Silent Treatment

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Silent Treatment Page 7

by Jackie Williams

  Lisa waved to Paul through the window. His face lit up as he saw her and he and Daniel began to jog towards the hotel entrance. They looked like two giants as their huge feet ate up the gravel and one or two other guests quickly stepped out of their way. Knowing how soft the two of them were, Carrie couldn’t help smiling as one lady appeared to shudder as they ran past her.

  Lisa was still chattering excitedly.

  “He says he’s going to send for me as soon as he’s settled. He’s going to get a job so that we can live together. I can’t wait.”

  Carrie gasped, shocked to the core.

  “But what about the dancing and what about our contract? You’re only nineteen Lisa. You can’t mean you’re going to give it all up yet. What about money? What will you do out there?”

  Lisa was looking dewy eyed at Paul as he strode through the foyer and into the lounge.

  “I’ve been dancing for as long as I can remember. I love it still, but this touring is awful. I’ve been with a couple of other bands and it’s always the same. Damned hard work and the money is rubbish. We all only do it because we love it so much. I tell you Carrie, if you want to get rich, then don’t ever be a dancer, go be a lawyer. Anyway, that scarcely matters, as much as I love dancing I’d give it up in an instant if it meant being with Paul for the rest of my life…but as it happens, I don’t think it’ll come to that. I’m sure I can get a job out there, what with this tour on my C.V. At the very least I’ll be able to teach in a dance school.”

  Lisa ran towards Paul and melted into his outstretched arms as he reached for her. The next second she was enveloped in his huge chest, held tightly to his body while he kissed her passionately.

  Daniel rolled his eyes at Carrie and she smiled back at him as he came over and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. She closed her eyes for just a second and breathed in his delicious scent. He caught hold of her hand as he moved towards the bar.

  “All right Carrie? I told you we wouldn’t be long. What are you two drinking?” His voice was as deep and as soft as normal and Carrie fought back the urge to launch herself at him and kiss him as enthusiastically as Lisa was kissing Paul.

  “Just mineral water thanks, and the same for Lisa. She looks like she’s going to be thirsty. Paul must have been desperate to see her if he’s driven all this way, just to go back again tonight.” She nodded over her shoulder at the still kissing pair. Paul looked as though he was eating Lisa and Carrie had to put her hand over her mouth to stop herself laughing out loud.

  Daniel looked down at her. He didn’t answer her until he had ordered two coffees and two mineral waters.

  “Yeah, he’s got it bad and he just can’t keep it under control. He’s going to be sorry if he can’t afford to bring her out to the States or if she decides she doesn’t want to come.”

  He picked up the tray of drinks and walked towards a table while Carrie trailed behind him.

  “Not much chance of that. She’s desperate to get out there with him. She’d go right now if he gave her the chance. She even said she’d give up dancing.” Carrie sat facing away from the still kissing couple.

  Daniel looked across at her, his deep blue eyes searching her grey ones. Then they flicked up and glanced over her shoulder to the amorous pair once more.

  “Would you give up your dancing to go? If it was someone you really loved who asked you, I mean?” He asked suddenly, his eyes burning into hers.

  Carrie gulped at their intensity and her heart soared. She didn’t need to think.

  “Yes of course, if the right person asked me, I’d do anything for them.” She stared back at Daniel, willing him to ask her, but he just glanced over at Paul and Lisa again and then picked up his coffee cup and blew on the hot liquid before speaking.

  “You’re only sixteen Carrie. You’d be mad to go and ruin your chances of a decent career if you don’t take your A levels. You would be much better off working hard to get your qualifications. You should wait until whoever it was came back and had enough money to support both of you, just in case anything goes wrong. I mean, look at my mum and dad. They hate each other’s guts, but they can’t afford to do a thing about it. I think you need to have a good education and plenty of money so you both have the best chances in life before you do anything permanent…Hey Paul, your coffee is going cold!” He yelled towards his friend, then sat back in his chair and scowled furiously as Paul came up for air at last and dragged Lisa over to the table.

