Newly Exposed

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Newly Exposed Page 21

by Meghan Quinn

  “No guy says that,” I laughed, while nibbling on his ear.

  “Not every guy has their very own muffin either.”

  I was about to sit up and straddle his body for a quickie when his phone started ringing. With defeat, I pressed my forehead against his chest and breathed out in frustration at the disturbance. All I wanted was to be trapped in my own little bubble with Adam, but I knew that wasn’t a possibility.

  “Hey, I have to get that,” he said, rubbing my back with his hand. “It’s my Aunt Sarah’s ring tone.”

  Knowing that it was important, I lifted off of him and let him grab his phone. I watched his back muscles ripple as he sat up and hung his feet over the side of the bed. He brought the phone to his ear and answered it.

  I sat against the headboard of my bed and brought the blankets up around my chest to give me a little privacy, while he talked to his Aunt Sarah.

  I could only hear one side of the conversation, but by the way he visibly relaxed after hearing his Aunt Sarah talk for a moment, I knew that nothing bad had happened overnight to his mom, which I was happy about.

  Relaxing some more, he lay back down on the bed, put himself under the covers, and rested his head on my lap. My hand absentmindedly stroked his hair as he looked up at me and smiled.

  “That’s good. So, she’s having a good morning? Think she would like to see me a little later today?” He nodded and then winked at me, my heart beat rapidly in my chest. “Yeah, I think I could possibly convince her to come along; it is a Saturday, and I don’t think she has to work.”

  He wanted me to come meet his mom? His mom and Aunt Sarah already knew about me? That thought made my heart soar with elation because he must have told them about me before we even became serious. Could this man bury himself any further into my soul?

  “I don’t know, she’s shaking her head no like it would be such a tragedy if she came,” he spoke into the phone.

  “No, I’m not,” I screeched, offended, making him laugh.

  “Yeah, that’s her. Ah, come on, Aunt Sarah, I just came over to wish her a good morning. No sleeping over.”

  Oh, my God, mortification washed over me at his Aunt Sarah knowing that he slept over.

  “I’m a good boyfriend like that; I stay as far away from her as possible at night, and then I knock on her door in the morning with a gaggle of butterflies and wake her up with a breakfast brunch…I know, right? Boyfriend of the year.”

  I loved how he so easily tossed the boyfriend label around, as if it was one of the best titles he’d ever worn. I just adored him.

  “It’s not looking good; she’s scowling at me…” I pinched his nipple, making him yelp. “Damn, woman,” he laughed. “No, not you, Aunt Sarah, this girl likes to lobster my nipples.”

  “Adam!” I scowled for real this time.

  He just laughed in the phone and then looked up at me with those long eyelashes and said, “Muffin, will you go to the hospital with me today?”

  Rolling my eyes from the pet name that was starting to wear on me, I nodded my head, which made him smile even bigger.

  “She’s in, Aunt Sarah, get the trumpets ready. Solo will be gracing your presence today.”

  “Ugh, I hate you,” I said, as I tried to shove him away, but he just flipped around and grabbed me by the waist with one arm. Damn his muscles.

  “Yeah, got to go. The muffin is a little sour. See you later today. Love you too.”

  He tossed his phone to the side and then wrapped both arms around me while bringing my back into his chest and his head to the nook of my neck and shoulder.

  “God, I so want to cuddle the fuck out of you right now, but I really have to get going.”

  His thumb rubbed my stomach and my heart sped up from the light and intimate touch.

  “You think you can just say something like that and then leave me?” I replied, leaning into his chest and forgetting the light ribbing he gave me while talking on the phone with his aunt.

  Groaning, he kissed my shoulder and pulled me in tighter. “You know I want nothing more than to lay here with you, but Anzel is going to hand me my ass if I don’t show up for my workout.”

  “Your muscles are big enough. I’ll write a note to Anzel to excuse you from gym today.”

  Laughing, he pressed a chaste kiss on my cheek and then pulled away. “If only it was that easy. Do you really want to go to the hospital with me today, meet my mom?”

