Ascend (The Vampire Destiny Series Book #4)

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Ascend (The Vampire Destiny Series Book #4) Page 14

by Alexandra Anthony

  He took another long drawl and flicked the cigarette away. Smoke streamed from his nostrils, hanging in the air between us. "Fletcher. Fletcher Ahearne."

  His words stunned me. Another brother. "I thought Nikolaus and I were the only ones left." Instinctively, I blurred to his side and wrapped him in my arms. He stiffened underneath me at first, but relaxed against me after a moment. I felt his hand pat me on the shoulder awkwardly. He'd obviously had enough of my overactive emotions.

  I pulled away slightly to stare into eyes that were so much like my own it frightened me. Were there more of us? Could there be?

  "You're a vampire now. Did he change you?" Fletcher asked gruffly. "I've been this way for 228 years. Liev refuses to turn me. Says he doesn't want to be a maker."

  "No, I did not change her. Our mutual exchanges triggered the change. We are bonded." Stefan took a cautious step closer and raised his hands in a non-defensive gesture. "I am nearly 1,000 years old and I have only two progenies. Most vampires do not want anyone beholden to them."

  "You killed you own kind," Fletcher grunted. His eyes tightened into slits.

  "I did. Not by my choice. The Board and Council are corrupt and I was appointed to do a job. It was kill those found guilty or die myself," Stefan replied calmly. "I can see the future, but I cannot change the past. Your future can go two ways. This is your sister before you. She has an older sibling…your brother. You can trust us or choose not to. That is your decision. For Josephine's sake, I hope you are worth the trouble."

  Fletcher's eyes flickered between Stefan and me. He turned and started to walk away, only to spin around and face us both again. "Trusting people can get you killed, man."

  Stefan wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me against him. He placed a kiss against my temple. "You are correct. It can also save your life."

  Fletcher closed his eyes and raised his face to the sky. The moon illuminated his sharp features for a moment before it slipped behind a cloud, casting shadows over his face.

  "Liev, what the fuck? What are we supposed to do?" Fletcher asked. He closed his eyes and both of his hands clutched his hair. He dropped to his knees at our feet.

  Liev stood and walked to my brother's side. "That's what we have to decide. It's time, Fletcher. We knew it would come. She's more powerful than I imagined she'd be."

  Sudden anger flared inside of me, unfurling and warming me from head to toe. My teeth ground together and when I spoke, my voice didn't sound like my own. "You knew when I was a child that I had at least one sibling, yet you kept him from me? Did my uncle know about Fletcher?"

  Liev's eyes widened as he sensed my sudden anger. "I did, but he didn't know. No one knew. Kian knew of your whereabouts and I couldn't risk him finding out about Fletcher. He was being hunted."

  My breathing became shallow as I battled my anger. The glare I shot him was filled with venom. "So it was fine for Kian to come after me but not Fletcher? What kind of fucked up reality do you live in?"

  "Josephine. You have to control your anger. You could kill them both." Stefan’s mind voice was soft. He continued to lovingly hold me, attempting to ease my building fury.

  It wasn't working.

  "It wasn't like that. I had no choice." Liev pleaded his case. He had wrapped an arm around Fletcher's shoulders. "He's like my son and your uncle was protecting you. He knew one day you'd have a mate."

  "My uncle was killed by Kian, you fool. My uncle and my aunt were murdered because of me. I was alone and on the run for years. And you still didn't fucking care enough to tell me. You came to their funeral. You consoled me and paid your respects. You knew I was alone," I spat angrily. "You could have helped me. You had my brother. You helped him but left me on my own anyway?”

  I broke free of Stefan and my shield unleashed on the forest. Like a hurricane, it uprooted trees and snapped them in half like brittle twigs. The wind howled around us as my fury dissipated and I could once again control it.

  I crumpled to the ground, my shoulders shaking with sobs. Stefan was at my side instantly and I reached for him, clinging to him desperately. He spoke softly to me, but I couldn't understand the words. I could only feel his arms holding me and his hands stroking my hair. I wasn't sure how long we sat like that until I heard Fletcher's long whistle and awed voice.

  "Holy fucking hell."

