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DECKER: MC ROMANCE (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 9)

Page 85

by Samantha Leal

  The sound of cars passing in the street blocked out his voice for a moment.

  "Look Andrea, please get in touch. I don't know where you’ve gone to, or why?

  He was almost pleading.

  "I noticed your travel bag has gone too."

  Another pause and the sound of a few more deep breaths followed.

  "Why didn't you tell me about the baby? I'm worried about you Andrea. Phone me, whatever is wrong we can sort it out. You should be back in hospital, you're not well. Helen agrees with me..."

  At the mention of the woman's name she pressed the end call key. She didn't want to hear anything else he had to say and she certainly wasn't going to call him back. It was all too late.


  It was late when she crossed over from the mainland of Mull to the little Island of Iona on the last MacBrayne ferry of the evening. It was funny but she felt as if she were going home. As she stepped onto dry land, a small dark figure was waiting to greet her. It was Geraldine. She hugged the young woman eagerly.

  "Come along my dear. I expect you are hungry and tired. I have booked you a room for tonight in the St Columba hotel. Tomorrow you will sleep elsewhere."

  After they had eaten Andrea retired to her room, although she could not sleep. Geraldine had placed the rune back safely into her hands and she placed it under her pillow for safe keeping. Tomorrow morning at dawn she would return to the small graveyard of St Oran, return back in time to her true love Alex MacDonald. The nearer she had travelled the more she had thought about Alex, her heart beating at the thought of him, the thought of his touch. The memories had flooded back; the first night he had made love to her. It had been so different to Steve's love making, so tender and passionate. It all seemed such a long time ago, not just a few short weeks, and Andrea smiled as she reminded herself; it was in fact centuries ago.

  Over dinner Geraldine had explained it all again, it had all made perfect sense then. The child, her and Alex's child, would be born back in it’s own time to balance the order of things. She would be guided when the time was right on what action she should take. It all sounded so easy yet at the same time she was in danger. Helen would be hot on her heels, eager to capture the second rune. There was nothing she wouldn't do, no lengths she wouldn’t go to, to get that stone in her own hands. Geraldine had assured her that all would be well, that she would be protected, but now, on her own in the middle of the night, she didn’t feel so certain. It was only the thought of her unborn child and Alex that helped and held her courage.

  She woke with a start. It was still dark as she felt across to the small bedside table to retrieve her watch. It was 6am. Soon it would be dawn and time to leave. Her heart beat quickly as she dressed, looking at her outline in the mirror. Her stomach had started to swell slightly and she delicately touched the soft skin of her belly. It was hard to imagine a new life growing inside of her.

  Pulling on a jumper and grabbing her coat she walked down to the breakfast room. Geraldine was already waiting for her and had persuaded the waiting staff to cook her an early breakfast. Andrea didn't feel hungry but agreed to a slice of toast and honey washed down with a strong coffee. She needed something to get her through the morning.

  "Do you have the stone?" Geraldine was wide awake and had polished off her full English with gusto, her eyes shining eagerly.

  Andrea opened a shaking hand. The whole thing seemed more of a nightmare than an adventure and she trembled inwardly.

  "Don't worry my dear, I will help you. Now we must be going. Helen is hot on your trail and will be here within the hour, we need to be moving."

  The two women set off in the early morning. The grey light of dawn was visible on the skyline as they entered the gate by the old chapel.


  Andrea shivered as she entered the small cemetery. What was the old saying? It was as if someone had stepped over her grave. As they approached the stone marking the final resting place of Alex MacDonald she thought of both Alex and Andra; dead for hundreds of years and rotted back into the earth. Yet here she stood with a child inside of her; a life that connected them all.

  The first rays from a weak and pale sun formed a contrasting band above the dark horizon. The day was breaking and it was time for the journey. Andrea knelt beside the grave, the stone held firmly in her hand. All was still for a moment as she looked into the kind, blue eyes of Geraldine. A wind started blowing as the old bell tower started to chime the hour. The old gate creaked and Andrea looked up to see a familiar, cloaked figure approaching. It was Helen, but she had arrived a moment too late.


  "Andra, I thought I had lost you my love."

  Two strong arms wrapped around her body as the familiar smell of lavender and basil filled her nostrils. Her whole body ached; it was as if she had just run a marathon and she struggled to open her eyes. The blurred images finally came into focus as she looked up into the face of the man she loved, it was Alex MacDonald. It was as if her heart melted and the liquid centre poured forth in a sea of emotion that became tears of joy. Andrea had never felt so whole, so loved, and now she was back to where she belonged and in the arms of her soul mate.

  "The doctor has said that our unborn child is not harmed. The nun here will help nurse you back to strength."

  A small figure stepped towards the bed. A young nun clothed in black with twinkling blue eyes smiled and nodded before stepping back into the shadows. It was Geraldine.

  "She's taken a vow of silence but she is kind and loyal, she will see that no harm comes to you."

  "Where is Helen?" An image of the woman pursuing her came sharply into her mind.

  "Helena? She has been banished for the wrong she has done to you and I. You will not be seeing her again. I have promised to kill her if she steps upon these shores once more. But now you must rest my love. You must regain your strength for the sake of yourself and our unborn child." Kissing her on the forehead he left the room.