  Vulnerability laced his eyes as he asked me. I got up on the bed and hugged him from behind.

  “Of course. What time?”

  “Around one, does that work?”

  “Yeah, I guess I’ll just get my tan on while I watch you get all sweaty,” I said, as I got out of bed and walked over to my dresser. I pulled out a string bikini that I knew would drive Adam crazy and slipped it on. The bright yellow fabric bounced off of my olive skin, and the top barely covered my breasts. It was my tanning bikini; it had to be miniscule.

  When I turned around, Adam was glaring at me with his jeans on, but not buttoned. If I was a photographer, I would be soaking him up and taking as many pictures as I could, because the way his bare chest beamed from the morning sun, his jeans fell open, and the way his rumpled hair twisted in all different directions, a photographer could make a killing selling this picture.

  “Do you plan on wearing that…while all the guys are working out?”

  Trying to rid my mind of the naughty thoughts about the man in front of me, I looked down at my barely there top and small bottoms and then looked back up at him with an innocent smile. “What’s wrong with this? It’s my tanning top.”

  “Well, you can go put a turtleneck on, because I can see your nipples!”

  “Don’t be so dramatic; no you can’t.”

  “Yes, I can,” he said as he walked up to me and brushed one of the small triangles of my top to the side, exposing my nipple.

  “Hey!” I stepped back as he laughed.

  “See, there it is, out there for everyone to see.”

  I fixed my top and then put my hands on my hips as I looked at him. “If someone comes up and brushes my top to the side, exposing my nipple, I would hope that you would fly over to my rescue and break their arm off.”

  “Now, why would I put my health at risk for that?” he teased.

  “Because I’m your girlfriend and you need to protect my honor.”

  “Well, damn. If I knew I had to protect your honor, I never would have signed up for the boyfriend role. Protecting honor is just something that is not part of my duty list, but I guess…” he thought for a second and then said, “If you want to pull off some duties from the boyfriend a la carte menu that I have, then I think I can arrange protecting honor in exchange for one blow job a night.” His smile lit up the room from his own stupidity.

  “Yeah, I can protect myself,” I said, as I walked off to the bathroom. His feet trailed after me.

  “One every two days?”

  “It’s not becoming of you to show how desperate you are,” I joked.

  “Such a ball buster,” he said, while grabbing me around the waist and pulling me in. “Got to go, muffin. I’ll see you later. Please don’t torture me that much with this divine body of yours. I don’t want a barbell choking me because I can’t focus.”

  He kissed the side of my neck while playing with the waistline of my bottoms, getting me wet and ready in seconds.

  “Don’t start something you can’t finish,” I said, as I moved my head to the side so he had better access.

  “God damn,” he breathed into my skin. “Walk out with me? That way we both leave together.”

  I nodded, threw my hair up in a bun, grabbed a towel, and entwined my hand with his. We walked out to the living room, where Nolly was saying goodbye to Blaze, who I had no clue stayed the night; that’s how lost I was in the world of Adam.

  Blaze nodded at Adam with a look that said, “Yeah, we both got laid.” Adam politely smiled and led me to the front door.<
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  “Tan time?” Nolly asked.

  “Yeah, meet you out there?”

  “Yeah, let me get my suit on.” She turned to Blaze and said, “See you later, hot stuff.”

  Blaze slapped her ass, making a snap echo through the room and then sent her on her way. Ugh, he was such a pig. I had no clue what Nolly saw in him. I was just waiting for him to break her heart so she could move on to someone better. By no means did Blaze deserve to be with my best friend; she was way too good for him.

  The beef tip, Blaze, looked at Adam and said, “Sex, weights, and protein shakes, am I right, man?”

  Choking a snort that wanted to come out from Blaze’s comment, I turned my head into Adam’s shoulder. What a complete and utter douche bag.

  Visibly uncomfortable, Adam just nodded his head and walked us out to the pool. He took me to our favorite lounge and pulled me in for a hug. I rubbed his back and reveled in the feel of his hard body against mine.

  “Sex, weights, and protein shakes, am I right, man?” I said in a low manly voice, making fun of Blaze.

