The Northern Knights Series (Boxed Set)

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The Northern Knights Series (Boxed Set) Page 55

by Amber Dane

  What had been interrupted last eve he would see completed this night. But first, he had to gain control and clear his raging thoughts before he visited his wife.


  The robed figure, his back to the two guards awaiting permission to speak, moved out of the corner and seemed to disappear into the seamless darkness covering the raised dais. The figure sat too far back to discern his features for the enshrouded darkness hid all of his form except his boots and mounted spurs. Long, pale and tapered fingers of a scarred hand rapped slowly against the thick wooden arm of the chair. A quick glimpse of a thick forearm of sinewy muscle flashed before it withdrew back under the cover of the black robe.

  That drumming sound set the two guards more on edge as they shifted nervously from foot to foot, with sweat breaking on their brows even though a heavy draft blew through the earthen built building. The dimly lit room added an ominous feel to the chill hanging in the air. The man sat before them like a king, even though the hovel was riddled with mice scurrying in every corner, cobwebs and rushes of filth covered the floor. The stale smell of unwashed bodies, excrement and musky sex filled the room, strong enough to choke a man. The rapping increased and the deep breaths of the man finally slowed.

  The deep timbre bounced off the walls of the room. ‘Now, just what was it you were babbling on about?’

  ‘We-Well…my lord, I asked…Ho-How am I to drug the whole castle?’

  ‘He has less than a handful in residence there. ‘Twill not be a difficult feat. If you think it so, perhaps I erred in believing the much rumored tales of your abilities and am lining the wrong pockets with my coin. It would make me very unhappy if they were lies and to think that my precious and most valuable time has been wasted.’

  The threat hung in the air.

  ‘My lord, I, ah,’ the stout guard croaked nervously. ‘Nay. Nay. There is a way around all things. ‘Twill be done.’

  Silence was his response.

  The guard snaked out his tongue to his bottom lip as he tried to peer into the darkness hiding the man.

  After what seemed an eternity, the man from the shadows spoke again, simply asking. ‘And the boy?'

  ‘No word or sighting yet, my lord.’ The other, taller guard answered.

  ‘Send word as soon as he is found. That will be all for now.’

  ‘Aye, my lord.’ Both men answered in unison and immediately took their leave.

  Raven Renald stared after them with a twinge of mild regret. He should never have had his giant butchered. He’d let his blind fury take hold of him in a quick act of selfishness.

  He missed the ugly ogre. Stupid, the giant had been for the most part, but at least he’d gotten the job done and for no less than a good, hearty meal in his gut.

  A slender woman in a red flowing gown appeared out of the shadows to stand near his side. ‘I thought you said the boy was not part of this?’

  Raven reached out and gripped her hand. She cried out as he yanked her closer and twisted her arm.

  ‘I’ve changed my mind. The boy is my concern, not yours. Now worry yourself no longer with matters too complex for such a pretty face and do what you have more taken talents for.’

  He practically shoved her to her knees whilst his other hand moved his robe aside and he unbuckled his sword belt from his waist.

  The woman's struggles ceased and she sighed. ‘Aye, my lord.’

  Raven stood and let the woman finish undressing him. When her fingers slid over the raised scars across his back he stiffened with fury remembering that awful night which seemed so long ago when he’d gotten them from those ungrateful and rotten traitors.

  ‘My lord, your scars are not so awful. They look better each day.’ She purred softly against his skin.

  She let out a yelp when Raven snapped her arm up high against her back as he jerked her against his chest. He took great delight in her heavy and painful pants. With his lips pressed to her ear, he warned. ‘How many times does it take for a dog to learn her place? Did I not tell you never to mention my scars, whore?’ Her whimper made him harden even more.

  ‘Aye, my lord,’ she cried out when he shoved her against the wall and thrust inside her.

