Highly Charged!

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Highly Charged! Page 9

by Joanne Rock

  Peering around at the crowd thinning out, she set down her drink.

  “I think I might need a swim,” she croaked, her skin on fire as his gaze drifted down to her sand-dusted cleavage where her sundress was only half-buttoned. She raced for the water, diving in for a quick rinse, not caring about the dress. She had a towel somewhere.

  She stumbled as a fierce undertow nearly swept her off her feet.

  Brad reached her in a flash, steadying her with his electric touch. His hand traced a stream of water that made her dress cling to her spine. His head lowered to meet hers until hooting and hollering erupted from the committed party crowd still hanging around the bonfire.

  Nikki grabbed his hand. No privacy here.

  “Want to take a walk?”

  He nodded mutely, tugging her toward shore just long enough to grab a couple of towels and her bag. She wrung out her clothes on the sand and then took his hand as they set off down the beach.

  Every moment was precious. And since she’d never get this night back again, she planned to make sure she had no regrets about how she spent the rest of it.

  BRAD COULDN’T PINPOINT what had happened to change Nikki’s mind about taking thing further between them, but there could be no mistaking the vibe she’d been sending his way tonight.

  And he could not believe his luck. Two days ago, he’d been alone, replaying the IED nightmare like a skipping CD. Now, a smart, sexy professor meandered down the Virginia seashore beside him, her arm brushing his often enough to keep him very aware of her soft skin and tantalizing body. Red streaked the horizon, the sun barely holding itself above the waterline. In moments it would slip from view, leaving him alone with Nikki on the darkening coastline.

  The sounds and signs of civilization disappeared as they strolled toward rockier, ungroomed beaches thick with tall grasses and sea oats. No one from the party would wander out this far. Although Brad made sure to choose a cove that tucked behind a boulder the size of Montana.

  The only sounds now were their slapping feet against the cooling sand, squawking gulls and the waves rhythmically pounding the shore. He’d always been drawn to the water, making his navy career a natural fit.

  Maybe a better man would ask himself why, after hitting the brakes on sex last night, Nikki was now driving him to distraction with come-hither looks. But hell. If she was offering, he was taking. And from the flirtatious smiles flashing his way, he’d say all systems were go.

  He swung her around, reeling in his stunning catch. Her green eyes glowed in the twilight. Shadows gathered in the deep valley of her breasts. He fantasized about removing the bikini top she wore, speculating he could have it off in one deft finger flick.

  But discipline kicked in. He knew better than to tackle a woman as soon as he got her alone. Although it had been touch and go there for a while when they’d been sitting next to each other at the bonfire.

  “So did you enjoy the party?”

  “Definitely.” She sidestepped a tortoise and Brad counted his blessings the thing hadn’t been limping or he probably would have been tasked with finding a cage for an impromptu rescue mission.

  “That was great of you to hang out with Nate, especially after I shut you down when we were talking about Frank.”

  Nikki let go of his hands and sat down beside a shimmering tide pool. She was silent for a few minutes then reached behind to pull him down beside her.

  “It’s hard to find the right words sometimes. I’m sure you’re feeling the loss of your friend all the more with whatever you’re going through now.” She glanced meaningfully at his leg and the patch job still obvious on his calf.

  And damn, but these academic types were way too observant.

  “Sounds like you’ve gone through a lot yourself.” Brad wasn’t ready to talk about the IED that had blasted him along with that farmer. “What did you mean when you said your folks weren’t around much?”

  “They’re professors, like me. To continue studying, they traveled. A lot. Something that’s not exactly easy to do dragging a kid around.”

  “So let me guess, they dragged you to your relatives’ houses instead?” Brad’s blood pressure increased just imagining Nikki abandoned like that as a kid.

  “Relatives, friends, colleagues.” Nikki shrugged, her throat constricting. “Basically anyone with a free bed.”

  “And this went on for how long?” Brad demanded, frustration at her parents roughening his voice.

  “Still is. I last saw my mom and dad four years ago.”

