The Northern Knights Series (Boxed Set)

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The Northern Knights Series (Boxed Set) Page 4

by Amber Dane

  He had to stop. He was near to shaking with his need, so close to release by a simple kiss. Once again, he blamed the suddenness of it on the fact that he’d not had a woman in months. But, he knew it to be a lie as his new, bold wife moaned and slid her bottom over him in a slow dance old as time. He was sure she was not even aware that she was doing it.

  He bucked beneath her and pulled away slowly, but not before giving into what had driven him crazy since meeting her. He sprinkled her mouth with little kisses. She sucked his bottom lip into her mouth. Aric grumbled under his breath. This was too much. He had to stop it and stop it now lest he’d take her right here.

  Chapter 4

  Danielle wanted more. Oh, he tasted so good. Heat hummed through her blood as she sought his mouth once more. She should have been shocked at her behavior but, the explosive pleasure was too sweet to ignore and she didn’t care. His gentleness, his warmth made her wish for the moment that she had created the same emotion in him as he had in her.

  She tugged up her dress in frustration.

  That hard, rigid part of him pressing against her bottom caused moisture to flood against her undergarments. She was so hot there. So damn hot. She bunched the material of her dress up and around her hips.

  She wanted to take everything off to get to him and that hardness.

  It took her a moment to realize that he no longer returned her kisses and her eyes shot open. His hooded gaze was dark, but he wasn’t scowling. He wasn’t smiling either. His expression was unreadable. Dropping her gaze to his mouth, she smiled. He’d given her what she wanted and the other part of her that still burned, she could wait for later.

  His eyes widened as her lips brushed over his quickly before she pulled back.

  Her voice was thick and husky with her need. “Thank you, milord.”

  Aric frowned, and then it hit him. He’d been so incensed with her cousins that the memory of a chaste kiss in the chapel- Nay!

  He was now sure after tasting the honeyed nectar of her mouth that his lips had not touched hers after the ceremony. They’d been a breath apart and she had leaned into him expectantly for the kiss and he’d already turned away from her.

  Something moved inside his chest and he reached out and wiped the stains of her tears from her face. Wisps of that brown hair had come loose and lay across her forehead.

  He managed to give her a little smile. “You are welcome, milady.”

  He slid her hair back behind her ears and bit back a groan as she slid that full bottom against him again. He could feel the heat between the apex of her thighs brushing over him. He wanted to bury himself inside her, but her wide eyes were full of innocence. She would let him take her right here and now if he wanted, he could see the welcome in her blue-grey eyes.

  But it was the trust he saw there that changed his mind. He’d wait until they were in their chamber where he could take it slow and enjoy every inch of her. He wanted to savor every moment, not rush her like she was his first. Why he wanted her first time to be special, he didn’t question his thoughts. He just knew it was something he wanted to do.

  “Come, we have people awaiting the feast. Shall we not keep them waiting any longer to celebrate, milady?”

  Danielle flushed, basking in the warmth of his smile, could not help but ask. ”Is it a celebration, milord?”

  His response came without pause. “Aye, indeed it is. Indeed it is.”

  With the utmost care, he removed her gently from his lap, mindful of her favored leg and smiled at the gown gathered around her hips. After a few quick adjustments, he had her gown back down over her full hips, all the while wishing those sweet curves still caressed his lap.

  She surprised him by taking his hand in hers.

  “I’m ready.” Her sharp intake of breath told him she was holding it, awaiting his reaction.

  Aric paused. Her affection threw him off. But when she smiled up at him, he thought no more about it. She made him doubt if they should go on to the celebration, for he was not so sure he’d last long.

  Looking at her now, her hand clasped firmly within his large hand, all he wanted to do was take her right now to their chamber and have their own private celebration. She was intoxicating.

  He smiled at her and walked with her at a slower pace back toward the manor. He was married not even a full day yet and if he was not careful, he was going to start to have feelings for this woman.


