Overworked: An Office Reverse Harem Romance

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Overworked: An Office Reverse Harem Romance Page 11

by Dark Angel

  “That’s it, love,” Derek murmurs.

  Xane leans over and kisses me on the cheek. “Unzip his pants, Gem, then do the same for me. We’ll take care of your dinner for you; you will take care of our cocks.” His commanding whisper sends shivers up my spine and, without thinking, I do as he says.

  I free their throbbing cocks and feel the silky length of each under the table. I take a cock in each hand and slowly stroke and tease them as I look nervously around the restaurant. My fingers become sticky with pre-cum as I develop a rhythm.

  The waitress comes back to the table, bringing a plate of deviled eggs for appetizer. I start to pull my hands up from under the table, but Derek clears his throat and raises an eyebrow at me.

  His cock twitches in my hand, and I continue my stroking.

  They take turns feeding me bites of egg. Eventually, the main course arrives. Derek cuts my steak while Xane feeds me.

  The entire time, I explore their cocks with my questing fingers under the table. The conversation stays lively, but occasionally, one of them will pause, and I will feel his cock twitching in my hand.

  I feel powerful and helpless at the same time; the combination is intoxicating, and my panties are absolutely dripping by the time the crème brulee arrives.

  Derek cracks the hardened caramel and feeds me a creamy, crunchy mouthful. I increase the speed of my stroking.

  Soon, their breaths are coming in quickly between bites of dessert. Conversation has come to a halt.

  Derek has an arm around my waist and is stroking the side of my breast with the tips of his fingers. Xane is less subtle and is kissing my throat.

  I see the waitress’ reflection in the window. She’s coming back to clear the dessert dishes.

  In that moment, Derek silently explodes. Xane follows suit and suddenly, my hands are covered in their hot, sticky cum.

  Derek hugs me tightly, and Xane grabs my arm. They catch their breath just as the waitress comes around our booth.

  “Can I get you anything else?” she asks, clearing the empty plates.

  “No, I think we are all satisfied for now,” I say as I bring my sticky hands up from under the table and lick my fingers clean.

  Chapter 20


  There’s nothing like a nice dinner and a handy after an international flight to put a man to rights.

  “Now to hit the slopes,” I call cheerily on our way back to the car.

  “Skiing? Now?” Julia looks bewildered. The evening has deepened into a clear crisp night.

  “Of course, my dear. The slopes are clear. Everyone else will have their heads tucked away in their beds. But, we, we are brave travelers! We are rested, we are fed. We are, to one end, satiated. So, for us…the slopes!”

  I wrap an arm around Julia’s tantalizing waist, and pull her along to the car with me. Xane rolls his eyes, and lets out a comically loud sigh.

  Julia laughs, “I don’t know how to ski.”

  “Then to the bunny slopes we go! I hope you packed your tail,” I chuckle, and pat her pert ass. Her cheeks flush, but she smiles and laughs again.

  We climb into the car. Xane first, then Julia swings her legs in.

  Always the lady, I smirk to myself. I think back to the sun-drenched days at Spencer’s place, and my cock twitches. First the slopes, then we are on to groovy times.

  Back at the lodge, I hurry Julia off to the empty locker rooms along with a bag I had waiting for her with my valet.

  Xane and I head to my office; we change into our ski gear while I check in on the running of my resort. A twinge of guilt over working while we keep the lovely Julia from her phone and her assistants wash over me…but she needs it; the poor dear can’t ski. How can she recommend a vacation she doesn’t know anything about?

  I arrange for the floodlights and the button lift on the bunny slope to be turned on, and for two snowmobiles to be brought around. We’ll go straight from the slopes to my cabin.

  With business wrapped up, and us gents changed into our gear, we go to the lodge area to meet our lady. She’s a vision in a white snow suit with a blue helmet, gloves and boots in hand.

  “Love, you are going to have to put those on, can’t ski in your woolies.” My accent grows stronger around a lovely girl like her.

  “There were so many straps on the boots,” Julia says in exasperation, “I didn’t know where to start.”

  “This is why you need a vacation, Gem,” Xane says with a sharp edge to his voice. Julia flushes.