  “Wow. That has to suck.” Brad ran his hands up and down her arms. No wonder she was gun-shy of getting involved with a traveling bomb detonator.

  How her parents could have abandoned her he’d never understand. When he had kids, he’d be there for them one hundred percent. He wished he could have been there for Nikki growing up. Hell. He wished he could be there for her now.

  “Yeah, especially when I was younger. But reading about Chloe’s childhood helped me to see my own differently.”

  Nikki stroked his biceps, setting the hairs at the nape of his neck on end.

  “I mean, waiting for life to hand you a guarantee before you let yourself enjoy it is a waste of time.” Her stroking extended up to his shoulder. “All my life, I waited for my parents to show up and love me. And when they finally did, all I could think about was when they would leave again. I don’t want to wait around to be happy anymore.”

  She paused, letting that newsflash sink in. When it did, he began to understand her change of heart.

  “Life doesn’t hand you any guarantees. You told me that on our way into the party and your friend Ashley kind of said the same thing another way. It’s funny how the universe has a way of sending you the messages you need to hear, and I’ve been beaten over the head with that one.”

  She grinned and he couldn’t help but think he didn’t want to hear the messages the universe had been broadcasting for him every night when he closed his eyes. He’d never be effective at doing his job again if he allowed one crap outcome to rattle his nerve.

  But he didn’t want to consider that now, not when Nikki had come around to his way of thinking.

  “I hope I can be a part of helping you find some happiness today.” Brad reached for her face, tracing its curves. He tugged her gently toward him, pressing his lips against hers.

  No sooner had he brushed a kiss over her lips than she pulled back.

  “Wait a second,” Nikki whispered, rising to her feet.

  Brad groaned inwardly. “Make it a nanosecond, and we’ve got a deal.”

  Nikki reached behind her back and undid the string of her bikini top. A light breeze lifted the material’s edges, giving him an enticing peek at the full underside of her breasts.

  “A gust of wind would be good right now,” Brad drawled, eying the half-undone swimsuit.

  Twirling the loose strings on either side, Nikki grinned. “Why? Are you getting hot?”

  “Whoa.” He got to his feet, his blood surging south and making him damn lightheaded. “Didn’t anyone ever tell you not to tease a red-blooded sailor on leave? You’re playing with fire.”

  “Hey, I wrote a whole dissertation on erotica. I need some practical applications for my theories.”

  “Well, you can be damn sure that your education isn’t going to waste.” Her enticing words, actions and smoking body were a huge turn-on. Clearly, she intended to seduce him.

  And even though he wanted her right here and right now, he didn’t mind waiting to see what she had in store for him. He made no move, watching her curves silhouetted against the rising moon. A strong wave crashed against her knees, soaking her bikini.

  She lifted her long, wet curls and undid the neck string, forcing the breath from his lungs.

  The top slid, but then was neatly caught at the last minute. She held the material at chest level with one arm. Fortunately, enough flesh spilled out to keep him from howling in frustration.

  “You want to see more

  Nikki’s voice was a siren call to his senses.

  She dropped her arm, giving Brad a brief glimpse of her full breasts and creamy skin before she whirled around and faced the sea. She looked over her shoulder and smiled coyly.

  “Hope you like the bottom half as much as the top.”

  Brad’s eyes drank in the pert, rounded cheeks barely covered by the scrap of white cloth.

  “I’d like it better if it wore as little as the top.”

  Nikki plucked the strings on either side of her waist, letting the bikini bottom drop to the ocean floor. She dropped to her knees to retrieve it, arching her back to reach the escaping piece. He sucked in his breath, too damn mesmerized by the show to help.

  She rolled over in the rushing surf and stood, every inch the mermaid of a sailor’s dreams. Her perfect breasts jiggled tantalizingly as she swayed toward him. She halted just out of hand’s reach, tossing her bikini on the sand. Her slender hips and nipped-in waist rose above a dark triangle he hungered to explore.

  “Come in with me.” She turned and splashed back into the pounding surf, her heart-shaped backside bouncing seductively.

