DECKER: MC ROMANCE (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 9)

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DECKER: MC ROMANCE (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 9) Page 130

by Samantha Leal

  “Come on. Don’t tell me you haven’t been clamming before? Razorbacks are the best and this is my secret spot. I come up here a couple of times in the summer and just camp overnight, roasting clams.”

  “Sounds nice. I can’t say that I have ever gone clamming. So this should be fun. I wish I would have known what we were doing, I wouldn’t have worn such a long skirt.” Lois pulled her dress to the side, knotting the skirt so it would not drag in the muddy bank of the small island.

  He helped her off and her body slid down his front as he lowered her to the ground. Her senses were increasingly aware of any contact with him, and the intensity of arousal she felt caused her to lose composure for a few moments, laughing awkwardly and clearing her throat.

  “You seemed like the kind of girl that would like this.”

  “I’m sure I will.” Lois was sure that she would like just about anything with Conner. He had such an easy going and engaging personality that she had not expected from someone in his position. He was just a normal guy, certainly not the stereotypical son of a multimillionaire business tycoon. Until he got a business call from Tokyo on his satellite phone, Lois had almost forgotten that she was with a Vern.

  The morning was gone and the day was warming up to a perfect fifty degrees. The wind blew constantly, but it was delightful with the sun overhead. They both had their buckets filled with clams when she followed him back to the small cabin two hours later. He started a fire in the wood stove, then they returned to the water to rinse the clams of thickly caked mud that covered the shells. Lois had never tried them, but she didn’t tell him why. They were funny looking, but that day, the smell was enough to entice her. He helped her open the first one and after a bite, she understood why he enjoyed the process so much

  “So is this what you do with your time? Shouldn’t you be jet setting to the equator?”

  “I do sometimes, but I like it here. I like to know my neighbors and here that is actually possible. I don’t think I would ever want to live anywhere else. What about you, could you live here full time?”

  “I don’t know. I would need a damn good reason to do a winter here,” she laughed.

  “I could give you a reason.” Conner’s eyes were boring into hers, she was unsure how to respond. He leaned over and kissed her gently. It took her by surprise, but she felt herself leaning into him, hoping he wouldn’t pull away any time soon. His tongue pushed her lips open and she moaned softly at the touch. Conner deepened the kiss and she was lost in the moment. When he finally pulled away, she took a deep breath.

  “Is that a good enough reason?”

  Lois nodded, touching her lips.

  Chapter 5

  The sun was dipping lower in the sky and it was starting to darken outside.

  “We should get back before the weather gets worse,” Connor said, gathering up the buckets.

  Lois agreed and they were quickly on the boat headed back to Barrow. The seas were rough and she wished they could be in a larger boat. She clung to him as the waves rocked them back and forth. The sea spray drenched them and she was shivering by the time they got to the dock. Conner made a call before they got back to town and she was thankful for the car that was waiting for them when they arrived. Her shivering stopped once they were inside. The car parked in front of the boarding house and she asked Conner if he would like to come up and get some dry clothes.

  “I’m sure Miss Beth would have something in your size,” Lois said in a pleading voice. Conner hesitated, but then agreed. She made them both some hot chocolate and let him take the first hot shower. He asked if she wanted to join him, but she said she would wait. The idea of being that close, let alone naked around him was more than she could think about. She left him a towel and some clothes, thinking how strange it would be to see him in normal clothes for the first time.

  When he dressed, she tried not to laugh. Lois had underestimated his size and the pants were tight and only fell about mid-calf. She wasn’t sure how he even got them on, though she did take a few moments to admire his thick thighs and muscular backside. Her mind wandered and it took her a moment to realize that he was talking to her.

  “You think she has anything a bit bigger?”

  “Um yeah. I didn’t realize you were so…big.” Her eyes pulled away from his bottom half and she had him follow her into one of the spare bedrooms where Beth kept clothes that were left behind by guests. It happened quite often and she had been in business for thirty years. Beth had enough that she could almost start a consignment shop, but she just liked to help out when she could. He dug through some of the clothes until he found something that looked like it would fit. It was a pair of khaki shorts and a bright blue and red Hawaiian shirt. When he came out of the bathroom, she couldn’t help but giggle.

  “Very sexy.”

  His dark eyes held hers for a moment and she was left speechless. He somehow looked every bit as unbearably attractive in the funny shirt. Her eyes were the first to turn away and she was about to walk passed him to leave the room, but he stopped her.

  Lois looked up at him and bit her lower lip. Conner did not let her go, but pushed her up against the door. He kissed her gently at first, the passion heating up the longer they touched. Her body sung with desire for him, something she had not experienced before. Conner made her feel alive. His hand held her chin, while the other one touched her exposed side. Conner could sense her desire and it made him want her even more. He knew it wasn’t the time to press for more, but he couldn’t help how the feel of her changed everything inside of him. Conner’s blood ran hot and there was no other thought but the woman in his arms.

  His hand moved from the side of her breast to her waist and then he cupped her curving hips with a low grunt, pulling her towards him.

