The Northern Knights Series (Boxed Set)

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The Northern Knights Series (Boxed Set) Page 13

by Amber Dane

  Balwain took the torch from Edie and pulled her into his arms to keep her warm. Turning he led all back out of the dark passage.

  Aric tore his gaze away from Danielle’s face and looked at Edie for a silent moment. He could not speak.

  The maid gave him a nod of understanding in return. “Milord.”

  Aric turned and went above stairs with Danielle in his arms

  Chapter 19

  Danielle woke to a sore throat and achy muscles. She felt as if she’d been trampled by a horse. She was in their chamber and in the bed. A low fire burned in the hearth. A platter of food and drink sat on a nearby table. Morning light cast its rays through the half open window. She squinted and turned to the other side of the bed.

  Aric was not there.

  He sat in a chair next to the bed. A shadow of a beard on his handsome face. Danielle frowned. Where had that come from? His clothing was disheveled and his hair, loose, lay unkempt around his broad shoulders.

  She tried to rise and pain shot through her from head to toe. She groaned. Blast, she was achy.

  Taking in a slow breath, she tried to stand on her shaky legs and reached out to touch him. But before her fingers could connect, his eyes shot open and she froze with a gasp.

  “You are awake.” His deep voice was raspy.

  Was that concern in his tone that she heard? Nay.

  Danielle stretched her limbs. Memory slammed her. Last eventide. The garden.

  Him. Lady Ella.

  Fresh heartache and pain came roaring back with the image.

  Aric stood and Danielle wrinkled her nose. He did not smell pleasant. Was that Lady Ella’s scent on him?

  “Yea, I am awake.” She answered, frowning at his odd question and look of surprise on his face. Her throat hurt and clearing it, tightness filled her chest. It felt like a stone was sitting on it. She rubbed her fingers over her breastbone. She swallowed back a sob. She could not stop the words tumbling from her mouth. “You sit here with her smell on you to further humiliate me?”

  Aric looked confused for a moment, then wiped a large hand down over his face, and shook his head to wipe the last vestiges of sleep away.

  “What you smell, Danielle, I am ashamed to admit is a body unwashed for a few days. Not a woman.” He saw the puzzled look now in her eyes. “As thrilled as I am to see you are awake, you still need to remain abed. Come.”

  He reached out for her elbow and Danielle pulled away. She stumbled backwards and would have fallen if not for his quick reflexes. He steadied her.

  “Nay.” Danielle whispered. She did not want him to touch her.

  “You are still weak. It will be just a day or two more. Then you should be able to get up and around more easily.” He pulled back the coverlets on the bed and patted the soft mattress. “In, Danielle.”

  Danielle reluctantly sat, then a moment later she pulled her legs up at his expression and he tucked her in. His touch did things to her she did not want to think about.

  “I am only sore from the bench and cold. The passage and bench are made of stone, you know.”

  “I know what it’s made of.”

  He stood in stood in front of her. He needed a bath in the worse way. She could not help but rub a finger under her nose.

  Aric went on, “Aye. I will remedy that soon enough, but first tell me. What all do you remember, Danielle?” His handsome face leaned down to her.

  Danielle stared up at him and scoffed. “Everything.” Her words came out angry and she crossed her arms over her breasts.

  “Oh, is that so? Are you sure you remember everything?”

  “Yea.” She gave him a meaningful look. “You will not make me out to be the fool any longer. ‘Tis gone on long enough. I remember the garden, Aric. And you and your-your…” she leaned up to him and Aric raised his brows at that as she finished, “your mistress. Bah! Guests.”

  “And what else?”

  Danielle’s cheeks reddened. She was thoroughly exasperated at his audacity and her chest was really starting to smart now. “I will not repeat what I saw. You were there. You know damn well what else.” She let loose a litany of curses as she reminded him colorfully and pointed out his unfaithfulness.

  Aric could only stare at her. Where was his timid wife now? He was going to have to work with her on that blasphemous mouth. “I did not mean that. Tell me. What do you remember up to, Danielle?” He folded his arms.