  Pulling my head from the comfort of Stefan's chest, I looked at my brother. He had stood and was taking in the scene around him with a look of admiration. The smell of fresh timber and turned over earth was heavy in the air. He looked at Liev for a moment and then he glanced back at me. I saw the familiar gleam of anger flicker across his face. He was going to snap...and it was going to be soon.

  "You knew about her and you didn't tell me?" Fletcher screamed. His ferocity matched my own. "You left her to her own devices after I told you what he was capable of. She’s my blood, Liev."

  "I thought I was doing what was right. You have to understand..."

  "I fucking get it. She fucking gets it. Her fucking vampire mate gets it. But don't tell me to fucking understand it." His voice was shrill in the night air. "Know this, Liev. I'll never, ever fucking trust you again. It's done. It’s DONE!"

  Fletcher crouched down until he was level with me. Releasing a resigned sigh and a soft, shy smile, he pulled out a pen and grabbed my hand, scrawling numbers on my palm. "I'm going now. When you're ready to talk, call me. I'll be around until I decide where I'm heading. There’s no place for me here anymore."

  He held my hand for a moment. He looked up at Stefan and a small smile pulled at his sharp features. "I'm sorry about bring a dick earlier. I didn't..."

  "Your apology is unnecessary. She will contact you," Stefan cut him off and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Decisions have to be made. You have a large one to contemplate."

  My brother stood and tossed a defiant look over his shoulder. "I'm fucking done with his lying ass. He lied to me about my blood. He knew how important it was to me to know I had someone out there like me. He knew how much it would mean to me and he played fucking God."

  Stefan kissed my forehead and sighed. "He could have chosen not to tell you that he met with us, yet he told you now. That must count for something, yes? We all keep secrets, Fletcher. Sometimes our interests cloud our decisions. Josephine had no idea that supernatural creatures existed. Her uncle attempted to protect her from this world. He died trying to keep her safe."

  Fletcher kicked at the soft ground with the toe of his boot. "You're right. He could have worked some spell and protected her too, but he left her to fend for herself. I could have kept her safe." Fletcher said with a defiant sparkle in his jade eyes. "I have to go. I can't do this anymore. Not tonight."

  He broke off into a sprint across the clearing, disappearing into the darkness of the woods. It seems my half-brother shares my trait of running away when the going gets tough. Genetic…or self-preservation?

  “Possibly both.” Stefan picked me up into his arms, cradling me against his chest. My head fell against his collarbone. I was too weak to even raise my head.


  Stefan turned slightly to look at the broken vampire in front of him. "Now is not the time for regrets. What is done is done. Liev, I must attend to my mate now. If it were solely my decision, I would rip you limb from limb for what you have done to my wife and her sibling. But once Fletcher's anger calms, he would hate me for it as would Josephine. Do not contact her. She has been betrayed enough already. If she chooses to reach out to you, I will not prevent her. I only ask as her mate and her husband to respect and honor my request."

  His arms tightened around me as he carried me through the clearing. Once we hit the trees, he was a blur, running at full speed through the heavy foliage.

  "Can we trust anyone?" I murmured weakly. My fingers wrapped around his t-shirt and I snuggled deeper into his chest.

  "We only trust one another and those closest to us. Our bonds to one another cannot lie."

  It was then I realized I hadn't taken the time to see if I could read Fletcher's mind. The shock and surprise of meeting him had completely overwhelmed me.


  Two bags of blood later, I was feeling stronger and clear-headed. The combination of my outburst in the woods and the meeting with my stepbrother had depleted me of my strength.

  We sat curled on the couch, each lost in our thoughts. I heard the distant rumble of thunder and the sound of rain pinging against the window. I disentangled myself from his arms and walked to peer outside. My mind was a million miles away as I stared into the darkness. Was Fletcher out there? Was he safe?

  "We will call him tomorrow of it will make you feel better, vackra." Stefan said. He hadn't moved from the couch. "He will be fine. He seems...resourceful."

  Thinking back to our meeting, if I'd been human, Fletcher would have frightened me. He was handsome; however, it was in an untamed, outlaw sort of way. If he walked into a room, you'd notice and remember him. I'm sure Kian hadn't forgotten his son that escaped either.

