Van, Becca - Double E Ranch [Slick Rock 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Van, Becca - Double E Ranch [Slick Rock 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 7

by Becca Van

  Felicity sat down in the kitchen a few seats away from Tom and Billy. They surprised her when they rose to their feet and moved to sit on either side of her. Nanette bustled around the kitchen with the last preparations for lunch, just before the ranch hands began to wander into the room. They each smiled and nodded at her then got down to the business of eating. Felicity kept to herself until they all headed back outside to work again.

  “I need you to talk, Flick. You scared the hell out of us last night. Please, tell us why you were so upset. The last thing we want is to scare you, or have you make yourself sick,” Tom said earnestly.

  “Can we talk about this later? Please?” Felicity asked as she glanced toward Nan.

  “Sure, baby. Whatever you want,” Billy replied.

  “I guess I should get back to work,” Felicity said with a sigh. The last thing she felt like was working, but she knew that’s what she had been hired to do.

  “Felicity, I want you come into the study. Please?” Tom asked, rising to his feet, holding a hand toward her.

  Felicity didn’t hesitate to take Tom’s hand. She knew they weren’t going to let her get away without explaining, so she resigned herself to following her boss.

  * * * *

  Tom led Felicity to the sofa in his office and pulled a chair from in front of his desk, straddling it so he could see her face. Billy followed suit, both of them waiting for her to speak.

  “I’m sorry I scared you. I didn’t mean to break down the way I did. When one of you called me Flick and accused me of lying, it brought back memories I had buried deep down in my heart. You see, my mom used to call me Flick. I remembered the way my mom used to sing to me when I was little, the scent of vanilla surrounding me as she cuddled me. I lost my parents when I was three years old and was sent to live with my elderly maiden aunt. Don’t get me wrong, she took care of me, made sure I had clothes, food, and a roof over my head, but she never gave me what I truly needed. She never hugged me or gave me any love at all. I honestly don’t know if she was capable of it. She taught me to clean and cook, so by the time I was nine years old, I was keeping house for her. She taught me to be self-sufficient. I didn’t know until she died that she was a gambling addict. She never allowed me to have any friends over, or to visit anyone, so eventually I began to push people away. It was just easier, you know. Not to have to make excuses all the time. I didn’t feel like a whole human being. I used my work to keep me going. My aunt died when I was seventeen years old, and since I had no friends, I think I compensated by wanting to be close to animals. I felt needed for the first time in my life. I kept my distance from people, worked as much as I could to keep the loneliness at bay. I was a human automaton, not feeling, just going through the process of existing.”

  “I’m sorry we made you feel bad, sweetheart,” Tom said. “That was never our intention. If you want to leave, we’ll let you go, but don’t think we don’t want you here, because we do. We want you a whole damn lot. Now, regarding work. You’re not to work for at least two weeks. Doc’s orders. We had Doc come out last night. He gave you a sedative shot, to calm you down. He thought you were on the edge of a nervous breakdown. Since we are your employers, it is our duty to see that you’re well. You will not be helping out for at least two weeks. The only time I want to see you in that yard is to get some fresh air or go for a ride. You are to get others to tack up for you, no heavy lifting. One of us will be with you at all times. We want to take care of you, Felicity. Do you understand?”

  “Yeah, I think so. Can I ask you both a question?”

  “Sure, baby. Shoot,” Billy replied.

  “Why are you two and the sheriff trying to get me into bed?”

  “We like you a lot, sweetheart. Billy and I have always liked to share women. I can’t tell you why, really. It’s just that we seem to have a connection when we love a woman. We both always seem to like the same women. When we were younger, we used to fight all the time over women. Trying to steal from the other. One day the woman we were fighting over suggested we have a threesome. We enjoyed it so much we haven’t looked back since. We seem to feed off of each other’s excitement. We’ve been looking to settle down with a woman we can both share. Someone we want to spend the rest of our lives with, have kids, and grow old with. We both think you may be that woman,” Tom explained.

  “Oh my God. You really want to share me? All the time? That’s why you were all in my bedroom? I thought you were just trying to seduce me to have sex with all three of you, not for a permanent relationship.”

