Written in the Stars

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Written in the Stars Page 8

by Jennifer Martinez

  We press play and the movie starts. The Land Before time is a movie we both love and have watched before but today it has a new meaning. We are Littlefoot and Sarah, taking an adventure into a new world, learning as we go. The movie continues and her hand is in my hair, twisting my untamed locks and gently scratching my head. Before I can even comprehend what is happening, my head is resting on her lap and Blaze is curled up on the couch with us. At some point between laying my head on her lap and the movie credits we fell asleep. I woke back up the same time she did and we headed up to bed. She walked me to my room and went to open the door when I stopped her. I needed to hug her. I needed her to know she was save. How can you tell someone they are safe and make it believable? You can’t, not emotionally way.

  “Thank you for taking care of me. You didn’t have to do that.” I say, pulling her closer to me. She responds and flicks me in true Mack fashion and I can’t resist the urge any longer. I close the distance between us and wrap my arms around her shoulders. I haven’t felt this much in years. I’m happy to finally be holding her in my arms, scared I won’t be able to protect her forever, excited that we have a brand new future ahead of us and nervous she may not be willing to admit her feelings. I slowly pull away trying desperately to remember every detail of this moment before kissing her on the nose and saying good night.

  She heads off to her room while I walk into mine and collapse on the bed. There are so many thoughts running through my head I can’t even begin to imagine how to process them all. I know I need to take it slow with her but a part of me just wants to take her far away from here, to a place where she never has to worry about any of this again. I fall asleep remembering the smell of her hair and the feel of her soft skin wrapped in my arms and for the first time in years, I sleep peacefully.

  It is amazing what a peaceful night of sleep can do for a person. I can feel my injuries starting to heal as I walk down the stairs to the kitchen. Today is not a gourmet breakfast day, it’s a eat and get moving one. Mack saunters into the kitchen looking as well rested as I feel and I know its going to be a good day. We eat breakfast and head out onto the farm. We are done in record time and hop in her SUV to head to town and deal with the repercussions of Friday night. We park the car at the Sheriffs station and head in. Linda immediately starts in on the both of us making sure we are ok and voicing her opinions on Steve and as soon as Mack sees the break in conversation she ducks into the Sheriffs office. Hugh is a good man. He was always one of the people I actually enjoyed in this town. He has a good sense of right and wrong and has no problems telling it like it is. I know Mack is expecting loads of paperwork and official statements but that isn’t how the law functions in a small town like this. If you are a good person the law sides with you. In Steve’s case, that fool made more mistakes than I can count.

  It doesn’t take long for Mack to come back out. We say our goodbye’s and head out into town to start squishing rumors and spreading the truth about what happened. As we walk down the sidewalk, headed towards the diner, all I can think about is touching her. She is my drug. She can calm me down when no one else can and give me amazing dreams I never thought I would see again. I decide to give her the opportunity to make the decision and lightly bump my hand with hers. I immediately laugh at myself for pulling the only move that is as cheesy as the yawn to arm around the shoulder when her small hand slides into mine. It’s like a silk glove sliding onto my hand. She is sweet and soft, warm and caring. The rest of the walk is a breeze even with people stopping us every few feet to hear what happened. We’ve told the story five times by the time we get to the diner and it’s an even six by the time we place our orders. I can tell the girls are dying to question her about the handholding they saw when we walked in, so I give them the opportunity by heading towards the kitchen to talk to Burke.

  “Please tell me you kicked that scumbags ass.” He pleads.

  “Well, Sheriff says he has a broken nose and I know I broke a couple of his ribs so I can assure you he is far from comfortable.”

  “Good. The story is all around town. What he did to her, I’m amazed you let him live.”

  “It wasn’t the plan but when a woman whips out a gun, you stop fighting.”

  “True, the last time I ignored the barrel of a gun, Linda nearly took my foot off.”

  I glance over to see how Mack is faring and Burke catches me.

  “Well, I’ll be. Coll, you fell for her.”

  “No.. I mean yes… well maybe… I don’t know! I mean she is amazing and being around her settles me down you know but it’s always been sisterly. Until Friday. I realized as soon as I opened the door I was only kidding myself. I can’t stop thinking about her now. What if she doesn’t feel the same way?”

  “Whoah, buddy. Just calm down. Take it a step at a time. I can tell she likes you too. She’s got that doe eyed look on her face. Just relax and let it work out. And what ever you do… keep me informed!”

  “Thanks Burke. Hey, can you just keep that between us. God knows if Linda finds out the whole town will be planning our wedding before our first kiss.”

  “Will do Coll. Now go sit down, your lunch is ready.”

  We eat our meal without much interruption and head back to the house. I am still sore but I can at least move around on my own. I finally convince Mack to leave me alone and I relax and read a book while she preps for work tomorrow. She walks back into the library two hours later looking like a fish out of water. After a few minutes of comedic awkward silence I pat the seat next to me on the couch and wait for her to walk over. Based on the utterly horrified expression on her face I assume she wants to talk about the hand holding, and the nose kissing and well, all that awkward crap. She won’t stop picking at her nails and I finally place my hands over hers and just look at her.

