AIG-FP under
biographical information
negative basis adjustment theory
and PNC fine
risk-aversion of
style/personality of
Catchings, Waddill
Chanos, Jim
Chatterjee, Debashish
Cheyne Capital Management
Christensen, Arne
Cioffi, Ralph
and Bear hedge fund collapse
indictment of
Ameriquest portfolio, servicing
Citicorp Mortgage
SIV debt acquired by
Clarkson, Brian, and corruption of Moody’s
Clinton, Bill
derivatives regulation, neglect of
homeownership initiative
Coffin, Charles
Cohan, William
Cohen & Company
Cohn, Gary
Collateral calls, to AIG
Collateralized debt obligations (CDOs)
Bear Stearns
BISTRO as precursor to
collapse of market (2007)
danger and warning about
downgrading (2002-2003)
downgrading (2007)
features of
high ratings, reasons for
hybrid CDOs
Merrill Lynch
multisector CDOs
synthetic CDOs
See also specific instruments
Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs), features of
Collateral triggers
Commercial paper
Committee to Save the World
Commodities Futures Modernization Act (2000)
Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), derivatives, regulatory efforts
Community Reinvestment Act
Conforming mortgages
Fannie market for
features of
Consolidated Supervised Entities (CSE)
Constantine, Thomas
Correlation trading
Corrigan, Gerald
Corzine, Jon
Countrywide Financial
balance sheet risk
as bank holding company
Bank of America acquisition of
collapse of
conforming mortgage market
consumer complaints/lawsuits
dangerous products of
establishment of
exception pricing system
Fannie buys loans from
founder/CEO. See Mozilo, Angelo
independent brokers, use of
low-income persons, initiatives for
no-down-payment loans
presidents. See Kurland, Stanford; Sambol, Dave
profitability of
refinancings by
SEC fraud charges
Spitzer investigation
stock, decline of
subprime mortgages
underwriting guidelines, loosening
Cox, Christopher
Cox, Prentiss
Credit default swaps
BISTRO as precursor to
mortgage-based. See Collateralized debt obligations (CDOs)
profitability of
relationship to subprimes
risk-management features
tradable market, lack of
Credit enhancements
Credit risk, minimizing. See Derivatives
Cribiore, Alberto
Cuomo Andrew
Currency swaps
Dallas, Bill
Dallavecchia, Enrico
Daurio, Jon
Davis Square III
Defaults, on subprimes
Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act (1980)
D’Erchia, Peter
of AIG Financial Products
CDOs, multisector
CDOs, synthetic
credit default swaps
currency swaps
danger and warning about
futures classification defeat
high ratings, reasons for
interest rate swaps
of J.P. Morgan
LTCM collapse
netting out
quants’ development of
regulatory efforts
structured investment vehicles (SIVs)
tranches of
See also specific instruments
Deutsche Bank, ABS index
Dimon, Jamie
Dodge, Patti
Donilon, Tom
Dooley, Bill
Drexel Burnham Lambert
Dubrish, Robert
Dugan, John
Dunne, Jimmy
Dynamic hedging
Dyron, Dick
Edwards, Jeff
Eichel, Scott
Eisman, Steve
Empiris LLC
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
Evans, Gay
Exception pricing system
Exxon Valdez
Fakahany, Ahmass
Falcon, Armando, Jr.