  Paul grinned unashamedly.

  “Sorry about that, just making up for lost time.” He sat down and pulled Lisa onto his lap. She squealed delightedly, but then shifted herself to sit on the seat beside him as two elderly ladies at the next table gasped in horror, scandalized by their outrageous behaviour.

  “Paul, you idiot, we’re in a hotel, not a holiday camp. Show a little decorum please.” Spoke quickly but she was still giggling as she said it. She picked up her mineral water and put a straw in the glass. “Thanks Daniel. Not long before you’re off now. You all packed and ready to go?” She took a long suck of the water through the straw, fluttering her eyelashes at Paul as she did so. Paul watched her lips avidly, then flung himself back in his seat and groaned loudly.

  Daniel shot him another glare, then turned to Lisa.

  “Just about. I didn’t realize how little twenty kilo’s is. I’ve cut everything to the bare minimum, but I’m still over the baggage limit. It’s not fair, we’re both going to have to pay a huge supplement. I think allowances should be made for people as big as Paul and me, all our clothes are so much bigger and weigh more than average. I’m not taking any jumpers or heavy trousers, only two pairs of trainers and I shall be wearing one of them. I’ve just about enough money to pay for our kit so I’m hoping to get a job fairly soon so I can buy some more everyday clothes. After all, if we’re going to be there nearly three years, I’m going to need more than a suitcase full.”

  Paul sipped his coffee, pulled a face at the bitter taste and then heaped in three spoons of sugar. He stirred vigorously.

  “We won’t need to worry Dan. I’m sure we’re both going to get picked for the Atlanta Raiders and we’re both going to make our fortunes.” He squeezed Lisa to his side. “We’ve already arranged tryouts, but Dan likes to take the worst possible view of any situation.”

  Daniel grunted.

  “Yeah, and you’re ever the optimist. It’ll be a miracle if we get picked. They must have hundreds of guys just like us trying out every year. I don’t think we’re going to stand out that much. Gaining the scholarship doesn’t guarantee us a place in the squad.” He sipped his own coffee as he looked over to Carrie and changed the subject. “Glad the tour’s over?”

  Carrie nodded.

  “It’s been such hard work. I knew it was going to be tough going, but when the band said they are doing seven gigs, that’s pretty much it for them apart from a couple of publicity shoots. Yeah, they might sit about and strum a guitar on the odd occasion, but we dancers have to train every single day for hours. The band want a different set up or routine at every gig. It’s absolutely shattering.” She slumped back in her seat.

  Daniel leaned forwards and rested his elbows on his knees.

  “Don’t forget to use those exercises you learned to help you relax. They’re not just for injuries, though I have to confess, you made an excellent recovery from the shoulder thing. Have you spoken to that old bat that did it to you since then?”

  Carrie shook her head as she took a sip of the water.

  “No. I wouldn’t call her and she certainly wouldn’t speak to me if I did. It’s better now, so there’s no harm done. I don’t know if I’ll be seeing her again anyway. I hear she’s not coming back to the college. Someone said she’s having a go at journalism.”

  Daniel finished his coffee.

  “Good, so long as she’s not anywhere near you. She’s dangerous.” He finished firmly.

  Paul was eyeing Lisa again. She put her hand up to her hair and smoothed
it where Paul had ruffled her in his earlier enthusiastic embrace.

  Lisa sat up straight and moved away from Paul slightly as she saw Antonio trudge wearily out of the restaurant. He looked exhausted as he nodded in their direction and then made his way towards the lift. Lisa snuggled against Paul again.

  “Are we eating together, because if we are going to the restaurant, I need to change my clothes. I only wore this get up for travelling because it’s so comfy.” She looked down at her sloppy grey t-shirt and purple tracksuit bottoms.

  Paul grinned immediately and waggled his eyebrows at her.

  “Want any help with that?”

  Carrie sighed as Lisa fell about in fits of laughter. She glanced down at her own comfortable black sweatpants. They were more fitted than Lisa’s purple sloppies and her white t-shirt still looked pristine. She looked across to Daniel. He looked fabulous wearing pale denim jeans with a snugly fitting black t-shirt. She shrugged, not wanting to make a big thing of it.

