Scent of a Scandal (Chronicles of Eorthe Book 3)

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Scent of a Scandal (Chronicles of Eorthe Book 3) Page 4

by Annie Nicholas

Awe plucked her right hand from clenching his fur and licked the inside of her wrist. “Sorry.”

  She snuggled against the back of his neck. She rarely heard that word uttered to an omega. Awe was a special hunter. What would it be like to spend time like this every day? Would they argue all the time like her parents? Would they grow to become best friends as well as lovers? They deserved a chance to find out.

  Between the tree trunks the sun’s rays crept over the horizon giving the forest more shape and color. The birds sang at the morning’s arrival. In the air, the scent of fresh water grew stronger. “The river is close.”

  He nodded.

  Behind them the howls of hunters overshadowed the bird song.

  They crested a hill and Awe came to a sudden stop.

  Isnay almost flipped over his shoulders and tumbled off his back. She swung off and stared at the swollen river. This wasn’t the area where they did the wash. The river grew narrow and deep here. With the spring runoff, the white water roared past the cliffs.

  “We can’t swim this.” Awe searched the shore for a better crossing.

  “I can’t swim at all.”

  He eyed her. “That’s another thing we’ll need to practice together.” He offered her his hand and lifted her back on her perch between his shoulder blades.

  A large chestnut wolf shifter charged out of the forest, claws extended, teeth bared.

  Her father.

  He aimed to knock Awe into the river.

  “No,” she shouted. She jumped, kicking her feet against Awe’s back so he’d fall away from the edge. She took the brunt of her father’s attack and fell headfirst into the churning water

  Awe regained his balance. His heart plummeted as he watched Isnay fall over the edge of the cliff. He shoved past her father and dove after her.

  She couldn’t swim. How could a shifter who grew up by the river and in a floodplain not learn?

  The spring thaw left the water icy cold. It stole his breath while currents dragged him under. He kicked and battled with the water until he surfaced, sucking in air. As a hunter, he was a strong swimmer. One of the best among the Apisi, yet this current challenged him. What of his precious Isnay? He couldn’t bear to lose her. With a strength born of desperation, he stroked along the chaotic waves, searching for any sign of her. If she’d been dragged down to the bottom…

  The river widened and the currents grew tame. Next to the Apisi shore floated Isnay, face down.

  A raw wordless cry ripped from Awe’s throat. He tore through the water and gripped her limp form to his chest.

  Her braids trailed in the water as did her limbs.

  “No, no, no.” He swam them both to the beach and carried her to a flat piece of ground. His chest hurt like he’d swallowed broken pottery. What should he do? He searched the forest for help. What had Susan done when they’d found a pup in the Apisi bathing pool?

  He pressed his lips to Isnay’s and blew his life’s breath into her. He met resistance. Trying again, he blew harder until her chest rose.

  She shuddered and coughed. Water spilled from her lips and she retched. Rolling her onto her side, Awe rubbed her back until she gasped for air.

  He gathered her in his arms and buried his face in her neck. A sob of relief wracked his chest. Thanks be to their goddess for sparing him such heartbreak and allowing Isnay to return. He stroked her wet hair, unable to let her go.

  She rested her head on his shoulder, arms entwined around his neck.

  “Don’t ever do that again.” He struggled not to squeeze her too tight. He didn’t want to add to the bruises she obtained from the river.

  “Not until you teach me how to swim.” He sensed her lips move against his neck into a smile.

  Splashes reached his ears and Awe twisted in time to face Isnay’s father, who swam toward the Apisi land as if planning to stroll onto their shore.

  Sorin, in feral form, strode out of the forest with all Awe’s fellow hunters, blocking the other alpha’s path.

  Her father stood in waist deep water. “Isnay?”

  “I’m all right. Awe saved me.” She stroked his hair, in no apparent hurry to leave his arms.

  Sorin shot Awe an angry look. “You were supposed to go without being seen. Not steal one of their omegas.”

  Chagrined, Awe lowered his head in submission. “I hadn’t meant to.”

  “Give her back.” Sorin pointed to the Ohneka alpha. Awe hadn’t expected to keep her on Apisi land. This shore was closest when he was trying to save her. All he cared about was her living.

  He carried her into the water.

  Her father met him with a growl. “None of this would have happened if you stayed where you belong, dog.” He drew Isnay into his huge arms.

  Heart in gut, Awe couldn’t agree with him more. He’d followed her home to protect her and instead she almost died. He proved he’d be a terrible mate. Head hung low, he retreated.

  Isnay struggled in her father’s arms. “It’s not his fault. It’s both of yours.” She squirmed free and grasped Awe’s hand. “I want him to court me but you refuse me anyone.” She turned her angry glare at Sorin. “This matter with the light could have been handled with more finesse. A line of communication between our packs would benefit all.”

  Awe squeezed her hand. Those were the most words Awe had ever heard from Isnay. She spoke with an alpha’s eloquence and with an omega’s heart.