  Not nearly sated as she craved, Rose walked out of the stables without a backward glance to the sleeping and naked Harvey, sprawled on the stable floor. She had run to him to slake the desire that had built up inside her when she’d witnessed that all too male Norman all but making love to that fat sod’s mouth in the garden.

  By the strong look of lust on his handsome face, there had been no doubt, Rose fumed, that he’d more than just enjoyed it. And the groans that came from him cinched it.

  It had only been just a kiss.

  That fat cow had what should have been hers. She was the beautiful one!

  She deserved a man like Aric Claydon. She wanted to scream. No one had ever kissed her the way that Norman had kissed her cousin. Damn it all to hell!

  Rose fisted both hands at her sides as she stomped toward the manor.

  She may not be a virgin, but, by God, she did know how to please a man. Unlike that stumbling fat cow of a cousin he would be saddled with. Let him stumble about with the virgin.

  Surely once he undressed her, he would want nothing more than to get Danielle quick with child and then he’d be looking elsewhere to slake his animal desire.

  And she, Rose lifted a hand to her lip to stifle the giggle that burst forth, would be there to assist him in every way and then some. But she must not move too fast. Nay, the right time would come. She’d see to it.

  So a hot kiss sparked some lust in the man.

  He did not smile much and Rose could care less about that. She didn’t need the Norman to do much talking. She just wanted him pounding that hard body of his into hers. And by all that was holy, she was going to get him to do just that!

  He would relish a woman of experience. After all these Normans were a savage and lusty lot and had raped many a Saxon maiden when they’d plundered and conquered England. He was no different and he’d just proven it. Rose smiled at her thoughts. He would not have to rape this one.

  Her stupid brother was taking too long with his plan and she’d had her fill of Danielle. An evil plan of her own began to form and take shape inside her head. It had to be timed just right. Rose went to her chamber by way of the kitchens to freshen up. She laughed aloud. She had to prepare herself to get through this ridiculous farce of a wedding celebration.


  Aric watched Balwain’s eyes follow his wife’s maid, Edie as she served them. He knew his second’s thoughts simply by the spellbound expression he wore. Aric felt his lips turning up at one corner when his eyes fell on the comely, little maid. She was aware of his friend’s interest and that he watched her every move, for Aric caught the hesitant glances she shot in Balwain’s direction with a hint of a smile on her face.

  He turned away and let his gaze sweep over the hall quickly. Tightness filled his chest when his eyes fell upon his wife’s cousins. Thomas and Rose.

  Balwain had seated them two tables away from the lord’s table and on the opposite side. He could see the steam coming out of their ears at the clear and direct insult. Good.

  He wanted them to get used to it. For soon enough they would be even further away from him and away from Gravane manor altogether.

  Nevertheless, the pair showered him with tight smiles and returned his toast with their raised cups as he acknowledged their presence. Thomas reddened and turned away, but before she did, Aric saw the lustful gaze Rose shot his way before turning back.

  Had he truly thought that was beauty?

  He looked at his wife. She had barely eaten anything yet again. He frowned. Probably her nerves, he surmised. He f
ound it difficult to look away from her as she openly smiled and chatted away with almost every servant that attended them.

  She was even pleasant to his page and the young lad all but fell over his own two feet whenever she glanced his way. Aric almost smiled at the lad’s immediate infatuation for he was sort of feeling the same way himself. He blamed the feeling on the wine. She beamed with life when she spoke with her maid and Aric grunted at the sight.

  Best he keep his attention on the hall’s activity, lest he found himself wearing the same spellbound expression as Balwain.

  Aric looked around the hall.

  The majority of it was filled with his men along with some unhappy faces of the villagers that had attended. He cared naught for whatever their dislikes were at the moment. Come tomorrow, either they swore fealty or they were out of the village and off his lands. Aye, Aric‘s scowl returned, over the next few days, many changes would come to Gravane manor.

  Laughter drew his gaze back to his wife’s face. She was laughing at something Edie was saying to her, her white teeth against her tan skin made her look even more radiant.