  “And the helmet?” I ask, taking it from her, and making a show of checking it for unusual straps.

  “Hat head,” she says, shrugging. We all laugh. I take her free arm, and we walk out to the porch surrounding the lodge.

  Between Xane and me, her boots and helmet get squared away without too much issue, and we’re off to the slopes. I take charge of teaching her the basics of skiing while Xane dazzles on his snowboard.

  Once she has learned the basics of how to move around on her skis, we catch the button lift to the top of the gentle slope. At the summit, if you can really call it that on the bunny side, Julia pauses.

  “Something wrong, love?” I ask. Beginner’s nerves aren’t something I would think the lovely Julia would suffer from; she’s been so willing to try new things on our adventures.

  “It’s so beautiful,” she whispers. I look around my lodge, the cabins with their cheery lights bathing the white snow in glowing yellow, and the sparkling powder with the snaking tracks of families and lovers learning to race down the mountain. My mountain.

  I spend so much time here that I’d almost forgotten how beautiful it really is. I look over at Julia, enraptured by the tableau. I see it through her eyes; loving eyes that have only seen sad, dirty New York snow for years. I smell the snow and the trees, and I think of how Julia has stayed locked in the smog and crowds. I smile at her, renewed by her relative purity.

  “Yes, you are,” I say and quickly peck her on the cheek, pulling a flush from her visible even in the low light. She’s so pretty when she blushes.

  “Alright, Derek, I’m ready. What do I do?” She squares her shoulders, and breaks the moment. I chuckle. We have plenty of time.

  “Everything we did on the flat, you do down the slope. I’ll go first, and you follow me. For the first run, we’ll just go straight down.”

  I do a quick check over her equipment with my eyes, lingering on a few choice spots; she’s ready. I turn and start slowly down the hill.

  I look behind me, and Julia is doing everything I told her. We reach the bottom with no incident. I look back at Julia, and she is positively beaming.

  “Ready to go again? This time we’ll try a serpentine,” I say. She nods enthusiastically.

  We catch the lift again, and once more, we pause at the top of the hill. Xane joins us this time and catches the silence of the moment. The three of us look out into the night. The snow is laid out below us in a warm, glowing blanket.

  “Ready,” Julia confirms when she has taken the sight in again. I nod and start a looping serpentine down the gentle slope.

  Halfway down, Xane passes me and carves a beautiful arc of snow off to the side where Julia and I won’t go. He jumps and starts heading back down the hill, but I hear a thud and a muffled grunt behind me. I stop and turn to see Julia splayed across the snow.

  “I was watching Xane, and I got tangled,” she explains from her spot on the ground. One ski is off, and her poles are just down the hill from her.

  I laugh and start towards her. She pouts. Xane stops what he’s doing, removes his snowboard, and heads back up the hill to help.

  “I’m sorry… I’m not very good at this. Maybe I should just watch,” Julia says dejectedly from the cold ground when I reach her.

  “Welcome to the ranks, Julia,” I say warmly. She looks up at me, confused. I reach out a hand and say, “You can’t be a skier until you fall. Bloody hell, I fell three times last weekend when I came around for a quick run.”r />
  “I have been exceptionally careful not to fall around you, Gem,” Xane says, handing her the poles. “Gotta keep up appearances.”

  She takes my hand, laughing. I help her stand, and we finish our run. We take two more without incident, and one with another tumble.

  We find ourselves damp from the falls, and the night is beginning to lighten, so I suggest we head back and warm up before the sun rises, and the early birds join us on the mountain.

  “Gosh, is it morning already?” Julia looks surprised.

  “’Tis the, lark Princess, not the nightingale that pierced the...whatever. Fuck the bard, let’s get to the fire and some decent tea.” I pull off my helmet and help Julia out of her skis.

  We leave the gear with a pair of staffers lolling about near the snowmobiles. Xane takes the blood red one, while Julia and I clamber onto my personal English green beast, which matches my eyes.

  “Race?” I call to Xane. He nods sharply, and off we go. Julia’s hands are around my waist holding her soft body close to me. I let Xane win, if only to have a few more moments alone with Julia.