  “What do you propose, little wolf?” Sorin’s ears folded forward in amusement.

  “Let me visit your den and allow your hunter to court me, then we’ll see where things go.”

  “Alone?” Her father sounded scandalized.

  “You can send a chaperone or invite me for a visit.” Awe grinned down at Isnay and ignored her father’s glare.


  The air smelled fresher and the forest greener this morning. Awe raced in feral form along the trail towards Ohneka lands, familiar with all the twists and turns.

  Crickets sang with the summer heat. Good thing the river was still cool. He splashed through the shallows, crossing where he’d first seen Isnay. Three days ago, she’d promised a surprise on this meeting. Those were the longest days he’d ever lived through.

  The hunters of his pack tired of his moaning for time to fly. They didn’t understand why he and Isnay hadn’t become mates yet. The decision weighed heavy on them since one would have to give up their pack.

  What was the hurry? He enjoyed courting Isnay and making her blush. He wanted to fill the summer with fun. Maybe he could sneak her into the Apisi’s hidden bathing spring next visit. One of his pack mates might be willing to distract her chaperone.

  As he followed the trail to the Ohneka den, he spotted Isnay’s sister leaning against a tree.

  She chomped on an apple and waved. “About time.”

  “I’m late?” He glanced at the early morning sun. They’d agreed to meet at midday.

  With her thumb, she pointed behind her. “Isnay is that way. Don’t take forever. I have other duties to attend.” She focused on her apple. “If you hurt her, I’ll add your corpse to those vampires crucified around the forest.”

  He gave her a slow blink. She wouldn’t meet his stare and her body language said she accepted him as the more dominant hunter, but she threatened to kill him. Was this some strange dominance game?


  “If I planned any harm for your sister, I would have let her drown.”

  Sowas head jerked and she gave him a stunning grin. “Good answer.” She slapped his shoulder. “Keep protecting her that way and we’ll be best friends in no time.”

  He snorted. He should introduce her to Vendu. They shared a similar humor.

  Following the directions he’d been given, Awe strolled over the moss-covered ground. Beams of sunlight dotted the area. He closed his eyes to commit the scents and sounds to memory. Rare moments of peace graced a shifter’s life. He didn’t live in a dream. Death and illness would touch his life agai
n, but at present, he had his heart’s desire.

  He opened his eyes and tracked Isnay’s scent farther from her chaperone. Hesitating, he glanced over his shoulder. He couldn’t see Sowas. Maybe he’d gone the wrong way? But Isnay’s scent grew stronger. He continued along the path until he crossed into a small patch of sunlight and lost his breath.

  One of the large trees had fallen, leaving an opening in the canopy. His mate stood in the center, hair loose and falling over her shoulders. She wore only a blanket.

  At his arrival, she smiled. “You’re early.”

  “I’m always early, but you seem to beat me every time. I’m beginning to think you have a spy.” His voice had grown rough. He breathed her in. This essence of Isnay, the serenity she brought to his battered soul, was one of her greatest gifts. No other let him just be like she did. There was no pull of challenge or edge of dominance as he’d just experienced from her sister. Isnay held no expectation from him except to love her. That was no chore.

  She met him in the glade, toe to claw, and dropped the blanket. Smooth skin, like the finest dragon silk, coated her lithe body.

  He threaded her loose hair through his clawed fingers.

  She rolled her head back, exposing delicate collarbones and pert breasts. “Do you plan on staying in feral form all afternoon?”

  Staring at his clawed hands, he chuckled. He’d forgotten to shift to civil form. “I can’t promise to behave if we’re both naked.”

  “That’s the point.” She trailed her fingertips over the fur on his chest.

  He changed shape while she still touched him.

  She didn’t startle and watched as he went from beast to man. “Your shift is seamless.” Her hand wandered along his shoulder and up his neck until she cupped his jaw. Her eyes darkened with desire turning the blue almost a black. “Will you lay with me?”

  He turned his face into her palm and planted a kiss. “Did you really feel you need to ask?” He scooped her into his arms and knelt on the blanket she had discarded. The blanket was cool on his legs and Isnay was hot against his chest.

  She shook with quiet laughter. “Seducing you has been quite a trial. I had to dive into a raging river to finally get your attention.” Her amusement faded and in the glade’s sunlight her skin glistened.

  Desire ignited within Awe’s veins, simmering his blood and leaving him lightheaded.

  “My strong hunter,” she said. “You are…” She frowned searching for words.

  “A fool?” He laid her on the blanket, his gaze tracking possessively over her body.

  “No, more like a fox.”

  “Ah, a clever thief.”

  Isnay gave him a mock scowl. “Thief of hearts.” She thumped his shoulder.

  Awe rolled, taking Isnay with him until she sat straddled his hips. Her thighs opened and he sank against her.

  They both gasped and went still. There could be no mistaking his body’s reaction to her. Hands pressed against his shoulders and eyes wide, she breathed thin and quick, a reflection of his own labored breathing.

