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Seduction_The_Riley_Way Page 2

by Jodi Olson

  Nathan nearly choked on his burger as he dodged the money. He dropped the food on the table and raised his hands. “Slow down, girl, that’s not what I thought! I took you at face value, down on your luck and in need of a place to stay.”

  “When I called you today, you asked if I needed clothes and could I cook. Is cooking for you what you’re expecting me to do,” her eyes narrowed, “or is that just part of it? I’m looking for a job that pays money, yes. But if being your whore is part of this arrangement, you can forget it mister.”

  “Look, Nicole, I’ve been in your position before, down and out. Been there, done that, didn’t like it. I’m just trying to help you until you get on your feet, if that’s okay with you?” He paused and looked away, his next words were slower, quieter, “I didn’t stay around this morning because looking at your beautiful body gives me wicked ideas.”

  She leaned back in her chair, her arms folded across her chest. “By wicked ideas, you mean what, Nathan? Like spanking me, tying me up? I think I’ll tie you up to that extra bed you told me wasn’t there.” She pointed to the room down the hall, “What? You didn’t expect me to find it when you left me here all alone. Looks to me like I was right about you after all, you’re just like all the rest of the slime balls I’ve met.”

  Nathan didn’t know how he was going to get out of this one. When he brought her home with him last night, it was three a.m. There was no way he was clearing out the spare bedroom, especially for someone who might only be there one night. “So I lied about the extra bed. When I said for us to share a bed, having sex with you was the last thing on my mind.” He stood to throw out his dinner which had gone cold. “Tonight, you can sleep in other room. I’ll go move the boxes from the bed.” He left the kitchen before she could speak.

  Nicole looked after him as he left the room. Shit! What have I done? He’s really upset and all he’s done is try and help me. She followed Nathan to the spare bedroom where he was unloading the boxes from the bed, stacking them in the corner.

  When he turned, he saw her in the doorway. He dropped the box he was holding, noting how its crash to the floor made her jump. He grabbed her and kissed her, long and hard, his strong hand feeling the softness of her hair as he held her in his embrace. When he broke the kiss he slowly pushed her away and brushed a strand of hair from her face, “See, I didn’t feel a thing; you’re safe here.”

  She stood, stunned, on shaky legs, even as short as the kiss had been, it made her world tilt. “Nathan, I need to know. What did you mean by wicked ideas?”

  “Just what I said, I wanted to have wild sex with you. I didn’t leave the money to clear my conscience ‘cause I don’t know you well enough to do that.”

  She paused, considering her options, “What about that club you work at? What kind of job openings do they have there?”

  He smiled, the club I work at? You mean the club I own. “Hey, it’s a gentlemen’s club, they hire dancers. Do you think you might be interested?”

  Her nose crinkled, “You sure there’s nothing else? From the club’s name, I’m guessing the dancers are exotic. All I’ve done in the past is ballroom style dancing.”

  He shook his head, “There’s no other openings.”

  “But, I don’t know how to dance that way,” her shoulders slumped, “and I went to college for business.”

  “I’m sorry, that’s all they have to offer. And there’s damned few business jobs now. I checked the paper today.”

  “I’m not a housekeeper or a cook.” She looked around the room, “Hell, you keep house as good as I do, maybe better, I can only do enough to get by.”

  “Why don’t you come to the club with me so you can get a feel for the place and talk with some of the dancers; see what they have to say.” He smiled at her, a genuine smile that hinted at more, “You have a nice body and you’d fit in with little or no trouble at all. C’mon, what do you say? I’m not going to kick you out of here unless you give me reason to, and I’m not going to try to take advantage of you while you’re here. Sleep on it and let me know after you’ve had a chance to look the place over. My club isn’t a sleaze bag joint; I own a respectable place.”

  Her eyes went wide and she returned his smile, “You own? Well hell, you sure are full of surprises. I thought you were the janitor.” She nodded slowly, “OK, after I’ve seen your club, I’ll give you an answer.”