  He laughed above her. ‘Ah, my pet, you are not ready for me. A little pain to remind you of your place. Then perhaps I will show you mercy and give you pleasure later.’ Raven wrapped his hand in her braided hair and her cries drove his powerful thrusts harder and deeper.

  He stared down at the healed and ugly scars on the back of his hand. He would hunt those bastards down. They had turned on him and sliced him with his own weapons to set his enemy free. He’d lost everything all over again!

  Now he was reduced to managing all he could from this rat infested hovel. The mere thought of being in a cave-like environment again infuriated him. He’d very few he trusted to do his bidding but greasing their greedy palms and their fear of him kept them in line.

  If he had to search every corner of England, even at the risk of losing his own head, he’d find them and flay the skin from their bones before he gutted them. But for now, he had to control his eagerness and wait patiently for what he had planned for his brother to unfold.


  Despite the long day and unspoken revelations, Caroline knew he’d come and he did. Laur came in to take her son while Darc stood out in the corridor bathed in the shadows. She could feel the angry chill coming from him. She swallowed down a lump of apprehension and followed behind him. She’d not known what to expect after what had occurred in the hall.

  In his chamber he removed his belt and mantle. His movements were quick, jerky and showed his anger. Far less kind than their first encounter. Caroline tried not to focus on him, not to think about it, but it was hard when he continued to say naught.

  The only sound in the room was the crackle coming from the hearth fire and her erratic breaths. He’d yet to look her in the eye and at first she was glad, for it meant the act would be done and over. She could do this she told herself even though the images of what had happened before burned inside her. She could not help it, she wanted that again.

  He stripped down to his long tunic and inclined his dark head sharply toward the bed.

  That made her angry.

  His outright indifference was more than she could bear. Both their lives had changed not just his. She was not the only one with secrets.

  Still, she tucked her chin and crawled on the bed with her shift pulled up. His eyes looked dark in the barely lit room and looked everywhere but at her.

  Fat candles burned but sat far away from the bed and the low fire in the hearth failed to keep the chill in the air at bay for the bank was too low to give off much heat to fill the room.

  A soft gasp escaped her when his large body pressed down upon the mattress. Would he not look at her? Not speak a word?


  He reached for her covered breast and in his rough handling, hurt her, pinching her skin and caused her to shrink away from his touch.

  She tried to move further away but his thick thighs forced her legs together and held her in place. Caroline could not bear the tension and she pleaded. ‘My lord-‘

  His hard tone stopped her. ‘Do not speak a word. Let the act be done and over. You know what to expect. I will not hurt you.’

  His softened touch to her breast did not ease her rising fear. His every move was angry. Although he’d spoken the words, Caroline was even more sure now that something terrible would happen over the hidden truths between them. His rough assault upon her flesh stung.

  She refused to give up so easily and thought to kiss him again, thinking it would warm up things as it had done before. Anything to stop her from suffering any pain.

  Instead of leaning in for the kiss, she asked, ‘Would you care to kiss me?’

  His head shot up so fast she flinched. His eyes blazed a breath from hers, unreadable but she could feel the heat emanating from him and his long and thick length lay a
gainst her legs. So he was roused.


  ‘But-But I wish to.’ Caroline blurted, feeling the burn creep up her neck. It was truth. She did want to kiss him. The closeness of this man did something to her. Heated her blood. Even if he tried to pretend indifference, something had happened the last time between them. His body’s reaction to her told her he felt the same.

  Still, she did not think it was just Cedric that bothered him. There was something else too. Something he kept caged and locked away. His secret. His demons. Either way, his ardor was not cooled by whatever it was.

  ‘Nay,’ he repeated even though his hands trembled as they moved up the column of her neck, gentle and softer this time. Caroline almost released a sigh of relief until he moved her body into a position to receive him.

  Damn him to hell!

  She wanted her kiss and she would have it. She leaned up and planted a kiss on his scar. She did not fear his movement when he drew back. She reached up to caress his cheek and his stubble felt soft and rough against her palm at the same time. He pulled away from her touch slowly.

