Return to You

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Return to You Page 7

by Samantha Chase

  With him? She’d go anywhere.

  * * *

  The hotel was magnificent.

  Their suite was luxurious.

  The silence was killing her.

  They had arrived and checked in and were getting settled into the room like two polite strangers. Selena had decided to wait and order lunch to their room, so they wouldn’t have to stop anywhere and possibly run into anyone else. It was cowardly, but right now it didn’t seem like the worst thing in the world.

  When room service arrived with their food, they set it up at the small dining table, and while Selena tipped their waiter, Jen stood by, nervously twisting her hands together. “For crying out loud, Selena, I can’t take this! I have enough going on without you giving me the cold shoulder. I think it’s really unfair that you just jumped to conclusions without listening to me, and I’m telling you, I didn’t do anything wrong. You have to believe me. But if that isn’t possible and this is how it’s going to be, I’d rather go home and take my chances with whatever else might happen there! At least there I’m expecting the blows.”

  That’s what took all the fight out of Selena. “You’re right. I’m not being fair. Things should have been over with James years ago, and right now, we have to get things settled with you and this crazy guy.” Collapsing on one of the dining room chairs, she shook her head sadly. “I’ve behaved badly, and I’m sorry. I know you were only looking out for me and doing what you thought was best. I hate that I still react like this; I can’t even control it anymore. It’s like it’s a permanent part of me.” She looked up at Jen and gave a sad smile. “I’m so sorry. Really. I promise I’m through with my hissy fit, and from here on out, we can just go back to focusing on you and the reunion, all right?”

  Jen was just about to respond when her phone rang. One glance at the screen, and she took a fortifying breath. “I called and left a message for Mike to let him know where we are. Maybe he’s calling with an update.” She took the phone and walked over to her bedroom and closed the door. It wasn’t that she was deliberately shutting Selena out; it was just that she needed a few minutes alone to process whatever news Mike could be calling with.

  Not sure of what else to do, Selena picked up her fork and dug into her grilled chicken salad. Truthfully, she had wanted to order the biggest bacon cheeseburger they had, with extra fries, but decided that since she had a little black dress to get into for the reunion, she had to be sensible.

  And it sucked.

  Five minutes later, Jen joined her at the table. “That was Mike. They haven’t been able to find Todd, which is odd because he’s a creature of habit. James said he’s been looking into Todd, and although he hasn’t come out and said he’s had him followed, I kind of think he has.” She looked down at her own salad and frowned. “We should totally have gone with the burgers.” She took a forkful and sighed. Selena sighed too. The food wasn’t what either of them really wanted, but it was still quite good.

  “So what now?”

  “I still have to go down to the station and fill out some forms, sign the reports and whatnot. I told him I’d come down after lunch.” Pushing her chicken around her plate, she muttered, “I hate paperwork. It doesn’t seem fair that this guy gets to wreak havoc on my life and I’m the one who has to deal with all the nonsense.”

  “Do you want me to go with you?” Selena asked, reaching for her glass of water.

  Jen shook her head. “Why don’t you stay here and relax a bit, maybe go over some of your reunion stuff? You know you’re dying to. I see your Mary Poppins craft bag over there in the corner practically calling your name.”

  She hated being predictable. “I may just go down to the gym and work out and then go for a massage. I think I’ve earned it. Of course, if I had thought of that sooner, I definitely would have ordered the burger.”

  “And you would have earned it. And I’m proud of you for putting your obsessive crafting aside so that you can indulge in a little me time. I think I’m rubbing off on you,” Jen said, perking up slightly. “I wish I could do that, rather than hanging out at the police station.”

  “I’ll tell you what. I’ll do the gym, but I’ll wait until you get back and we’ll get our massages together and then come back here and have cheeseburgers and milk shakes for dinner!”

  Jen laughed. “Finally, something I can actually look forward to!”

  “Oh, come on now, you know there’s a little part of you that’s looking forward to going to the precinct and getting to see Mike,” Selena said with a wicked grin. “I know it’s not like a date, but at least you’ll get a chance to see him and talk to him. Maybe, you know, feel him out, get to know him better.”

  “Somehow I don’t think that would be even a little bit acceptable.”

  Selena shrugged. “And since when do you worry about things like that? Maybe a couple of well-placed questions could help you gain a little insight into who he is.”

  Jen’s smile grew. “Why, Selena Ainsley, I do believe I have corrupted you a little bit.” She hugged Selena before walking to the door. “I think I like it!”

  * * *

  Two hours later, Selena was spent. Between the treadmill and kickboxing, she was ready to drop and knew without a doubt that the massage was going to be more of a necessity than a luxury later on. It wasn’t that she was completely out of shape; it was just that it had been a long time since she had worked out quite so hard. It was amazing how cathartic punching and kicking that bag could be.

  Once the elevator let her off on the sixth floor, she stopped at a vending machine for a fresh bottle of water. The one she’d brought with her down to the gym was long gone, and she was in desperate need of another. The hallway was deserted, so walking around in sweaty, clingy yoga pants and tank top didn’t seem to be an issue. Pulling the two dollars out of her sock that she had stuffed in there earlier for just such an occasion, Selena nearly screamed when someone reached around from behind her and pulled her back. A hand came over her mouth, and she struggled as she was pulled into a utility closet.

