Change of Harte (Harte, #2) (Harte Series)

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Change of Harte (Harte, #2) (Harte Series) Page 6

by Harris, Brooke

  ‘No. This.’ Eva pointed her finger from her chest to his and back again. ‘This. Us. Whatever the fuck this even is. Jesus, I didn’t even know you were coming here. You just randomly show up. Completely throwing me. And less than twelve hours later, here I am, semi-naked and sucking you off. What is that?’

  Julian shrugged. ‘Jesus, Evangeline. Can two people not just enjoy each other with making a fucking appointment.’

  Eva pulled a face. ‘I’m sure two people could, if one of those people wasn’t probably fucking half of Dublin the night before.’

  ‘Half of Dublin? No wonder I’m a bit worse for wear, and here I was blaming jet lag.’

  Eva examined his shirtless chest. Worse for wear was definitely not how he looked.

  ‘And I suppose you’ve been an innocent little flower the last six months, Evangeline.’

  Eva shook her head. ‘No.’

  She’d been on dates, actually quite a few, and they’d usually ended with a kiss. But always just a kiss, nothing more. She’d never even been tempted to sleep with any of them. Julian had set the bar so goddamn high that no one could reach anywhere near it.

  Eva was about to pick up the last piece of her clothes off the floor when Julian caught her hand and spun her around into his arms. His fingers traced across her shoulders, his hands slowly finding their way to clasp her face. His thumbs stroked the nape of her neck as he held her face a breath’s distance away from his. Her knees quivered just enough to make her ever so slightly unsteady. And then he kissed her. His lips pulling hers between them. Softly. Gently. Perfectly. And as the pleasure of his soft touch ran down her spine in a familiar tingle, she pulled away from him.

  ‘No. Stop it. Don’t kiss me like you give a shit.’

  Julian tossed his shoulders and smirked. ‘Kiss you like I don’t give a shit?’

  ‘That’s not what I meant.’

  ‘Straight to it, Miss Andrews. I like that. No nonsense.’

  ‘You can’t just burst back into my life like this. You still haven’t told me what the hell you’re doing here.’

  ‘And if I told you what the hell I was doing here, what difference would that make to you right now? What difference would it make to how my cock feels in your mouth?’

  ‘I don’t know. It just would.’

  Julian stepped forward, closing the gap Eva had forced between them.

  ‘It’s just business, Evangeline. I have something important that needs taking care of.’

  ‘Okay.’ Eva nodded as her whole body sank. It was the answer she was expecting, but not the one she wanted to hear. He hadn’t come for her liked she’d hoped. She felt stupid to even have wished he had.

  She didn’t ask any more questions. Maybe he was here for a day, maybe a week. Maybe it didn’t matter. He’d already broken her heart; he couldn’t break it again. If she fucked him senseless right there on the floor of this ridiculously posh hotel, it wouldn’t make any difference to anything. Her heart would still be broken.

  Eva dropped her clothes and pressed her body against his. She stiffened her neck and she kissed him hard, so hard she was hurting her lips. And then just as suddenly, she pulled back and slapped him across the face.

  The noise of her flat palm colliding with his stubbly cheek rested dramatically in the air for a second. Julian didn’t even flinch. Eva stood in front of him, her shoulders heaving, as blood rushed through her veins like a record-breaking Formula 1 driver. She knew to him the slap must have come out of nowhere, but it had been building inside her for six months. Just because seeing him made her want to jump his bones didn’t make it any easier to forget the past; if anything, it made it harder. She was so confused right now, and her hangover was making everything ten times worse. The more she kissed him, the more she remembered how amazing he was, and the more amazing he was, the more it hurt to remember how she felt when he pushed her away. God, he was practically making her bipolar.

  Julian pulled himself to his full height and cracked his jaw. The imprint of Eva’s hand was stamped red across his cheek.

  ‘I’m happy to see you, too, darling,’ Julian snarled.

  ‘That’s not for turning up unannounced; I’d have slapped you last night if it were.’

  ‘Okay. Well, if that’s the way you yanks say good morning over here, I’m not sure I care for it.’

  ‘It’s not a joke, Julian.’

  ‘I’m not laughing.’