Fannie Mae
accounting fraud, investigation of
Bush era war with
CEOs. See Johnson, Jim; Maxwell, David; Mudd, Daniel; Raines, Franklin Delano
conforming mortgage market
Countrywide mortgages sold to
creation/functions of
crisis of 1981
crisis of 2007
critics of
debt acquisition, extent of (2007-2008)
government bailout
implicit government guarantee
investor trust in
lobbying by
losses (2008)
low-income persons, initiatives for
mortgage stamping guarantee by
OFHEO oversight. See Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight
Paulson approach to crisis
politicizing by
profitability of
regulatory efforts
REMIC offerings
restatement of earnings
risky loans guidelines (2000)
Salomon deals with
subprime portfolio of
supporters during collapse
Federal bailouts
FDIC actions
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
and bailout
predatory lending warning
Federal government
actions during collapse
bailouts. See Federal bailouts
blue sky laws exemption
double-taxation exemption
financial services corporations. See Government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs)
preemption policy
S&Ls, liquidation of assets
usury caps, abolishing
Federal Home Loan Bank Board
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
Federal Housing Finance Agency, and GSEs takeover
Federal regulation/regulatory efforts
Fannie Mae
Federal Reserve, lending authority
Obama administration
See also specific regulatory agencies
Federal Reserve
mortgage lending authority of
See also Greenspan, Alan
Felder, Eric
Financial services corporations. See Government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs)
Fink, Larry
CMOs developed by
Congressional testimony by
MBSs developed by
; First Allance Mortgage Company (FAMCO)
First Boston
First Franklin
First-lien mortgages
First Magnus
FirstPlus Financial
First Union
Fitch Ratings
Fleming, Greg
and Kronthal
Merrill CDO exposure, researching
FM Watch
Fons, Jerome
Foreclosures, defaults, rise in
Forster, Andrew
AIG subprime exposure, knowledge of
CDOs, multisector
Frank, Barney
Freddie Mac
Bush war against
conforming mortgage market
creation/functions of
Paulson approach to crisis
restatement of earnings
subprime portfolio of
See also Government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs)
Fremont Investment & Loan
Friedman, Steve
Froba, Mark
Frost, Al
AIG subprime exposure, knowledge of
multisector CDOs
Fuld, Dick
Full Spectrum
Gamboa, John
Gauss, Carl Fredrich
Gaussian distribution
Geissinger, John
Geithner, Timothy
during collapse
derivatives regulatory efforts
as N.Y. Fed president
pro-derivatives position
subprimes, concerns about
General Re, AIG deal investigation
Gensler, Gary
Gibson, Lang
Gibson Greetings
Gilleran, James
Ginnie Mae, creation/functions of
Gissinger, Drew
Glass-Steagall Act (1933)
Global economy
Basel Committee rules
economic crises (1994-1998)
economic crises (2007)
Gnaizda, Robert
Goddard, Tom
Goldfarb, David
Goldman Sachs
Abacus CDOs
ABS index
under Blankfein
CEO compensation
collateral calls to AIG
Corzine ouster
establishment of
going public
honesty, belief in
Hudson Mezzanine
Internet crash, impact on
Long Beach deals
mortgage department operations
New Century deals
under Paulson
post-bailout scandal
profitability of
risk management
Rubin at
SEC fraud charges
Senate Subcommittee hearing
survival tactics
synthetic CDO deals
TARP payback
Goldschmid, Harvey
Goldstein, Matthew
Gonzalez, Henry
Gorelick, Jamie
Gorton, Gary
Government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs)
crisis of 2007
critics of
federal subsidy to
government bailout
investor trust in
losses (2007)
losses (2008)
MBSs outstanding volume (1989)
MBSs guaranteed by
Paulson approach to crisis
and post-bailout legislation
Wall St. competition with
See also Fannie Mae; Freddie Mac; Ginnie Mae
Gramlich, Edward
Gramm, Phil
Gramm, Wendy
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Law
Grasso, Richard
Greenberg, Alan “Ace,”
Greenberg, Jeffrey
Greenberg, Maurice R. “Hank,”
AIG FP, control of
biographical information
earnings management by
on FM Watch
leaves AIG
risk-management system of
and Sosin
style/personality of
See also AIG Financial Products; American International Group (AIG)
