Written in the Stars

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Written in the Stars Page 6

by Jennifer Martinez

  She comes down with her lockbox and ammo and we head out to the Raptor. She climbs on the back and we are off. I turn on the ATV and we are off towards the back ten acres. This is the area of the property that is so far away from people and animals you can actually shoot safely. I keep expecting her to wrap her arms around my waist or at least grab my shoulders and she never does. We finally get out to the range and she starts prepping her Glock. I’m pretty sure she knows I have guns too, but I doubt she has any idea what I have in store for her. She cleans and loads her gun while I bring out my box of goodies. She looks up and all I can see it pupil. I can’t tell if she’s scared or excited, until she smiles.

  I set up the targets and get ready to see how she fires. You can tell a lot about a person from how they fire a gun. She walks up to the line with her safety on, and places her right foot about one foot in front of her left. She takes the safety off and lines up her shot with her left index finger still resting on the barrel. Her lungs expand as her finger moves onto the trigger and I can’t help but notice the way her hair shines in the sun. She is full of power and she doesn’t even know it. She releases her breath and squeezes the trigger firing a perfect shot to the heart. She’s deadly accurate and respectful with a gun. She doesn’t get all goofy and giggly like some girls. She knows the gun has the power and she does not take that for granted. Her finger clicks the safety and she returns the gun safely to her holster before turning around with a smile.

  “Let’s see what you got.” She instigates. Now it’s my turn. I grab my M&P and line up. Breath in, breathe out and fire. Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop. Safety on and holster.

  “Thought you could use a smile.” I say with a grin.

  “Impressive.” She responds with just a hint of jealousy.

  I trade out my handgun for the Benelli and ask her if she’s ever shot one. I explain to her how to hold the gun and what changes to make to make to her stance. I let her enjoy target practice with that while I clean the M&P. I’ve been shooting it a lot more than the rifles lately and it needs a good deep clean. Once we’ve both had our fill of the Benelli I finally bring out the M70. This is my favorite gun, sleek and powerful it reminds me a lot of my days in the military. We are always supposed to look sharp and deadly and this gun definitely fits the bill. I let her know the differences between the two rifles and let her take the first shot. The recoil on the M70 is a beast if you aren’t expecting it and her first shot nabs her pretty hard.

  “Do you mind if I touch you? You need to sit a little bit deeper for this one.” I say chuckling. She nods and I come up behind her and slide my hands on top of hers. I kick out one of her feet a few inches, bring the butt a little higher and let her shoot. This time it looks a lot smoother.

  We spend the rest of the afternoon shooting the various guns. When we get home I show her the gun safe and let her know she can keep hers there too if she likes and we head in for the night.



  You could definitely tell Coll was a military man. He kept to a more stringent schedule than anyone I had ever met. After breakfast, chores and a little bit of work we headed out to the back half of the property on his raptor and got everything set up. I set up my gun and got her ready to shoot while he grabbed his giant box from the Raptor. I’m curious to find out what he has in the box. I can only assume its some large gun but I don’t want to seem over excited so I get my own gun ready and try my best to ignore the big black box.

  I haven’t shot my Glock in over a month and I’m nervous I may be a bit rusty. I try not to think about it, its not like I have to impress Coll anyway. He’s just my possibly homosexual roommate. I decide to slow down and take it step by step like I learned in my concealed class. I walk up to the line and place my lead foot on the line with my left foot approximately one foot behind it to insure stability. With the safety still engaged, line up your shot. Release safety and make sure your shot is still good. Inhale, move finger to trigger and squeeze, never pull. The bullet shoots out of my gun and begins its spiral towards the hay and paper target on the other side of the field. I can hear when it makes contact but have to squint to see the hole right above the heart of the target. I safely reholster my gun and turn to Coll.

  “Let’s see what you got.” It feels so good to be shooting again. Shooting makes me feel fully in control of everything. I can focus and bullet will go exactly where I point it. Coll lines up for his shot and I can’t help notice his body again. Today he is wearing a green tee with a pair of AE jeans. When he raises his arms to aim you can see the definition in his forearms and I can’t help but think about what they would feel like. I think he would be a good cuddler. Why am I thinking this.

  Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop. What an ass. Really? I hit the target in the heart and he goes and makes a smiley face out of bullet holes.

  “Thought you could use a smile.” He says with a crooked grin that reminds me of Hazel’s little brother.