  "Geraldine?" Andrea called out to the young nun who stood back in the shadows. The kindly eyes were once again upon her as she smiled and held a finger up to her lips before leaving to fetch a cup of warming broth.

  As winter fled and spring returned once more Andrea regained her strength with the love of Alex and the support of Geraldine, although the little nun refused to talk and merely smiled at her questions. Helena was not heard of and the days were filled with laughter and love. Soon it was time for the child to be born and Andrea gave birth to a healthy baby girl who they named Elizabeth, after her Grandmother.


  As the years passed, the little girl grew up quickly and promised to be quite a beauty. Andrea relaxed into the slow pace of life on the Island. Alex built them a house on the site of the Columba Hotel and they lived peacefully and happily for many years. The memories of Steve and New York seemed to be but a dream; even thoughts of Helena were almost forgotten. Life was idyllic but not destined to last.

  In the year of Elizabeth's 10th birthday, unrest started in the highlands. The Campbell Clan and some of the others had started to disagree on territory and small skirmishes and unrest had started to break out. Alasdair Macolla MacDonald had started to gather his men to squash any uprising that would lead to war and Alex was called for.

  On the night before he was due to leave to join his men Andrea and Alex embraced, lying together as they had done every night since her return. Their love had never diminished over the years; in fact time had only strengthened their bond. It was as if their two lives were entwined, had always meant to be. His body was still strong and firm against hers as he stroked her naked shoulders, his fingers lightly skirting across her nape as he slowly moved to caress her breasts. She still quivered at his touch, still wanted him and needed his physical love as well as his heart. His thigh pressed against hers, opening her up to him. They had never grown bored of their love making and Alex took the same care as he had on their first night together. Gently he fingered the soft skin of her thighs as his
face reached down to kiss her belly. It was not the same flat and taut firm flesh of 10 years ago, but he loved the softness and roundness of the mother of his child and gently kissed the marks of childbirth. He could smell her musky scent as his face lowered onto her soft mound and he buried his face into her sweetness. The soft wet flesh tasted good as he licked at her fleshy folds, finding the swollen clitoris and licking it lightly until she cried out with pleasure. The sound of her mounting excitement turned him on and his cock was stiff and hard against her. She could feel the heat as he pushed himself against her, his hot member throbbing and twitching.

  Unable to hold back he parted her legs and she wrapped him inside her thighs, lifting her buttocks slightly so he could slide his cock straight inside her. It wasn't difficult; she could feel her own wetness and ached for him to be inside her. With one deep thrust he entered her, his cock squeezing against her soft walls and causing her to shudder with both pleasure and pain. Alex lay unmoving for a moment, enjoying the feeling of being buried in her sweet cunt. There was no feeling like it and he wanted the moment to last. He looked down at her as she lay, eyes closed, against the pillow. She had not aged in 10 years, her face was still as beautiful as the day he had first beheld her, if not more so. He stroked her brow and whispered her name and the blue eyes opened and looked into his.

  "I love you so much my darling, if anything should happen to me in battle, I ...."

  His voice trailed off and caught in his throat. Andrea brought a finger to his mouth to silence him. She trusted in their fate, all would be well.

  Grasping her head in both hands he kissed her passionately as the tears stated to fall. He needed release and pulling himself slightly away from her he thrust once again with an urgent force.

  "Oh god, Andrea." his words were lost as he thrust furiously inside her, his face a mixture of pleasure and pain as he finally came, releasing his passion into her with a final thrust. His body flopped against hers, spent and weary and she sent out a small prayer for him to come home safely as he slept in her arms.

  She slept well and stirred as the morning light crept through the window coverings. Once again she was alone, Alex had set off early without saying goodbye and there was a gap in her heart; she felt empty without him.


  In the weeks that followed they heard very little. Stories of battles won and battles lost made their way down from the hills but no-one really knew the truth. The words had passed many lips on the journey and the truth lost along the way. Andrea kept a brave face during the day time, if only for Elizabeth who missed her father, but the nights were long and weary and she often woke with red eyes.

  One night during the seventh week of his absence Andrea woke in a cold sweat. She had been dreaming and had seen Alex cut down in battle, had heard his haunting cry as he fell to the ground. She woke with a start. The room had grown cold; only the embers of the fire remained in the grate and large shadows loomed across the stone walls of her room. There was a tapping at the window pane and she climbed out of bed to look out into the night. The wind had gotten up and the branches of the nearby trees were waving in distress, catching the window with the tap, tap, tapping of their branches.

  Her heart beat loudly in her chest; something was wrong, she could feel it. At the sound of footsteps she jumped back into bed as the door opened and a figure entered holding a burning candle. It was Geraldine.

  Her face was white and her usual soft and serene eyes looked troubled.

  "Andrea, are you awake?" It was the first words that the nun had spoken to her in 10 years.

  Sitting up she reached out her hand for the nun.

  "What is it Geraldine?"

  The candlelight flickered in her face as Geraldine bent towards her. She looked serious, something was wrong.

  "It's Alex; I fear he has been injured in battle."

