The Northern Knights Series (Boxed Set)

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The Northern Knights Series (Boxed Set) Page 36

by Amber Dane

  Goran watched him. “Do you have any idea who it might be now?”

  Rourke said nothing for a long moment.

  His first suspicion came back to him. Neither his wife nor Goran had shared his belief. But, now, it pricked his brain again. His wife had asked for her maid’s company tonight. Rourke wanted to believe her innocent as they did. But, something niggled at the back of his neck and a sense of urgency ran wild through him. They needed to get back.

  “Come, we ride back. The hour grows late. I need further discussion with my wife on this matter.”

  Goran gave him an odd look, but then shrugged with a nod and spurred his horse into a full gallop following behind him as they raced off back towards Barnett lands.


  She was asleep at the bottom of the bed on her belly when he entered the chamber and Rourke did not know that he held his breath until his lungs started to burn. With his hand shaking he reached out and shook her shoulder. She started with a shout.

  “’Tis only I, Alexa. I did not mean to startle you.”

  “Is that so? Then why shake me so hard to break a bone? What is the matter?” Alexa asked, her voice loud as she sat up.

  Rourke’s eyes ate in the sight of her. She was still dressed in the same clothes she had been in earlier and wisps of her hair kissed her cheeks. He drew back, stunned over his reaction and cleared his throat. “I might ask you that question. You have retired early.”

  Alexa, more awake now frowned over his accusatory tone. Rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand, she watched him rise from his knees next to the bed and move to the hearth where he began to shed his clothes.

  “I guess I was wearier than I thought. Is something wrong with that? People do tend to fall asleep when that happens, you know.” She told him. Something was wrong with him. He had his back to her, but she could feel a difference in him all the same.

  “Did Camm visit with you this eve?”

  It took her a moment to understand his question, and then she said. “Nay. I fell asleep right after I returned here.” Fatigue had assailed her the past few days and she simply deduced it had caught up to her. Her hands slid over her clothes and she climbed off the bed and spotted the uneaten platter on the corner table. Camm must have come and wishing not to disturb her, left it. Alexa’s stomach grumbled. She took a step toward it, only to let out a shriek when his arm snaked around her waist.

  “Nay. I will send for a fresh tray.”

  Alexa struggled and he let her go. She whirled on him to see that he was naked. She didn’t even blink, but sucked in a hard breath. Would she ever be unaffected by this man?

  “Why? I could not have been out that long. It cannot have grown that cold.” Alexa touched a finger to the meats on the tray. It had, the heat had left.

  “All the same. We will have a fresh tray. We can eat after I have my bath.”

  Rourke took the tray and walked to the door. He turned when he heard a strangled sound come from her. Her wide eyes were on his lower half and Rourke looked down and cursed. He had no qualms about being naked before his soldiers. But, he did in his aroused state. He clucked his tongue and balancing the tray in one hand, he reached for the fur on the bench with the other. He groaned when the material slid over him. He gave her a pointed look of blame and opened the door.

  Alexa could not take her eyes off of him. He looked like a Viking God standing there with the muscles rippling across his back. It took everything in her to turn away. He wanted a new platter. Let the man have at it. She shivered at the thought of him taking a bath in her presence. To date she had been spared that.

  She kept herself busy near the window the entire time the bath was being filled and the servants gone, right through him splashing as he washed himself quickly. She was thankful he did not ask her to assist him. Her hands were shaking so badly, she did not think she’d be able to hold anything with them, let alone touch that hard body of his. Their platter came after his bath and they sat across from one another to share the warm meal.

  He seemed more relaxed now and that strangeness he’d had earlier was gone. He was back to his normal quiet self. Alexa pressed her lips tight. ‘Twas well known those of the chivalric code were prone to silence, not talking much. But, she enjoyed talking with him and needed something to distract her from the heat he had stirred in her earlier.

  She blurted the first thing that came to mind.

  “Is it true you disemboweled men in battle?”


