Curvy for Him: The Botanist and the Biker (Curvy for Him Series Book 8)

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Curvy for Him: The Botanist and the Biker (Curvy for Him Series Book 8) Page 3

by Annabelle Winters

  “Clearly not,” I say. “But I am still alive, thanks to you.” I take a breath as a shiver goes through my body. It makes no sense, but I feel safe with him. I feel warm with him. I feel like a woman with him. “Thank you,” I say in a whisper. “Hawk.”

  “Helen,” he says, his voice descending into a whisper too, like he feels the emotion between us. Hawk reaches out and gently moves a strand of hair away from my face, his rough fingers grazing my soft cheek and making my head buzz, making my heart pound, making my butt tighten as I wonder what’s happening here, what’s about to happen.

  “What now?” I say softly as he takes his hand away from my face. The touch was so delicate, so at odds with the roughness of this man, so gentle even though I can sense a wild energy raging inside his hard, chiseled body, feel him controlling a need that scares me as much as it’s making me wet.

  “Well,” he growls, tightening his jaw and shrugging those big, broad shoulders. “Now is the calm before the storm, Ms. Helen. I left my bike at the scene, which is as good as the cops catching me with a smoking gun in my hands. Carl knows I was there, and by now he knows I put down one of his crew. That’s an act of war, and I gotta warn my brothers, make sure we’re ready when they come. Carl saw you with me, and he probably got your license plate number. He’s got connections that will run your plates in a heartbeat, give him everything from your home address to your credit score if he wants.” Hawk takes a breath and exhales, slowly nodding his head. “Fuck, Helen. You . . . you’re . . . you’re . . .”

  I blink as I connect the dots, realize that I’m in deep shit, that this guy Carl probably knows who I am by now, knows where I work, maybe even where I live. I may do some childishly dumb things (like dress in black tights and sneak into a closed park at night to study tree-rot . . .) but I’m most certainly not stupid. I don’t know why Hawk was at that park, but I do know that he made a huge decision to intervene in a rival motorcycle club’s business, to kill one of their members, to protect a witness to a double-murder committed by their leader. He left his bike at the scene to save my butt, which means the cops are gonna be looking for him too. I might need to be a witness to protect him, which means I’m an even bigger target for Carl and the Vipers. No shit there’s a storm coming!

  The sun is rising in the East, casting the land in a reddish glow. What’s that old saying . . . Red skies in the morning . . . Be careful . . . Take warning . . .

  I let out a slow breath as I look into Hawk’s dark eyes, study the lines on his scarred but devilishly handsome face, see the way his massive chest moves under black leather and chains. He smells like motorcycle grease and oiled metal, and I breathe deep as I feel my body lean towards his like the moon being pulled to the sun. He still hasn’t finished the sentence he started . . . started with the word, “You’re . . .”

  There are a thousand ways I can think of to finish that sentence, given the situation we’re in, the situation I’m in, the madness and chaos of what’s about to roar into our lives with the rumble of a thousand engines.

  You’re . . . dead.

  You’re . . . screwed.

  You’re . . . done for.

  You’re . . .

  You’re . . .

  You’re . . .

  “You’re mine,” Hawk whispers as the sun breaks over the horizon, turning the red skies into bright blue with a suddenness that makes me swoon. “That’s why I was at that fucking park, Helen. I was just riding, you know. Just riding free, on my own, no road map but my heart, no destination but the pull of fate. It sounds fucking crazy, but I was drawn to that park like a moth to a flame. And when I saw you hidden in those trees, the moon lighting you up in a silver beam of light, I fucking knew it. I knew you were mine. I knew I had to protect you. I knew I had to claim you, keep you, fucking own you. I knew I couldn’t turn away, even if it started a war, even if it unleashed chaos and violence, bloodshed and destruction. Whoever that fucker was who saw Helen of Troy and decided she was his made the right choice. I understand that choice now.”

  I just stare into this biker’s black eyes, shaking my head as a trembling smile breaks on my face. He touches my hair, and I shudder as the warmth of the sun strikes my skin. “Who are you, Hawk?” I whisper, blinking as I listen to this ax-wielding, leather-clad, bearded beast who just said I was his to protect, his to claim, his to own, that I was his Helen of Troy and he didn’t give a fuck if making me his was gonna start a war.

