Best Laid Plans

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Best Laid Plans Page 13

by Tamie Dearen

  “So you don’t think Charlie would agree to marry Josh instead of Olivia?”

  “I don’t think so! She’d never come between him and Olivia. That’s why she’s bringing Derek on the ski trip.”

  “Who’s Derek?”

  “He’s a third-year law student at Columbia. She happened to meet him at a club when we all went out together Saturday night.”

  “Oh... Lance’s roommate,” said Grace.

  “You know Lance?” asked Emily.

  “Hannah brought him by to meet us. She’s evidently seen him every night this week.”

  The veins were standing out on the side of Spencer’s forehead. “Every night? Are you kidding me? He’s way too old for her.”

  “Come on, Spencer.” Grace jabbed him in the ribs.

  “He’s eight years older than her.”

  “Well, evidently she doesn’t mind. It’s not like he’s drawing Social Security.”

  “If I get my hands on him, he may not live to draw Social Security.”

  “I don’t think killing Lance would endear you to Hannah. She really likes him.”

  “You’re in favor of this? I can’t believe it.”

  “Emily, can’t you control your husband? He’s seriously overreacting.”

  “I’ve only had two years with him. You’ve had a lot longer to work on him than I have.”

  Spencer crossed his arms and muttered something unintelligible about women and making him crazy.

  “But back to this other guy, Derek,” said Grace. “She only met him on Saturday. Does she really like him?”

  “Well, you know Charlie. It takes her a while to make up her mind. But she did say it was possible she could fall in love with him, if he was around long enough.”

  Hmmm.... This news was particularly unfortunate. She was counting on the ski trip to throw Charlie and Josh back together. Now, she and Olivia would have to make sure Charlie and Derek didn’t grow too close while on the trip.

  “SO DEREK IS GOING ON the ski trip?” asked Steven.

  “Yes, and I think this is such a great sign. Charlie’s usually so careful about starting a new relationship she doesn’t give the guy a chance. She must like this Derek a lot if she’s willing to take him on the ski trip.” Anne hummed as she packed her suitcase.

  “He seems to be a great guy, and he’s smart, too. Charlie told me he made the law review.”

  “If this works out, he’d be a great match for Charlie.”

  “Now Anne, don’t start interfering. You need to let things happen on their own.”

  “If Gram had let things happen on their own, you and I would never have even met. I think God has just the right person out there for everybody, but sometimes they need a little help getting together. I’m not interfering—I’m assisting.”

  Steven shook his head. “I’m not convinced God actually needs or appreciates your help.”

  Chapter Eight

  JOSH, JACE, AND CHLOE rode to the airport with Grace and Brad. Jace was so excited he’d hardly slept on Friday night, which also meant Josh had barely slept. He hadn’t even had a full week as a father, and already he was more fatigued than during medical school. But his initial commitment to love Jace and Chloe had already evolved into a matter of the heart. He couldn’t imagine his life without them, and he dreaded having to let them go after the ski trip. He’d contacted the ad litem to request his time with them be extended if possible. He was hopeful he could at least keep Jace through Christmas, if not Chloe as well.

  But he was looking forward to the ski trip for a lot of reasons. He’d already been assured by all of his friends they would help with the kids while he was on the trip. Gherring had arranged for private childcare for the three two-year-olds at the ski resort, and Charlie had insisted she would be Jace’s private ski instructor. Just knowing others would be sharing in the childcare responsibilities provided a sense of relief.

  He realized how his sister must have suffered as a young single mother, and once again regretted his harsh judgment of her. When he’d reconnected with her, she’d responded with enthusiasm, even inviting him to family holidays. But he’d refused to participate, instead nursing his hurt and anger over his own mistreatment as a child, although he knew in his heart she was by no means culpable. If only he could go back and relive the last year. How he wished he’d known he was throwing away his only opportunity to get to know his sister. His sigh was audible. He couldn’t change the past, but he could make a difference in the future. He’d pledged to love his sister’s children as his own, partially out of guilt, but mostly out of a newfound appreciation of the importance of family. And he intended to follow through with that pledge, whatever it took.