  His answer came quick and Alexa could only gape at him. The stories about him were-

  “The stories you have heard are true.” Rourke’s eyes darkened as he watched her hand move unconsciously from her belly to her chest.

  His brows knitted as he settled his gaze on the pulse at her throat. She was afraid and it bothered him. Yet, he said naught of it as she sat straighter and cleared her throat. That hand swept back some bangs from her brow as she tilted her head to the side.

  “Someone train you to do that?”

  “We are trained by many before knighthood. However, what I learned with my axe, I learned from one man in particular.”

  She met his eyes then.

  “’Twas the same man that gave me this.” Rourke stood and swiftly moved aside the fur robe to expose his naked stomach. He touched a finger to the scar that started at his belly. “Satisfied?”

  He let out a sigh of irritation at the pity and anger in her wide eyes. He did not want her pity.

  So, the man that had wounded him still lived and the bad blood between them, by her husband’s expression was quite fresh yet. Alexa wondered who this man could be.

  There was so much that she did not know about him and she vowed to uncover all his secrets one day.

  She would know who this now ex-friend was just as she would get to the root of who this woman was that had so soured him. Alexa did not question her intent, convincing herself if she was to bear their child and grow old and die in her home; she would make the best of it.

  “I would know the name of this man whom you carry around such hate for.”

  In one stride he was in front of her, his meal forgotten. He did not look angry, but a nerve jumped in his forehead.

  “My turn. What do you know of Emma?” Rourke had expected her to protest over his change of subject, but she didn’t and surprised him when she answered his inquiry.

  “Emma! A whiz of a seamstress and a sweet girl and companion to Lisbeth.”

  “I thought Camm was that to you both?”

  Alexa stood and stepped around him, going to the chest to remove her gown for bed. “Camm is more like a sister to us. But Emma- when she came, Lisbeth took a strong liking to the girl and they became fast companions.”

  “And Camm did not mind?” Rourke got on the bed and lay back, his arms folded under his head as his eyes watched her run behind the partition to undress. Heat slammed him.

  “Nay. She welcomed the young girl. As did I. Emma She was more…ladylike than I and I was glad she was there for my sister to enjoy the things I despised. That’s why it was a surprise to us all when she up and disappeared one night. When we asked her family, they had no idea either. At first we suspected foul play. But, she was too sweet to have enemies.”

  “None are too young and sweet, hellion, to have enemies.”

  Alexa emerged from behind the partition in the light shift. Her lashes lowered and Rourke caught the nervous gaze she shot his way. He waited for her to climb on the bed. She did and jumped when he reached over to undo her thick plait. She froze then after a moment, her fingers moved with his to unravel it.

  Rourke let the silky strands slide through his fingers and he lifted a handful to smell the light scent. He hardened.

  “Why do you ask after her?”

  Rourke continued to stroke her hair and told her of what had happened at the hut. Sadness and disbelief settled over her. “I promise you, Alexa. The person who committed these crimes will be found and dealt

  She turned to him, sadness in her eyes for Emma and nodded. With a sniff and toss of her head, she surprised him again when she pressed her hand to his chest.

  “Aye, you will.”

  Something rose in Rourke’s throat and choked him. He said nothing, covered her hand with his and brought her forward and covered her mouth with his in a hard possessive kiss.


  The next morning Alexa was plagued by Rourke’s odd behavior last night. She’d noted the concern he’d tried to hide over not having caught this person trying to harm her. His suspicions came to her again and shook her head. It was not possible. Besides, with poor Emma now dead, this only proved the person or persons had reaches beyond the manor and evil in their heart. Camm possessed not a single bone of evil in her person. Alexa fussed about the chamber some more. Soon, it would be time for her to go down for her afternoon practice.

  Her thoughts were interrupted by soft footfalls coming down the hall. Moving from the chest, Alexa walked to the door just as a soft knock came. She opened it. Ashen and breathless, Camm stood there.