  He wasn’t. In fact, while he didn’t look pissed off, he certainly wasn’t impressed.

  ‘It was for the kiss.’

  ‘The kiss. What? This kiss?’

  Julian’s lips were against hers in an instant. The bare tip of his tongue ran across her bottom lip like a gentle raindrop. He stopped almost as quickly as he began and took a step backward.

  Eva watched as his lips twitched and his eyes sparkled. He leaned his cheek to the side and tapped it with his finger. Eva’s eyebrows pinched and she shook her head.

  ‘What? I’m just making it a bit easier for you this time. But you should know, if you’re going to slap me every time we kiss, I’m using my tongue from now on.’

  ‘There is no from now on.’

  Julian folded his arms and drummed his fingers against his biceps. ‘Friends with benefits but no kissing. I think you’re going to have to talk me through these rules.’

  Eva sighed. She knew she was contradicting herself, but she couldn’t help how being around him messed her emotions up so much that she barely knew what she was doing. But there was one thing she did know. He. Didn’t. Love. Her!

  ‘Don’t ever kiss me like you love me, Julian. No games. No messing with my head. I really mean it.’

  ‘Last night you ripped your clothes off and begged me to fuck you. And right now you’ve gone all kung fu bitch slap on me. What the fuck do you want, Evangeline? Do you even know? Do you want me to tie your hands behind your back, slam you face first into the bed, and whip you with my belt until your ass bleeds?’

  Julian took a small step back and flung his arms wide apart. ‘Okay, fine. Bring that shit on, baby. But just so you know. I don’t need to have some sort of sexual power over you to get off. You’re the one with the insecurities—not me.’

  ‘Not you? Look at you.’

  Eva lunged forward and threw both her palms flat across Julian’s chest. She pushed him back so hard he almost lost his balance. If she hadn’t been so heated with temper, the look on his face would have melted her for sure. He didn’t see that coming, she could see it in his eyes. It was a rare glimpse of a startled Julian Harte and it was damn well adorable. But it was just the tip of the iceberg; she wanted him vulnerable. She wanted him open. And she was finally prepared to take what she wanted.

  Julian stared at her from the distance she’d forced between them.

  Be strong, she begged herself. Don’t hold him.

  ‘Turn around, Julian. Look in the mirror,’ Eva said softly yet insistent.

  Julian’s eyebrows pinched, but he did as she asked.

  ‘What do you see?’

  Julian shook his head and smirked. ‘My reflection, Evangeline.’

  ‘Do you know what I see? I see a wall. One big wall and you won’t let anyone past it.’

  ‘I get it. We’re playing your game now.’

  Eva walked around to stand behind him. Her lips only reaching the tip of his shoulder when she stood on her tippy toes. She slipped her arms loosely around his waist and kissed his bare shoulder softly.

  ‘Actually, no. You really don’t get it. This is not a game anymore. It stopped being a game as soon as I fell in love with you, you stubborn bastard.’

  ‘I thought we were just friends?’

  ‘Shut up. I’m not finished. I said I loved you, I never said you loved me. But I don’t know who the fuck I love. You never tell me anything. You never let me in. I want to know everything, Julian. Don’t you get that?


  Eva ignored the disapproving contortio
n of Julian’s jaw.

  ‘Yes. Everything. I fucking deserve it, don’t I?’

  ‘You deserve whatever the hell you like right now. This whole dominatrix vibe you’ve got going on is shit hot.’

  ‘Julian, stop it. This isn’t about sex.’

  ‘Like fuck, it’s not. You’re on fire. And I like it.’ Julian turned around, and as much as she told herself not to, Eva savoured the view of the top of Julian’s ass just above where his loose fitting jeans hung from his hips.

  ‘Okay, Evangeline. I’ll let you in. But you have to do the same for me.’

  Eva pulled a face. Julian already knew much more about her than she did about him. But she reluctantly nodded her agreement.

  ‘Good.’ Julian shot her a coquettish grin. ‘You can start by letting me into your delicious pussy.’

  Eva smiled. There was something she did know for certain about Julian; he always got what he wanted.

