Bein' Dead Ain't No Excuse

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Bein' Dead Ain't No Excuse Page 18

by Penny Burwell Ewing

  “Or I you, girlfriend.” She kissed my cheeks. “See you in a couple of weeks.”

  We both started laughing and crying. “Study hard, Scarlett. My ass is on the line,” I said, scraping tears from my face with my free hand as Saint Pete threw me an admonishing glance. “I’ll check on your gravesite while you’re gone.”


  Heaven’s bright sunlight bathed the room in shades of silver and gold and shimmering opal as we stood facing one another. In life, we’d once been sworn enemies, but through the portal of death, we learned the value of lasting friendship and the wisdom of dedicated teamwork.

  Her halo shimmered as bright as her smile. “Goodbye, Jolene. It’s been fun.”

  “Not goodbye, Scarlett. See you later.” I waved as she began to fade.


  Chapter Twenty

  I’ve Got You under My Skin

  I awoke to blinding light and the whirl and hum of life-sustaining machines. My senses told me that I had successfully returned to the land of the living although my mouth felt like sawdust, and my head pounded like a jackhammer on concrete. I had no idea how much time had elapsed since Saint Peter and Scarlett had departed, but it felt like years. I cracked open my eyes to see several nurses gathered around my bed, fiddling with beeping machines and tubes running out of my body.

  A pretty blonde jerked back as her gaze met mine. She turned to another nurse. “Glory be, I don’t believe it. Nancy, the patient is awake! Page Dr. O’Brien. Stat.”

  I watched the nurse scurry from the room, and a tall brunette joined the blonde at my bedside.

  “Her stats are improving by the second,” the brunette said with an approving nod. “Her heart rate and blood pressure have stabilized, and her oxygen levels are increasing. This is an amazing recovery. I didn’t believe it possible. Her family will be so relieved with the news.”

  “God works in mysterious ways,” the blonde said in an awed voice. “You’re right. I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t personally seen it happen.”

  I listened to the back and forth chatter of the nurses with only half an ear. My mind kept replaying the past with crystal clear clarity, and I remembered everything that had been said and done on Earth and in Heaven.

  Saint Pete with his blue suede shoes and handlebar mustache with the curled ends.

  Lilith, the wind spirit. Defeated, and now chained in the great abyss.

  Heaven, with its golden cobblestone streets and Southern rock music.

  Samuel Bradford’s return to Whiskey Creek.

  And lastly, but not least, Scarlett Cantrell and her promotion to Guardian Angel. My soon-to-be guardian angel!

  Peace and tranquility blanketed the room, and I felt supremely confident about the future. Mama was alive and well, and off the list of arriving saints. Deena was happily married to her prince, and Billie Jo glowed with health. For all intents and purposes, life was back to normal, and I could relax and concentrate on getting out of here and back to the salon.

  A ripple of awareness brought me out of my musings, and I lifted my stunned gaze to see Saint Pete sail through the door in a white lab coat with a stethoscope draped around his neck. The two nurses stepped away from the bed, and he drew near. Dr. Peter O’Brien was embossed in cornflower blue on the lab coat.

  He winked as he bent over me with his stethoscope in hand. “I hear you’ve made a remarkable recovery, my dear. Now, lie still while I examine you, and if all checks out, the nurses will remove the tube from your throat. I know you have a lot of questions for me and they’ll be answered in due time.”

  My heart set up a steady thump, thump as his healing fingers moved over my physical body producing a tingling sensation from my toes to my eyelids, and I couldn’t take my bemused gaze off him when he turned to the pretty blonde and said, “You may remove life support. She can breathe on her own.” He returned his attention to me. “I’m going to speak with your family while the nurses remove the tubes and hindrances from you, but I’ll be back to speak with you, understand?”

  I nodded my confirmation and watched him scuttle away while the two nurses proceeded with the disconnections. The blonde injected something into my IV. “This will help with the pain,” she said in a kind, soft voice.

  My gag response triggered instantly when she eased the tube from my parched throat. I mimicked the action of drinking water, and she gave me a few sips from a cup. The relief was immediate, and I croaked, “Thank you.”