  She bit the hand over her mouth and was relieved when it moved. She was just about to scream again when the light was switched on.

  It was James.

  “What the hell?” she demanded.

  “What are you doing running around the hotel half-naked?” he demanded right back. “That’s twice today!” His accusatory tone and his raised voice had Selena taking a step back, but he didn’t let her go far. “Is this some kind of hobby of yours now?”

  She shoved him back a step. “What is wrong with you? First, I am not half-naked. I’m completely covered with…wait a minute. You know what? It’s none of your damn business what I wear and where I wear it!” Am I even making sense? “What are you doing lurking in the shadows? And for crying out loud, you didn’t have to manhandle me!”

  “I didn’t mean to manhandle you, and I wasn’t lurking,” he said defensively. “I came by to see if Jen was okay. She was upset when she left the station earlier.”

  “She’s back?” she asked, brows furrowed. James nodded. “I’ve been down in the gym, so I didn’t know. I was on my way back to the room when you attacked me,” she said with a hint of disdain. She’d actually enjoyed it a little bit.

  “Attacked?” he said with a hard laugh. “Hardly.”

  “You grabbed me against my will and shoved me in a closet. What would you call it?”

  He advanced on her again until her back was against the wall. “Keep parading around like that, princess, and the next guy who takes notice might not play as nice.”

  Her eyes widened at his implication as James pressed a little bit closer. “Bastard,” she hissed. Their breathing was rough and ragged, and as angry as she was right then and there, the need to reach out and touch him was nearly overwhelming. Again.

  “You have no idea.” Just as he had earlier in the day, he crushe
d Selena to him in a punishing kiss.

  This time her arms came up around his neck and her fingers anchored themselves in his hair. She pressed herself against him, and within a heartbeat, she had taken control of the kiss. Her first instinct was to wrap her legs around his hips and do something about the incredible ache that had blossomed inside her, but all conscious thought left her mind with the first swipe of his tongue against her bottom lip.

  James was lost in a world of sensation. On one hand, he wanted to slow things down, be gentle with her, and make love to her in a way that his body was aching to do; while on the other hand, he needed to take the control back and curse her for making him so weak, so needy. Roughly, he pulled her arms from around him and pinned them above her head, against the wall. Selena made a slight whimpering sound, but it only served to fuel him on.

  Holding both her wrists in a vise grip, his other hand slowly worked its way down—from her cheek to her throat and down her side. He was making his way back up when the sound of someone outside the door using the vending machine brought him up short.

  Pulling back, he looked at Selena and saw a glazed look he was sure mirrored his own. This was madness. Why? Why her? Why, after all this time, did she still have the power to make him lose control? Stepping back, he cleared his throat. “Tell Jen I’ll check on her later,” he said as he pulled open the door. He looked back at her one more time and then he was gone.

  * * *

  “Damn him,” Selena cursed softly. She took a minute to compose herself and to make sure there was no one else using the vending machines before she slipped out of the closet. Taking several deep breaths, she purchased the bottle of water that she needed even more desperately now than she had several moments ago and then headed down to her suite.

  “Hello?” she called out when she entered and saw Jen coming out of her bedroom looking a little wilted. “How did it go?”

  “Well, they seem pretty sure it was Todd, but they can’t seem to find him. So now it’s a waiting game. They’ve issued a warrant and all that, but…I just want this to be done.” Walking across the room, Jen collapsed on the sofa. “I just can’t believe he’s disappeared now. For months I could almost set my watch by his actions, and now no one knows where he is. It’s bizarre.”

  Selena sat beside her and put her arm around her. “Sorry about the sweat,” she said, trying to inject a little humor into the situation. “It’s going to be all right. It’s almost over. Once they arrest him, then he can’t bother you anymore. You’ll get a restraining order, and you’ll have the law backing you up. Just a few more days and it will all be over.” At least she hoped it would be. Selena wasn’t sure how she was going to help keep Jen’s spirits up when her own were plummeting.

  “I guess,” Jen said wearily and then leaned back on the couch. “How was the gym? You look like you had one hell of a workout.”

  She had no idea. “Grueling. I am more than ready for our massages.” Hesitating for only a moment, Selena leaned forward. “James was here when I came upstairs.”

  “He was? Why?”

  Selena shrugged. “He said you were upset when you left the station and so he just wanted to check on you.”

  “That’s odd. Why didn’t he just come to the room and talk to me himself?”

  That’s when Selena told her about their latest encounter.

  “Seriously? Again? Did you at least try to talk to him?” Jen asked, suddenly sounding perky.

  “There was no time! He’s like a ninja with these sneak attacks—there and gone—leaving me dazed and confused and alone.” Now it was Selena’s turn to collapse against the couch.

  “And turned on.”


  “Well, that’s not good. The confused and alone part, that is.”