  Chapter 10

  Julian slammed her against the wall, his hands buried in her hair and his lips dotting kisses down her neck. Eva was hungry for him, her hands gripping his chestnut hair tight, pulling his mouth onto hers. Tasting him, feeling him, savouring him. His erection swelled against her stomach. She wanted him so badly she could barely catch her breath.

  ‘Fuck, baby.’ His breath darted across her lips in a short, sharp burst, matching hers.

  Julian tugged at the bottom of her blouse and Eva wriggled free, never taking her lips from his.

  Julian’s hands instantly cupped her heaving breasts and a groan of appreciation burst from his mouth into hers. ‘You’re so fucking perfect. God, I love your tits.’

  Eva’s nipples pebbled in response to his warm palms. She arched her back and pushed her body closer to his. She gasped with pleasure as he rolled her stiff nipples between his fingers. Her hands fought for space between their bodies to find the buckle of his belt. She pulled it away from his jeans in one go and flung it to the side. She fumbled with his button, frustrated by the ache to feel his naked skin against hers.

  Julian released her for a second and stepped back, his eyes sweeping over her naked body. Eva dropped her hands by her side and sighed as she let him watch her. His reaction was sending an electric tingle through every inch of her. She couldn’t take her eyes of his cock bulging against his pants, and the walls of her pussy ached in response.

  ‘I want you, Evangeline. I’ve never wanted to fuck anyone as much as I want to fuck you right now.’

  Her whole body shook. She’d never wanted to be fucked so badly in her life. Julian pulled his jeans off and flung them aside. Eva forced her teeth against her bottom lip, but she couldn’t stifle the deep moan of appreciation for his perfect shape.

  Her body was on his before she had time to think. Her legs wrapped tight around his hips, her calves resting just above his firm ass.

  Julian slammed her against the wall, harder this time. Aggressive, passionate, aching. His fingers slipped between hers and he forced her hands above her head. Her body stretched, pulling her breast closer to him, ready for his attention. Julian dropped his head and sucked almost her whole left breast deep into his mouth. He released his grip on her hands and she lowered her arms.

  ‘No. Stay stretched out for me.’

  Eva raised her arms above her head again. Her nipples pulsed as her back arched and Julian tightened his lips around her breast. She squealed at the exquisite pinch of his teeth, tipping her close to the edge.

  ‘Oh, God.’ She sank her teeth into his shoulder.

  His hand slipped between the cheeks of her ass. His fingers curled around, opening her and slipping inside. The pressure of pleasure seemed to press against her chest. It was hard to breath, like the only air in the room tasted of Julian. Every breath she took was him. His taste, his smell, his touch.

  Her whole body began to quiver. His thumb flicked her clit, his fingers massaging her deep inside and his lips warm around her nipple.


  ‘Not yet, baby,’ he said easing back. ‘I want you to come wrapped around my cock.’

  His cock pulsing against her combined with the lust in his voice made fighting her orgasm almost impossible.

  ‘Okay,’ she gasped. ‘Now. Please, Julian. I need you now.’

  Julian slipped his fingers out of her. His hands raced up her back and he gripped her shoulders tight, guiding her, forcing her down onto his waiting cock. He pushed hard, groaning with a deep, primal satisfaction as he filled her. She gasped for air as the weight of his body slammed her against the wall. His hips thrashed against her ass, slamming his thick cock in and out in a feverish passion.

  Heat rushed over her as beads of lustful sweat trickled down her spine. The base of his cock rubbed her clit perfectly, to the point of explosion. The desire had started last night. Seeing him again had made her hungry for him. Hungry or this…this moment of just the two of them like no one else in the world existed. One last ripple of pressure surged from her toes to the top of her head and her orgasm shook her whole body like a rocket taking off inside her. Julian’s rapid breathing echoed hers, and he gripped her a fraction tighter as he let the control he’d exercised go. His body jolted against hers as his come spilled out of him.

  Eva’s heart thumped against her chest as they untangled their bodies and she fell back against the bed. Julian threw the condom she’d barely noticed him put on in the bin and joined her on top of the sheets. Their naked, sticky bodies, both blissfully exhausted. Maybe she only had him for a day…she had no idea. But as long as she had him, she was going to enjoy him. Every beautiful fucking inch of him.