  After seeing to my comfort, both nurses left me alone with my thoughts. True to his word, Dr. O’Brien reappeared minutes later. He stood over my bed, tweaking his upturned mustache and studying me with a critical eye.

  “Well, young lady, other than a small scar on your chest, you’ve come out of this latest adventure unscathed. I would say that you are an extremely lucky woman.”

  I touched the wound, and immediately felt the almost indistinguishable mark. Wow, that was some quick healing. “There are scars on the inside you can’t see, but I’ll survive.”

  “Of that, I have no doubt. You’re a resourceful woman, Jolene Claiborne. You’ve been quite a surprise to the Powers That Be. Yes, indeed. Quite a surprise.”

  “Speaking of powers, how’s Scarlett doing?”

  He chuckled. “It’s only been a week since she began training, but Scarlett is doing wonderfully. Hazell is taken with her.”

  “Do I smell romance?”

  His bushy brows drew down over his merry green eyes. “I can’t answer that question, but I can report that Scarlett is anxious to begin her duties as your guardian angel.”

  “When will that be?”

  “All in due time, my dear.” He broke off at the sound of voices. “My time is almost up, Jolene. That will be your family.” He took my hand in his. “I won’t see you again until the Council sends me with an assignment for you, but I’ll be watching from above.”

  “Is that a threat?” I questioned with an affectionate smile.

  “No, a warning.” He released my hand and turned to leave. “Remember, Jolene, keep a cool head. Life is full of surprises,” he tossed over his shoulder and walked out of the door.

  With his exit, Mama and Daddy rushed in. Mama reached me first. “Jolene, we’ve all been so worried, but I knew you’d pull through. Didn’t I say that, Harland?”

  “Yes, Annie Mae, you surely did.” Daddy drew up beside the bed and kissed my brow. “Glad you’re back, honey. We missed you.”

  I squeezed both their hands. Tears pooled in my eyes. “I love you both so much.”

  “And we love you.” Mama dashed away a stream of tears. “We only have a minute. The rest of the family is waiting for their turn to see you. Dr. O’Brien said you’d be moved out of ICU tomorrow morning so we’ll see you then.”

  I kissed them both goodbye, and one by one, the rest of the family came in with well wishes for a speedy recovery. Becky and Jacob promised to bring Hannah by tomorrow to see me once I’d been moved to a private room and allowed young visitors. Deena and Ryder were the last. She erupted into tears upon entrance.

  “Don’t ever do that again, Jolene.” She sobbed into a tissue. “My heart can’t take it. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you…” she burst into tears again.

  “You won’t,” I promised. “Atlanta isn’t that far from Whiskey Creek. We can visit often.”

  Ryder placed a hand on Deena’s shoulder. “We’ve decided not to relocate. My parents have decided they would be better moving into an assisted living facility. Deena and I can drive up twice a month to visit.”

  From my bed, I observed the love between them and experienced a profound joy at their happiness. At long last, Deena had received her happily-ever-after fairy tale ending with a great guy. No one deserved it more than her.

  A nurse stepped into the room with a fresh IV bag. “She’s had enough visitors for now. You can visit again tomorrow.”

  We said our goodbyes, and I settled down for a long night. Aft
er being in a comatose state, my body ached with restlessness, and I wanted nothing more than a long walk in the peaceful countryside with the comforting sounds of nature.

  Preston walked in my room instead.

  “I came as soon as I could get away,” he said, kissing my forehead, before pulling up a chair alongside the bed. “The hospital is all abuzz with our miracle patient. I’ve been bragging about my wondrous girlfriend’s strength and stubbornness.”

  I adjusted my smile to match my mood. “About that,” I began in a serious tone. “I’m afraid you’re going to have to find someone else to fill that position, Preston.”

  “It’s the guy with the silver badge, isn’t it?” He tried to sound casual.

  “Yes, the cop gets the girl.”

  He stood. “I hope he appreciates his good fortune.”

  “He doesn’t know how lucky he is yet.”

  “You haven’t told him?”

  I swept my hand down the length of my prone body. “I’ve been kinda laid up in case you haven’t noticed.”

  He chuckled. “Tell the lucky cowboy he won, Jolene, before he rides off into the sunset with another woman.” He pecked my cheek. “A kiss to remember you by. I don’t mind admitting that I’m going to miss you.”