  Enough, Aric thought. He was feeling good and had not indulged in too much ale or wine, for he wanted to be aware and alert for his wedding night. But, he had noted that Edie had given his wife quite a few refills to her goblet of wine. This was soon confirmed when she moved to stand and swayed slightly towards him. He frowned.

  Perhaps she had partaken too much. Her eyes were hooded and her cheeks were flushed more than before.

  Everyone rose as the lord and lady moved to take their leave. Balwain and Edie followed them from the hall. Aric had cried off earlier to his men, no tradition for him. He would have none of it. No one would even consider balking at his order.

  At the chamber door Balwain pulled him aside and gave him a hearty slap on his back while mumbling something about gentleness. Aric frowned and pushed his friend away. Edie stopped attending her lady and quickly took her leave at his nod. He closed the door quietly as a foot soldier appeared to take up his post outside the chamber door.

  When he turned back to his wife, he found a sight that made him grin.

  She was tugging the gown down over her full and shapely hips. He was sure she was not aware of the sensual wiggle of them as she tried to free herself of the gown. She was mumbling something under her breath. Aric smiled, curses reached his ears. Such a mouth on one that appeared so timid.

  She began to hum, her back to him as he removed his scabbard and sword and began to undress. All the while his eyes never left sight of her.

  Finally, she stepped away from the gown now pooled at her feet. Then she pirouetted, slightly off balance with her slight limp, around and around all the while humming.

  Aric felt himself harden as he saw the thick braids sliding back and forth over her round bottom. She stopped humming, her eyes closed as she swayed from side to side, in a dance with her long arms, tan as the rest of her above her head, clasped at the wrist. The position caused her large breasts to push against the material of the thin shift and he could see the dark areolas easily through the material. He was pleased at the image she presented.

  “Edie, please hurry it along. My husband will be here all too soon and I need to be under the covers before he sees me.” She paused, her back still to him. “And why are so many bloody candles lit?”

  Aric’s brows drew together at that as he watched her bend and blow out a row of lit tallow’s closest to her. She continued on, a slur in her tone. Aye the drink had loosened her some, he thought.

  “You know this cannot be. I cannot let him see me in all this light. In the dark ‘twill not matter to him. Now, come, stop your tarrying.”

  Aric frowned even more at her words and stood still. She whirled around, exhaling her exasperation. “Edie! What-" She turned crimson and slapped a hand hard over her open mouth, her eyes widening.

  Danielle froze. Nay! Where was Edie? How long had he been standing there? Why was he not out in the hall still talking to Balwain? And heavens!

  Why was he naked?

  No, no, she tried not to look but her eyes had a mind of their own and took in the beautiful sight before her. She did not notice that her breath quickened as her eyes roamed over every inch of that muscular physique.

  A massive chest, covered only with a sparse sprinkling of hair in the middle down his flat hard stomach, rippling with his strength, thick and sinewy arms at his side. The tuft of black hair below his navel trailed down to where that male part of him stood at attention. That part of him she’d wanted so eagerly and tried to get to in the garden. But then, it’d been alright, she’d been fully clothed.

  She flushed and her eyes shot up to his. His smoldering gaze seared her and she felt the tears sting her eyes.


  Danielle turned her back to him. She had been fooling herself.

  All of Thomas’s ugly words over the years came rushing back to her. This was a cruel joke.

  She had thought after the kiss they had shared in the garden she would be able to at least face him in the dark for him to perform the marriage act and she had even been looking forward to it. But, he would not want to do that now. She was not yet naked, but she may as well have been as thin as her shift was. He could see everything. Her head spun as she fought back the tears.

  Aric frowned over the myriad of emotions he had read in her eyes. Pleasure had been in them as her eyes had raked over him, then terror. He’d just been about to curse himself for being so eager to bed her and letting her see his aroused state. But, he knew different when he saw the sadness flash in her eyes when she turned from him. He was larger than most, sure, but he would not hurt her. He crossed the room to stand at her back.