  Adam’s head flew back and a guttural laugh came out of him. He pulled me in tighter and said, “God, I’m so glad you’re mine. I’ll see you later, muffin. Don’t burn this skin that I love so much.”

  “I won’t.” I kissed him on the cheek and slapped his ass, just like Blaze did to Nolly. Adam clenched his butt and squealed like a girl as he ran off. I shook my head at his antics. The boy had no shame.

  The sun was shining just enough that it wasn’t too cold in the morning to be wearing a bikini, so I put the cover of the lounge down and spread my soft towel over the lounge to give me that extra comfort. I turned the lounge toward the sun, which just so happened to look over the gym and training area, and then settled in.

  I loved my days off. I took full advantage of them because most of the time, when working for Zia, I found myself getting lost in the day and not stopping for a break until it was time to go home. Now that Adam was in my life, he helped with reminding me to take breaks, which was nice because those breaks consisted of making out like teenagers in the closet. Before that, I would work straight through the day without taking a second to breathe. I loved my job, but I cherished my days off.

  “You have that, ‘I got fucked to sedation’ look about you,” Nolly said, as she came up next to me holding a tray of food, drinks, and her Bluetooth speaker for her phone.

  “Thanks, I guess,” I laughed, as I helped her by pulling a lounge chair over for her. “I’m surprised I didn’t hear you and Blaze last night.”

  “That’s because you screaming out Adam’s name blocked me out.”

  “Shut up, I’m not that loud,” I said, but thought otherwise. I didn’t remember holding back anything last night, and I really didn’t hear Nolly…

  Fuck, I was loud.

  “Okay, keep telling yourself that. No need to worry, though, because hearing you only spurred me and Blaze on. It was like watching porn, some of the best sex I’ve ever had.”

  “Gross,” I said, taking a mimosa that Nolly made for me. She was the queen of mimosas; it was impossible for her to make a bad one. She always crushed strawberries up and put them in the bottom; it was her special touch.

  “I don’t want to hear about you getting excited over me having sex with my boyfriend.”

  “Ooooh, boyfriend. Awww, that is so cute,” Nolly cooed.

  “I hate you,” I laughed, as I grabbed some cut up pineapple and started munching on it.

  “Seriously, though, you guys serious?”

  I nodded as I watched the boys start to filter into the gym. Levi was always first, never missed a day. Adam walked in next, wearing a pair of Nike shorts and a tight fitting tank top, damn he was sexy. Scout, Nikko, and Gunner trailed behind him, but no sign of Ty.

  “I’m happy for you,” Nolly said sincerely. “I really like you two together.” Just as Nolly said that, Adam turned and waved at me like a little boy, but then quickly turned around and started warming up. “He is so head over heels for you,” Nolly pointed out.

  I could see it too. Whenever I was around, his face lit up, and his eyes spoke volumes when I was in the same room as him. They spoke of excitement and passion; it was a look I would never grow tired of.

  “I know,” I said like a giddy school girl. I looked around and said, “Where’s Ty?”

  Nolly sat up, took off her sunglasses, and looked around as well. “I have no clue; text him. Maybe he slept in.”

  “Don’t have my phone.”

  “Fine,” Nolly said, as she grabbed hers, paused the music, and then dialed his phone number. I watched as she waited for him to pick up. I heard a groggy voice say hello into the receiver, letting us know he at least wasn’t dead.

  “Ty, where are you? You should be in the gym right now with the other guys.” He spoke on the other end of the phone, but I couldn’t make out what he was saying. “Well, hurry up because Anzel is going to be pissed that you’re late.”

  She hung up the phone and turned the music back on. “Love Shack” by the Mamas and the Papas softly came through the speakers, making my toes tap. Couldn’t get enough of the song.

  “What’s up with Ty?” I asked, grabbing another pineapple slice.

  “Hung over. Idiot went out drinking last night. Probably drinking his sorrows away.”

  “What sorrows? The man has women knocking on his door, just begging to be looked at by him.”

  “Not every woman,” Nolly said, looking at me over her sunglasses.