  “Um, so yea… this… well this is awkward… I guess they always said it takes a catastrophe to show you what is important… Oh wow, so yea, no segway there. Um, you feel it too, right? Am I crazy? I mean because if you don’t, I can leave. Steve’s locked up now so I can move somewhere else. I…”

  “Stop. Mackinzie O’Brien, if you keep talking like that you are going to use up all the air in the house. Yes, I feel it too. No, you are not crazy. Please don’t move. I like you, and not in that annoying little sister way.”

  “You do? So, now what?”

  “We take it a day at a time. No rushing anything. We were friends first, so we just build from there. If it gets awkward we stop and go back to friends. Deal?” I hold my hand out and hope she grabs it. She does.


  That had to be the cutest thing I have ever seen in my entire life. I just want to pick her up and put her in my pocket. I look at her and see she is still fumbling with her hands.

  “I’m going to hug you now.” I say definitively. I wrap her tiny body, still shaking with nerves, in my arms and pull her close. I want to kiss her and it takes every ounce of willpower I have not to but this is still amazing. I know we can figure this out. We spend the rest of the evening being close to each other. She grabs her work folders and I keep reading Game of Thrones. She finally falls asleep and I carry her upstairs to her bed. I tuck her in, whisper “Thank you,” kiss her on the forehead and go back to my room for the night.



  We got back home and it was slightly awkward. I didn’t know how to act anymore. Since I saw him looking at me from across the diner I can’t get these thoughts out of my head. I want him to hold me, to let me rest my head on his shoulder. I want to lay on the couch and cuddle while reading. I head upstairs to get some prep work done for tomorrow and end up staring at the ceiling weighing out my options. I had to tell him, he had to feel the same way. No one looks at a girl with those eyes and doesn’t feel the same way. I fought with my decision for over an hour before marching down the stairs and to my possible doom. Talk about looking like a fool, I walked into the library and froze. They say there are actually th
ree responses to fear: fight, flight, or freeze. I was currently exhibiting the third option. I had that deer in the headlight face and nothing I could do would get rid of it. At first Coll looked confused, then he smiled and patted the seat next to him on the couch. That had to be a good thing, right? He wanted me next to him. I convinced myself with every step that the second butt met cushion I would just start talking. If I didn’t do it now I would never get the nerve to do it.

  “Um, so yea… this… well this is awkward… I guess they always said it takes a catastrophe to show you what is important… Oh wow, so yea, no segway there. Um, you feel it too, right? Am I crazy? I mean because if you don’t, I can leave. Steve’s locked up now so I can move somewhere else. I…”

  Thank God, he stopped me. He did feel the same way and lucky for me he wasn’t scared out of his mind about talking about it. We agreed to take everything slow and then he hugged me. He kind of asked, kind of just told me and then I was wrapped in the arms of heaven. He held me tight and I rested my buzzing head on his shoulder. It was honestly, the best hug I had ever experienced. It was warm, secure, comforting and uplifting. Coll didn’t hold me down, he gave me wings. We lay on the couch for hours, reading and relaxing. Comfortable with each other and ourselves. At some point my eye lids become heavy, while every breath breathes in his comforting scent, and I fall asleep.

  I wake up the next morning in my bed. I assume Coll brought me up last night and that’s when I remember. Oh. My. God. I must have looked like a raging lunatic last night. Hopefully he meant what he said or I may have to blame stress for my emotional outbreak. Just in case it is the former, I make sure to get extra pretty. I take a shower, throw on clean form fitting clothes and even dab on some eyeliner before walking downstairs. I nearly burst when I see him in the kitchen with his pink apron on. He doesn’t even look injured anymore. I’m sure he is but at least he can walk around now.

  “Good Morning Sunshine.” I say while filling my coffee mug with the elixir of life.

  “Good Morning to you too! You look quite fetching today” he responds punctuating his statement with a kiss on my forehead.

  I lean against the kitchen counter and enjoy the view. It really is happening. When breakfast is ready we sit down at the table and talk. Just like before. Everything, and nothing, has changed between us and it just solidifies the fact that his man really is a gift from above. We hug and go our separate ways for the day.

  My workday is boring. Thankfully there haven’t been any natural disasters lately so we are just running our normal campaigns. I do what I can and prep a few what if caseloads to be prepared.

  I haven’t talked to Hazel in a few weeks and decide I finally have enough going on to warrant a phone call. I make her talk first because I know, once she hears my stories its going to kill any other conversation. After three bouts of uncontrollable laughter, one near to tears moment, and two what the hells she finally asks, “So whats up with you?”

  “Oh, you know the usual. Get stalked by your ex husband and have him threaten to kill your ex Navy Seal room mate, shoot at him and fall for the Seal. You know, your normal weekend.”

  “Whoah, wait. Hold the damn phone. Number one, fall for the Seal. Oh my God woman finally. Thank you tell me all about it did you kiss are his hugs as delectable as we have imagined? What about his butt, TELL me you grabbed his butt… Number two, please tell me Coll beat the ever loving daylights out of that prick.”