  That only made him look bigger and Danielle wanted to slap that arrogant look from his face. Blast it all. Where had that thought come from? Only he seemed to have this effect on her. She searched her memory another moment, then blushed with embarrassment.

  “I went to a safe place to…” she swallowed. “To work things out and fell asleep, I suppose.”

  “Ah, I see.” He sat back down in the chair and leaned forward. “Well, your guess is right. You fell asleep and have been so most of the time for over a sennight with fever from the chill of nigh death in your bones.”

  Danielle sat up quickly and back down again just as quickly from the wave of dizziness. “Nay! That cannot be.” She exclaimed.

  “Aye, ‘tis true. You had to be purged so cold and fever did not win and get the best of you.”

  “But how? I don’t remember. Wait…how did I get out of the passage then?”

  “I carried you out.”

  “But how? How did you know where I’d…” Danielle’s face dawned with knowing as she held his gaze. “Edie. Oh.”

  Aric grinned. “She only showed me which one you were in. I was well aware of the other three. But I fear I must admit that fourth one escaped me. She will be glad to see that you’re finally awake. She has been hovering over you like a mother to a newborn babe. The bond you have with this woman is quite deep, I see.” She did not question him, but the flash of warmth in her eyes and her nod was enough. He rose and checked to make sure she was securely tucked in. “Now, stay abed.”

  She didn’t want to stay in bed. Had she said that aloud? By his wrinkled brow and hint of a smile on his lips, yea, she had.

  “You will not be going anywhere until you are fully recovered and that includes your night wanderings, Danielle.”

  Danielle could only stare open mouthed at him. She shut and closed her mouth. He couldn’t know! Could he? Nay, he did not know.

  “I know all of it, Danielle.”

  Danielle scoffed. Damn! She had to learn to stop saying things out loud. She peeked over at him. He said nothing. Good. She would start now.

  “You know?” Her words were more of a statement than a question. She glanced at him sheepishly from the corner of her eyes.

  “Aye, Danielle, I know and when I return from a quick visit to Egway and Gent, I will have the whole of it, understood.” He saw by the look in her eyes that she wanted to interrupt, but she thought better of it and gave him a weak smile instead. Aric was not so sure he liked the smile on her face and he added in a warning tone. “Another guard will be added to the one you already have and if you choose to think otherwise about my order, Danielle, one will be posted directly to you.”

  Danielle gasped. “You would not dare!” She knew as soon as the words were out of her mouth that he would.

  Aric stood, a dark look on his face as he gazed down at her. “I would. And Danielle, I told you once before, never question my orders.”

  She was so mad she would have slapped him if he’d not moved away to the door. “Aric!” She shouted. “I am not a child. I need no one to watch over me.”

  “This past week has proven that to be an untruth.” He spoke right over the string of curses that left her mouth, and he bellowed. “Leave that bed while I am gone and I will have ten men watching you. Understood, Danielle?”

  She let out a scream. Anger filled him and Aric quit the chamber. He took in a deep breath as he descended the stairs. He was more exasperated than he was angry. He almost wished that she still slept. She had no patience.

  Danielle thought over the events. He had
said naught of Lady Ella. Yea, he’d downright skirted her inquiry. His disheveled appearance was not that look he’d had after being intimate with her. Danielle grew warm at the memory.

  Besides, he’d a sennight or so he said had passed to bed Lady Ella many times over while she had lain ill all that time.

  So he’d plans to visit their other holdings. He would go before seeing things settled between them? Yea, he would. He did not care about her feelings. A groan of despair left her lips and Danielle pressed her head into the soft pillow. She wanted to scream out loud, but her head hurt from when she’d screamed at him. Nothing had changed.

  Chapter 20

  Danielle did not see Aric again for the rest of the morning. Edie had paid her a short pleasant visit and had confirmed Aric’s words that she had indeed been quite ill for a sennight. And now Edie was back again urging her to finish the healing drink of chamomile and wild berries. Danielle made a face, looking down into the cup.

  Edie’s smile was warm and nervous. “It’s your own concoction milady. I tried to make it the same as you do. Mayhap, I put in a bit much?”