  “Oh, please, he’s over me, and he’s the one who cheated on me. His loss,” I responded, putting an end to the Solo/Ty drama. Something I really didn’t want Adam finding out about, because I didn’t want him getting mad at Ty for breaking me in two, and I didn’t want Adam feeling awkward around the two of us.

  Ty was one of my biggest mistakes and the main reason why I didn’t date models, because the minute his profile blew up, he acted like I didn’t matter. I was so lost in his presence that I didn’t even see the fact that he was spending valuable time with Zia on sets, and when I say I valuable, I mean practicing his…getting excited shoots.

  Once I found out what was going on, I was devastated. I didn’t want Nolly to see how devastated I was then, so my dads were the ones who had to help me bounce back that was why they were so protective when it came to Adam.

  I didn’t blame Zia. She had no clue of my relationship with Ty; we hadn’t made our relationship too known because I was still new and didn’t want to screw up my job. The only person I blamed was Ty, because he knew exactly what he was doing and he still went for it. Ever since then, I’ve strived to make our working relationship as professional as possible, and I’ve been able to achieve that, but on occasion, I could still see the way Ty looked at me or the way he would become defensive of me. Instead of looking into his feelings too much, I brushed it off, because he had his chance, and in all honesty, I think he did me a favor. Ty was different back then; he wasn’t as bulky, he was just starting out, but had the perfect face and hair for the job. His body was well-defined, but now, he was a pure fitness model and a total player.

  When Nolly came along in my life, she fell for Ty right away. I tried to warn her, but she was caught in his spell, just like every other woman. And, just like every other woman Ty’s been with, he made her fall for him and then he broke her heart by not being able to be faithful.

  “I don’t know; he still looks at you with those eyes…”

  “He looks at every woman like that,” I countered.

  “Not me,” Nolly said, biting into some banana bread.

  “That’s because you punched his crotch when you found out he cheated on you. He spent a while on the ground after your fist attack.”

  “Served him right. Don’t mess with me.”

  I laughed, just as we saw Ty run into the gym, looking almost frantic. The music in the gym was pumping, so we couldn’t hear the tongue lashing Anzel was giving him, but once Ty s
tarted running circles around the pool, we knew exactly what Anzel had told him. He was sentenced to the ring of hell.

  “Ring of hell?” I laughed out when Ty passed us.

  “Fuck off,” he said, looking miserable.

  “Be glad we woke you,” Nolly shouted back.

  The ring of hell was ten laps around the backyard, one hundred burpees, and then one hundred crunches hanging off the pull up bar. Then nine laps, ninety burpees, ninety crunches and so on and so forth. I tried doing a half ring of hell once and wanted to die. I couldn’t imagine doing a full one. After he was done, he would have to complete the rest of his workout that the guys already took part in. The worst part about it was he had half an hour to complete it; if he didn’t, he’d be fined big time by Teeg Model Management. The guys had one job, and that was to stay fit, so when they missed a workout, they were penalized.

  “I should feel bad for him,” I said, but then noted how big of an ass he was and decided he didn’t deserve my compassion.

  “I don’t, the ass deserves everything that comes at him.” Nolly downed the rest of her mimosa and said, “So, tell me about Adam. Is he really that good?”

  I leaned to the side and said, “Oh, my God, Nolly. He did this thing with his tongue last night, I’m pretty sure my clit hit the ceiling, I fucking came so hard.”

  Nolly threw her head back and laughed while holding her stomach. “What did he do?”

  I leaned forward and rolled my tongue up like Adam did and thrust it in and out of my mouth to demonstrate. It was actually pretty hard to do, I was surprised Adam had such tongue strength, a huge plus for me. Apparently, every muscle of his was fit.

  Nolly’s mouth hung open as she watched me. “Fuck, I’m turned on right now. Do you think I can get Blaze to do that?”

  I shrugged my shoulders and replied, “Might just be an Adam special.”

  “Well, shit. Can I borrow him for the night? I need that to happen to me.”

  “He called it getting cannolied.”

  Nolly laughed some more and then said, “Is that in Urban Dictionary? Because it should be!”


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