  Andrea's heart skipped a beat. She had known it, felt the blow herself.

  "But that is not all; I fear that now Helena will return, we must prepare ourselves."

  The name wrought fear into her heart. She had not seriously thought of Helena for the past 10 years, it had been difficult at first – yes - but as the years had passed by the name of Helena had never been uttered and only occasionally thought of as the fly in an otherwise happy ointment.

  "What can we do?" Andrea was ready to defend herself and her daughter and would fight to the death if need be.

  The wise, young nun spoke slowly and clearly."We will do what we have been doing for the last 10 years, we will wait".

  Waking the sleeping young Elizabeth, Andrea led her into the relative safety of her own room. Before long there were shouts from the landing stage over by the water and the night was lit by many flares.

  A boat was coming over the water from the mainland, and wrapping themselves up as warmly and as anonymously as they could, the three figures set off into the cold night air to see what the commotion was all about. Andrea could feel a lingering dread in her heart and kept Elizabeth close by her side; but if her fate was approaching then it was better to meet it face to face than to skulk in the shadows.


  The small boat had almost reached the shore when the three arrived. In the darkness Andrea could make out the shape of one cloaked figure standing at the helm whilst the boatman rowed into the little jetty. Once they had safely landed the cloaked figure bent forward and with the help of the oarsman, lifted a bundle out of the bottom of the boat. The two figures struggled to lift their cargo onto dry land, a weighty load spread under a dark covering. Crowds had gathered to wonder at the commotion and they parted as the macabre procession made its way from the boat and up the path. Andrea and Geraldine stood towards the back of the crowd, straining above the heads and torches to see what was happening. There were soon whisperings and murmurings throughout the crowd; the body of Alexhander MacDonald was being carried home to its final resting place.

  Andrea felt her heart harden and she stumbled towards the young nun; feeling the knees beneath her start to buckle. Elizabeth, still half asleep, did not know what was happening and Andrea had to remain calm for her daughter’s sake. The strong hand of Geraldine wrapped itself around hers as the three made their way along the back roads. They would reach home before the rest as the crowd walked solemnly, as the heavy weight was carried down the winding track towards the house.

  By the time the crowds had gathered around the house, Andrea had removed her cloak and was stood in the open doorway. All fell silent as two figures wrapped in dark hooded shawls approached with their burden and Andrea moved aside as they carried Alex into the main hall.

  “Please, in here”, Andrea opened the door, indicating a small yet comfortable room where the body was brought and laid out across the couch. Biting her lip to keep the emotions at bay she thanked the two bearers and bid them good evening. They both turned to go but at the last moment one of the figures held back and closed the door.

  For a moment Andrea thought the figure was waiting, wanting payment for bringing her husband back home and she started towards the chest where the coins were kept.

  “Wait.” A familiar voice rang out across the room, stopping Andrea in her tracks.

  Turning towards the door she found herself face to face with Helena.

  The green eyes glinted in the candlelight as she stepped forward, out of the shadows.

  “Well Andrea, it’s been a while. So sorry you had to leave New York so suddenly. It wasn’t kind, leaving poor Steve all alone like that. Of course he found comfort in my bed, but really, he was distraught. He really thought the child was his.”

  Seeing Helen brought all the old memories flooding back. She hadn’t thought about Steve in a long while but she couldn’t feel that sorry for him. He would have soon moved on in her absence.

  “What do you want here Helena?”

  “Why, to bring my dear brother back to you of course. I have a little proposal for you.”

  Andrea folded her arms and waited for
Helena to speak.

  “It’s quite simple really. You give me the rune in your possession and I will restore the life of my brother.”

  “That’s impossible!” Andrea could feel the tears forming at the back of her eyes. All she wanted to do was to embrace the body of her beloved Alex, but she must be strong, for all their sakes.

  “Do you really think so? Well, unless you hand over the rune you will never know.”

  “You would not see your brother dead if you have the power to bring him to life.”

  “I have not seen my dear brother for over 10 years. He banished me from his sight and threatened to kill me should I ever set foot on this island again. Do you really think I care if my brother lives or dies?”

  “Let me see his face.”

  Stepping to the couch, Helena pulled down the cover shrouding the body. Alex looked peaceful, his fine features at rest.

  “You see how peaceful he sleeps, the eternal rest. Perhaps you are right, we should let him lie. I’m sorry to have disturbed you.” Helena stepped back towards the door.

  “Wait, I will fetch you the stone.”

  Andrea stepped out of the room and ran upstairs into her chamber to retrieve the stone from its hiding place. It had been many years since she had seen it, held it in her hand.

  She had come so far only for it to end like this. To hand over the stone that generations before her had guarded through the centuries; kept safe. Now, she was the one to fail. Geraldine had been wrong. Walking slowly back down the staircase she paused at the doorway. Once she had handed the stone over to Helena she would be at her mercy; both she and Elizabeth would be vulnerable. With Alex dead there was no hope, if he lived they might have a chance.

  Helena smiled a triumphant smile as Andrea entered the room. She gloated at her victory and she was not ashamed to show it.

  "You are a sensible woman Andra, I will give you that. You have made the right choice, now hand over the stone".


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