  He caught a strand of her hair floating on a breeze, curling it around his finger he reeled her closer. Dark moon, his muscles ached from the effort to stay calm and not thrust hard. “I want you, Isnay. Not just for the afternoon, but always. I know my pack’s reputation but you need to understand that under Sorin things have really changed.” He took a deep breath. “Would you wear my mark?”

  She’d gone statue still above him and he prayed she didn’t refuse him. Her blue-eyed stare sharpened as she peered at his face. “I never thought ill of you.” She brought her wrist to the gland behind his ears. “I would be proud to be yours.”

  He rubbed the scent oils on her skin. If he had his way, she would wear marks all over her body, broadcasting his claim loud and clear. He once feared the hunters of her pack would treat her poorly if she wore his mark, but her father would never allow anyone to harm his only child. His overprotectiveness worked well for Awe and their shared love for Isnay was budding a good friendship between them.

  Her lids lowered, sinking to half-mast, and her lips parted. She opened above him, relaxing her hips and her body against him. “My handsome hunter.” She tugged at his loose, long hair. “Now I must make sure everyone will know you are mine.”

  She tilted her head until her lips brushed over his mouth.

  He growled low in his throat.

  Isnay buried her hands in his hair, pressing him closer and slid her delicate tongue across the sensitive skin of his bottom lip.

  A shiver ran along his spine and Awe returned the caress until they playfully exchanged swipes.

  Her hips bumped against his in a clumsy rhythm while he learned her body with his hands.

  The air was too thin in his lungs. “Sit up,” he commanded.

  Despite her protest, Isnay pulled away. She rested her hands on his thighs behind her.

  Splaying his palm over her soft stomach, he stroked up to her breast bone.

  Back arching like a drawn bow, she surrendered to his touch.

  Lightning bolts of sensation shot through his legs as her nails left furrows in his skin. Her rocking hips grew more demanding, rubbing his full length with her wetness.

  His lips teased a trail of kisses from the hollow of her throat, to the line of her collarbone, and down the lush valley of her breasts. Hands cupping her smooth ass, he lifted her so his tip was poised at her entrance and her breasts at his mercy. The tip of his tongue glided over her hard nipple.

  A soft gasped left her parted lips. No matter how hard she tried to sink him inside her, he held her firm, rubbing his tip with torturous leisure over her bud.

  Isnay moaned and clawed at his shoulders as Awe alternated between worrying her nipples with his tongue and blowing gently over the peaked tips.

  His hips ignored the commands of his mind to remain still. He thrust his sensitive tip just inside her, enamored with the sleek feel of her core.

  She threw her head back. “Oh, you feel good.” She bucked loose from his grip and sank him deeper. “We should have done this sooner.”

  He couldn’t have agreed more and he had to tamp down the urge to explore every part of her in a single day. He had a lifetime to draw out the anticipation of exploring her body. “Patience.” His body shook from the strain of holding back.

  She tilted her hips and his cock slid even deeper. Her nails dug into his biceps. “No, now.”

  Drowning in pleasure, feeling her inner muscles grip him, drawing him ever inside her core, Awe fought for air. “Oh, goddess.” He wasn’t sure if he prayed to their deity or the female who owned him.

  “It feels too good to stop.” A moan threaded her voice. “Awe.” She rode him, using her legs to control her descent. Every near withdrawal had him gripping her hips, every hard pump made him gasp.

  Isnay eyes grew wide and she emitted a strangled sound. Her thighs clamped around his waist and her rhythm grew frantic.

  Whispered affections, drugged kisses, and the steady thrust of hips. Awe was on the edge of release, struggling with control.

  She suddenly stiffened, her arms tensed, her moans now harsh gasps, and her eyes pressed closed. “Awe. Awe.” She cried out his name. Her body was flush and hot, arching until he held her to him and he thrust inside her.

  Her inner muscles gripped his cock like a fist, milking his release. Awe buried his face in her neck and surrendered. His groans were lost with her cries as he came hard. His climax rolled through him, leaving him both blissful and exhausted. He flopped onto his back, gathering Isnay on his chest.

  She regarded him with stunned amazement.

  “Breathe, Isnay.”

  She blew a strand of hair away from her face and gave him a smug smile. “We should do this again.”

  He couldn’t agree more.

  Enjoyed the world of Eorthe? Then read where it all began in Scent of Salvation and continue with Scent of Valor.

  Bonus Short Story

  Orange and
pink light haloed the mountain peaks as the sun rose in the sky. Awe followed the river winding through the lush green Apisi valley, toward the bend where it created the border between his pack’s and Ohneka land. Claws digging into the dirt, he ran with a loping wolf’s gait that ate distance but not energy.

  In feral form, he ran faster than if he stayed in his civil man shape. Unlike his wolf cousin, Awe still walked on two legs. Shifters appeared like a blend of animal and man in feral form. The only thing that didn’t change was his eyes. They stayed amber like his animal cousin in either form.


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