Broken Compass: Supernatural Prison Story 1

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Broken Compass: Supernatural Prison Story 1 Page 22

by Jaymin Eve

  I owed her a huge hug, and possibly an apology when I was done kissing my mate.

  “You drive me insane.” His voice was low, raspy against my ear. My entire body went on high alert – hello, pregnancy hormones, time to meet the wolf whisperer. I was on fire, and he had barely even touched me yet. I had not forgotten one second of our night together. I remembered what he could do, and something told me that the next time we were together it would be even better. No alcohol, no worrying about Jessa and Braxton, just the pure attraction and emotion between us.

  Was the belly going to be a problem? The thought struck me suddenly, and then it was all I could think about. I was far too inexperienced for this. I needed to speak with my sister. If anyone knew how to have awesome sex with a pregnant belly, it was going to be her. As far as I knew, she and Braxton were very much experts.

  Maximus kept his arms tightly wrapped around me as he gently lowered me to the ground. The laughter and conversation around us burst back into my consciousness and I realized no one was paying attention to us, everyone was chatting and eating and enjoying themselves. I could stand here for a few more minutes staring into his eyes like a lovesick idiot. I had known for a long time that I loved Maximus Compass. Even during the months of denying our relationship and wanting to hate him for all the pain he’d caused me, I’d loved him.

  The moment to say it wasn’t now, so I said the next best thing.

  “I know we’re a day early, but happy birthday. Sorry about the no presents. There just wasn’t any time to get you a gift.” I’d panicked when Jessa had arrived in the nursery earlier, startling me awake with talk of what to get the boys for their birthday. Both of us realized there was no time to organize anything with the Guilds, so I’d suggested the surprise party. It had come together pretty quickly after that.

  Maximus buried both of his hands in the hair at the nape of my neck, brushing his thumb across the bare skin below. “You’ve already given me far more than I deserve or can repay. But since I am selfish when it comes to you, I do want one more thing…”

  My breath stuttered a little as I sucked in deeply. I don’t think I breathed or blinked in the few seconds it took him to speak again.

  “Stay here with me. Live in the pack house with Jessa and the boys. You’re our family, you’re my mate, and we all want you here with us.”

  Do not cry. I was ordering my tear ducts to obey me this one time, but I was pretty sure I was going to lose it anyway. I loved their house. From the first moment I’d walked into it to meet my sister I’d wanted to stay. I never thought this warm pack home would be for me. All of the love and joy and hope … that was never for me.

  The intensity of his gaze didn’t waver. It was as if I was the only person in the whole world. As if he cared for no one else but me. It was a powerful feeling, one which had the words: “Yes, I would love to live here,” blurting from my mouth before I could stop them.

  Still, once it was out it felt right. A smile ripped across his face as he wrapped those long arms around me again and spun me around. The rotation was enough for my stomach to lurch in an uncomfortable manner, but I didn’t care.

  “We’ll grab your stuff tomorrow. You can just sleep in one of my shirts tonight. Or nothing.” He winked.

  Gosh, golly, gee. Looked like Jessa was right about me needing some new curses.

  All I could think about was being naked. With him. Shit. I wasn’t going to look like I did the last time. My hand dropped onto the rounded belly and almost instantly knew it didn’t matter. Our daughter was the reason for my new figure and I’d never be ashamed of her. And if I knew Maximus at all, which I liked to think I did, he wouldn’t care one bit.

  “We should just kick everyone out,” I half murmured to myself, but he heard. A wicked smirk lifted his lips, and I couldn’t help but reach out and lace my fingers through his. He tempted me in the worst kind of way.

  “So, something tells me we are about to lose a second daughter to the Compass household.”

  I spun around to find my parents, arm in arm, smiling at us both. Maximus loped his left arm around me, pulling us closer together, before reaching out to Jonathon with his right hand. My father responded immediately and they did some sort of handshake thing. Not like humans did; theirs involved grasping forearms and some other stuff.

