‘Let’s not get too crazy.’ Sofia bit her lip as her mouth spread into a coy smile.
‘No, let’s.’ Roberto’s face lit up and he dropped to one knee. ‘Sofia, will you climb aboard and be my Fairy Queen?’
‘Yes,’ she gasped through a burst of laughter as happy tears sprang to her eyes. ‘But how?’ She looked down at the wide gap between the platform and the float.
‘Allow me.’ Fabrizio appeared from behind her and clicked his fingers at two gargantuan security guards on the ground by the barrier in front of the stage.
The crowd whistled and screamed their delight as the beefy men jumped to action and reached up to Sofia. Gripping their strong hands, she carefully alighted the platform and sat on their broad shoulders. Her heart soared as they carried her effortlessly across the divide, onto the float and into Roberto’s outstretched arms.
* * *
‘I’m never going to let you go.’ Roberto squeezed Sofia tightly as the float inched back into the festival procession. The spectators lining the seafront cheered loudly and waved as they slowly passed by.
Sofia nuzzled into his chest and inhaled deeply. ‘Bergamot, iris... and a hint of sage.’
‘What?’ Roberto clutched her shoulders as he drew back to look at her.
‘Your fragrance.’
‘Do you mean...’
‘Uh huh.’ Sofia beamed at him. ‘A couple of weeks ago, out of nowhere my senses came back, perfectly intact as though they’d never left.’
‘Bellissima!’ Roberto pulled her back into his arms absorbing the warmth of her supple body pressed against his bare skin. He blocked out the deafening crowd as he luxuriated in the euphoria of Sofia’s embrace, trying to convince himself this wasn’t a dream.
‘I get the feeling we’re being watched,’ she laughed into his ear.
‘I don’t care.’ Their audience roared ecstatically as Roberto swept Sofia up into his arms and planted his lips firmly on hers. As her welcoming tongue entwined with his a familiar flavour intensified the rush of endorphins surging through his blood.
‘I can taste it,’ he whispered, lowering her back to her feet. ‘Your ornella chocolate. I’m so glad you made it. I saw the fairies handing them out.’
‘Let’s sit, I want to show you something.’ Sofia interlaced her slender fingers through his and pulled him close. She lead them to two ivy-covered thrones, resplendent with exotic ferns and juniper berries, overlooking the mossy stage of the float as the cupids played ‘Fly Me to the Moon’, the uplifting melody a perfect match for Robert’s joy at having Sofia back by his side.
‘What is it?’ he asked as they sat.
‘When I could finally smell the ornella nectar and taste my chocolate, it was like my memory was on steroids. It was so evocative of my mother as I knew it would be.’ She stroked his hand tenderly, her eyes glistening with fresh tears. ‘And I know how important it was to you too. So I made a special edition of my cioccolatino fiori, I hoped you’d be here today so I could give it to you.’
Sofia picked up her little basket that Roberto had barely noticed until now, and offered it to him. Unlike her chocolates that the fairies were handing out, these were wrapped in coloured wax paper.
Roberto’s heart heaved as he picked up one of the little dolci and held it in his palm, immediately recognising the floral design on its wrapping. The vibrant vermillion and gold wildflowers of one of Matteo’s paintings from Baraldo shone in his hand, like a fragment of his happiest childhood memory.
‘How...’ Raw emotion gripped his voice.
‘I rang Villa Castello and asked for a photo of Matteo’s painting. This is just a prototype for now in case you didn’t want me to—’
‘I love it.’ Roberto’s eyes flicked from the chocolate to the beautiful woman who’d created it for him.
‘I thought we could release it as a special edition. This one’s decorated with gold leaf.’ She arched an eyebrow, a cheeky glint in her eye. ‘The cioccolatino fiori wrapped in Matteo’s artwork. A collaboration between Bonaparte’s and Conti. Finally put our past to rest and maybe...’
‘Start a future together?’
‘Yes,’ she said softly.
Elation soared through Roberto as he stared into Sofia’s loving caramel-flecked eyes unable to believe she’d not only forgiven him but wanted to spend her life with him. He lunged across and pulled her onto his lap, her silken tresses tangling in his grasp as he cradled her nape, his eyes lost in hers. Sofia wound her fingers around his neck unleashing a flood of desire as she found his mouth again.
The fairy band leapt forward to serenade them as the delighted crowd roared at their passionate abandon.
Sofia laughed as she drew back, her joyful eyes sparkling at his. ‘Please, my Fairy King,’ she said with mock sincerity, clasping her hands together. ‘Won’t you sing again?’
‘Anything for you my queen. But first.’ Roberto wriggled out from under her to stand. He reached into her basket and handed Sofia a cioccolatino fiori then carefully unwrapped his. ‘To us,’ he said, raising the gold-encrusted sweet.
‘To us.’ Sofia grinned unwrapping her cioccolatino and gently tapping it against his.
Savouring his chocolate, Roberto grinned and turned to a rotund bass player. ‘Cupid, my microphone per favore.’