  We round the last grove of trees to my cabin. It’s a lovely three-story building with a wraparound porch that leads to a natural hot spring pool around the back.

  Xane helps Julia off the snowmobile and leads her to the back of the porch. I run inside, and put a kettle on.

  I bring three mugs of hot tea out to the back porch. The back firepit near the springs is crackling. Julia and Xane recline on some cushions they pulled down from the porch.

  It’s nice to see Julia truly relaxed. She’s stripped down to the soft merino wool base layer she wore under her ski suit, and even in her worn state, she manages to pull off an usually unflattering outfit with incredible grace.

  “Ahhh, tea. I need it after that workout,” Julia says reaching for the mug.

  “Sore, love?” I ask, settling in on her other side.

  “A bit,” she admits. Xane starts to rub her feet, pulling off the thick wool ski socks. She closes her eyes, enjoying his touch. “My shoulders are getting a little stiff,” she says.

  I set my cup to the side, and slide in closer, taking the less than subtle hint happily. I massage her shoulders, feeling the stiffness melting under my fingers. She lets out a moan.

  Xane is rubbing up her leg to the gentle curve of her calf. I rub a stubborn spot just below her collarbone, still over the soft sweater. Her moan deepens.

  I sneak a kiss along her soft neck, then slide my hand under her shirt.

  “This might sound silly, but my hips are so tight, too,” Julia murmurs in a soft and low tone. I nibble on her neck.

  “Then let’s continue this massage in the hot spring, I’m sure we can find everything that’s tight, my Princess,” I whisper in her ear, solidifying my personal name for her. I pull the light sweater off her smooth curves, while Xane makes short work of the long wool pants, leaving our darling bare in the sparkling snow.

  I pick her up before she catches a chill and carry her to the bubbling pool. The steam twirls around her, and her face flushes. Xane and I remove our own layers and join her in the water.

  The first rays of sun start peeking through the trees around us. Under the water, I run my hands over Julia’s fabulous hips.

  “Now, show me what’s tight,” I say against her lips, and kiss her deeply.

  Chapter 21


  The air is crisp and cold, a stark contrast to the hot water lapping at my skin. The smooth stone pool built around a natural hot spring overlooks the top of a gentle hill. The sun is just starting to stain the sky a rosy orange through the towering pines.

  Before travelling with these four, I had never been anywhere so beautiful and so peaceful. I smile at the sky and return my attention to where it truly belongs: the two men revelling in the water with me.

  “Now, show me what’s tight,” Derek whispers before claiming my mouth.

  I lose myself in his soft lips and questing tongue as Xane wraps his hands around my ankles then runs them up my legs. He reaches the top of my thighs and starts massaging my skin under the hot flowing water.

  Derek pulls away from my lips and starts blazing a trail of kisses down my throat. I tilt my head back, and his hands come up from the water, leaving hot trails across my collarbones.

  A chilly breeze blows through the trees, making the spring water feel hotter. I reach for the two of them and run my hands over their slick, wet skin.

  Xane’s hands are busy kneading at my hips and my thighs. They take turns capturing my mouth, letting our tongues have their own private winter dance.

  I am captivated by them, by their mouths and hands. Derek entangles his fingers in my hair. Xane pushes my thighs apart, and his long fingers dance across my pussy mound, teasing.

  I ache for him to part them, to feel my cunt filled with his deft digits. Or even better, his throbbing cock.

  Derek pulls my hair and turns my face from Xane so he can reclaim my lips.

  Xane pinches my delicate cunt lips. “She’s wetter than the water around her,” he whispers against my neck, nipping at the soft skin behind my ear on the last word.

  “Is your pussy tight, Princess?” Derek murmurs against my lips. I moan as confirmation. “Close your eyes,” he whispers in that sexy-as-fuck accent.

  I obey without question. He runs his hand up the side of my body and grasps my wrist. He pulls my hand out of the steaming water and pins it against the rough rocks.

  I reach over with my other hand and run my fingers along his jaw line.