  “I’m going to shower and go to bed. You can sleep in here if you like, or you can share my bed,” he held up his right hand, “and I promise I’ll keep my hands to myself.” He went to his bedroom, stripped and started the shower.

  Nathan had been in the shower for a few minutes when Nicole walked in, noticing that the bathroom door was fully opened. Curious by nature, she peered at the reflection in the mirror and saw Nathan, a wet, naked, steamy Nathan. Thank you for clear shower doors! Even though the shower door was clear, the steam slightly obscured the view but she could tell he had a great looking body; nice, firm, round ass, broad shoulders and a tight waist. It definitely looked like he worked out. Too bad his back was to her, but from her vantage point, he was better built and much better looking than her ex. I wonder what his bedside manner is like. He doesn’t seem cocky or stuck on himself, but down to earth with a good heart, but those types can be weak in bed. She shook her head; she needed more than a quick lay with a handsome hunk to fix her problems. What she needed was a job, and to get back on her feet as soon as possible.


  The next day Nathan gave her a gentle shake on the shoulder and told her it was time to get up and get ready for the preview of the club. She rose, dressed and went into the kitchen to have toast and coffee. Deciding to share his bed again, she’d felt somewhat apprehensive, but relieved he’d made no forward advances. Still, she was confused, and didn’t know whether she liked it or not.

  As they drove to the club Nicole was nervous; butterflies wrought havoc in her stomach. She’d never been in a “Gentlemen’s Club” and had all the preconceived notions; smoke filled, alcohol swilling, and pot-bellied old men taking advantage of young women.

  She found the club wasn’t opened yet and only a few exit lights illuminated the interior. Despite the subdued lighting, she got the feeling it was larger than she’d expected.

  “Wait here while I turn on some more lights. I don’t want you tripping and falling.” Nathan walked to the light panel on the wall.

  A few seconds later, the club was bathed in well-designed lighting, and to her amazement, the layout was very pleasing, not at all trashy. Not all the lights were turned on, but from what she could see, she liked the interior. Mirrors lined some of the walls, and the paint scheme gave it all a warm comfortable look. The seats were leather and the tables and booths surrounded the stage. The stage curtains were heavy velvet, giving the stage a look of elegant glamour, something reminiscent of burlesque. Slowly, the employees began reporting for their shift; the dancers were quiet and casually dressed in slacks and t-shirts. The bartenders wore black slacks, white shirts and bow ties. They were well groomed, and could have doubled for male escorts. After a couple hours, the doors opened and patrons began arriving, most wearing suits and ties. Nicole relaxed; nothing outrageous was going on as the music played overhead and the drink orders were placed and delivered.

  The DJ announced the first dancer, “Ladies and gentleman, it’s dance time at The Pussy, give it up now for the exotic, the one and only – Ophelia!” The music changed as Ophelia strutted on the stage and danced her number, making eye contact with the men, and Nicole, as well. As each of the dancers went through their sexy, but classy, routines, Nicole’s mid section tickled.

  “Why don’t we go to the back so you can meet Ophelia and the rest of the girls,” Nathan whispered next to her ear. ”They won’t bite and they can give you the low down about working here. You can’t make a decision by sitting out here alone and watching them.”

  Nicole flinched when she heard Nathan’s voice and his breath caressed
her ear; she’d been so entranced with the show. “Yea – uh - that’s a good idea. How do I get backstage?”

  “C’mon follow me.” Nathan led her to the dressing room where she met featured dancer Ophelia Moore and the rest of the girls. He told them that Nicole was a prospective dancer, and to answer any questions she might have.

  Nicole asked several questions of the dancers; did the boss expect “special” favors from them, what was the pay like, how many hours did they work and how did the customers treat them. Then she asked what it was like to dance naked, and she received a variety of answers, some said it turned them on, but many said that you simply got used to it. She asked what prompted them to perform there, and they all agreed it was the money; she was floored, it was triple of any job she’d held previously. These were no dummies dancing their hearts out, and costumes off. She felt she could make an educated decision, so she thanked the girls and left the dressing room. She wiggled through the crowded tables until she came to one in the corner, farthest from the stages, and she sat to wait out the rest of the evening.