  “Am I interrupting?” Bradford’s husky voice sounded over Preston’s shoulder. “The nurse said I could stop in for only a minute, but I can leave if you wish.”

  “Tell him,” Preston whispered into my ear, then turned around to address Bradford. “No, you’re not interrupting and congratulations.”

  “For what?” Bradford shook Preston’s outstretched hand.

  Preston didn’t answer, just chuckled softly and left the room.

  Bradford slipped his Stetson from his head, drew close and planted a tender kiss on my lips. “I’m so glad to see you awake, Claiborne. You scared the life out of this ole cowboy.” He hitched the chair closer to the bed and sat down. “How are you feeling?”

  A rush of emotions goosed me as his eyes blazed into mine. It was all happening so fast. The moment I’d been longing for had finally arrived. Here was my second chance at life, at love, and all I could do was clutch the bedsheets with my shaking hands and smile like an idiot. Why was it so hard to say I love you to the greatest guy on the planet?

  “Pretty good considering I was gunned down at my sister’s wedding,” I managed to croak out.

  “You’ll be happy to know we caught the guy.”

  “It’s good to know justice will be served.”

  “I’m staying out at the farm. Your family has been most gracious hosts, but I’ll be leaving in a couple of days. That is, as soon as you’re out of here and back home.”

  His announcement left me reeling, and I responded without thinking. “Will you marry me?” I felt like a lightning bolt had hit me when I said the words. Surprised by my own actions, I stared at him, dazed and incredulous, and slightly nauseated. My face flamed at his expression and the silence stretching uncomfortably between us.

  “Take it back, Jolene,” he finally said in a gentle tone. “Now is not the time for emotional outbursts.”

  I took a deep, long breath and considered my next move. Bradford had given me an easy out. Just take it back, he’d said. Easy to do, but I was done with taking the easy way out. No, I was ready to jump into life and take a risk with the man I loved.

  “Marry me,” I repeated without hesitancy.

  He shook his head. “This is kind of sudden, don’t you think?”

  “I want to wake up with you on snow-capped mountains,” I repeated a phrase he’d written on one of the floral arrangement cards. White roses.

  “You hate the snow.”

  “Walk with me in wide open spaces.” Another phrase. The Asters.

  He cracked a smile. “In those stilettoes? I can’t afford you.”

  I saved the best for last, and I placed my hand in his. “With me, every day will be an adventure.” The Carnations this time.

  He bent over the bed to brush my lips with his. “I guess there’s only one thing left to say after that heartfelt proposal. Yes, Jolene, I’ll marry you, and carry you away to snow-capped mountains. I’ll walk with you in wide open spaces, and every day will be an adventure.”

  The tall brunette nurse interrupted us, and we shared our good news with her. Delighted, she gave us an additional five minutes of together time, and then backed out of the room with smiles and congratulations.

  “Are you sure about this, Jolene?” Bradford asked. “It’ll mean leaving everything and everyone behind in Whiskey Creek, and I know how much you hate change.”

  “Yes, I do hate change,” I admitted with a wry smile. “But I’ve learned that life is short and full of surprises, and when you least expect it, life’s path can lead you down some fascinating detours.”

  “What about the salon?” He eyed me uneasily.

  “I can’t answer that question,” I said with a twinge of sadness. “Deena and Billie Jo both have a lot going on in their lives. There’s a good chance the salon will close. But I haven’t left yet.”

  He frowned at my answer. “You’re not backing out of your own proposal, are you?”

  I glanced over his shoulder at the faint outline of the glistening sword of light resting against the corner wall where I had placed it earlier, and the thrill of another adventure washed over me. Saint Pete had voiced the Council’s future plans for me. Where and when I could only guess. Wyoming? Whiskey Creek? Other destinations beyond my imagination? I didn’t know much, but I did know Sam Bradford was in for the biggest change of all if he married me. Yes, if he married me, once I shared my latest escapade with him. You see, if we stepped onto the path of matrimony, him and me and Scarlett would become partners with Heaven’s forces, and Sam wasn’t fond of my invisible world. Our future would be determined with the telling of my tale.