  “Yeah, baby,” Billy replied. “Take all the time you need, sweetheart. Take those two weeks to heal and think about what you want. When, if you’re ever ready, all you have to do is come to us. Let us know what you want. We’d never hurt you. The last thing we want to do is hurt you. We want to give you pleasure. We want to love you.”

  “I’ve never heard of anything like this happening in real life. I’ve read about it, but I don’t know if I can do this! You need to give me some time to think things through. Where does Luke come into this? He was in my bedroom as well.”

  “We have been friends with Luke since we were kids. He took one look at you and wanted you as well. I think if it had been anyone else, we would have punched their lights out, but we couldn’t do that to a friend,” Tom explained.

  “How can you want me? You don’t even know me! I don’t know you. Oh God, I just don’t know.”

  “We know we turn you on, sweetheart. We’ve seen it in your eyes. Please, don’t say no until you give it, us, a chance. We won’t do anything unless you want us to, but please, just don’t say no,” Tom reiterated.

  “I’m so confused. I don’t know what to think.”

  Felicity sat staring at them. She had no idea whether she could do what they were asking of her. She’d never even been with one man, let alone three! She watched as the two men stood, moved to her, giving her a kiss on her head, and then they left the room without a backward glance. Felicity had no idea how long she sat staring into space, their words going around and around in her head. The thought of having three men stroke her body, sliding their hands over her skin, had her breathing rapidly, her nipples puckering into tight, hard nubs, and her pussy clenching, leaking cream onto her panties. She’d never had anyone really love her, besides her parents. The thought of having three men all to herself was very, very tempting.

  Felicity lifted her head toward the doorway when she heard a shuffle of feet. She smiled when she saw Nan standing there with two cups of coffee in her hand.

  “I thought you might like a cup of coffee and maybe a female to talk to. I know I’m not your mother, or even a female relation to you, but I already know what a sweet, loving person you are,” Nanette said.

  “I don’t know what to do, Nanette. They want to share me. I’m so confused. How could they want to share me and be happy doing that? I can see so many problems with that scenario. I mean, what if one of them got jealous with the other and they began fighting? What if I accidentally spent more time with one and not the others? I just can’t see it working.”

  “Have you asked them how it will work?”

  “No, not yet. I was too flabbergasted to think. They totally blew me away when they told me what they wanted.”

  “I’ve been working on this ranch for the last eight years. I’ve seen women come and go, and yes, they shared those women. I have never seen them look at the other women the way they look at you. You need to tell them about your concerns. You need to be comfortable with what they want from you. If you’re not comfortable, then I can’t see it working. But out of all of this, there needs to be love. No relationship can work without love.”

  “What would people think about me if I decided to go ahead with what they want? I would be branded a loose woman, a slut. I don’t know if the ranch hands would accept me anymore. Would they think I was available to any of them, if I do this? Oh God, Nanette. I’m so confused.”

  “The only person yo
u need to answer to is yourself, Felicity. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. I know you love them all very much. I’ve seen it in your eyes. No, don’t worry, I don’t think those men have a clue. Are you willing to throw away your one and only chance of finding love and happiness? Or are you courageous enough to hold on with both hands and live your dreams? Think about it long and hard before you throw away what could be a once-in-a-lifetime chance. Find out how things will work if you decide to go ahead. But most importantly, follow your heart,” Nanette advised. “Now, I’d best get back to the kitchen. If I don’t have dinner ready in time, I’m going to have hungry bears on my hands.”

  “Thanks, Nanette. Thanks for listening and giving me your advice. I really appreciate it.”

  “Anytime, honey. Anytime.”

  Felicity sat in the study quietly pondering over Nanette’s advice. She knew she couldn’t lie to herself anymore. She wanted those three men more than she could stand. She could imagine what it would be like to have their hands and mouths on her body. She’d had a small taste, but it had been nowhere near enough to appease the raging hunger burning in her body. But she was scared to take the next step. Scared to give them everything she had only to have them throw it all away. She wondered what would be worse, having them and then losing them, or not having them at all. Then she thought about her parents, how they had lost their lives at such a young age. They had missed out on so much, and so had she. It was time to grab life with both hands and live every day as if it would be her last.