  “I’m sorry I haven’t been there for Mischa over the past few months,” Maximus said, his tone serious. “But I plan to rectify that by protecting her and our daughter with my all. We’re a family. A pack. Mischa is my true mate and I offer my soul to hers.”

  Okay, swollen heart, please don’t burst in my chest from an overload of emotions. To hide the fact my love for him was leaking everywhere, I forced a lighter tone, teasing him with, “What about what I want?”

  His eyes seemed extra bright as they ran across me. “I’m going to make you so happy you’re never going to want to go anywhere.”

  He. Was. Destroying. Me.

  And I was okay with that.

  Lienda stepped forward and I could see so much joy and happiness on her face. Reaching out for me, I moved into her arms and she held me tightly. I’d had more hugs from her today than in a long time. “I’m so sorry, Mom,” I whispered. “Sorry for not trying harder to understand your sacrifice, for not thanking you enough.”

  Her arms shook and she pulled back to see me better. “It was no sacrifice. You’re my child. It’s my job to protect you above all others. I did the best I could at the time, but I should have tried harder. I know you’ll be stronger for your daughter. I know you’ll shower her in so much love she’ll never hurt as you did.”

  Maximus’ hand landed on my lower back, offering his support. “Our daughter will grow up in Stratford with her cousins and family. She’s going to be a little hellion, and I for one can’t wait to see that.”

  Lienda and Maximus locked eyes for a brief moment and something passed between them. An understanding maybe … or at least acceptance. She was handing her child across to be loved and cherished by another, and he was promising her that he would do right by me. I never thought I’d see the day where anyone cared enough to fight for me, for my happiness. Looks like I was wrong. My cup was running over. It was too much.

  A sharp twang across my stomach took me by surprise. I clutched at the side where it was most painful, and waited a few seconds for it to fade away. I’d been getting little cramps and aches like this for the past few hours. When I thought back, they might have even started in Sinchin prison, but that one was the worst so far. I had to breathe through it for a second or two.

  Three sets of eyes were watching me closely now, and when the discomfort eased I offered a reassuring smile. “Just pregnancy pains, nothing to worry about.”

  Maximus gathered me back into his arms, his hands running gently across my lower back. “Don’t be brave about this. If you think the baby is coming, let me know so I can get the healer. Shifters don’t tend to have many problems, but it has been known to happen.” He growled a little. “I wish Louis wasn’t out of town. It would be much better if he was here. His healing is of the highest caliber.”

  I patted his chest, sending warmth and reassurance his way. “It’s going to be okay, women have been doing this for many thousands of years. She’ll come when she’s ready, and no amount of worry beforehand will make it any easier or less painful for me when it happens.”

  He gave a groan, dropping his head back to stare into the ceiling. “Seriously, I think the stress of seeing you in pain might actually break me.” Lowering his gaze, he brushed my cheek with his thumb. “I hate the thought of you hurting, even if the reward is a beautiful little girl.”

  Before I could reassure him, he swept me away and deposited me onto the couch. He murmured something about me being off my feet and that he was going to grab me some food. Bloody thoughtful vampire. I owed the fates a nice gift basket. They had been extra kind to me this time around.

  Jessa crashed down on my right side, Tyson drop
ped on to my left.

  “Looks like you and Max sorted your differences out,” the wizard said. “‘Bout freakin’ time. I was two days from kicking his ass for you.”

  I chuckled, before giving him a one armed hug. “Thank you for looking out for me. Have you heard from Grace?”

  His features locked down, and with a shake of his head he gave me a faint smile. “Nope, no word at all.”

  I knew that his heart ached for the healer witch to return. The way he spoke of her, it reminded me of the intensity of my first feelings for Maximus. I was extremely curious about the possibility of a true bond between them. I hoped she’d return soon so he could find out.

  Tyson was distracted by someone on his other side, which left me facing a smug looking Jessa. We remained in a stare-off locked-eye position for some time, and I couldn’t halt the rush of love I felt for her. She was my twin, the other half to my soul, the one who fulfilled me in a way that no other could.