* * *
Sofia clapped exuberantly, fighting to control her girlish giggling as Roberto finished his performance of ‘Can’t Take My Eyes Off You’. He bowed theatrically to the festival’s adoring audience. His inhibitions well and truly gone in the name of love for her.
‘What are you laughing at?’ He feigned offence as he passed the microphone back to the band’s bass player.
‘I think you’ve found your calling.’
‘And how about this?’ He held out his cape and shimmied for her, his tanned muscles rippling in the afternoon sun. ‘You like?’
‘Very much.’ She grinned.
‘Exposed, yes?’
‘Fabrizio doesn’t do subtle.’ Roberto laughed, plonking onto the fairy throne beside her. He reached for Sofia’s hand, interlacing his fingers with hers as he held it against his chest, his rapid heartbeat penetrating her skin.
Sofia lazily slumped back, the noise of the crowd receding beyond her consciousness as blissful satisfaction cleansed every part of her. All her senses fully awakened and sated. The sight of Roberto’s dark chocolate eyes gazing at her with heartwarming tenderness; the smooth harmonies of the swing band enticing her ears with the soundtrack of her childhood; and the fragrant salty air the perfect accent to the elation sweeping over her, washing away the pain of her past.
‘I love the smell of the sea.’ Sofia breathed deeply, rolling her head on her chair’s cushioned back.
Roberto smiled as he sandwiched her hand in his. ‘How did your senses came back, after all this time?’
‘My specialist said sometimes it just happens, out of the blue, without explanation. Sometimes a physiological change, like acupuncture, can be a trigger. There’s still so much they don’t know about the condition.’
‘You tried acupuncture, no?’
‘Many times, with no luck.’ Sofia tried to focus on what she was saying but she couldn’t shake an unnerving thought, slowly unfurling as her mind raced over the last few weeks. A physiological change.
Maybe heartache and nerves hadn’t been responsible for her constant nausea. Maybe it was something else. Something she’d felt a long time ago. Something she’d thought she’d never feel again. She shot a hand to her mouth.
‘Sofia?’ Roberto sat forward, his forehead wrinkled with concern.
She shifted her hand from her mouth to cradle her whirling head as she gazed around the float. At the thousands of spectators lining the promenade, the brass band of Snow White’s dwarves playing loudly on the road ahead, masses of every flower imaginable, the fairies handing out her precious chocolate. At Roberto beside her, his expectant face waiting for her to an
He vowed he loved her, he’d announced it to the world. He’d sang for her in a transparent gold lamé fairy costume for god’s sake. She could trust him not to leave her. Couldn’t she?
She leant over and clasped his hands. ‘I think maybe...’ Her pulse raced, she closed her eyes, forcing herself to breathe.
‘Sofia, whatever it is, you can tell me.’
She lifted her head, opening her eyes to find Roberto’s gaze, so caring and reassuring. Loving eyes, filling her with the confidence to tell him what in her heart she knew. ‘I’m pregnant.’
‘What?’ Roberto’s eyes widened with what looked like surprised delight. ‘Are you sure?’
‘Pretty sure. I just realised I’m late and I’m never late. But I’ve been so distracted I didn’t notice. I thought—’ she scoffed and a flush of embarrassment warmed her cheeks. ‘I just thought I was lovesick.’
‘A baby? I never thought I’d...’ Roberto leapt out of his seat and pulled Sofia up into his arms in a bear hug, spinning them around as he laughed elatedly. ‘I’d thought nothing could make me happier than having you back in my life,’ he said as they came to a standstill. ‘And now this.’
‘I love you so much,’ Sofia said through another outbreak of tears. She flung her arms around Roberto’s neck and sobbed into his chest, unable to control the overwhelming emotion that flooded through her. The shock of being pregnant gave way to the pure joy she felt in Roberto’s loving arms.
The crowd lining the esplanade thundered their enthusiasm at Sofia and Roberto’s blatant display of affection while the cupids launched into a lively rendition of Sinatra’s ‘Come Fly with Me’. With the flavour of her ornella chocolate still lingering in her mouth, Sofia breathed in Roberto’s spicy scent, absorbing it into every part of her being. All her senses rejoicing; each defining her fairytale ending. Though none greater than the sensation of having Roberto in her arms, his loving touch forever imbued in her memory.
Sofia turned her face up towards the glorious morning sunshine streaming through the open-air roof of the ancient church ruin. She closed her eyes, absorbing its warmth as she delighted in the nostalgic scent of jasmine permeating the fragrant spring breeze.
‘Everything okay?’ Sofia jumped at Roberto’s voice over her shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her waist, interlocking his fingers with hers.
‘The calm before the storm.’ She rested her head back against his firm chest. ‘The guests will be arriving soon. How’s your mother?’
‘In the kitchen at Villa Castello ordering the staff around like she owns the place.’
‘She does,’ Sofia laughed.
‘We all do now amore.’ Roberto nuzzled down into the crook of her neck. ‘In a few hours you’ll be my wife.’
‘It’s about time you made an honest woman of me.’