  "I'm worried about Kian. We still don't know where he is. We're all at risk." I let out an unnecessary breath. I glanced over my shoulder and gave him a rueful smile. "When will it be our time? I want to be with you without siblings popping up, without Kian lurking over our shoulders. I want to remember everything, Stefan. The good, the bad...even the ugly. I know I'm being greedy, but I'm ready for our life to begin. You and me."

  I heard the creak of the floorboards as he moved to encase me in his arms. He pulled me into his broad chest, dipping his head to my shoulder. I watched our reflection in the window as he held me, admiring the golden glow of his hair against the darker strawberry blond of my own. His sea blue eyes met my wide green in the reflection and he kissed my neck softly.

  "It is always our time. There will always be a secret to hide or an enemy to face. It is our life, either as a vampire or a human. If we were mere mortals, we would have lives that would require secrecy. We would have conflicts to face. We simply have different conflicts and lies to bury." He nuzzled my neck with his nose. "I would prefer peace, but I would not give you up to have it. Do you understand?"

  Nodding, I let my head fall to the side so his lips could continue their exploration. "I wish I had known you when you were human...when we were both human. I know what I was, but I only took on a human form to be with you. And you died..."

  "It took me nearly one thousand years and I found you." His voice was hoarse and sadness filled the bond between us. "Yet it was always you, my love. You were made for me and I am a servant at your feet, unworthy of such love and beauty."

  A sob caught in my throat and I turned in his arms to face him. I held his beautiful face in my hands, my eyes searching his. "Never say that. Never say you're unworthy of our love." I captured his lips with mine, swallowing his words. I tugged at his lower lip with my teeth. "You showed me what it is to love. I'd be lost without you...without us."

  Lightning lit up the sky and the resounding rumble of thunder shook the windowpane. The energy between us increased, as if the storm was feeding my lust.

  "Do you feel it? Surely you must feel the energy," Stefan’s lips brushed against mine. I heard the soft click of his fangs as they dropped. "I want to make love to you, yet I want to claim you. I want to stake my claim that you belong only to me."

  My mouth dropped to his neck and my own fangs dug into my lower lip. I dragged them over his satin skin. I stretched my neck and offered myself to him. "I want you to fuck me and then I want you to make love to me. I want it all, Stefan. But most importantly, I just want you."

  The bond between us turned into a swirling chaos of need and want. Love, desire and lust had clouded coherent thought. With impatient hands, his t-shirt was ripped away and my blouse in shreds on the floor. My jeans met a similar fate, torn in pieces around my feet.

  He released me long enough to remove his jeans when another burst of lightening flashed. The power flickered once before it went out, leaving us in darkness. Seeing my opportunity, I darted away from him. I was out the French doors and into the woods before Stefan had realized I'd left him.

  The pelting rain drenched my skin and was loud against the overhanging branches and leaves. As I ran deeper into the forest, I knew he'd find me; I couldn't hide from him even if I tried. I wanted him to find me because I knew he'd be angry when he found me. A shiver of excitement ran down my spine as I ran silently through the rain, my feet barely touching the sodden earth, clad in only my bra and panties. I was anxious to see the true predator side of Stefan in action. The last time he’d pursued me I’d been partially human. This time…this time I wanted him to treat me as his equal.

  His unbreakable equal.

  Slowing my speed, I listened for any sign that he was following close behind. My eyes darted around the darkened woods and I turned from side to side nervously. Every sense was on alert, waiting for any rustle of leaves or the crackle of displaced branches as a warning of his approach. It wasn't until I felt his hands on my arms and I felt the impact of his body pinning me against a moss-covered tree that I realized the hunter had been victorious. He had found his prey.

  "Ah, you ran only for me to find you. You have no idea the dangerous game you are playing." Stefan pressed me harder against the tree, the bark digging into my skin. He towered over me, rain dripping from the ends of his golden hair. The dark of his pupils had eclipsed the blue of his eyes, his handsome face seemed carnal and dangerous. His fingers snapped open the front of my bra, my breasts spilling into his hands. He pressed them together, lowering his mouth to pull first one nipple and then the other into his mouth roughly. "You drive me to the point of insanity."