  Concerned, Alexa pulled her maid inside the room and clasped her hand in hers. “Camm! Pray tell, what is the matter? You look like a ghost.”

  The sun was just breaking through the clouds and a bright ray split through the crack of the window covering and fell upon them. Alexa sat Camm on a bench and soothed the wisps of stray hairs from her maid’s face. When the maid calmed and was able to speak, she balled the cloth she held in one hand and spoke earnestly.

  “Oh, mistress! Forgive me. Something gave me fright just now when I came past the North tower.”

  Alexa frowned over her words and gave her a quizzical look. “What were you doing over there?”

  Camm grabbed one of her hands and held it to her breast as her eyes filled with tears. “I-I was” she gulped, blushing. “I was meeting my man there, mistress.”

  Alexa smiled, then and caressed her cheek. Camm and the blacksmith’s son had a long standing relationship and why the two had never married, was still something Alexa had never been able to get a straight answer on from Camm. She dropped to her haunches and lifted Camm’s chin with the hand the maid was not squeezing to death.

  “What could have frightened you so with Jacob near?”

  Jacob was a burly young man who did plenty work around the manor and the fields and still maintained his status in the household.

  “At first, I thought ‘twas Jacob playing a trick, mistress. Trying to frighten me, you know. But, soon enough he grew fearful himself.”

  Alexa’s tone did change then and she sighed when she finally managed to get her hand free from Camm’s cold tight grip. Alexa stood, rubbing her smarting hand and asked, “Do go on. What happened?”

  Camm turned wide blank eyes upon her then. “No-Not really sure. Just that someone or something passed over us. A cold chill, worse than any winter I have ever felt brushed against my cheek. Right here, mistress.”

  Camm grabbed her hand again and pressed it to the spot on her cheek and Alexa felt her shiver under her, as though her cheek were still cold. Alexa knew by the wild look in her eyes that she was remembering. She pulled her maid up and pulled her into an embrace.

  “It was probably just a cold draft, Camm.” Alexa said in a comforting tone.

  Camm pulled away, gasping. “Nay, mistress! I felt it as surely as I just felt yours, but much colder. I tell you, the touch was as smooth as a baby’s bottom and could freeze even the devil’s blood. Something or someone has stirred the spirits there.”

  Alexa felt her mouth drop open as her maid launched back into her arms sobbing. For years, the superstitions about the old tower had swirled and grown around the manor. But, no foundation or truth to them. Her parents never used it. She and Lisbeth had been forbidden to tread there and steered clear of it. Alexa had ventured close, and would have entered on many occasions, had it not been for Lisbeth’s whining and frequent threats to tell on her. As they’d grown older, she’d forgotten about what secrets the lone tower held. Until now. When Camm had calmed, Alexa asked where Jacob was.

  “He was called away by your husband, mistress. Seems my lord wants to plan a rough joust before the frost.”

  Alexa gave her maid a fresh cloth to wipe away her tears. “Are you feeling better now?’ she asked Camm gently.

  With heavy sniffles and eyes red rimmed, Camm nodded. ‘Aye. Thank you. You should come see for yourself, mistress.”

  Looking at her face, Alexa felt pain lance her heart seeing the real fright in her maid’s eyes. Camm had been like a sister to her and damn Rourke’s hide! What did he know? Looking at the open door, the guard was not there and Alexa smiled.

  “Perhaps Jacob will tell my husband about what you saw.” Alexa said licking her lips nervously. Why should she be nervous? He had not forbidden her from venturing anywhere else other than the practice room. Although, she knew better. ‘Twas time she was able to walk freely about. They were getting along better to some sort of degree. At least she was trying. Alexa bit her lip.

  “Jacob called me a fool and said ‘twas my imagination, mistress. He said the lord would think it so himself were he to speak of it to him.”

  Her maid looked so forlorn, her bottom lip stuck out and trembling. Alexa sighed. She knew Camm better than anyone and she hated to see her so upset. Having to accept the Norman as her new lord had been pretty taxing and the treatment the man had bestowed upon his new bride- well- Alexa felt even worse. She should have known it would have affected Camm too. Her mind made up, she placed a secure hand on her maid’s shoulder.