  “I’m not worried what I look like. I’m going in as I am. You hungry Dan?”

  Daniel laughed and stood up. He pulled himself up straight and puffed out his huge chest.

  “What do you think? I can always eat. Are we waiting for you two?” He glanced down at Paul, who couldn’t seem to take his eyes off Lisa.

  Paul waved him away without looking up.

  “No, you two go ahead. If Lisa wants to go and get changed then that’s fine by me. Gives me time to phone my baby sister. She’s left me about twenty messages already and if I don’t get back to her soon, I’ll never hear the last of it. She’ll torture me even if I am thousands of miles away.” He stood up. “We’ll catch up with you two later maybe.”

  Lisa gave them a wave as she headed for the lift. Paul kept his eyes fixed on her as he keyed in numbers on his phone. Lisa looked back at him over her shoulder, fluttering her eyelashes and he stopped pressing the buttons. He put the phone back in his pocket and strode after Lisa as she waited by the lift door.

  Daniel shook his head in resignation and steered Carrie towards the restaurant.

  “We’ll let them have a romantic evening together shall we?” He smiled at Carrie. “We can have something to eat and then go out onto the terrace. It’s still warm enough to sit outside I think, if you want to that is?” His eyes questioned her.

  Carrie looked down at the floor, suddenly embarrassed. It felt as though he was asking her out on a date.

  “That would be lovely Dan. We can have coffee out there after we’ve eaten.”

  They walked through to the restaurant and were soon laughing as Daniel quickly demolished half a dozen grilled king prawns then a huge plate of deliciously creamy pasta, plus the uneaten half of Carrie’s too. Afterwards he devoured apple pie and custard followed by a whole plate of cheese and biscuits.

  The waiter, clearly impressed with Daniel’s ability to appreciate good food, showed them to seats on the terrace and left an extra-large coffee pot and a whole box of after dinner chocolates on the table.

  Carrie sat back in her chair and stared out over the lake beside them. The darkening sky and the evening lights were reflected in its mirror surface. It was so romantic that she nearly cried out in frustration as Daniel began peeling the foil from a chocolate. He passed it to her then began pouring coffee for the two of them. She nibbled the chocolate for a moment, but Daniel took it from her fingers and dipped it in the coffee.

  He smiled at her quizzical look.

  “I think they dip their chocolate in Europe. It’s supposed to bring out the flavour more when it’s warm.” He passed the slightly melted chocolate back to her.

  She let the chocolate dissolve slowly in her mouth then took a gulp of the hot coffee and settled back in the chair again. Daniel picked up another chocolate, his long fingers surprisingly delicate as he unwrapped the dark circle. He offered it to her, but she shook her head. The lump in her throat threatened to cut off her airways and she found herself shivering as she tried to keep her emotions at bay.

  “You cold?” Daniel asked as he put the chocolate in his own mouth.

  “A bit.” She managed to stammer. And then Daniel stood up and pulled her from the chair and onto his lap. He wrapped his long arms right around her body and hugged her into his chest.

  “Better?” He asked after a few moments, resting his chin on the top of her head. She could smell the chocolate on his breath, dark and delicious.

  She nodded into his warm body.

  “Much. You’re always so warm.” She could feel him smile above her.

  He wrapped his shoulders around her as she snuggled in.

  “Do you want to go inside? I don’t mind.” His voice was so close to her ear that she shivered violently again. He began to stand up, lifting her with him.

  “No, no.” She sounded almost panicked as he misread her body language. “It’s too lovely out here. I’ll be fine in a mo. I think I’m just really tired.”

  She felt Daniel relax back and his arms moved comfortably around her, holding her gently as he rubbed his hands up and down the bare skin of her arms.

  “Yes, you must all be after a tour like that. I never realized how demanding those routines can be. It was impressive watching you all.”