  “I’m your man,” he growls, his eyes narrowed, unblinking, with a focus that rocks me to my toes, makes my butt tighten in my panties, my nipples harden under the soft cashmere. “And I’m gonna make you my fucking woman, Helen. I’m gonna make you mine right now, right here, before the storm hits, before the chaos rolls in, before these blue skies turn red again, the white clouds fade to gray, the sunshine turns to rain.”

  I nod like I’m in a dream, blinking away the whisper from the scientist in me who reminds me that I’m in shock, that I just witnessed violence and death, came close to my own death. That does strange things to people, doesn’t it? Makes you believe that time is running out, that you need to seize your fate when it looks you in the eye, when it stares you in the face, when it stands in front of you and says, “You’re mine.”

  My mind swirls with images of the night, the way Hawk burst out of the night like a dark dream, a battle-ax in his hand like he really was some ancient warrior from another time, protecting what’s his, defending what’s his, claiming what’s his . . .

  Taking what’s his.

  “I’m yours,” I whisper as the sun kills the last of the night-clouds, beaming down on us in this abandoned rest stop. The words catch in my throat like they’re choking me, but I know they’re the truth. I felt it the moment Hawk exploded out of the night like a dark protector, like a warm nightmare, a hot dream. I feel myself drawn to him in a way I can’t understand, can’t explain, don’t want to understand, don’t want to explain. I’m drawn to him like a plant is drawn to the sun, I think as I nod and shudder from the way Hawk is touching my hair, caressing my smooth cheek with his scarred, rough hands. Maybe that’s why I was out in that park too, I think as I take a breath and my lungs fill with the masculine scent of leather and oil, blood and sweat, arousal and need. Maybe we were both drawn to each other like how plants twist and bend their way towards the sun, towards the light, towards the energy they need to become what they were destined to be.

  With trembling fingers I reach and touch Hawk’s face, gasping when I see the effect I have on him. His body shudders as he kisses my fingers, his dark eyes softening for just a flash, just a flicker, just an instant . . . an instant that reveals a vulnerability that almost breaks me, like this hard man opened up his armor just enough to let me in, just enough to give me a glimmer into the man he is inside . . .

  A man I don’t know anything about, I try to say to myself as my heat rises from the way we’re touching one another’s faces, staring into one another’s eyes like this moment is precious, unique, important. Like we might not get a moment like this again.

  A man you don’t know anything about, I think again as Hawk slowly breaks a smile and draws his lips close to mine, asking the question with his eyes, a question that I’ve already answered in my mind, already answered in my body, in my goddamn soul.

  Nope, a man you know nothing about except one thing, I think again:

  You know he’s yours.

  And you know you’re his.

  Oh God, you’re his!

  And then he kisses me, the kiss coming hard and quick, with a ferociousness that’s tinged with desperation, a need to possess me, a need to possess this moment, to make the most of the calm before the hurricane, the peace before the battle.

  A semi-truck screams by on the highway like a locomotive as I kiss him back, feeling myself open up to that same desperation to seize this moment, hold on to it, claim it as mine.

  “You’re mine, you hear?” he growls, breaking from the kiss long enough to lo
ok into my eyes and whisper the words. “When shit gets crazy, you remember that, Helen. Just remember that you’re mine.”

  “I think shit’s already getting crazy,” I whisper as I feel his hands caress my neck, his fingers tracing their way down the curve of my bosom, making my nipples stand up stiff like arrowheads. “I think—”

  But I don’t know what I was gonna say, and I certainly don’t know what I was gonna think, because Hawk envelops my lips in a savage kiss, grasping my full breasts in his big hands and squeezing so hard I almost pass out. And then he’s kissing me deep with his tongue, kissing me hard, kissing me, kissing me, kissing me . . .