Greenberger, Michael
Greenlining Institute
Greenspan, Alan
antiregulatory position
on capital reserves
“Committee to Save the World,”
as derivatives supporter
interest rate cuts
on LTCM collapse
subprimes, neglect of issue
Gregory, Joe
Guardian Savings & Loan
Guldimann, Till, Value at Risk (VaR) developed by
Gutierrez, Michael
Habayeb, Elias
Hagler, Grayland Scott, Reverend
Hard-money lenders
leading companies
legislation and expansion of
operation of
second-lien mortgages by
subprime MBS, first
Harris, Patricia
Hawke, John
Hedge funds, at Bear Stearns, collapse of
Hedging, dynamic hedging
Hibbert, Eric
High loan-to-value lending (HLTV)
Holder, Steve
Holding companies
Home equity loans
and baby boomers
Bush initiatives
Clinton initiatives
increase for credit risks
and interest rates
loan defaults, rise in
Mozilo support of
Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act (HOEPA)
Home values
drop in
homes abandoned by owners
increase in (2001-2006)
Household Finance
Howard, Tim
Hudson Mezzanine
Hunter, Allan Oakley
Hybrid CDOs
Icahn, Carl
Implicit government guarantee, Fannie Mae
Incentive compensation
Independent Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA)
Interest rates
cuts and home buying
Interest rate swaps
Investment firms. See Wall Street; specific firms
ISDA swap contract
J. Aron
Jedinak, Russell and Rebecca
Johnson, Jim
biographical information
Fannie expansion under
on Maxwell
style/personality of
J.P. Morgan
Bear Stearns acquired by
CEOs. See Weatherstone, Sir Dennis
credit default swaps
lobbying by
quants/quantitative analysis
risk management
special purpose entity (SPE)
trading business entry
Value at Risk (VaR) measure
Jungman, Michael
Junk bonds
Kamilla, Rajiv
Kapnick, Scott
Karaoglan, Alain
Kemp, Jack
Kendall, Leon
Kennedy, Judy
Killian, Debbie
Killinger, Kerry
Kim, Dow
Kindleberger, Charles
Koch, Richard
Kolchinsky, Eric
Komansky, David
Kronthal, Jeff
firing of
and Fleming
Merrill CDOs
returns to Merrill
Kudlow, Larry
Kurland, Stanford
as Countrywide president
leaves Countrywide
style/personality of
Kushman, Todd
LaFalsce, John
Lattanzio, Dale
firing of
and Merrill CDOs
Lay, Ken
Lazio, Rick
Leach, Jim
Lee, Wayne
Lehman, David
Lehman, Phil
Lehman Brothers
collapse of
fraudulent activities
losses (2007)
Paulson during collapse
Letters of credit
Levine, Howard
Levitt, Arthur
Levy, Gus
Lewis, Bob
Lewis, Ken
Lewis, Michael
Lippman, Greg
Lipton, Andrew
Litton, Larry
Litton Loan Servicing
derivatives supporters
by Fannie Mae
Lockhart, Jim
Loeb, David
Long Beach Mortgage
establishment of
federal investigations of
Long Beach Savings & Loan
establishment of
Goldman deals
loans, selling to Wall St.
Washington Mutual acquisition of
worst bank designation
Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM), collapse of
Low-income persons
Countrywide loans to
Fannie initiatives for
Long Beach discrimination case
Lowitt, Ian
Lucido, Lou
McCallion, Anne
McCoy, Patricia
McDade, Bart
McDaniel, Raymond
McDonough, William
McGarrigal, Ray
McGee, Skip
McGraw, Terry
McMahon, Mike
McMurray, John
Madigan, Lisa
Maloney, Carolyn
Maloni, William “Bill,”
Mark-to-market accounting
Marsh & McLennan
Mason, Joseph
Masters, Blythe
Matthews, Ed
Maxwell, David
biographical information
on Fannie mission
and Johnson
and MBS development
and MBS-related legislation
MBS, view of
and REMIC decision
retirement package
May, William
Mehle, Roger
Merrill, Charles
Merrill Lynch
Bank of America acquisition of
BlackRock deal
bonuses, accelerated
CDOs, collapse of
CEO. See O’Neal, Stan
establishment of
First Franklin acquired by
post-bailout bonuses
risk management, lack of
subprime exposure, extent of
synthetic CDOs
Merrill Lynch Mortgage Capital
Mexico, credit crisis
Milken, Michael
Miller, Tom
Mital, Aseem
Mobasheri, Ardavan
Mondor, Paul
Money market funds, and repo market
Money Store
Montag, Tom
Moody, John
CDOs, downgrading
CDOs, rating
under Clarkson
comments after CDOs crash
derivatives high rating, reasons for
downgrading of (2007)
establishment of
growth of
reform, lack of
Moral hazard
Morelli, Robert
Morgan Stanley
establishment of
GSEs, analysis of
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