  Extremely satisfied with her reaction, I go on to give her the in depth run down of what happened over the weekend. After the play by play of Steve getting his ass kicked and me nearly shooting his face off we get into the juicy stuff. I still haven’t had a girl to talk about this with and I am so happy I can finally gush.

  “I don’t know what to do! I mean he’s nice and all but so was Steve in the beginning. Now, I know he is no Steve but I don’t want to make the same mistake twice. And what if it doesn’t work out? Then I’m out of a home too. I can’t stop thinking about him though. I fell asleep in his arms last night. I mean come on, how amazing is that? You still need to come out here and visit. I am never dating anyone again without the Hazel stamp of approval.”

  “Well, at least you learned your lesson. I actually have some vacation time next month I can drive out then.”

  We finished planning her trip to the middle of nowhere and said our goodbyes. Today is honestly the best day of my life so far. I can’t wait to see what else this new life has to offer.



  Another night of great sleep, filled with amazing dreams. I could totally get used to this. I head downstairs and start on some French toast. Every morning just gets better. Today, she is wearing a nice pair of jeans and a form-fitting shirt.

  “Good Morning Sunshine.” She says pouring coffee into her giant mug.

  “Good Morning to you too! You look quite fetching today.” I want to pick her up, spin her around and plant one right on her lips but, decide to take my own advice and only kiss her on the forehead instead. Instead of taking her normal perch at the table she is leaned up against the counter, staring at me. I love that she looks at me that way. It’s like a fine art collector looking at a beautiful piece and admiring it. When she is by my side I feel like I am worth a million dollars and nothing can stop me from accomplishing my goals.

  Our breakfast is pleasantly normal. We talk about the work that needs to be done around the house, how her job is going and we laugh at Blaze while he chases butterflies outside in the yard. We hug and go our separate ways for the day. I get all the farm work done and decide its time to take a better look through the house. I don’t want to get rid of everything but having Mack in my life now makes me feel more comfortable turning this house into my own. I start in the kitchen. Once I have removed all the decorations that aren’t me I move to the master bedroom. While I don’t plan on moving into the room without Mack I want it to be ready if we ever do decide to go there.

  Every piece I touch is a memory. I loved my aunt and uncle but I can finally let them go and move on. This house is no longer a live in shrine but a home. I can’t wait to show her this room. It came out amazing. I close the door and save the surprise for the perfect time. Every moment of downtime I have, I find my mind drifting back to thoughts of her. The way her red hair drapes around her shoulders, perfectly framing her collarbone. Her eyes, they are always the dead giveaway to her emotions. Her strong yet feminine arms, ready to work or to nurture. I already know this is the girl for me but she needs the time to come to her own conclusions. I don’t want to force her into anything. I start looking at rings. I don’t want to buy anything yet because we really have only been dating a few days but I know in my bones that eventually we will be married. She deserves the worlds biggest Tiffany’s diamond but I know she would not like it so I begin my hunt for something that fits her personality.



  Today is our one-year anniversary. It’s been an amazing year and it seems like so much has happened since the day Steve changed everything. Coll has something planned for today but he won’t tell me anything. I think back through everything that has happened in the last year and I revel in how lucky I really am to have Coll in my life. He saved my life twice. He has stood by me every moment of the last year helping me to bury my demons and become the woman I was always meant to be.

  It’s amazing the difference trust makes in a relationship. I was with Steve for years before I was ready to marry him but with Coll it’s different. If he asked me today, I would say yes. I sit back in my chair and watch as the snow falls, blanketing the land in soft white layers. Last year, the snows came late and we missed the pretty snowfall you see on TV but this year we already had three inches sticking and it was only November.

  I put on my grey sweater and coat and head downstairs to meet my Prince. That is truly what he has become to me. He is my knight in shining armor, my beacon in the dark. When I get downstairs, I can’t
find him. I walk out to the back porch and find a small pink box with a tag that says open me. I tear the paper away and lift the lid of the box and find a pink beanie that is the perfect mix of snug and slouchy. I put my new awesome hat on and see the note on the bottom of the box. I know I’m not the only man in your life, why don’t you go see your other stallion. I laugh at the hint and sprint towards the stables. The only other man in my life is Thunderbird, and if he has a present for me I will be shocked and amazed.

  I shove open the barn door and gasp at the inside. The entire barn is covered in white LED lights. Coll even made it snow in the barn. I grab a carrot from the treat box and head to Thunderbirds slot. He is not in there but another surprise and note is waiting for me. This one is a black fleece blanket, the note says remember your first day? I walk to the back of the stable and out the back door where I see Thunderbird all mounted up and ready for a ride. Coll is there too.

  “Took you long enough, I almost gave up on you.” He jokes.

  “Well, you are never on time anyways so I thought I could be a few minutes late.”

  “Now you know that ain’t true. Take it back or I will turn these horses around.”

  “OK, ok. I take it back. Now get to riding, Charming. I’m excited.”

  We rode through the woods and back to the cliff were he brought me my first day in Bonanza. He had it all set up. There was a picnic set up in the snow and he even had music playing from the iPod I bought him last Christmas. Everything was perfect. I knew I should expect nothing less but he still surprised me.


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