  As the dancing started again on all three stages, Nicole watched and admired the moves the dancers went through; seductive, sexy, slow and enticing, bumping and grinding, but they all had class. Her stomach tingled with anticipation and her insides were wild with unadulterated wanton lust. Am I a Lesbian? An exhibitionist?

  Nicole saw Nathan give the nod to the DJ, who said the club would be closing in half an hour and announced the last call for alcohol.

  Nathan walked to Nicole, “Nicole, I’ll be ready to go about an hour after the club closes.”

  “Okay, Nathan, I’ll be waiting in the booth by the door.”

  After closing, Nicole noticed Ophelia walking toward her with shoes in hand. She’d overheard Nathan ask Ophelia to dance an extra set tonight since one of the girls hadn’t shown up on time. She didn’t know how the girls could dance in those shoes for an entire evening without having sore feet.

  Ophelia was extremely beautiful, with straight thick hair, and Nicole envied how the dancer carried herself so confidently. She’d kill for hair like Ophelia’s, even though everyone said they loved her curly locks. Nicole tried to hide her nervousness as Ophelia approached the table. What if she was terrible? Would Nathan give her another job? Maybe she could wait tables instead if it didn’t work out.

  “Hey, Nicole, are you waiting on Nathan?” Ophelia leaned on the table.

  “Yea, he should be finished in a little while.”

  “Would you like some company while you wait?”

  “Sure, have a seat. You look like you’re about to drop.”

  “My feet are killing me tonight.” Ophelia grimaced as she sat down. “So, what do you think? Are you going to take the job?”

  “I’m leaning in that direction, just not sure if I can do it. I’ve never done anything like this before.”

  “Look Nicole, you couldn’t ask for a better boss than Nathan. He’s the best. I’m a single mom and whenever I need extra time off or a little extra money, he sees I’m taken care of.” She nodded to the stage and shook her head, “It’s not about being a great dancer; it’s about being a great performer and having the right attitude. Hell, some of the girls that make the best tips are NOT the best dancers. But they have that attitude; they make the customer think they’re special.” Ophelia smiled, “Why don’t I give you some lessons and see if you can get the hang of it?” Ophelia saw Nathan walking toward the table and rose to leave.

  Nicole smiled, “Thanks, I might take you up on that offer. If I’m gonna do this I’ll need help getting started.”

  “Well, let me know. Bye.” Ophelia waved as she left.


  On the way home Nathan picked up Chinese food: Hunan beef, sweet and sour pork, shrimp fried rice, and egg rolls.

  Nicole gave him a strange look when he got back in the car, “It smells good, but where the hell do you find Chinese takeout at this time of night?”

  Nathan laughed, and opened the bag, infusing the car with delicious smells of the Orient. “This food will rock your world. And Mr. Lee often does a late night special for me. When business men do private functions or power lunches at his place I sometimes provide one of the girls to dance. It’s a global economy.” He held out a sliver of Hunan beef and watched her take it between her lips.

  “Oh my God!” she gasped. “That is good, almost orgasmic.” She blushed at the sexual reference. “I mean-”

  “I know,” he laughed, “let’s get this home before it gets cold.”

  While Nicole set the table, Nathan got the drinks ready, “So, Nicole, what do you think of my business?”

  “It was interesting,” her eyes twinkled, “and I found out a lot of information about both you and your business, and what kind of rewards are to be had.”

  “I have sweet and sour pork, care for some?” Nathan pushed the white take out box to her plate. “Let me get to the point. Have you made your decision about dancing?”

  Nicole stabbed at the box contents with her chopsticks, “I think that I will try it. But, I need to work on some dancing styles, develop some moves, and Ophelia said she’d help me. Can you give me a few days to train, to get ready?”

  “Sure, that shouldn’t be any problem at all.” Nathan watched Nicole squirm in her chair. “You okay?”

  “I – uh - need a shower, and my jeans are a little snug,” she bit her bottom lip as she gazed straight in his eyes.

  He could tell by blush on her face what she was in need of. “Do you mind if I ask you something else, Nicole?”