  ‘Do not.’

  ‘Why not?’

  He stared at her, speechless. She touched him again. His iron grip on her wrist stopped her movement.

  Undeterred, she shocked him when she reached up and touched him with her other hand. The gentle caress of her warm hand against his cheek bothered him.

  How dare she act as if he’d not seen the truth? He’d no intent of having any closeness between them outside of this age old act.

  Women! Always talking and never at the right moment.

  He would not, could not allow this one in. Today in the presence of Cedric had proven that fact. She pretended innocence, even caring laced her tone, but he knew she was just as faithless as the first bitch he’d had.

  Darc did not want to respond, his heart thumped hard in his chest reminding him of what he once had with another. He wanted, nay he should question her, but on his ride he’d decided against it. He feared he might not like what she revealed. Then surely he’d never consummate their union. He wanted to erase all memories of Cedric or any other man’s touch from her mind. And why he did, he did not know he just did.

  His words were hard and his desire almost fled. But looking at her mouth called him a fat liar for it only boiled for her more.

  Angrily he growled over her ‘Cease this prattle. What do you hope to gain with it? We are here to finish what was interrupted the eve before and nothing more. The sooner it is over, the better. Trust me in this.’

  He released her hand with a snap of his wrist and she let it drop to her side. The less he knew about this woman, the better. Darc read the disappointment in her wide and shocked eyes before her lips turned down and she told him.

  ‘Make haste then if you must. All I ask is that you have a care with me in the taking.’

  The bitterness in her tone was not lost on him. She dare tell him what to do?

  She had no reason to be so short with him. She had borne a child to Cedric and was far from a virgin.

  More than they’d realized had gone on under Halvard’s roof. But none of that interested him now. He was not eager to bed her any more than she was him.

  Darc gritted his teeth as he told himself the lie. It did matter.

  Lifting her chemise higher, he spread her thighs by pushing one leg between hers. He just wanted it over.

  He didn’t even caress her as he had before to see if she was ready to receive him. He pulled her down closer to him by her full hips none too gently. He knew his touch was rough and felt her wince under him, but he was too cross to care.

  He surged into her sheath in a single thrust and froze right after when her loud scream tore out of her chest, filling the room as he ripped through the maiden head he did not expect to be there.

  He drew back to look down into her tear stained face.

  ‘Caroline!’ her name burst from him in a surprised shout.

  Darc suddenly felt terrible. She sobbed under him and pushed at his shoulders, grunting in pain. Little did she know her hips moving had him sink further and deeper into her. She gasped and choked on her tears as she took him in inch by inch.

  ‘What the hell goes on here? How is this possible?’ His angry words bounced off the walls.

  ‘I-I, oh…!’ She arched her back to dislodge him. He pinned her there, not moving, giving her body time to accept him.

  ‘It is done. The pain will cease in a moment. You must wait a moment…hold steady. Wait.’ His soft command only caused her to push at him harder. Passion and anger at this further deceit raged through him, but he could not stop now.

  ‘I cannot wait nor bear this. Your thing…it has burned me raw. Stop this, please, I beg you, it will not work.’ She exclaimed.

  Taken aback by her words, Darc felt his anger dissolve a little. ‘I cannot stop now. It will work. The act always does and has been done for ages. The hard part is over and the pain will go away. Nay, do not…I told you not to move like that.’ Darc groaned as she tried to close her legs. She was tense and her hot body squeezed him tightly. The feeling was the most sensual thing he’d ever felt in lying with a woman and it took him by surprise.

  He’d let his anger direct his actions tonight and now he wanted to ease her fears.

  He should have made her ready to receive him virgin or not. He’d ignited passion in her the first time. He was angry at himself for letting the belief she’d been another worthless and unfaithful female, and with Cedric drive him into behaving the beast in taking her. Darc lowered his voice and tried to soothe her. Her tears left as quickly as they had come.

