were looking slightly impatient and she realized that they were part of the rugby team. They had obviously been waiting for Daniel.

  For a moment she felt overwhelmed by the size of them all as they gathered around their team captain, talking about the match and slapping each other on their backs as they congratulated themselves on the latest win.

  Carrie quietly ducked under their massive arms and managed to slip away from the group unnoticed. She walked quickly out of the school gates and headed off down the road but she soon heard running footsteps and was suddenly grabbed on the shoulder.

  Daniel’s huge hand stopped her in her tracks. He looked down at her, a slight frown on his face.

  “Do you want me to walk you home in case anyone’s hanging around for you?” His face was full of concern.

  Carrie felt her cheeks blush a deep red. Although they always walked in to school together, on the way home it was more of a falling into step because they were going in the same direction, rather than a deliberate thing. Sometimes they didn’t even see each other due to clubs or meetings. This was the first time he had ever asked her if she wanted him there. She gulped before she answered.

  “No.” Her voice was just a little too high pitched. “Thanks for the offer but I’m sure I’ll be fine. You stay with your mates. Nobody has ever done anything to me outside school.” She swung her bag up onto her shoulder again and walked down the road, wondering why he had felt the need to ask her. It was nice of him, but she didn’t have far to go and he would be walking that way himself. He was probably only a few yards behind her.

  She chanced a look back over her shoulder and noticed the group was following her slowly. Daniel’s friend Paul was looking right at her. He glanced away as he caught her eye, then he looked up at her and raised his eyebrows as he turned back to Daniel. He shook his head at something Daniel had said and then laughed loudly and thumped his friend playfully on the shoulder.

  Daniel looked momentarily furious, almost dangerous and then he glanced back over to Carrie. She smiled at him and gave a quick wave as he smiled back. Suddenly his scowl was gone and he was laughing with his mates again.

  Carrie turned around and headed for home without looking back again. At the path near the park she heard them head off in different directions and then she heard giant feet pounding along behind her.

  Daniel caught up within a few seconds.

  “Hang on Carrie.” He puffed up to her. “We can walk together now. Paul’s gone to pick up his kid sister from drama class, but those other idiots are going to have a fag in the park. Why they feel they have to go to the park I have no idea. It’s not like they’re twelve anymore.” He looked back over his shoulder and frowned at the clouds of smoke wafting around his friends. “I wonder if I can ban it if they want to stay on the team?”

  Carrie laughed.

  “I’d like to see you try. You’re more likely to have a mutiny on your hands and end up with a team consisting of just you and Paul.”

  Daniel glared down at her furiously.

  “It’s not funny Carrie. I hate smoking. It’s a vile habit and I can’t believe they’d mess around with their fitness like that. They’re obviously not taking their rugby seriously. I think I’m going to drop them if they don’t quit.” He frowned in obvious irritation and suddenly noticed Carrie’s surprised expression. She obviously hadn’t known how serious he was about his career. He hoped that she was serious about hers. “Just tell me you’ll never smoke Carrie, promise me you won’t.”

  There was an urgency in his tone that Carrie didn’t understand. She looked up at him curiously.

  Why was he so concerned if she smoked or not? She never would, she hated the habit as much as Daniel did but why did it matter to him what she did? Maybe he did care about her after all. Hope thundered in her chest.

  “Of course I won’t smoke Dan. Apart from the fact that it makes your breath stink, if I’m going to get anywhere with this dancing lark, there’s no way I can let anything like smoking interfere with my health.”

  Daniels shoulders slumped as he breathed out a huge sigh of relief.

  “Good, but it’s such a disgusting habit, I’m not going to let you get away without promising me.” They were standing at his gate, but he didn’t make any move to go inside.

  She held her hand over her heart and grinned.

  “That’s easy Dan. I promise you, most faithfully, cross my heart and hope to die, that I will never smoke. Is that good enough for you?” She smiled up at him, but he didn’t return the smile. He nodded grimly, his face remaining very serious.

  He moved a little nearer to her and lifted his hand to her hair. His touch was so gentle and she felt a thrill run all the way down through her body. He had never touched her like this before.

  And then the long strands fell from his hand.

  “Don’t forget to wash your hair. That stuff is difficult to get out if it dries too hard.” His voice was husky and Carrie gulped as she caught another waft of his fabulous aftershave.

  She lifted her own hand and touched the stiffening strands, feeling very stupid as she realized that he was only reminding her about the silly string. She had forgotten about it completely.

  “No, I won’t forget,” she whispered and she dropped her gaze to the pavement suddenly sure that he would be able to see what she was feeling.

  He stepped away from her.

  “Bye Carrie, I’ll see you in the morning. I’m going in at eight but you could come in early too and get some of that revision done. I’ll meet you again tomorrow night and let you know what Evans says about letting you off the detention.” He turned and pushed through the gate and walked slowly to his front door.

  Carrie moved immediately. She almost ran up the road. Her cheeks were flaming, her heart pounding in her chest.

  He was worried about her health and he had touched her hair twice. That had to mean something surely! It can’t have just been about the silly string! More importantly he was going to wait for her tomorrow after school again too!

  She shoved her key in the lock and charged through her front door, slamming it behind her and breathing heavily as she leaned against the cool wood.

  “That you Carrie?” Her mother shouted her usual greeting from the kitchen.

  Carrie sighed and ca
ught her breath. Who else did her mother think it would be? There was no one else in the house until her dad came in later.

  Carrie rolled her eyes.

  “Yes mum. I’m going up for a shower. I got some stuff in my hair in science.” She yelled back.

  Her mother’s head suddenly appeared around the kitchen door and Carrie caught sight of her mother’s dipped eyebrows and curious frown.

  “What sort of stuff? I’ve a good mind to come up to that school and complain. That’s the second time in a month that something has got into your hair.” Her mother peered at her.

  Carrie fended her mother off, waving her hand across her face as she dismissed her reaction as unnecessary.

  “It’s nothing serious mum, it’s just a bit sticky. It’ll come out easily enough. Are you taking me to rehearsals later or do I have to get the bus?”

  Distracted, her mother answered quickly.

  “I can drive you tonight. Antonio only wants you for an hour so I’ll probably sit and wait for you. He’s got some big producer chap coming down from central London so he can’t be with the group for too long. I think they have managed to negotiate a tour for you lot. He sounded very excited.”

  Carrie stopped at the bottom of the stairs thinking about what Daniel had said earlier. His words suddenly seemed very important.

  “I can’t go trecking about the country right now mum. I have to do my exams. I can’t give them up for some tour. I need to get good qualifications for if this doesn’t work out. I don’t want to end up stacking shelves in the supermarket for the rest of my life.”

  Her mother walked along the hall to her.

  “There’s nothing wrong with a bit of shelf stacking but I don’t think it will come to that Carrie. You are bright enough to do anything you want, but I understand what you are saying. I think Antonio was talking about a tour during the summer holidays. The band has been booked for some of the big festivals, but I don’t want you to worry about it until we know for sure, okay. Now go get that stuff out of your hair.” She peered at Carrie’s head suspiciously. “It looks a vile colour. Whatever were you doing in class to make that kind of mess?”


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