  Carrie leaned her head against his hard shoulder and she felt him take a deep breath. His heart was thumping hard inside his chest. It was a quick, steady beat, probably a little quicker than it should have been. Maybe it needed to pump that fast to move the blood around his gigantic frame.

  A cool breeze wafted up from the lake. She closed her eyes and snuggled against him again, listening to his heartbeat and his gentle breathing, smelling the subtly fragranced skin at his neck and rubbing her forehead on the day old stubble on his chin.

  “You haven’t shaved.” She mumbled as she stifled a yawn.

  His soft laughter rumbled through his chest.

  “Couldn’t be asked this afternoon. When Paul decided we were coming to meet you, we didn’t bother stopping to worry about a bit of facial hair. You don’t mind do you?” He rubbed his chin lightly against her cheek.

  She was barely able to speak as her whole body began to shiver involuntarily. The words came out as a hoarse whisper.

  “No, of course not. I’m just glad you came but I expect it to be gone by the time I see you tomorrow. I don’t want you to go to America looking scruffy. It’ll create a bad first impression.” She yawned again wishing she hadn’t brought up the subject of his imminent departure.

  He suddenly held her even tighter.

  “I’ll shave in the morning.” He spoke quietly and then looked up as the sound of familiar high pitched laughter and an equally familiar answering growl reached their ears from an open upstairs window. There was the swooshing sound of the window sliding closed and then the silent evening closed in around them.

  Carrie didn’t realize that she had fallen asleep until she was being wakened as she was put into her bed. Daniel leaned down, undid her trainers and tugged them gently off her feet, then he pulled the cool covers over her and tucked them round her body. She dragged them into her chest as he stood up and moved back from the bed.

  She turned over to face him, blinking with sleep laden eyes.

  “Oh, sorry. Did you carry me up?” She tried to sit up, but Daniel placed his hand on her shoulder and pushed her back down.

  “Go back to sleep Carrie. It’s really late and Paul and I have to go. We can’t stay any longer. I’ll see you, okay?” His deep voice swept over her.

  Carrie laid back, yawned lazily and snuggled into the pillow.

  “Night Dan. See you in the morning.” She closed her eyes as he replied in a whisper.

  “Night Carrie. See you.”

  His voice was husky in her ear and she felt a warm breath near her cheek. There was one last waft of his delicious scent before the door clicked closed and he was gone from the room.

  Chapter Six

  Lunchtime September 2nd

  Carrie leap
t into her father’s arms as he crowded around the tour bus with the rest of the clamouring parents.

  “Hey dad, it’s great to see you. Where’s mum?” Carrie looked around, after she had kissed his cheek, hoping to see Daniel too but the car-park was just full of excited families.

  Jim put her back down after swinging her around.

  “She’s at home cooking you a welcome home dinner for tonight. We’re having a bit of a celebration seeing as you’ve not been here all summer and you go back to college next week. Half the street is coming.”

  Carrie groaned.

  “Oh no! How embarrassing. What are you doing that for? I just want a quiet night in.” With Daniel preferably, she thought privately. He was leaving the next day and she wanted to spend as much time with him as possible.

  Her father grinned.

  “Don’t be silly. The tour was a brilliant success. Everyone wants to see the most famous kid

  in our street. They all want to say well done. Helen and I have missed you terribly. We want to celebrate now that you’re home so don’t you going and being a misog about it, your mother has been to a lot of trouble.”

  Carrie let out an even deeper groan.

  “Okay, but I’m absolutely shattered, you’ll have to forgive me if I don’t stay up too late.” She wondered how soon she was going to be able to sneak off and see Daniel in private.

  Jim picked up her duffel bag and headed for the car.

  “Yes well, you’re going to have to be in bed early for the next few nights. College begins in two days. You will have a lot of work to do for the next two years. It’s really important that you keep up with your education, even if the dancing is giving you a bit of an income already. At least this term you won’t be distracted by that great oaf, Daniel. I have to confess Carrie, I was glad to see the back of him. You don’t need anyone like that interfering in your life.”

  Carrie had been trailing behind. She stopped dead for a moment and then rushed after him again.


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