  With those words, he slid my panties down my legs, leaving me naked against him. He slid between my open thighs, his cock twitching against the hot slickness of my pussy.

  Drops of water dripped from his face in rivulets onto my neck, the coolness a scorching contrast to the burning of my skin against his. I wrapped my legs around his hips and pulled him to me. My arms encircled his shoulders, my nails digging into his back. "Don't talk, Stefan. You caught me. Claim what’s yours."

  Another flash of lightning sparked over us, lighting up the woods for the briefest of moments. I could see the intensity in his eyes, the lust that had clouded his reason. He buried himself inside of me in one swift stoke, his hips setting a punishing, exquisite rhythm.

  My loud, keening cries and his grunts echoed around us. The pouring rain made our bodies slick, our skin moving easily against each other. Rolling my hips, I met each stroke and begged him for more. "Don't stop! Don't ever stop! Fuck!"

  An animalistic growl fell from his lips as he claimed me. He was taking what I willingly offered him: my body, my soul and my love. It belonged to him, just as he belonged to me.

  "You are mine. MINE!" His thrusts increased and he slid even deeper than before. My eyes fluttered closed and I lost myself into just feeling…pushing every stray thought and worry from my mind, if only for the moment. I could feel the coarse hair on his chest rubbing against my sensitive nipples, his warm breath against my neck. If I was a human, I couldn't have kept up with the speed and power of his thrusts. He had filled me completely and we still weren't close enough.

  I felt myself tighten around him as I spiraled towards my release. It was when another strike of lightning crackled across the sky that I fell over the precipice, my screams drowned out by the rain and the roaring thunder. Stefan pumped a final time before he exploded inside of me, the force of his body against mine cracking the tree behind us. As it shifted behind me, he pulled me to the forest floor, his fangs sinking savagely into the side of my neck. Instinctively, my own fangs dropped and buried themselves into his throat, his thick blood filling my mouth.

  The bond between us flared to life, its energy burning us alive from the inside out. As our blood mingled, our skin glowed a pale, ethereal blue, similar to the moment we'd exchanged blood on the rooftop in New York. B
ut this time, it was different. The power had intensified and the force was like an atomic bomb, blowing us apart from each other. We landed nearly 20 feet away on opposite sides, shaken and confused.

  I seemed to come to my senses quicker than Stefan. I crawled across the forest floor to him, ignoring the ragged sticks underneath my knees and palms. He was flat on his back, one arm thrown across his face. His legs were tangled among the tall grass and leaves, his rain sodden body motionless.

  Frantically, I brushed his hair back from his forehead. My trembling fingers ran over the contours of his handsome face, over the arch of his eyebrows, down his temple and across his highly arched cheekbone. There was no response.

  "Stefan? You have to come back to me. Stefan?" I whispered shakily. I gently shook him. "Baby, please."

  Closing my eyes, my head fell back as the rain poured down on us. "You can't take him from me. No! I refuse it. I refuse it!"

  Placing my hands on his chest, I closed my eyes. If I concentrated, I could still feel his presence in the bond. It was muted, as if we were separated by many miles.

  "You're coming back to me," I whispered. Biting my lip, I concentrated on the bond, the fragile link that tied us together. When I spoke, the words spilled out on their own accord. "Nådig Gud Balder. Gracious Goddess Arianrhod. Jag ber att ni visar oss vägen. Visa honom vem vi var och vad vi hade. Välsigna våra ögon så att vi kan se. Må det ske att ingen skada sker. Så ska det bli."

  My hands glowed a pale purple, lighting his skin until his entire chest was shining brightly. The light spread over his body, encasing my own in the soothing light. A rush of memories flooded my mind, a virtual onslaught of images, moving at a blinding speed. It was like looking at a confusing blur of pictures, snapshots of long-forgotten memories. It would take time and effort to make sense of them all.

  Slumping over him, I panted with the effort of the experience. I wanted nothing more than to simply lay here with him until he awoke, but I knew it wouldn't be safe for us to be exposed like this, regardless of how remote and secluded we were here.


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