  “No, ask away.”

  “Did you find the dancers and the atmosphere stimulating?”

  “Aren’t you really asking me if I’m hot and bothered?” She jammed her chopsticks in the fried rice. “Alright, hell yes, I need some release and I need it now!”

  Nathan caught her hand and pulled her toward the bedroom, “C’mon, let’s get you into the shower and do something about your condition.” On the way down the hall, he pinned her against the wall, pressing himself against her. Tenderly, he cupped her chin in his warm hand and tilted her head so he could gaze into her beautiful brown eyes. He kissed the tip of her nose, then her eyelids, and finally her sweet, soft mouth. When he touched her skin, he felt the extra warmth of her body and knew her temperature was rising fast. Not wanting their time together to be rushed, he led her to the bedroom and sat on the bed, turning her to face him between his legs. His building desire caused his hands to tremble as he reached and began unbuttoning her blouse from the bottom up. Slowly, and purposefully, he savored every nuance and movement. Her eyes tracked his every move; one by one, higher and higher until the last button slipped away and the blouse parted to bare her soft round shoulders and smooth silky skin.

  As he removed the blouse he heard Nicole’s breathing intensify and deepen. Nathan watched her chest heave as he slid his hands behind her back to unfasten her bra. When the hooks came apart, Nicole sighed as if relieved of a heavy burden.

  “Take it off, take it off now,” she mewed.

  Nathan complied and was rewarded with her beautiful breasts. He paused, looked at her with a devilish smile; and flicked his tongue across one rosy peak, causing a moan to escape her lips. Unfastening her jeans button, he eased the zipper down so slowly that you could hear the teeth disengaging one at a time.

  Nicole wiggled, trying to free herself from the constraining fabric. “Get these jeans off me Nathan, I can’t stand them.”

  He leaned over slightly to help her push the encumbering western wear down her legs, and she braced herself with both hands on his strong shoulders, stepping out of her jeans one foot at a time. She quaked with anticipation now; sweat trickling down her brow, and desire dripping from her sex. Her stomach was playing tag with her heart, which was pounding harder and harder.

  “Touch me,” she cried out, “I need it!”

  At this point, Nathan knew she wouldn’t last through a shower, much less mo
re minutes of foreplay. She was ready to ignite in a sexual frenzy. He straightened up, took one of her nipples into his mouth and sucked hard on it. Nicole pulled his head tight to her breast and started to shake, tremors filling her body; she was past the point of no return. As his sucking and her moaning intensified, Nathan’s hand slid to her drenched labia, firmly palming her mons. It was all she needed to explode, shaking without control, her head falling back and eyes glazing over before they closed. Taken over by sheer lust, she stood shaking and holding Nathan’s head to her breast with all her might. Finally Nathan murmured, “We need a shower.”

  Nathan put his arms around her, laying her on the bed beside him, and told her to relax while he went to start the shower. She waited in a glow of bliss; I really needed that right now. A shower will be refreshing and relaxing - if I can stand. I’m sure Nathan won’t mind holding me up.

  The shower was getting warmer; steam was filling the bathroom, as Nathan left to retrieve his hot little volcano. Nicole opened her eyes, mustering up a big smile as Nathan extended both hands to her to help her stand up. Nathan swung her around pulling her against him and the royal blue crushed velvet bathrobe he wore. They walked in tandem toward the steam filled bathroom, where a strange, but enticing, smell enveloped her.

  She sniffed at the steamy air, “What’s that smell?”

  “It’s oil of eucalyptus; helps clean out the sinuses and is invigorating at the same time. I’ve used it for years to help me to relax. C’mon let me help you into the shower.”

  “No, wait just a minute.” Nicole untied his bathrobe, letting it fall open. As she looked him over from head to toe, the gleam in her eyes turned from blissful to lustful. She pushed the robe off his shoulders and playfully wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling him closer. Grabbing his butt cheeks she squeezed, finding them firm and tight, until she felt his erection jerk against her belly. “I like this, and I want to feel more. Let’s get in the shower.”


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