  “I really missed you growing up,” I choked out.

  She froze, her normally expressive features stilling into something unreadable. Then she threw herself at me, and as my arms wrapped tightly across her back, and she pulled me closer, everything felt right in the world.

  “I missed you too,” she whispered hoarsely, before pulling back so that we could see each other. “Even when my world was complete, when I had my pack, there was always something there, something in my soul screaming out for another. You’re my soul-sister, and I don’t want us to be apart again. When Kristoff took you from the land between … there are no words for that, Mischa. I’m not used to feeling so helpless, and the devastation … I wouldn’t survive if I lost you now. Please don’t ever make me live without you again.”

  Tears sprinkled her blue eyes, which had my own filling also. I rubbed away the wetness before it could trail down my cheeks. “We need to make a pact that no one ever separates us again. There is no force strong enough in any of the realms.”

  She nodded her head. “Agreed!”

  We settled back together, our shoulders pressing close, each soaking up the twin bond. It was strongly flickering between us, and even though the mind barriers were in place to keep our thoughts private, when we touched like this, some of the thoughts still snuck through.

  Jessa was so happy. With Braxton and her babies and me back in her life, everything was perfect for her right now. Through all her joy, though, were these small tendrils of fear, about Kristoff and the bears, that someone or something was going to come along soon and sweep this all out from under her.

  “I won’t let them,” I growled out, my voice all fierce and stuff. Damn, my wolf was so stunning when she chose to burst free and assert herself. “I’ve never had this before, and I’ll fight to keep it, Jess. I’ll fight to keep all of you!”

  A warm hand took mine and I realized Tyson had been listening to our conversation. “You don’t have to fight them, Misch. We’ll fight them together. All of us.”

  “Yes.” Another low voice was nearby, Jacob, the fey’s perfect golden features highlighted by the flickering fire. “Together, always. Pack.”

  My throat was so tight I could barely breathe. This was more than my poor little human-raised heart could handle, but screw it, I was taking this pack. I was keeping them. I wasn’t sure I could even live without them in my life now.

  The party was in full swing around us. Supes were starting to get loud with what I suspected was some faerie wine help. The four of us remained in a cocoon of pack bonding. I could see Maximus and Braxton making their way toward us, both with plates piled high with food. The boys had been waylaid many times by their friends and alliances. The Compasses were feared in this community but they were also pretty well-liked, which spoke of their strength and compassion. For ones so young, they handled the burden well. Much better than I could have hoped to.

  When they made it back to us, a smile curved across Jessa’s face, and I loved the way Braxton zeroed right in on it, as if there was no more perfect sight than her smile. Damn, those two had an epic sort of love, one that you’d read about in books, one day, when someone bothered to write about it.

  I realized Jessa had started bouncing in her seat, and at first I assumed the smile and bouncing was about the food, but then she said: “I think Mischa needs some pack bonding time tonight.”

  What was she talking about? I knew immediately I was the only one in the dark. The quads exchanged a look, one which was hard for me to decipher, but there was no confusion there. Before I could start demanding answers, Tyson jumped up and reached out a hand to me. He hauled me up gently, and far more quickly than I could have done on my own.

  “Come on,” Jacob said, taking my other hand. Between the pair I was led toward the stairs. I glanced back at Maximus, confused about what was happening here.

  I won’t lie. My mind sort of went straight to the gutter, and then enjoyed playing there for more than a few minutes. But eventually I realized that I wanted no other than Maximus, even though I loved his brothers very much.

  Jessa must have picked up some of my thoughts. She let out a chuckle before nudging me. “Sorry, girl. Unfortunately the boys don’t roll that way.”

  Braxton growled before shaking his head. He knew Jessa had eyes for no one but him, and I felt the same way about Maximus. I sent a pouring of love toward the vampire along our bond. He might not hear my thoughts but he could feel my warmth. A surging burn of emotion returned to me, and the fire in his gaze had me stumbling.