  When they arrived, Olivia, Hannah and Claire were already on the private jet, along with Anne and Steven Gherring and the twins.

  “We can all be seated,” said Gherring. “Emily and Spencer are on their way.”

  “What about Charlie?” asked Grace.

  “I’m right here,” she answered, emerging from a door in the rear with someone walking behind her. When she moved forward, Josh recognized the other person as Derek. He was surprised by his presence and extremely irritated. He didn’t like the man at all. Derek was tall and muscular, although Josh felt certain he could beat him in any physical competition. Surely he wasn’t disciplined enough to exercise during law school as regularly as Josh always had. Why would Charlie bring him on the trip? It was supposed to be a Gherring/Marshall family ski trip. Not that Josh was really family, but he would be if he married Olivia. Derek was an outsider... Unless he was planning to marry Charlie. No way. He chuckled to himself. Charlie was way too cautious. Derek would soon discover he couldn’t even get to first base with Charlie. At best, they were friends. And if he tried anything physical with her, she’d probably slap him. After all, that’s exactly what she’d done to Josh the first time he’d kissed her. He smiled at the still-vivid memory—it had been so worth the slap he’d received.

  “Aunt Charlie!” Jace called. “Come sit by me!”

  Derek picked up her hand with a flourish and pressed his lips to the back of it, closing his eyes as if savoring the touch of her skin. “You can sit by Jace. I’ll be lonely, but I’ll survive a little while without you.”

  Josh forced his clenched fists open, allowing the blood to flow back into his blanched fingers. He was sitting directly behind Jace, with Chloe strapped into a booster seat next to him. Since Anne and Steven were each sitting beside one of the twins, and Hannah and Claire were together, Olivia and Derek were the odd ones out. They sat in the seats behind Josh and Chloe. He didn’t like Derek sitting beside Olivia, but for some reason found he preferred it to the thought of him sitting next to Charlie.

  Olivia only gave Josh a cursory glance as she took her seat. “Derek. I’m so glad you’re coming on the trip. Are you a good skier?”

  “I’ve skied quite a bit. What about you?”

  “I’ve only been a few times. Maybe you can give me some lessons.”

  Derek sounded confused. “I figured you’d be getting lessons from Josh.”

  “Why would you think that?”

  “Aren’t you getting married soon?”

  “Oh no,” said Olivia. “That was all a big misunderstanding.”

  “Well okay. But I’m here with Charlie, you know,” said Derek.

  “Yes, but Charlie’s going to be busy giving lessons to Jace.”

  Josh felt his blood boiling. This is going to be a long week.

  CHARLIE FRETTED, TWISTING a curl repeatedly around her finger, when she realized Olivia was sitting beside Derek. That surely wouldn’t help her cause. But the flight was over three hours long, and soon after takeoff, everyone was out of their seats and moving around. Steven and Anne took the toddlers and Jace into the private bedroom area in the back of the plane, where there were cartoons and toys available for entertainment.

  Emily whispered in Charlie’s ear. “This is backfiring! You’ve got to get De
rek away from Olivia.”

  “I’ll get Derek,” Charlie answered in a low voice. “You distract Olivia.”

  But before they could put their plan into action, Anne emerged from the back of the plane. “Derek, come talk to me. I haven’t even really gotten to meet you.” She grabbed his arm, pulling him away from Olivia to sit on a small comfortable sofa. Charlie pretended to listen to the story Spencer was telling while she eavesdropped on her mom’s conversation.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Gherring.”

  “You can call me Anne. Now tell me all about yourself. Where are you from?”

  “I’m from Michigan. Midland, Michigan.”

  “I’m afraid I’ve never been to Michigan. Is Midland near Detroit?”

  “No.” He held up his hand to demonstrate the shape of the state. “Detroit is here, below the thumb. Midland is kind of in the middle of the hand.”