  Chapter Eight

  Luke found Felicity sitting quietly in the study when he got home from work. He could see the wheels turning in her head as expressions flitted across her face. She was concentrating so hard, she was unaware he was standing in the doorway. He moved further into the room then smiled as she turned her head to him.

  “Hey, honey. How are you feeling?” Luke asked as he sat down on the sofa cushion beside her.

  “I’m good. How was work?”

  “Pretty quiet, which is just the way I like it,” Luke replied with a grin. He just watched her curiously as she watched him. She turned her body toward him a little more, placed her small hand against his cheek, and gazed into his eyes.

  “Do you have any idea how handsome you are? You’re such a sexy man, Luke,” Felicity stated quietly, her eyes looking at him with hunger.

  “You’re playing with fire, little girl,” Luke whispered, his voice deeper than normal as his body heated with desire.

  “Good,” Felicity whispered as she leaned forward. “I can’t wait to get burnt.”

  Luke moved quickly. He pulled her onto his lap and slammed his mouth down over hers. She didn’t even have time to blink. He thrust his tongue between her lips, sweeping the interior of her mouth, sliding his tongue against hers in an erotic duel of carnality. He heard the breath rush out of her lungs. And then he was carrying her to the study door. He hesitated then drew his mouth from hers. He stopped when he saw movement off to the side and turned to look at the heated stares Tom and Billy were giving her. He heard her breath hitch and saw her lick her dry lips. The masculine groans that emanated from Tom and Billy had his cock jumping in his pants.

  “Bedroom, now,” Luke rasped. He took off down the long hallway, his long legs eating up the distance in no time. He didn’t have to look back over his shoulder to see his friends following. He could practically feel their heated breath on his neck.

  Luke gently put Felicity down on the mattress. Keeping his eyes on her, he began to strip the confining clothes from his body. He watched her as he revealed his body and knew she was as horny as he was. He could see it in her eyes. Her pupils were so dilated only small rings of her violet-blue irises could be seen. Her chest rose and fell rapidly as she panted for breath. Once he was naked, he crawled onto the bed, gathered her body against his own, and slammed his mouth down to hers. He groaned long and deep as his tongue thrust into her sweet, moist cavern, touching, tasting, exploring every inch of her mouth. He swept his hands down the sides of her body until he encountered the waistband of her jeans. He slid his hand from her hip, over her stomach, and pulled at the button holding her jeans together. He used one of his arms, sliding it beneath her hips to lift her ass, slid the zipper on her pants down, and tugged.

  Luke felt the bed dip and knew Tom and Billy had just joined them on the bed. He opened his eyes, still keeping his mouth on Felicity’s, and gave a groan of relief as his two friends helped to strip their woman. She was naked from the waist down in moments. He slowly weaned his mouth from Felicity’s, licking and nibbling his way across her face, along the line of her jaw, licking around the rim of her ear, then down along her neck. He moved back to stare into her passion-glazed eyes, noting the pink hue coloring her cheeks. He watched as Tom gently turned her head to him to take her mouth.

  Luke noticed Tom licking and nibbling along her lower lip, coaxing Felicity into responding to him. Luke’s cock was so hard he was hurting. He wanted nothing more than to pick their woman up and slam her down on his hard, aching flesh. Instead he tried to temper his desire, not wanting to frighten Felicity away with his intensity. He tilted her head by grasping a handful of her hair, pushed his tongue into her mouth, dueling with her. He growled his approval when he felt her lips close around his tongue as she began to suckle on him. He could just imagine his hard cock in the place of his tongue. Need slammed into him, his control breaking. He slanted his mouth over hers, again and again. Tasting her desire on his tongue, taking her whimpers of need into his mouth. He couldn’t get enough.

  * * * *

  Felicity was out of her mind with desire. Tom was now ravaging her mouth, thrusting his tongue in and out of her, mimicking the sex act. She didn’t think she could stand much more. She wanted someone to relieve the heavy liquid ache in her lower belly. She needed her empty, clenching pussy to be filled. She didn’t care who, but she needed to be fucked now.

  “Oh God. Please,” Felicity cried out. Her hips were arching off the bed, rocking in a steady rhythm, begging for someone to fill her cunt.