  The mixture was minty and soothed her throat, but, oh the taste left plenty to be desired. “You meant well, Edie. It does help. Thank you.” Danielle reassured her as she drank another mouthful of the distasteful mixture. She flashed her maid a grateful smile. “Tell me, has Lady Ella been keeping herself at my husband’s side these past few days.” She needed to know. And she was surprised by Edie’s cheery tone.

  “Nay, milady.”

  “Nay? Then what is she up to if not that?” Danielle handed her the empty cup.

  Edie beamed. “Hard to tell when she is so far away.”

  “What say you? Far away?”

  “Your husb- milord…sent her packing the day after he walked out of the passage with you.” Edie squeezed her lady’s hand.

  Danielle’s breath came fast. Hope filled her. Nay, it could not be that easy. “He didn’t!” She said breathlessly. Dare she think it true? She was afraid to believe it.

  Edie’s nod confirmed it. “He did. Straight away and she was none too happy about it, milady. 'Tis a wonder her shrew-like screams from the courtyard did not wake you.” Edie slapped a hand over her mouth to stop her giggles. “Forgive me, milady. None of us are sad to see her gone. 'Twas not soon enough.”

  “’Tis alright. I too am pleased she is no longer here.” Danielle was still reeling with the news. She clasped her maid’s hand in hers. “I want to thank you, Edie. My husband said you hovered over me. ‘Tis nice to know.”

  Edie frowned. “How could I not? No need to thank me, milady. ” She leaned down with a wink. “‘Twas not only I that kept vigil over you.”

  Danielle’s eyes widened and Edie smiled, continuing. “Aye, that be your husband. Milord never left your bedside other than to relieve himself. He took his meals in here and fed you broth and liquids himself, he did.”

  Danielle’s mouth opened in disbelief. So that was the reason for his disheveled appearance and sensitive scent. But why? Could he be feeling something for her? Was it possible? He had sent Lady Ella away. But why had he not told her himself?

  Was she hoping for too much?

  Danielle’s questions continued to whirl long after Edie had left and she lay back on the bed. Sleep came with Aric’s handsome face in front of her and the memory of his hands on her body.

  She was feeling much better today. Aric still had not come to her since yester eve and Danielle missed his handsome face. She did know that he’d not left yet for his trip. Now that she had wakened and he’d seen that she fared well, he probably felt he’d done his part. Nay. He had sent away Lady Ella and taken care of her, fed and watched over her. Seen to her needs. Edie would not have lied to her about that.

  Dressed in a blue kirtle and gold slippers, Danielle left the chamber. Two guards were indeed at the door now. She almost smiled. Almost. As she moved to descend the stairs, she saw that one followed her. Turning sharply, she faced the young foot soldier.

  “What are you doing? Is something amiss?”

  The young soldier swallowed eyes steady. “Following me orders, milady.”

  Danielle hesitated. Her hands on her hips. “And what might those orders be my good fellow?” She knew, but she waited to see what the soldier would say. Poor fellow, sweat already had broken on his brow.

  Although his tone was nervous, he held his stance and replied. “Perhaps it might be best if you were to ask, milord. I’m just doing my duty, milady.”

  Danielle inhaled. So the arrogant man had kept his word and ordered her a shadow. Blast him! “That is a good idea, young man. I think I will do that right now.” A look of horror crossed the young soldier’s face and Danielle hesitated. ‘Twas not his fault he was just following orders. Still she turned and fled down the stairs into the hall. The manor was busy and her husband’s men looked up with what looked like relief when she entered. They greeted her as usual but this time something was different. They had smiles on all their faces.

  Danielle stumbled in her tracks at the change but a moment before she found herself returning their warm welcome with a smile of her own.

  Clearing her throat, she walked at a brisk pace through the manor all the while ignoring the call of the soldier at her back. He made quite a bit of noise as he kept pace at her back. She smiled inside. The young man did not miss one step. Spotting a familiar face at the manor doors, Danielle recognized the man as one she’d seen regularly with her husband and Balwain.