  “And you’re in law school at Columbia, right? What luck Charlie ran into you last Saturday. Although I would usually warn kids a bar isn’t the best place to meet someone nice.”

  “I feel particularly lucky I met Charlie. I only hope she would say the same.”

  “Speaking of Charlie... Charlie, could you come here a minute? Sweetie, would you mind entertaining Derek while I go check on Steven and the kids?” She stood, pushing Charlie onto the couch beside Derek. “I’ll talk to you later, Derek.”

  He chuckled. “What was that? First your mom is dying to know all about me. And then she only talks to me for about sixty seconds before she makes a run for it. I guess I wasn’t as exciting as she expected me to be.”

  “On the contrary, I think Mom likes you a lot. She’s probably up to her usual tricks. You see, she fancies herself to be a matchmaker, and I suspect she’s decided to help us get together.”

  “Us? As in you and me?” Derek asked.

  “That’s right.”

  “I really like your mom—she’s a smart lady. We should definitely make her dreams come true.” He grinned, stretching his arm over her shoulder.

  “It’s only an act, remember?” She murmured without moving her lips.

  “Yes,” he said, leaning in closer to her. “But I plan to put my heart and soul into playing my role.” He reached up with his other hand and turned her face toward his, and lightly brushed his lips against hers.

  Charlie was absolutely mortified. Even without a mirror, she knew her cheeks must be bright red. Although she’d known he was going to kiss her in front of the others, she hadn’t realized how embarrassed she would be. She’d never participated in any type of public display of affection before.

  “Don’t look so distressed,” he whispered in her ear, sending shivers down her spine with his tickling breath. “You’re supposed to like it. Was it really that awful?”

  “No. It was fine. I just... I’m not used to...”

  “I demand a second chance,” he said, pulling her close for another gentle kiss. “Was that better?” There was clear anxiety in his voice.

  “Yes. I mean, no. I mean... That’s enough. They’ve all gotten the message.”

  Charlie glanced around, trying to measure the effect of the affectionate display on her friends. Grace and Olivia seemed to be in close conference, while both Josh and Spencer were sending killing looks in Derek’s direction. Emily, however, gave her a surreptitious thumbs-up.

  “Perhaps one more to seal the deal?”

  “No.” Charlie spoke around the fake smile she glued on her face.

  “What’s the deal with Olivia?” asked Derek. “It was like she was coming on to me.”

  “Maybe she’s trying to make Josh jealous. I’m not sure what’s going on, but surely she’ll back off since she’s seen us kissing.”

  “I’m perfectly willing for her to use me to make Josh jealous if she wants to. Olivia’s pretty cute, too.”

  “Derek!” Charlie scolded in a harsh whisper. “You’d better not make a play for Olivia while you’re on this trip.”

  “I’m kidding. I won’t mess up your plan. But seriously, what would you do? Break up with me?”

  “I know ways to kill you that are completely undetectable,” she asserted. “I’ve watched a lot of CSI.”

  “Maybe. But you’d never get away with it. Your guilt would be written all over your face. You’re pretty bad at hiding your feelings. In fact, your friends may not even buy that we’re dating.”

  “Do you really think so?” She wondered how to make her face look more enthusiastic about Derek’s affection.

  “I absolutely do,” Derek said. “I could teach you though. You’ll need this kind of training in practice court. You have to keep your emotions hidden.”

  “What should I do?”

  “Try this. Close your eyes. Good. Now imagine you’re sitting beside some hot movie star.”

  “I don’t like any movie stars. They’re all stuck on themselves.”

  “Okay fine. Not a movie star. Just a hot guy.”

  “What does he look like?”

  “It doesn’t matter. As long as you think he’s hot.”

  “Well, what does he smell like?”


  “Being hot is not enough—he has to smell nice.”

  “He’s hot and he smells great.”

  “But does he like the outdoors?”

  “Does he need to like the outdoors?”