She giggled as Roberto growled, kissing the hollow of her collarbone knowing it still made her weak at the knees. His hips pressed against her as his hands shot up to cup her peaking breasts, guaranteeing a rush of pleasure to her core.
‘Someone will see us,’ she protested half-heartedly, betraying her words as she raised one arm and ran her fingers through his thick hair.
‘Hot isn’t it?’ His warm breath tickled her tingling skin.
‘Not if it’s your mother.’ Sofia turned to face him and draped her hands around his neck. ‘Or our son.’
‘Matteo’s playing with Rachel, some sort of special game for cousins only. Your sister’s looking after them. We have time.’ Roberto’s eyes gleamed at her as he clenched her behind, pulling her against his obvious arousal.
Sofia inhaled sharply, trying to subdue the desire that quickly rose within her. ‘I have to get ready.’
‘We’ll be quick.’ Roberto leant down and teased her mouth with the brush of his warm lips, unleashing her hold on her feeble resistance. Sofia drove her fingers through his luscious hair as she stood on tiptoes, inviting his sensual tongue into her mouth.
Hints of burnt orange and dark cacao tantalised Sofia’s taste buds. ‘You’ve been eating chocolate,’ she said, arching back as Roberto trailed kisses down her neck.
‘Si,’ he mumbled. ‘I’ve been preparing for tonight.’
‘With chocolate?’
‘It’s key to my seduction.’
‘It’s our wedding night, my love, give me a shot of grappa and I’m a sure thing.’ She smiled seductively as Roberto straightened to look at her.
‘Remember that night on the rooftop, before the gala?’ he asked.
‘How could I forget? Matteo was conceived that night.’
‘Maybe it’s time we do it again.’ Roberto’s eyes shone at her. ‘A little brother or sister. What do you think?’
Unease fluttered in Sofia’s stomach. ‘We might not be able to. I mean I don’t know if I’ll be able to, again. After the first time... maybe we were just lucky with Matteo.’
Roberto squeezed her in his comforting arms. ‘Sofia, you and Matteo are my life. I don’t need anything else. But it would be fun to try, no?’ The wicked glimmer returned to his eyes. ‘And who knows what might happen?’
Sofia stared at him in wonder. He’d filled her heart with love and she’d given all of hers to him, thinking it would be impossible to give any more. Then Matteo was born and incredibly her heart expanded with enough love for them both.
‘Ah, here are my lovebirds.’ Fabrizio’s familiar voice broke the silence as he stepped over a collapsed section of the stone wall into the vast space. ‘Behaving yourselves I hope... not!’ He chortled as he approached them with open arms, carefully stepping around the scattered rocks of the disintegrated floor.
‘Impeccable timing as ever.’ Roberto patted Fabrizio warmly on the back as they embraced.
‘You have a lifetime with her to look forward to, Berto. But now, the bride and I have work to do, yes?’ Fabrizio turned to Sofia with open arms.
‘Of course.’ She kissed her old friend on each cheek. ‘Roberto doesn’t mind waiting, do you amore?’
‘Until tonight bella mia.’ He winked.
‘Brava, let’s go.’ Fabrizio clapped his hands and spun back towards the exit.
‘I’ll be right there,’ Sofia called after him. She reached up to Roberto and kissed him softly on the lips. ‘Let’s try.’
She gasped as he suddenly scooped her into his embrace and twirled them around, everything becoming a blur except for his glistening eyes, brimming with a hint of tears. Exhilaration swept through Sofia imagining the immense happiness of their future together.
‘So, wedding first,’ Roberto said breathlessly as he lowered her to the ground. ‘Then grappa and chocolate.’ He raised his eyebrows at her.
‘So-fi-a!’ Fabrizio’s distant voice rang out from outside the church.
‘Sounds good. I better go,’ Sofia said. ‘I’ll see you at the altar my Fairy King.’
‘I’ll never live that down will I?’
‘Never.’ She cackled and hummed ‘L. O. V. E.’ as she shimmied towards the exit. ‘And don’t forget the blindfold,’ she called over her shoulder.
‘Grappa, chocolate.’ Sofia turned to Roberto shining in the dappled sunlight. Her golden god. ‘And a blindfold.’
Thanks for reading Only for Show, I hope you enjoyed it.
You’ve just read the second book in my Only You series. The first book in this series is Only for Pretend.
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Only For Pretend
Charlotte Marigold
She’s always been the good girl, but this trip to Italy will show Annabella that love and chocolate can both be sweet, tempting – and dangerously addictive.
When infamous playboy Alessandro De Costa entices Little Miss Sensible, Annabella Beaumont, to be his master chocolatier and faux fiancée, neither anticipate the deception – or passionate seduction – that will follow.
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Now, as she slowly succumbs to the playboy’s charms, Annabella struggles with sweet temptation – as well as secrets that could ruin everything.
*Previously published as Hot Chocolate by Charlotte de Pace
Find it here.
ISBN: 9781489271761
Title: Only For Show
Copyright © 2019 by Charlotte Marigold
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All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.
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