  Game over.

  Brad leapt after her, predator to prey. He caught her two long strides from the shore, hauling her against him. Her cool, wet skin didn’t even come close to stanching the inferno within.

  Her hands trailed along his waistband, making his abdominal muscles tense and contract. With a quick snap, she’d unbuttoned his shorts, stroking the tip of his cock. She rubbed the moist surface.

  “Looks like someone’s already getting wet,” Nikki whispered, dragging the shorts down and off before he flung them onto the shore.

  “I bet I’m not the only one,” he choked out, stroking up her bare leg and down to the vee of her thighs. Dampness flooded his impatient fingers. Hot flesh welcomed him as she snaked one long limb around his waist, giving him even deeper access. He cupped her sex, lingering over its wet warmth.

  He swelled with satisfaction as she moaned and he wanted nothing so much as to be inside her. But like any military man, his mission always came first. Unleashing Nikki’s wild nature was his number one objective. Her sighs deepened as he found the tight nub that would bring her the most pleasure. He circled it with his thumb until her head lolled back, her spine arching.

  His hand faltered as he took in the bounty inches from his salivating mouth. He intensified his strokes while licking the ocean salt from each taut nipple, tugging and nipping. Her leg tightened around him, pulling him closer. She shuddered beneath his insistent hand, her back arching, hips thrusting forward, pressing hard against his engorged staff. His enjoyment at her reaching satisfaction was almost as intense as if he’d achieved it himself.

  While the waves continued to roll over their feet, her ragged breath slowed. Her leg dropped. Brad tightened his grip around her waist, propping her up in the pulsing tide. She’d turned as limp as a ragdoll.

  Mission accomplished.

  Several seconds passed as she rested her burning cheek against his rigid shoulder. He wanted to give her a minute to recover but he was hanging by a thread. He counted backward; a trick he used on high-pressure missions. He’d reached ninety-two when he felt her delicate fingers lowering to his waist. His erection.

  Her cool fingers wrapped around him, gently skimming up and down the length. If she kept that up, he’d lose it in no time. What number had he left off at?

  She sank to her knees, her beautiful body backlit by the glowing moon, sea foam rushing around her. He descended with her, pulling her onto his lap to shield her from the rolling waves. Her thighs straddled him as she rocked back and forth against his near-bursting hardness. He cupped her bottom, kneading the firm flesh. He used the leverage to press her core against him, making her gasp once more.

  “Don’t move,” he commanded, leaning close enough to the shoreline to retrieve his shorts half-floating in the surf. His wallet was soaked, but thanks to the wonders of foil packaging, the condom he had in there would be fine. He could replace the money. But this moment—never.

  He couldn’t get enough of her. Her body was a marvel he wanted to explore at leisure, if only he had the patience. As it was, he was barely able to contain himself once they’d rolled the condom in place. He traced the delicate flare of her hips, the inward turn of her waist and the slender rib cage—stopping at the soft underside of her breasts. He palmed them, groaning at their satisfying weight, delighting in the way they spilled from his hands. He lifted one to his mouth, eliciting another cry from Nikki. Her pleasure was his greatest turn-on.

  And he couldn’t hold back another minute.

  In one swift move, he twisted her beneath him and entered her in a smooth, long stroke.

  His hips thrust powerfully, feeling her tighten around him with every stroke. Her hips arched up to meet each possessive push, her hands gripping his taut backside, pulling him in deeper. The urgent noises she made set his male instincts into overdrive.

  He tried to slow down, to make the pleasure last for both of them. But he hadn’t been kidding when he said she’d been playing with fire. It had been a long time for him and he needed this. Needed her.

  Their synchronized motion increased to a frenzied, heart-stopping tempo. Her breath came in fast pants which intensified to soft cries that were music to his ears. Her tight spasms and the surf pounding the beach in unison with his thrusts were too much. His release exploded in a tidal wave that left him drained and utterly sated.