  Chapter 11

  Eva’s eyes twitched and finally opened. Bright, morning light burned against her bare consciousness. She rubbed her eyes, slid her legs out the side of the high, four-poster bed, and pulled a face when she realised they’d forgotten to close the blinds last night. She grabbed Julian’s shirt off the floor and rushed to regain her modesty. She looked back at the bed. Julian lay on his back, bare chested with just a thin white sheet draped across his lower body. Stupid sheet blocks the best part, she thought giddily. She thought about pulling away the sheet and waking him with soft kisses, but she decided not to. She was enjoying watching him sleep far too much. It relaxed her and gave her a sense of calmness that she didn’t often feel.

  After she flicked on the coffeemaker resting on the ridiculously oversized bureau at the far side of the enormous room, she scurried into the bathroom to freshen up. She scraped her hair back into a neat, high ponytail, splashed some warm water on her cheeks, and wrapped herself up in the oversized, super fluffy white robe waiting for her on the back of the bathroom door.

  The coffeemaker bubbled loudly against the otherwise silent room. Eva hurried back to flick it off before it woke Julian. She quickly poured two cups of coffee. She guessed it’d taste like pond scum compared to the luxury stuff Julian had ordered for delivery to their room last night. She thought about calling down and repeating the order, but she wasn’t sure if she was even supposed to be in the hotel. Being Julian’s glorified booty call didn’t exactly make her a guest. She tried not to think about that right now. She set the coffee on a tray and walked toward the bed, the cups chattering all the way. Julian stretched and smiled as soon as she came into his view.

  ‘Good morning, gorgeous. Please tell me one of those cups is for me?’

  Eva set the tray on the bedside table and leaned in to kiss Julian softly on the lips. ‘I thought you could use some?’

  ‘Some? I think I need a gallon of the stuff, at least.’

  Eva smiled and flicked her eyes toward the empty whiskey bottle on the locker beside the bed. ‘How’s the head?’

  ‘It’s been better.’

  ‘You got pretty wasted last night after we…you know.’

  Julian laughed and Eva knew that he was poking fun at her inability to say that they’d had sex out loud.

  ‘Ouch, the fuck.’

  It was Eva’s t
urn to laugh as she sat onto the edge of the bed. Julian flipped onto his side to make room for her and rested his head on her thighs.

  ‘I think if I don’t move I’ll be okay. Or breathe.’ Julian put his hand flat across his forehead. ‘Or blink. I didn’t actually have that much. I think it was a combination of jet lag and a lot on my mind.’

  ‘Do you want to talk about it?’

  Eva could feel Julian’s body become heavier with the weight of the question.

  ‘If you’re going to go all Dr. Freud on me, Miss Andrews, at least give me a fighting chance.’

  Julian pulled himself upright. ‘Coffee first.’

  Eva nodded. She passed Julian a cup, but the clasp of her bracelet caught in the sheet and tugged her arm, showering the sheets with piping hot coffee. Julian jumped up and quickly pulled the sheet away from them to minimise the damage. Eva was upright, with her back against the wall before she had time to think. It was a natural reaction. Suddenly, she was five years old again and memories of spilling her father’s beer at a neighbourhood barbeque plagued her mind. She’d paid the price with a broken collarbone. But she wasn’t a child anymore and her father couldn’t hurt her now.

  ‘Hey there.’ Julian edged slowly closer to her. ‘There’s no use in crying over spilt milk. I’m pretty sure that extends to all beverages…coffee included.’

  Eva laughed and grabbed him so tight she almost winded herself.

  ‘Would you like to talk about it?’ Julian asked.

  Eva threw him a playful smirk at the irony of having her own words echoed back at her. Up your game, Eva told herself. She remembered Julian’s flippant reply the first time she’d offered her shoulder to lean on.

  ‘Talking helps?’ she asked, tilting her head. ‘And I thought sex was a much better answer.’

  Julian raised both eyebrows and laughed. He rubbed his thumb and index finger along each side of his chin.

  ‘Well, Miss Andrews, that might be the first time any of your psychology mumbo jumbo has made any damn sense to me.’

  ‘I was being sarcastic,’ Eva said, shoving her hands against her hips for dramatic effect.


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