  He could smell her, a hint of rose and he wanted to wrap those thick braids around his fist. But he stopped himself. He didn’t want her terrified of him. Not tonight. It should not matter, but it did to him.

  “Milady,” he spoke softly. “It is normal for a man to be in this state if he is to do his duty. Do not fear. I give you my word. I will be gentle with you.”

  He had never been one to use flowery words, or ever had need of them, but Balwain’s words came back to him. Aric was used to women throwing themselves at him and climbing into his bed even when he did not want them. So, he had never needed to be gentle with any of them, or speak sweet words or anything of the kind and at first it felt awkward. But, as it had in the garden, that feeling left him as quickly as it had arrived. For he found he wanted to ease her fears and comfort her once again.

  He reached out and had barely touched her shoulder when she let out a shriek to rouse the dead and stepped away from him.

  She faced him, her trembles visible. She suddenly seemed sober. Aric sighed, frowning. Mayhap she’d not partaken in enough drink after all.

  What happened to the hot woman he’d held in the garden?

  “’Tis not that, milord. I- can, we…can we not blow out the rest of the candles before I-“ she halted, biting her lip as a frown creased her brow. “Oh no. Did you hear anything I said be-before?” She blurted and he saw the horror flare anew in her eyes.

  He answered truthfully. “Aye.”

  Her mortified gasp filled the chamber. Aric was truly vexed now and continued firmly. “I will not take you in the dark, milady. I want to see you as I take you. I want to see the pleasure I wish to give you on your face. I will give you all the time you need. Come, this is foolish talk of the candles.”

  Aric reached out and caressed her cheek.

  She tried to move away but found she could not for she was trapped. He had backed her into the wall.

  “Please.” Danielle cried. His kisses had been so sweet like nothing she’d ever known nor wanted to forget. If he saw her unclothed he would not want to kiss her again. Did he not know this? Could he not see enough even in her shift? She pleaded again, breathlessly. “Milord, I beg of you this small boon. In the dark, please.”

  His anger mounting, Ari
c drew in a ragged breath. What was she so afraid of? He had not had too many virgins, sure, but of the ones he had, none had behaved as this.

  So what if he saw her?

  Did she not know what it took for him now not to rip that material from her and to what it promised under its thin veil of her luscious curves?

  Nay, her eyes told him she did not.

  She feared being seen. She was scarred more deeply than any scar to mar her body if any under the only piece of cloth that stood between them. Anger washed over him, but Aric tamped it down and focused on calming her.

  “You enjoyed our kiss in the garden, did you not?” he asked her and bit back a curse at the irritation in his tone.

  She nodded, licking her lips and her eyes went wide. “Aye. But we…we were clothed.”

  Aric leaned down and kissed her open mouth. He kissed her over and over until she was moaning and her tongue danced with his.

  He could feel the tension leaving her body as her hot tongue searched inside his mouth. The woman in the garden was almost back.

  She wrapped her soft arms around his neck. He groaned as her breasts brushed against his chest and took pleasure in feeling the shiver run through her as her hard nipples grazed his chest. He shivered too and waited until he felt her relax completely against him. He slid his hands up and down her sides over and over, massaging her ribs, the undersides of those full breasts until she was nearly driving him mad with need by doing what she had in the garden. She tugged and sucked his bottom lip into her mouth. He pressed into her, his hardness between them lying against the soft curve of her belly.

  Danielle did not want him to stop. His mouth was so hot and she loved the feel of his lip in her mouth. She rubbed against him. That liquid fire was back between her thighs. He was bent over her and she ran her fingers through his hair all the while moaning as his fingers neared her breasts. When they hardened more beneath his palms, she could not stop the sigh that escaped her into his mouth.

  So lost in his thorough kissing and touch, Danielle did not notice when he lifted her off her feet into his arms and carried her to the raised bed covered in coverlets. Nor did she utter a sound when he rose up slightly and pulled her shift over her head.


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