  “Then he definitely likes the outdoors. He practically lives outdoors. He even works outdoors.”

  “If he works outdoors, he probably doesn’t smell nice.” Charlie opened her eyes and grinned at Derek who was clearly frustrated.

  He groaned. “You’re kidding me aren’t you?”

  “I couldn’t help myself. I’m sorry. I’ll try to be serious.”

  “Look, I was simply going to suggest if you imagined I was your dream guy, you wouldn’t look like you were in distress when I kissed you.”

  “But I don’t really have a dream guy. And that’s not the problem. I mean, I’d be uncomfortable kissing you in front of other people no matter who you were. Even if you were—” Charlie stopped abruptly. She’d almost said Josh. She’d caught herself just in time. Her cheeks flamed, and she struggled to cover her blunder. “I mean... even if uhmm...”

  “Ah-ha! So there is a dream guy after all,” he smirked. “So we should try again. You can pretend I’m that dream guy.”

  “That’s okay. I think we’ve made enough of an impact already,” she protested. “Honestly, to be truly believable, if you kiss me again, I’d have to slap you.”

  He backed away a bit. “Slap me? Why?”

  “I’m kind of known for reacting that way.”

  “Must be kind of hard on your boyfriends.”

  “Maybe that’s why I’ve never actually had a boyfriend.”

  “Yep. That could be the reason. Uhmm... Charlie? Why is your brother-in-law glaring at me? I thought he and Emily were in on the plan?”

  Charlie shot a furtive glance at Spencer. “No. I’m afraid Emily didn’t tell him. He’s not always in favor of our plans, and she didn’t want him to interfere. We’re trying to convince Olivia she should marry Josh, but Spencer doesn’t really want them to get married.”

  “Why not? He seems to be good buddies with Josh. They look like they’re plotting together right now.”

  She peeked at the two who were conferring closely. “They’re buddies all right. But he doesn’t think Josh really loves Olivia. He’s only trying to protect his sister.”

  “So what does he have against me? What did I ever do to him?”

  “I honestly don’t know. It’s probably because he doesn’t know you that well, and he’s being protective of me. Once you spend some time together, I’m sure he’ll be okay.”

  “Oh boy,” he said, through his bared teeth. “They’re calling me over there. Wish me luck.” He kissed her on the cheek before he rose to join them. She felt red blooming on her face once again and berated her
self for having so little control. Derek was right. She wasn’t very skilled at hiding her emotions.

  GRACE WAS QUIETLY OBSERVING Charlie and Derek, while keeping an eye on Josh. Charlie had succeeded in marking her territory with Derek. Now Olivia would have to be careful pursuing Derek, or it would appear she was trying to steal Charlie’s boyfriend. However, things still weren’t going too badly, since Josh was completely unsuccessful in hiding his jealousy when Derek kissed Charlie. She needed to move fast, though. Charlie wasn’t usually into public displays of affection. If Charlie was letting Derek kiss her in front of other people, she must be starting to really like him. She had to take advantage of Charlie’s feelings for Josh, before she became too enamored of Derek.

  “What should I do now?” Olivia asked her sister.

  “Well, you can’t flirt openly with Derek anymore since Charlie’s acting all possessive. So basically, we have a two-fold plan. One—never let them be alone together. And two—try to find ways to force Charlie to be alone with Josh.”

  “What do I do about Josh? I feel terrible when he hears me tell people I’m not going to marry him. He looks so sad and betrayed.”

  “Trust me—you’ve got to have faith in the plan. We’re doing what’s best for him and Charlie, too. They just don’t know it yet.”

  “But he keeps begging me to give him a chance.”

  “Do you want to be a mother of two?”

  “No, but I don’t want to be responsible for him losing custody either.”

  “Just stick to the plan, and everything will be fine. He’ll be mad at you now, but he’ll thank you later.”

  “But what if we’re wrong? What if they don’t love each other?” she whispered.

  “Olivia, how can you doubt me? Was I right about Emily and Spencer?”


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