  Selena agreed. “Look, I’m going to go take a shower and put on something comfy, and by that time, we’ll be ready to head down for our appointments.” She stood and took another look at Jen. “Are you sure you’re going to be okay?”


  It didn’t sound even remotely believable, but Selena didn’t want to push and went to her room to get ready.

  Once Jen heard the bathroom door close and the water turn on, she picked up her cell phone and made a call to the one person who quite possibly was more interested in all of the goings-on here than anyone else.

  “William Montgomery,” the booming voice said by way of greeting.

  Jen cleared her throat. “Um…Mr. Montgomery? Hi. It’s Jen Lawson. I wanted to call and give you an update on how things are going here.”

  “Of course, of course, and I appreciate that. But first things first, how are you doing? Any more problems with that man you told me about?”

  “Actually, it seems like he provided the opportunity for James and Selena to see each other again.”

  “Really? Well, now I’m intrigued. How did it go?”

  Jen quickly filled him in on what had happened with Todd and where they currently were. “There’s definitely a lot of leftover emotions between the two of them. I just don’t know how to channel it.”

  “How did my nephew seem to you? I’m afraid I don’t know anything about Selena, but I know how stubborn James can be. It’s a Montgomery trait,” he said with a chuckle. “Do you need me or Ryder to fly up there and help out? It wouldn’t be a problem at all. Maybe we could work together to corral them and force them to hash things out.”

  “I honestly don’t know. I’ve encouraged Selena to seek James out and talk to him, but they seem to be a bit explosive when they get around one another. I’m not sure I would trust them to be able to work things out on their own. A mediator might be necessary.” Or for someone to just lock them in a room together and let them fight it out however they feel the need to, Jen thought.

  “Nonsense. It’s the shock that they’re dealing with right now. Once they see each other in a less emotionally charged environment, they should be able to calm down and reconnect. Honestly, Miss Lawson, I wish I were there right now to lend you my expertise in person. I sat back and watched my own sons—and Ryder—struggle on their roads to happily ever after, and it’s not easy. Sometimes we have to be patient.”

  “How do I do that? We don’t have a lot of spare time, and with all of this stalker stuff getting wrapped up, I’m afraid Selena’s time here will be up before we can make that happen. Short of kidnapping them both and locking them in a room, I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. I had hoped for a more peaceful and timely reunion for them.”

  William grew silent for a moment. “I think we’re off to a good start; it wasn’t ideal, but it certainly gave them each a push. If you try this, exactly as I say, I think it will get things going in the right direction. Are you with me?”

  Jen chuckled. “Do I have a choice?” As much as she wanted to see things work out for her friends, Jen was having serious second thoughts about her involvement with the Montgomerys. It wasn’t that she thought they were bad people or anything—far from it—but this situation was spinning out of control, and she didn’t want to do anything that would jeopardize her friendship with Selena.

  “Of course you do,” he said, joining in her laughter. “But I think my mind is just slightly more diabolical than yours, and if you get caught, I am more than willing to take the heat. Or the credit.” He laughed again. “At the end of the day, I believe I will be garnering hugs, handshakes, and thank-yous. They’re going to work this out, Miss Lawson. Mark my words.”

  “Once again, I wish I had your confidence.”

  “I have more than enough for the both of us. Now, here’s what you’ll need to do…”

  * * *

  The weekend ended way too quickly for both of them. Jen had to return to work and was getting ready to leave the suite. “I’ll check in with you later, after school, and see where y
ou’re at.”

  “That works for me,” Selena said. “I’m going to work on reunion stuff and I’m having lunch with some of the girls on the committee, so we can go over any last-minute details. I figure we can get takeout tonight if that works for you.” Selena was curled up on the sofa in her pajamas while enjoying a glass of orange juice from the mini fridge, her briefcase on the floor beside her.

  “I’m more than okay with that. But with any luck, I’ll hear from either James or Mike and get some good news and be able to sleep at home.”

  “This place isn’t that bad, is it?” Selena teased even though she knew Jen’s comment had little to do with the accommodations and more with the fact that she wanted her life to go back to normal.

  “It’s not that. I just don’t like being forced to run away from my own home. As decadent as this place is, I missed my own bed last night. Although I could get used to the twenty-four-hour room service.” Selena could hardly argue that logic. “What else have you got planned for today?”

  “Not much. I guess I hadn’t really thought about you having to go to work. I’m sure I’ll find something to do.”

  “You could call James,” Jen suggested. “You know, invite him for coffee or something, and try to talk like civilized adults.” She paused and looked around the room. “Although I might suggest someplace public, you know, without a bed.”

  “Not funny.”

  “Maybe. But it seems to me like if you two are left alone in a place like this, you’ll end up, you know, horizontal.”

  Selena refused to take the bait. “I’m not the one who keeps going on the attack,” she said primly as she rose to pour herself more juice.

  “No one said you were,” Jen said with a teasing smile. “Think about it this way; you have some time on your hands, and there’s no point in prolonging this. If things wrap up with Todd, then you’re possibly going to see James again. Wouldn’t it be better if you could do that without worrying about who’s going to pounce on whom?”


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