  “Aye, Camm. I will see for myself. Nay. I will worry about my husband later.” Alexa said and exited the room with her maid.

  The wind was always more brisk up on this part of the manor and was even more so on this cold winter day. Her ancestors had intended to fashion a castle after the ones they had seen go up during King Edward’s time. A partial rampart led to a causeway that connected the two, made of wood and the walls that were made of partial stone, which Alexa used her hand to lean upon as she inched her way along the unfinished side with Camm behind her. Coming to the thinnest part of the plank floor, she stood just inside one of the embrasures that had a gaping hole in it on one side. The workmanship could be noted in every stone and Alexa tried to picture the tower complete. ‘Twould have been a beautiful structure. Camm’s cough brought her back.

  “Is this the spot, then?” Alexa did not know she stood dangerously close to the edge as Camm waved a shaky hand out in front of her.

  “Nay, mistress. Over there more. That’s it. Right there.”

  Alexa frowned when she felt a cold draft move up her gown. That was definitely the wind. She stood still and looked all around. She looked out over the fields. What a view. She could see the whole of her lands from this post. Her ancestors had the right idea. Had the embrasure been complete, there was not one piece of Barnett lands one could not see facing this north side for an enemy wishing to attack. Turning back to Camm, Alexa tucked a loose strand of hair that had blown free, back behind her ear and shouted across to her maid.

  “I must say, Camm. I can see what you two must have been looking at. ‘Tis absolutely breathtaking. I never came up this high before.”

  “What’s that, mistress?” The wind snatched at her maid’s words and brought the strangled tone to Alexa’s ears and she gave Camm an odd look.

  “The view of course. That is what you were trying to do up here, was it not?” There was not aught more to do or a better place to cuddle for warmth in your lover’s arms and be in intimate, Alexa thought as her gaze swept around them. She gazed back out onto the cultivated lands and caught her breath.

  She would know him anywhere.

  Even from this distance Rourke’s form caused a tingle to ripple through her and she shuddered. The sun had fully risen and his hair looked like spun white gold from here. He was surrounded by Goran and a few other men. He moved away from the
circle of men in their direction. She had little time. She sighed and turned back to Camm as her maid called to her.

  “What was that, Camm? I couldn’t hear you. The wind is so strong up here. I’m coming back to you now.” She shouted and just as she started to inch back towards her, she saw Camm step towards her. “Nay. Stay there. I am coming back to you.” Alexa shouted her warning again with a wave to stop her, and then she stopped when she saw the look on her maid’s face.

  Camm looked like a different person. Her pretty face twisted with an ugly sneer and the look in her eyes made Alexa’s blood run ice-cold.

  Alexa shook her head with a laugh. She was letting Rourke’s suspicions get the best of her. Camm was like a sister to her. Yet, she heard the uncertainty in her own tone when she asked, “Camm? Camm, are you well?”

  “I should have killed you first.” Her maid’s cold words smacked her right in the face.


  Rourke scanned the grounds and watched Jacob with a cautionary eye. Although he liked Barnett’s blacksmith, his son’s disposition did not sit well with Rourke and it hadn’t since the day he’d first met the boy. Something about the young boy had always seemed off center, missing or dead in the boy’s eyes. Eyes that kept shifting to the ground whenever Rourke looked his way, like now. With his hands clasped behind his back, Rourke studied the boy through his peripheral as he and Goran walked the group of men through their duties in preparation for the short practice joust he’d planned.

  Something cold swept over his cheeks and Rourke lifted his head as the wind whistled and he found his gaze turning back toward the manor high wall facing the north side. A movement drew his gaze to the area where the dilapidated tower stood and his heart lurched and skipped a beat. He stopped walking so abruptly, the others behind him nearly fell over as they stumbled around him. Only Goran stepped to his side.


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