  I squeezed his hand, and said, “Brace yourself, Sam, I have something to tell you.”

  “I’m not going to like this, am I?” Concern deepened his voice.

  “Probably not,” I answered. “But keep an open mind and don’t interrupt until I’m finished.”

  He nodded, and I told him everything starting with Lilith’s arrival in the facial room and ending with Saint Pete’s announcement regarding Heaven’s future plan for me. When I sputtered to an end, his face was blank with astonishment. He pushed himself out of the chair and paced the hospital room, stopping every few steps to glance over at me in consternation. After several minutes of silent pacing, he seemed to have reached a decision and collapsed back into the chair. He clutched my hand in his and took a deep breath. “I can’t say that I’m happy about living in a paranormal world, Jolene, but I’ve asked you to change your world for mine. I can do no less for you. I love you, Jolene, and we’ll figure this out together.”

  “Your life will never be the same,” I pointed out.

  He arched a brow. “My life has been insane since I met you. What’s a little more insanity when I get you for a lifetime?”

  “Scarlett will be permanently attached to my side,” I warned.

  “I can handle Scarlett,” he boasted with a chuckle. “What I can’t handle is enduring a wedding on the scale of Deena’s. Please tell me you want a small affair.”

  “We could elope,” I suggested.

  “That’s agreeable with me. What did you have in mind?”


  He grinned. “Sin City? What will Saint Pete say?”

  “That I’m incorrigible.” I giggled. “And he would be right, too.”

  “So Vegas, it is. Anything else?”

  I squeezed his hand. “Yeah, I want the whole Elvis experience.”

  “What about your family? They’ll insist on sharing our happiness.”

  “I’m sure they’ll understand if we keep our special day to ourselves,” I said. “Besides, Ryder and Deena have a honeymoon to enjoy, and Billie Jo and Roddy have a family to see after. But whatever the future br
ings, I’m confident Heaven is on our side. Who knows what tomorrow may bring?”

  Outside the hospital window, a streak of light flashed in the night sky, and even with my limited view from the bed, I could’ve sworn I glimpsed a legion of angels whizz by. Was it possible Saint Peter had given his blessing? I hoped so, for I was embarking on the most thrilling adventure imaginable.

  Not ready to give up your Jolene and Scarlett fix?

  Then check out the first few pages of…

  Jingle Bells and Krampus Spells

  A Scarlett Cantrell Christmas Novella

  Chapter One

  Blue Christmas

  I seized the opportunity with gusto. Hazell shifted those glorious baby blues off me for one millisecond, and I arched my glittering sword of light high above my head and swung with all my kick-ass feminine might. My attack caught him by surprise, and his sword dislodged from his firm grip and tumbled to the ground where it stretched out on the grass like a lazy silver python taking a long summer nap.

  “I win.” I breathed in the sweet scent of victory. My first of many to come, I hoped.

  My fencing instructor gave a crooked grin. “You had an unfair advantage, Scarlett. I warned you several times, and you have ignored my concerns regarding your choice of wardrobe. I was distracted.”

  I sheathed my sword and delivered a catty smile. “A guardian angel must be prepared for the unexpected. Your words,” I added at his frown. “And, in my defense, I’m clothed in the approved apprenticeship uniform. It just happens to be a mite tight, that’s all.”

  The blond giant towered over me, his brilliant eyes shining with mirth, and a forbidden thrill shot through my veins, and for the thousandth time since my death, I hungered for life and the pleasures it promised. Call me sinful, but I hadn’t mastered my desire for the virtuous Hazell. He reminded me of one of those hunky Viking lords displayed on the covers of romance novels so trendy on Earth right now. Long, flowing locks of golden hair, sizzling eyes of righteous purpose, and yummy buns of steel.

  Deena had those type of books sprinkled all over her office at Dixieland Salon. I had salivated over them until I’d met Hazell. In my eyes, he was the embodiment of masculinity. Lose the wings and virtuous nature, and boy-oh-boy what I could do with him. But it would not happen no matter how much I fantasized. We were celestial citizens of the Heavenly sort. He, an Archangel in the Order of the Guardsmen, and I, a Southern girl trying to earn her angel wings.


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