  “Have you seen milord, sir?” She asked the large knight.

  Another beaming smile. “He is with Balwain up on the ridge. ‘Tis good to see you up and about again, milady.”

  What was going on around here? Danielle thought. And why was everyone being so nice to her all of a sudden? She thanked the man giving him a weird look as she skirted around him and headed for the stables.

  What were Aric and Balwain doing up on the ridge?

  Those areas were the farthest north of the property and mostly open planes. Harvey was nowhere in sight by the stables.

  The soldier's protests drew her back when she swung up onto her mare’s back astride and her gown bunched around her legs in the saddle.

  “I am well enough to ride and do intend to ride up yon ridge to speak with my husband. Do not worry. You are safe from punishment young man. I will tell him that I ordered you to stay behind.” The color left the young soldiers face as his mouth dropped open in horror and disbelief. Danielle took his moment of shock to take off at a full gallop around the stable.

  “’Tis quite beautiful up here, is it not, Balwain?” Aric observed, walking closer to the edge of the hill. The land was green, a level plane, yet dropped off to a deep gorge below. Only way in was from the hill on the blind side leading up to Gravane.

  “Aye, ‘tis a sight, milord.”

  Balwain gave him a quizzical look and Aric smiled, letting his gaze sweep over the open valley before them. Two other soldiers still on their steeds sat a few feet away. Aric needed to square away a few matters before they left for Egway and Gent. This was one and the other, was next. The village.

  “Think you ‘tis nice enough to start a family here?” Aric asked him.

  Balwain gave him another odd look, frowning yet replied. “Of course. The land is vast and plentiful. Impenetrable and would be at a vantage point of protection for Gravane, milord.”

  “Good.” Aric’s broad back was to him, the draft from the gorge below caught his cloak and it billowed out behind him. “I do agree on the latter too. So be it then, my friend. ‘Tis the place to begin.”

  “Begin what, milord?”

  Balwain’s bafflement was written all over his weathered face and caused Aric to smile. Stepping away from the edge over to his friend and longtime comrade, he threw an arm around his shoulders. “For you to settle down. This is my award to you my friend for the many years of your welcomed friendship and your loyalty to me.”

  Aric’s gr
in widened as realization dawned in Balwain’s eyes. Disbelief was soon followed by Balwain’s hearty laugh. The two warriors clasped forearms as Balwain graciously thanked him with wetness glistening in his eyes.

  Aric continued, his tone serious. “I would never have forgotten about you, Balwain.”

  Balwain nodded knowingly. Too choked with emotion, before stating, “I know that, Aric. My friend. I know.”

  Aric clasped the back of his neck and patted the large knight with a vigorous slap on his back. Moving away, he turned his back to allow his friend a moment to admire his benefice.

  When he moved to approach his destrier, a flash of blue caught his eye and he looked again, eyes squinting against the high noon sun.

  Nay, she would not dare so openly defy him? Would she?

  As the horse and woman galloped closer, she would.

  Aric stood there in awe as he watched Danielle’s approach. Her breasts strained against the fitted bodice of the gown. Her round face flushed as she dismounted by the two soldiers. Aric glared at the soldier he’d left at their chamber door who rushed up behind her and almost fell off his horse in haste to get to his wife.

  She strode towards him, not limping at all. She looked good. Too damn good. Wisps of hair kissed her face, her pink mouth pursed and her cheeks gone rosy from the wind and that heaving bosom. God’s wounds! How he missed touching her.

  “What are you doing, milady?” He shouted. Danielle opened her mouth and closed it. Aric took the moment to continue, “I told you to stay abed the last time I spoke to you. Is that not so?”

  He was bellowing and she met his gaze. Aric saw fire in them. That only seemed to darken those unique eyes of hers as she yelled back.

  “Yea, indeed. The last time you spoke to me is correct. Yet I am fine as you can plainly see else I would not have been able to ride up here. I would like to discuss some things with you, milord.” Danielle stepped near him with a tilt of her head and whispered for his ears only. “I told you I am not a child that needs a babysitter, Aric.”


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