  Lois whimpered, overwhelmed with pleasurable sensations at being caressed so intimately for the first time. His excitement was clear as he leaned against her leg. Her arms entwined around his neck and even though he bent down, she was on her tiptoes to reach his hungry mouth. She could feel everything inside yielding to him. Conner’s blood rushed in his veins and his hand moved lower, gripping her through her clothing. She softly cried out, unprepared for the mix of sensations. Her mind panicked while her body wanted to stay right there and take it all. She forced herself to pull away from his kisses.

  “Wait, Conner. I can’t. This is just too soon.”

  His hand moved away and she was able to breathe again, releasing the air that she had been holding in.

  “I’m sorry. I got a bit carried away. It’s hard not to do with you.” He pulled back and she whined a little under her breath. The loss of his touch was worse than the confusing feelings when he touched her.

  “Lois? Are you here dear?” a voice called from the entryway.

  Her eyes widened and she pushed him away. Beth’s unexpected return made her mind up for her. She walked out of the room and met her at the bottom of the stairs.

  “Hey, Miss Beth.”

  “Dinner will be ready in a bit dear.”

  Lois nodded. “I was going to have a guest tonight if that’s ok?”

  “Oh I like the sound of that. Did you find you a nice fella in town? It is about time child.”

  Lois gave her a look and nodded her head towards the upstairs room that Conner was in. The older woman understood quickly and tried to ease out of her comment, making it considerably worse. Beth went into the kitchen and Lois went back upstairs with a red face.

  “You need to find you a fella, huh?” Conner teased, an adorable expression on his face that reminded Lois of the moment they had just shared.

  “Apparently,” she replied.

  Chapter 6

  Dinner was perfect, as it always was. Jeffrey never showed up for the meal, and Lois was a little relieved by his absence. It was clear that the two men did not get along and Lois did not want another uncomfortable scene like at the bar. It hadn’t been so much their words, but the way they had looked at each other with h

  Conner left a little after nine, with a wave and a kiss that left Lois nearly desperate to ask him to stay with her. Lois walked back in with a smile on her face that could not be matched.

  “See I told you I would know,” Beth grinned. So how did you end up meeting Conner Vern of all people?”

  “I am renting his boat while I’m here for my research. I actually met him at Jimmy’s last night. Apparently he and Jeffrey don’t get along.”

  “I wouldn’t doubt it. You know that Conner is into wildlife retention. He made a big stink when they wanted to start developing the coastline. Conner spent a lot of money to keep it the way it is. The whole reason all the visitors come to see the animals would have been gone if the oil companies would have had their way.”

  Lois nodded, deep in thought. She liked the idea that he was active in saving the animals. It somehow made his wealth seem less intimidating, if he was utilizing it in such admirable ways. Big money made Lois nervous, but with Conner, she hadn’t really noticed. He did not carry many of the same airs that most affluent people did. Lois felt comfortable with Conner, and she could tell his full attention was on her when they were together. He didn’t seem like a workaholic, or the kind of person to lord their money over others. After spending the day with him, Lois could not think of when she had enjoyed an afternoon so much.

  That evening her thoughts were full of Conner and the hope that she would get to see him again. She saw him in her dreams, but they were full of strange things that did not much make sense to her mind.


  Monday was there before Lois knew it and she woke up feeling like she had not slept a wink. Her mind was active the whole night, dreaming up dreams that made her blush to even think about them in the daylight. Her mind and body were going through an awakening, and it was all because of Conner’s touch. The man was full of secrets and she wondered how many more he had up his sleeve.

  She was supposed to meet him at the dock, so she went to pick an outfit that would grab his attention. She knew that he liked her hair down, so she let it fall in waves around her face. There was a skip in her step and lightness in her heart that she had never felt before. Lois was walking on air with the idea of seeing him again. A girl that helped Beth around the boarding house on weekdays greeted Lois at the bottom of the stairs.

  “Here, you got a message real early this morning.”

  Lois read it and her hopes were dashed. Business had come up and Conner was not going to make it. Her whole disposition changed and she no longer wanted to go. The whole reason that she had grown up looking forward to summers in Barrow more than any other part of the year was to study and whale watch, but in the space of two days, the activity had become bland outside of enjoying the sights and discoveries with Conner. It would have been even more wonderful now, knowing that he felt so strongly about the wildlife. Somehow after such a short time of experiencing things with him, imagining the day without him was colorless and depressing.

  She headed to the dock, deciding to walk in the crisp air. The cold made it seem longer, but soon she was standing in front of ‘Fate’ wishing that the owner could be there too. She kept telling herself that she had to pull herself together, but it was hard to find the motivation. Taking a look up at the clouds, it was mostly overcast, but the sun was sure to peek through any moment. Lois started the boat and left the marina, headed towards the ice.

  The first sighting of the day was filled with excitement. Her enthusiasm for the sea creatures was rekindled as she marveled at their grace and agility. The grey whales were doing a show as they came closer to her tiny boat. She was amazed how close they were to her. Suddenly it felt as though they were too close. Lois could feel the boat rocking from the waves created by the large animals. Her heart started to pound in her chest, panic rising. Another bump from one of the large creatures caused her to let out a short yelp. The boat sloshed around and she almost lost her footing. The movement of the whales almost felt aggressive. Lois was nervous and tried to steer the boat away from the large mammals, then one large hit from the side of the boat made her fall down. She hit her head on the edge of the table as she fell, knocking herself out. The wind picked up and it started to rain, the wind biting into her body.