  “Impressive.” Is all I can trust myself to say. I move back up to continue with target practice when he comes back with the Benelli. I’ve seen the shotgun before but never shot one. I finally get a good look at the other gun he has and nearly lose it when I see its an M70. This day just keeps getting better and better. He shows me how to shoot the Benelli and I get to practice with that while he cleans his handgun. Finally, we play with the M70. The set up and stance is the same for the M70 as the Benelli but the recoil is a bit stronger. Coll reiterates the fact that I have to keep the gun tight to my shoulder, then lets me go to shoot. He was not kidding about the recoil. The first shot hits so hard the gun drifts up and I miss the target. The next time I am ready to shoot he comes up behind me and asks if he can touch me to fix my stance. This man never ceases to amaze me, now he’s asking to touch me? I can’t say it bothers me but I am shocked either way. I nod and he comes up behind me, his strong arms sliding along mine until his hands rest on top of my own. He readjusts the butt against my shoulder and steps back. The second shot hurt a lot less. Coll knew what he was talking about when it came to heavy weapons. We spent the rest of the day shooting the big guns and head in at nightfall. When we get back to the house he shows me his gun safe and tells me I can leave mine there too.



  I love having Mack around. The house actually feels lived in now. She’s clean, tidy, caring and we get along great. In the six months since she has moved in I feel closer to humanity but still far enough away to stay calm. The city has accepted her and we even went to the county fair. She fits in great here and you can see the change in her personality. She is much calmer now and open. Its nice having a friend you can trust and I hope she trusts me as much as I trust her. It’s our normal Friday night. Work and chores during the day then taco night. During dinner she tells me about the date she went on with Dale, a local farmer, but says that it was uneventful. I am glad she as at least trying to date. It shows that she is trying to move on. About fifteen minutes into the movie Blaze hops off his chair and starts pacing. Mack and I exchange glances and stare at his odd behavior. In the six years I’ve had him, he has never acted like this. He is a calm collected dog who only cares about his chickens and our late night runs. I finally hear car tires on our driveway and assume that is what is making Blaze anxious. We don’t get visitors out on the ranch but Mack assumes it is just Dale with flowers.

  She gets up to open the door and I get an uneasy feeling I haven’t felt since the day I was ambushed in Iraq. I know not to ignore the feeling a second time. I run up the stairs and manage to stop her right before she opens the door. I tell her to go stand by the library and I guess the look in my face made her decide it was in her best interest. I open the door and see a face I have never seen before but the second he opens his mouth I know exactly who it is.

  “Where is the little bitch?” Steve jeered.

  “I’m sorry sir, but I dunnae who you are talking about.” I place my hands behind my back and try
to usher Mack away from the door.

  “You know exactly who I’m talking about you red neck sack of shit.”

  “Yer have about six seconds to get off my property before I break yer face in.”

  I saw his fist clench and knew what was coming. I blocked his flying fist and it was finally time to do what I always wanted. My first fist lands right under his ribs, I hear the wheeze and know I hit him right where I was aiming. I shove him outside and close the door. I have to keep this psycho away from Mack. Still doubled over from my punch Steve charges me, knocking us both to the ground. We roll around on the ground fighting for the upper hand for a while before I finally get it. I pin him to the ground and begin to pound my fists face and sides. Soon all I can see is red and I start yelling, “How dare you! Yer scum and I hope you remember this moment forever. You are worthless and don’t deserve the air you breath!”

  Steve finally squirms out of my grip and slams his fist into my temple. I crumple in pain as the edges of my vision blur. That’s when I hear it. POW. It’s a gunshot. I instantly start checking my body for bullet holes and when I can’t find one I start to look around. Mack is standing above Steve with her Glock in her hand. She is crying, but he isn’t hit either. She holds him there, with the gun inches from his face for what seems like hours. Finally, I hear the sirens and know Sheriff Perkins is finally here. As soon as he steps out of the car, Mack lowers her gun and runs over to me.

  She checks over my body meticulously looking for anything that may be broken. She doesn’t even give Steve a second glance. I see the tears streaming down her face and suddenly my heart breaks. I always wanted to protect her and now I realize there is nothing I can do. He still found her and she still has to deal with the scars from his abuse. They are ripped wide open again.

  She wraps her arms around me and pulls me in tight. It hurts my ribs and my breath is on fire but it doesn’t matter. She is finally touching me and it makes all the pain go away. She is better than any morphine drip ever. She is the one that can heal my damage. I didn’t realize it until this moment but she is the reason I moved to this Podunk town. We were meant for each other, like a mosaic. Two pieces of broken hearts, who together make something beautiful. I finally return her embrace and feel that empty hole in my heart start to fill. I have finally found her and I will never let anyone hurt her. Sheriff Perkins coughs to get our attention and starts asking us questions. Mack goes first. She gives him the full backstory on the psycho named Steve and tells him everything. Then it’s my turn. I tell the Sheriff about his arrival at our house and the fight that ensued. He asks us if we would like to press charges against Steve and we say “yes” in unison. We both grin a little and I can see the pages being written in our future. A new story neither of us expected. Steve is already in the back of the cruiser and as soon as they pull out onto the dirt road we walk back into the house hand in hand with a whole new problem to sort out. But you know what? This is the kinda problem I like.