  His hand moved down between them and she bucked against him tensing in wait for more pain. He spoke more soothing words while his fingers found her softness and after a moment, a throaty cry from her filled the room.

  ‘Oh-goodness! Wh-What is that?’ She gasped in breathless awe.

  Darc moved his fingers, eliciting another response from her and said, ‘There, there. Do you like that? Is that better?’

  She did not voice her response. Her body did in relaxing under his. When she did open her mouth to respond, she muttered something incoherent and moved her hips. Darc found himself watching her expressive face as she began to moan. Finally she settled her hips and looked satisfied that she had found a comfortable spot, and she replied, huskily, ‘Aye, much better.’

  Her wetness made his first thrust easy and she shrieked with the pleasure he gave her until a deep groan tore up and out of her chest with her swift release as it rocked her body hard and pulled him deeper inside her.

  He marveled at the change in her. Her honey-colored eyes opened wide and stared at him in wonderment at the pleasure he’d given her. Darc was ready, her velvety heat too much. After a few hard thrusts, he lifted her right leg, hooking it under his arm. He was rewarded with her careening cry as she took all of him inside as she found her satisfaction once more.

  ‘Darc!’ she screamed.

  Her muscles contracting and sucking at him along with hearing her speak his name was all it took to send him over the edge, and Darc quickly withdrew and spilled his seed.

  Rolling over onto his back, he waited to catch his breath, his tunic stuck to his chest soaked through with his sweat. The woman had sucked the very life out of him. Never had he experienced such surprising and swift pleasure.

  Neither of them spoke a word.

  Caroline waited, her body humming and her mind out of sorts. A part of her wanted to hold on, to savor and discover more about the new sensations enveloping her but she knew now was not the time. The silence was deafening and her unsteady breaths rang loudly in her ears.

  He would have lots of questions and they came as she suspected, quickly.


  ‘Whose child is he?’

  The tight ball she’d carried all these years unwound and the words poured out of her like a dam. She blamed it on the stressful events of the past few days
and on the passion they had just shared. Her emotions were jumbled and she was too relaxed to be rational about anything. This time she needed a different kind of release.

  ‘Halvard had only one child of his loins from his first of three wives. The child died by some ailment before his tenth summer had come to pass. He is the son of Lord Halvard’s second wife, my cousin, Helen. I have been with Kelbie since the day he left her womb and I am the only mother he knows.’ Caroline took in deep breaths and waited. He was quiet for so long.

  ‘Tell me all of it and leave nothing out,’ he growled next to her. He rose up just enough to remove his tunic over his head, and then he laid back, his body stiff next to her, with a hand to his brow.

  She glanced at his bare chest. Sweat beaded on the sparse hairs in the middle and across his taut and muscled stomach. Caroline swallowed and looked away.

  ‘It-It-is rather confusing. Lord Halvard is - is not Kelbie’s father. Kelbie’s father is the cousin that came with the king today. Cedric.’ She shuddered with a pause, waiting and held back from saying as you well know. She knew he’d known, yet he said naught and she went on, ‘Lord Halvard made Helen and I promise to hold the secret or death would visit our door.’ She shook with the memory of how hard he had beaten them both that night until they had agreed to more of his evil and sick lies.

  Darc looked at her then. ‘Who knows of this now?’

  She pulled her shift down over her nakedness and his eyes followed her movements, causing a flush to come to her cheeks.

  ‘Just me. Helen took the horrible secret to her grave days after the birthing.’

  ‘Let me make sure I have this aright. Cedric is unaware that the child is his?’

  ‘Aye! But, I think he suspects it. Kelbie has begun to look just like him.’ Again she bit her lip from telling him she knew he knew this. ‘I fear this is what caused the bloodshed the week before the Nor- you and the king came and…and why he is after me.’ She looked at him then; his narrowed gaze told her they were thinking the same thing.


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