  Chapter 7

  Conner was overcome with a bad feeling, and his mind instantly went to Lois. He knew something was not right. He excused himself from the meeting he was in the middle of, leaving as quickly as possible. Getting in his vehicle, he headed back up to Barrow. He did not know what was wrong, but the feeling in the pit of his stomach told him that she was in some kind of trouble. He knew that she needed him and he raced towards her, unsure what he would find when he arrived.

  His feelings for Lois had evolved quickly. When he had first seen her, it had been more about getting her away from Jeffrey, but now he knew it was because he was meant to be with her. He had waited almost thirty years for her, for fate to give him his mate and he had a suffocating fear that she would be taken from him now, adding to the years of loss and brokenness he had already known. Years before he had fallen for a woman that was not meant to be his, but ignoring the signs in hopes of finding love, fate had been forced to step in, as it always did. She had been taken from him in a violent way. Conner had begun to fear that he would remain alone forever. Lois had changed all of that. Now, the same gripping fear held his heart for ransom. He couldn’t let the same thing happen to her as it had for Johanna. The very idea made him drive faster on the unpaved roads. Barrow had never felt so far away before.

  He went to the boarding house first. It was getting late and she should have been back. When Beth told him that she had been gone since early that morning, his next stop was the marina. He did not see his boat anywhere, and his heart dropped as his fear was essentially confirmed.

  Conner raised a prayer to the heavens, unsure whom he was even talking to, but asking for help nonetheless. He went back to the marina office and borrowed one of the boats. He climbed in and hastily started the engine, taking off towards the horizon. He let his instincts guide him to her and when he saw the boat off in the distance by one of the main sheets of ice by the coast, his breath started to slow down to a regular pace. As he pulled closer and saw that there was no activity on the boat as he approached, his nerves became agitated again. Leveling with the boat, his worst fears were realized and he saw her unmoving form on the bottom of the vessel. Pulling up against it, he tied off with it and scrambled to the smaller boat that he had named after the very force he now reckoned with. Fate had stepped in again and as he got closer, he feared it would be as before. Conner had been afraid to love anyone else after Johanna. Lois was the first person he had touched in that way in many years and his heart was already breaking at the thought of losing her. He had brought this upon her.


  There was no answer, and as he bent down to touch her, she was cold to the touch. She was breathing, but it was slow and shallow. He did not know how long she had been out there, but he knew that he had to warm her up quickly. Conner started to undress her from her wet clothes, trying to ignore the chaotic mix of feelings and thoughts running through his mind. It was when he pulled her against his own bare chest, that he realized it wasn’t going to be enough. Making a decision, the man decided to shift into his true form, knowing the warm fur would give her the comfort she so desperately needed.


  Jeffrey watched it all from a small stand of trees that had survived the permafrost to grow. The man that he had seen at the bar transformed into the very polar bear that he had been waiting for. He was the biggest one he had ever seen. This only drove his desire to make the kill more. Jeffrey’s hunger for victory over the beast was not influenced by who he was, just what he was at that moment. As he started to stalk closer, he saw a mostly naked woman wrapped up in the bear’s embrace and fought his body’s reaction. He had to focus now in order to get the prize. She would fall for him, just for saving her, he was sure of it.

  The blonde man raised the high-powered rifle and started to take aim. It was then that the two men’s eyes met and Jeffrey could see the man still within.

  The bear moved to protect the woman, waking Lois up with the sudden upheaval. His body heat was warming her and she started to rouse. Conner panicked, afraid she would be terrified, and he was right. There was a moment of screaming and then she paused when he looked at her. The bear was too much like the man for her not to know. She had the same feeling that she did when they were close.

  It took Lois a minute to notice Jeffrey standing at the edge of the ice bank, his gun raised at the bear. Without thinking, Lois got up and stood in front of him.

  Jeffrey yelled at her to move and the polar bear even pushed her out of the way once, but she got back up and stood in the line of fire. She yelled at the man to stop and he told her to move.

  Conner had heard enough and the bear jumped out of the boat. It dove into the water and then pulled itself up on the ice. The man who had the gun shook and started to back up as the beast got closer. Polar bears were known for their aggression, and Jeffrey had threatened this one’s mate.

  “Stop! I know what you are! I will shoot you!”

  Conner kept approaching, his black eyes fixed on the blonde man. Jeffrey backed up until a ball of ice tripped him. As he hit the ground, the gun went off, hitting the bear, then Conner roared and knocked the gun out of the man’s hands. Jeffrey was white-faced and started to beg. The pathetic display caused Conner to realize what he was doing before it was too late. The bear retreated back to the boat and the woman.

  Lois was left speechless as she watched the beast turn back into the form she recognized. Her mind tried to make sense of it, telling her that she was hallucinating, but when she looked up at Conner, she saw blood running down his arm. The bullet had clipped him and caused a superficial wound.


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