  He catches that hand and pins it to the other side. I can feel him standing over me. Even with my eyes closed, I know what he looks like. Standing half out of the water, his twelve inches of utterly fuckable, throbbing cock drips with the steaming water.

  I feel the thick head of his man meat run along my lips. Without thinking, I open my mouth wide to let the hot, throbbing cock deep in my mouth.

  He keeps a hold on my hands and slowly, deliberately begins to fuck my mouth. He slides in and out, pressing deep into my throat. I moan around his length.

  Under the water, Xane continues to tease my cunt with his skilful fingers; he parts my soft pussy lips with a finger and slowly works them open. Pinching and stroking, he finds my clit and draws complicated patterns on the most sensitive part of me.

  My back arches, the tops of my breasts coming out of the water. Between the cold air and the hot men, my nipples are painfully hard.

  Xane takes one aching nub in his mouth and swirls his tongue, pulling a moan of relief and pleasure from my throat. I grind my hips onto his teasing fingers and moan harder around a mouthful of dick.

  I’m achingly slowly, and Xane slides one slim finger into my tight cunt. I begin to gasp, but Derek slams his cock deeper into my throat, cutting the noise off before it even started.

  Derek is fucking my mouth with his delicious cock while Xane stretches my tight pussy with more fingers.

  My eyes fly open, and I look up at Derek leaning over me, holding my arms down, scraping the rocks lining the hot spring. He flashes me a charming smile as he slides his thick cock out of my mouth with a popping sound.

  Xane’s tantalizing fingers slide out of my pussy at the same time. I let out a gasp and groan. I want more.

  They are teasing me. Derek slips back into the water, and Xane stands. I admire his soaked form as drops of steaming water fall from his stiff cock. They look like gods in the misty early dawn light.

  Xane wraps his lean arms around my waist and pulls me out of the water. He holds me against his slick, bare body with one arm while he opens my legs with the other.

  “Delicious,” Derek whispers before diving into my exposed pussy. His tongue frantically laps at my dripping slit.

  Xane licks and nibbles my neck, the hand holding me against him drifting to my breasts.

  The sun begins to peek through the trees, bathing the spring and my lovers in warm tangerine light. I’m perched on th
e rough rock, with one leg dangling in the hot spring water while the other is held up by Xane’s strong arm.

  Derek fucks my pussy with his darting tongue and agile fingers. Xane nips harder and harder at my neck and shoulders. I can feel his monster cock pressing hard against my back.

  I want him in me. I want both of them in me.

  I reach behind me with one hand and wrap my fingers around Xane’s cock. He groans into me, pressing his hot iron rod against me.

  My fingers are sticky with his thick pre-cum. I wrap the leg that is dangling in the pool around Derek’s shoulder and pull him closer. His strong back muscles tense under my skin.

  I feel so exposed out in the open like this, yet I’m completely protected by them at the same time.

  Derek’s tongue darts in and out of me as I stroke Xane’s cock behind my back. Xane growls low in my ear.

  “Fuck, I need to be inside you,” he whispers.

  Derek has his lips on my clit and is sucking that tender nub while flicking it with the tip of his tongue. He adds a finger into my tight asshole. Shivers of pleasure jolt up my spine.

  I find myself teetering on the edge. I feel like I can’t hold back anymore.

  “Found another tight spot,” Derek says against my soaked pussy lips, his finger teasing my tightest hole. “I feel like both of these need a deeper treatment.”

  Xane removes my hand from his cock and lets me slip gently down into the water, right onto Derek’s waiting cock. Twelve inches of hard dick slams into my pussy, and I cry out with pleasure, finally getting filled the way I need.

  Derek wraps my legs around his waist and fucks me with his thick, hard cock, ramming it again and again deep into my cunt. My pussy tightens around his throbbing cock. He pulls me closer onto his cock, and I explode.

  All their teasing has built up to this singular moment. I see stars, and not just the ones in the lingering dawn. My head tilts back, and in the haze of my orgasm, I see Xane enter the water and approach us.

  Derek is deep in my cunt, groaning while the spasms from my orgasm slowly begin to wane. I feel Xane come behind me and circle my asshole with his delicate finger. Then, he replaces his finger with the head of his glorious cock.


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