  I am finally home. Bonanza has accepted me and I am comfortable in my own skin again. Coll has been amazing. We’ve become great friends in the last six months and he has become my rock. We talk about everything. We have our normal schedule and this Friday is no different. After work we meet in the kitchen for taco night. It’s the only night of the week I cook because it’s the only thing I can’t screw up. I decided last month that it was finally time for me to try dating and Coll was nice enough to hook me up with Dale. My first date with farm boy was last night and it wasn’t bad but it was weird for sure. I’ve gotten so used to relaxing with Coll being around a new man was awkward. We talk about the date and finally head to the movie room for Friday fright night. This Friday’s feature is The Devils Rejects. This movie is utterly disgusting and the first few times I tried to watch it I turned it off but Coll has never seen it and so I have to pop his Rob Zombie cherry.

  Blaze suddenly jumps out of his designated spot on my lap and starts pacing around the room. For the first time, this glorious husky looks like it ancestor the wolf. His fur is raised and he is obviously unhappy about something. Coll and I look at each other bewildered at Blaze’s appearance when we hear the sound of tires on the gravel on the driveway. My first thought is Dale. He knows where we live and I assume it is him just coming to say thank you and ask me on a second date. I wave Coll back into his chair and head to the door to talk to Dale. Suddenly Coll is whizzing past me, blocking the door. The look on his face is scary. Its like he’s here but in a totally different reality. It instantly makes me think of those animals that go rogue and start killing everyone. I don’t know what he knows but it scares me enough to step back towards the library.

  When I hear the voice my blood freezes. It’s not Dale. It’s Steve. I have no idea how he found me. I covered my tracks took the long way and changed my name. I should be invisible. I start to shake and have to focus to not totally lose my mind. This is why I have a gun. I cannot let him make me weak. He and Coll are still talking and that’s when I see it. Steve’s fist clenches and I know what is next. Steve winds up and sends his fist flying through the air at Coll’s face. Coll blocks the blow and shoves him outside before slamming the door shut. I immediately run upstairs and grab my Glock from its lockbox and my phone from the nightstand. I call the Sheriff first and let him know there is an intruder and a fight. That’s when I hear the screaming. Coll is yelling at Steve. I run down the stairs just in time to see Steve take control of the situation. I cannot let Steve hurt anyone else. I plant my feet, click the safety off and aim. At the last second I shift my aim from his shoulder to the tree right behind him. The fighting immediately stops and I walk up to Steve and hold the gun inches from his face. This is the exact reason I bought this gun but I never in a million years thought I would actually have to use it. If this sorry SOB makes me shoot him it will be another reason to spit on his grave. I see the red and blue lights and when Sheriff Perkins gets out of his car and trains his gun on Steve I finally put my weapon away and run to Coll. He put his life in danger trying to protect me and I can feel my heart ripping in two at the thought of him injured. I finally reach him and start searching his injuries. My hands roam every inch of his body looking for cuts and bruises anything that may be hurting him. I know I am crying but that is the least of my worries. Coll is hurt. There is blood on his face and I can’t tell where its coming from. As soon as I realize he isn’t dying, I finally wrap my arms around my best friend and confidant. I cannot believe he just risked his life for me. I think he is just as shocked as me and finally wraps his arms around me. We cry and hug for a few minutes before Sheriff Perkins finally coughs to get our attention. We separate and prepare to answer questions. He starts with me. I explain to him who Steve is, and the reasons I came to Bonanza. That is the one part of my life I always kept from the people here. I didn’t want to dig up old demons and now it is inevitable. I go upstairs to grab the restraining order I have against Steve and when I come back down the Sheriff is talking to Coll. I give him a copy of the restraining order and he asks us if we would like to press charges. We respond in unison, “yes,” and smile. The Sheriff tips his hat and gets back into his cruiser to take Steve to the station. He will be charged with a violation of a restraining order, aggravated assault, stalking and trespassing. All of these combined should get him time. But that will be a conversation for tomorrow. It’s time for Coll and I to go inside and get him cleaned up.

  Our fingers interlace and I wrap my other hand around his arm and lead him into the kitchen. I sit him down on a chair in the breakfast nook and go grab the first aid kit.

  “Take your clothes off.” I say walking back into the kitchen. Coll looks at me completely dumbfounded. “Did you not hear me? Take your clothes off, you’re bleeding.” He looks down to wear I am pointing and sees the blood covering his body. He slowly takes off his shirt and pants wincing with every movement and that is when I see it. I’ve never seen Coll without a shirt and pa
nts. His chest and stomach are toned and covered in burn scars and his leg has a chunk missing where the bullet hit him in Iraq. I tear my eyes away from his old scars and focus on the new ones. He has a few cuts on his face that I carefully clean with alcohol and peroxide then I move to the rest of his body. His ribs are riddled with bruises and there isn’t much I can do other than apply ice and a compress. The cut on his leg is the worst. There must have been some broken glass in the yard because this cut is a bad one. I clean up the final cut as gently as possible and use butterfly bandages to close the wound and cover it with gauze and another bandage. Movie night cannot be saved. He is injured and my heart has been ripped out again.


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