  He held her for a long moment. Then he rolled over and stared at the twinkling stars overhead. His pulse still pounded hard as he turned to look at her delicate profile. She was more adventurous than he’d imagined with her impromptu striptease and rollicking around in the surf. Hell, she’d been more than a match for him.

  A star shot across the sky. Nikki gasped, his first indication she’d regained her wits.

  “Quick, wish on it!” she urged. Her hand snaked out and caught his as they tracked the blazing trail against the midnight sky.

  The sighting had been fast and vivid. He would have missed it if he’d blinked. But it had been there, brightening the sky until it burned into nothing. Would his relationship with Nikki be the same? A flash of hot color and joy in his life for two short weeks before he had to return to the reality of his job overseas? He hated to think about it like that. But with Nikki quietly contemplating the darkness alongside him, Brad guessed they might be thinking the very same thing.

  Tightening his hold on her in the water, he pressed a kiss to her forehead. He’d drag them to the shore in a minute. But if this was all the time they had together, he planned to drink in every second and make the most of this affair while it still burned hot and bright.


  NIKKI SLOWLY SWAM TO consciousness, anchored in Brad’s arms. A rough military blanket enveloped them, keeping the damp, morning sea air out and their fiery body heat in.

  He’d retrieved the blanket from the roll that contained his beach towel after they’d returned to dry land farther up the beach late last night. He’d built a fire out of driftwood using little more than a Bic lighter and ingenuity, providing them with a bonfire of their own until just a couple of hours ago. Apparently Brad had come more prepared for their walk last night than she had, although she congratulated herself on the bottle of water in her purse.

  Nestled against Brad’s steely contours, Nikki couldn’t help but replay last night’s sensational sex. She squirmed backward, fitting her bottom snugly into the curve of his muscular flanks. Rock-hard arms tightened around her reflexively.

  Returning to sleep was definitely out of the question.

  She blushed, recollecting her uninhibited behavior last night. What had come over her? A few weeks in Chloe’s house and she’d become a wanton woman.

  Chloe would approve. Did she?

  A long, low ship horn reverberated across the sea. Nikki cracked open her eyes, hoping the day hadn’t yet dawned. She wasn’t read
y to face last night’s impulsive actions.

  She took a fortifying breath of the briny ocean air and peered about. The world was gray and shadowed. Darn. Sunrise, and reality, were only moments away.

  She thought about waking Brad, wanting to share their first sunrise together, then stopped. She was getting way ahead of herself. They had less than two weeks together.

  How foolish to imagine a future with him full of “firsts.”

  The deep rumbling of Brad’s wide chest vibrated against her back. She hated to wake him from such a peaceful sleep. After his nightmarish evening the other night, he deserved the rest.

  Hopefully, he’d keep sleeping so she could sort out her feelings. She inhaled his musky, masculine scent. The longer she lingered, the less clearly she could think.

  She carefully eased out of his arms. A lonely rush of chilled air buffeted her as she emerged. Quickly, she tightened the blanket around him. He stirred slightly, his arms reaching out into her now-empty space. He sighed deeply, but didn’t wake.

  A short stroll brought her to the ocean’s edge. Her beach dress billowed behind her in the brisk, morning breeze. She inhaled the scent of salt, fish and seaweed. Overhead, fishing birds floated like feathered kites.

  Two brown pelicans squabbled over a catch, their long bills clicking and snapping.

  Someone always wanted what someone else had. Like her situation with Chloe’s family. They’d inherited most of Chloe’s estate. Why was there so much animosity over her ramshackle house and personal diaries? It just didn’t add up.

  As if on cue, her cell phone trilled. She rushed to her beach bag and flipped it open. A text message icon popped up.

  In eleven days, you’ll be alone again, unprotected. We’ll be waiting.

  Anger surged. Did they think she was a frightened child to be scared by poisonous texts and a broken window? She could take care of herself.

  Besides, Brad was more than her protector; he was now her lover—for nearly two glorious weeks. Nikki smiled, recalling the way his insistent hands had lit her on fire. She’d never felt so uninhibited, a thought that thrilled and frightened her.


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