  “Please what, sweetheart?” Tom panted out against her mouth.

  “Someone fuck me. Please, I can’t stand it anymore.”

  “Don’t worry, honey. We’ll take care of you,” Luke replied. She saw him crawl to the end of the bed, and he gently spread her legs apart. He sat on his haunches, staring at the cream-covered lips of her sex. She wondered if he could see her cream pooling in her hole then slowly dribbling out down over her perineum and ass, tickling her sensitive flesh. Felicity saw Luke lean down over her pussy, breathe in her essence, open his mouth, and then he was there. He scooped his large hands beneath her ass and hips and tilted her up to lick her. The feel of his tongue licking from her puckered asshole to the top of her slit was so exquisite, she thought she’d died and gone to heaven. He licked her like she was a delicious ice cream, not wanting to lose a drop. Her eyes rolled back in her head, and she canted her hips up, begging for more. The feel of two other warm, wet mouths licking and biting over her breasts, as well as the tongue licking her slick, wet folds, was too much to bear.

  Felicity’s legs began to shake. Her stomach was quavering and aching. She felt like she was coiled so tight, she would snap. She screamed out loud, the walls of her pussy clamping and releasing, pleasure like she had never felt before wracking her entire body. She even felt her toes come. When she finally began to come back to herself, the sound of Luke growling as he licked up her juices had her body igniting once more. She opened her heavy eyelids to see three sexy men staring at her with such lust she nearly came again. Tom and Billy were on either side of her, each pumping his hand up and down his huge cock. She looked down her body to see Luke give her one last lick, and then he sat up between her legs. His chin was covered in her juices, and he was pumping his cock in his hand as he stared at her.

  “I am going to fuck you so good, honey. When I’m done, Tom and Billy are going to fuck you, too,” Luke rasped out. She k
ept her eyes on his as she felt him slide a finger into her tight pussy, rimming it around up to the first knuckle, coating his digit with her moisture. She whimpered as he slid his hand down between the cheeks of her ass, slowly massaging the bundle of nerves at her little pucker. He slid his finger back up to her pussy, gathering more of her cream, then back down to her bottom. She moaned as he slowly pushed his coated finger into her tight hole.

  “Have you ever had anyone in your ass before, baby?” Billy asked. Felicity could see the fire glittering in his eyes as he watched what Luke was doing to her.

  “No,” Felicity whimpered, canting her hips to give Luke better access to her anus. She had no idea she had so many pleasurable nerve endings in her ass.

  “Do you want to have a cock in your ass, sweetheart?” Tom asked as he pinched one of her nipples between his thumb and finger.

  “I–I d–don’t know?”

  “Do you like what I’m doing to you, honey?” Luke asked, keeping his eyes glued to her face.

  “Yes,” Felicity moaned.

  “Billy” was all Luke got out. Billy was off the bed then rummaging in the adjoining bathroom in seconds flat. He climbed back on the bed with something in his hand but hidden from view.

  “Do you trust us, honey?” Luke asked with bated breath.


  “Good. I’m going to stretch you now. You will feel a bit of a pinch and some burning, but you shouldn’t feel any real pain. I want you to tell me if I hurt you, okay? The last thing I want to do is hurt you. You can tell me anytime to stop and I will,” Luke reiterated.


  “Good girl,” Luke whispered.

  Felicity watched Billy hand something over to Luke, but didn’t quite see what. She heard a cap popping and closed her eyes, trepidation making her wary.

  “A bit of cold, sweetheart,” Tom crooned against her ear.

  Felicity tried not to jump as the cold, wet finger touched her clenched asshole, but couldn’t help it. Two sets of warm hands ran over her chest, kneading breasts, soothing her into relaxing her body. The feel of Luke’s finger massaging her ass was so good she wanted more. She mewled low in her throat when she felt his finger begin to penetrate her tight hole. She could hear their crooning voices, but couldn’t seem to pick up what they were saying. It didn’t matter. She knew they were trying to soothe her. Felicity took a couple of deep breaths, commanding her muscles to relax. She felt a burning in her bottom hole and bit her lip to stop herself from protesting.


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