  Lucky I had two gorgeous dudes on either side of me to keep me standing. My curiosity turned toward where this pack party was heading. When we reached the second floor I was amazed at the size of this level. It was huge: fifteen foot ceilings, giant log beams, and round spaces which spanned out and led to half a dozen huge timber doors.

  We walked together all the way to the very end. No one seemed concerned to be leaving their own party, and I figured supes didn’t go crazy about things like that. No one was watching or judging, they were just having a good time.

  Tyson placed his free hand on the door and I felt some sort of electrical current run along our joined palms. “We don’t let any but pack in here,” he said. I started trying to lean around him to see inside. What were they hiding in here? Torture chamber? Secret sex den? Candy store?

  Damn, please let it be a candy store.

  It was dark inside. Tyson released me to cross the room and open the curtains along the far wall. Behind them was a window that spanned the entire wall, like floor to ceiling, and it looked out into the forest. Actually, this side of the house was practically in the forest, so staring out that window was like sitting amongst the trees. The night sky was sparkling above, so many twinkling stars.

  As I pulled my eyes from the view, I finally noticed the bed. Oh my. A rush of heat flushed out my cheeks, but I seriously didn’t even care. The bed was massive, like the size of three king sized beds all pushed together, and twice as long.

  Jessa rushed to me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders. “This is where we sleep when we pack bond. This is what strengthens our love and ties. This is where we cry and heal and support one another.”

  I was blinking, unable to take my eyes off the lush mountain of blankets and pillows. Suddenly I felt exhausted. I wanted nothing more than to crawl in the middle there, burrow myself beneath the warmth, and stare out into the forest. Without warning, supes around me started to undress. Not all the way, but shoes and jackets were being thrown to the side. I was guessing there was other furniture in this room, things I hadn’t noticed and didn’t care about right now. Right now was all about this moment with my pack.

  Maximus stood close to my back. I could feel him removing his jacket and boots. I only had on a dress and tights, so it was simple enough to drop off my sweater and kick free the black, shiny flats. Jessa and I then crawled across into the center. The mattress was like a cloud of orgasm. I sank into it and never wanted to come out. The four large shadows of the Co
mpass quads followed us across. There was a ton of space on either side, but as Maximus settled in beside me, Braxton on Jessa’s other side, I knew that the boys would stay close to us. This was a bed built for a pack to grow, for children and other partners to come into it. It was a family puppy-pile, and my wolf was so freaking happy she was purring.

  I could sense Jacob and Tyson on either end. All of us had our heads tilted back to see the stars above. Jessa and I were on our sides, facing each other, a comfortable way for us to sleep with our baby bellies. I couldn’t wait to sleep on my stomach again. I missed it so much.

  Jessa reached out and grasped my hands, and Maximus settled in close enough that I could feel his warmth and smell the citrus, metallic and forest scents he always carried with him, wild and untamed but so comforting.

  I tried so hard to stay awake, to cherish this moment with my family. Something I had never anticipated I’d get. But then Jacob started to sing. There was no resisting his voice. It was soaring and beautiful and had bumps rising across my skin. Fey had a special affinity for music, and the absolute emotion in Jacob’s voice literally took my breath away. As the song continued in a soft melody, my eyelids started forcing themselves closed. Arms wrapped around me and soft kisses pressed against my neck, just near the base of my right ear.

  “Sleep, Mischa. We’ll keep you safe.” Maximus’ reassurance was the last thing I heard before darkness crashed into my mind, and I was out.

  I woke a few times through the night. Nightmares of Kristoff’s torture, the effects of the Lunarti oil, and almost losing my daughter, hurtled into my dreams, snatching the peaceful slumber from me. But every time there were soft hands and warm hugs to bring me back, to remind me that I had escaped. I had survived. Kristoff did not best me, and I would not let his cruel actions continue to haunt me so strongly.

  Despite the fact I wanted to be close to Maximus at all times, I liked that the quads switched positions around us to allow maximum bonding time for all. Even the possessive nature of Maximus and Braxton wasn’t bothered by this, which showed the true trust in this pack.


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