  I’m kissing her so deep it feels like I’m already inside her, and my need is so strong it scares the fuck out of me. Nothing in my messed-up, twisted life has felt like this, and it floors me like I’ve been hit in the face, blindsided like a bumbling idiot, turned around like a clueless teenager. My head is buzzing with a high that no drug ever came close to giving me, and the way her warm lips feel against mine erases the memories of every woman who’s ever ridden with me like the rain washes away the dust of summer. I’ve never felt more certain about anything in my life, and the realization makes me so fucking hungry for her I can’t even see straight.

  I kiss her harder as I close my hands over her big breasts, squeezing hard as my cock almost explodes in my jeans from the way her nipples harden against my rough palms. I pinch those nipples with fury, feeling her gasp and groan as I smother her lips and roll my tongue inside her soft, wet mouth. A moment later I’ve got her black top off her head, and I do a double-take when her long brown hair opens up, her luscious locks hanging down in waves over her smooth bare skin.

  “Fuck, you’re . . . you’re beautiful,” I groan, my mouth hanging open as I take a moment to just stare like a shameless ape. Her pretty round face is flushed with heat, her lips are glistening in the sun, and I groan again as I gaze at the way her big breasts are popping out of her bra like the twin moons of some faraway planet. “So fucking gorgeous.”

  She blinks and blushes, and I can see her fighting the urge to bring her arms down and cover her boobs. But I’m not gonna allow that. She’s mine. Every part of her. And she needs to fucking know that.

  “No,” I say firmly, grabbing her wrists and pushing her arms back just before she gives in to her self-consciousness. “There’s no hiding from this, Helen. The sun is shining bright, and we’re gonna do this in the light of day. Now spread your arms wide. Let the sun bathe your beautiful curves, you fucking goddess.”

  She giggles as I push her against the passenger side car door, still holding her by the wrists. I wish we were on my bike, so I could just flip her over the saddle and take her in every way I need. I ignore the thought of where my beloved bike is right now, filing that away for later. Right now I got other things on my mind. Right now I got more important things to take care of.

  My balls are heavy and tight, my cock throbbing as the sun shines through the windshield of Helen’s tiny car. I can see the dark red outlines of her nipples through her beige bra, and I lean forward and suck on each one through the lace and satin, making her groan and thrash against the door.

  “I need more space,” I pant, coming up for air and looking around desperately. My balls are aching to unload into her, to fill her womb with my seed, to claim her in a way that can never be denied, never be opposed, never be forgotten. But I also want to taste her, smell her scent, inhale the aroma of her warm sex, lick her like an animal before I claim her like a fucking man. And this tiny car feels like a shoebox for my tall, broad frame and her luscious, womanly curves.

  “Um, what are you doing?” she mumbles as I reach behind her and flip the door latch. “Hawk, what are you—”

  She gasps in surprise as the door swings open behind her, her big, beautiful body leaning back, those tits popping up in the air like islands rising out of the sea. Instantly I’m on her, pulling her tights down past her wide hips and burying my face against the front of her panties, inhaling deep and taking in her feminine musk as she grabs my hair to steady herself, pulling on my thick dark locks as I lick her through the moist satin.

  “Oh, shit, Hawk,” she moans, arching her body back as I almost swallow her fucking panties in my desperate need to taste her pussy, to swallow her nectar, drink her juice. Half her body is out of the car now, and my head is screaming with sharp pain as she uses my hair just to hang on. The pain is only getting me wilder, and with a roar I rip her panties away with my fucking teeth, almost passing out as I spit them away and see her magnificent cunt in all its beauty, pink and clean, a long slit like the crescent moon, pretty brown curls surrounding it like an enchanted forest, the sun lighting it up with a golden beam of pure energy.

  “Fuck,” she groans as I bring my face close to her slit and breathe on it, sending warm air swirling through her bush, making her clit throb and stand up like it’s demanding my attention. “Oh, fuck, Hawk, what are you . . . oh, Hawk!”

  She makes this glorious gurgling sound as I take her clit into my mouth and suck on it, and then she just comes in my face with a violent thrust of her hips that takes me by surprise. I roar and ram my bearded face between those luscious thighs, taking the entire length of her slit into my mouth and driving my tongue deep into her cunt as she spurts her sweet nectar and comes again. She tastes like morning dew, like clean rain in the untouched mountains, tangy and sweet and like nothing on earth. I slide my fingers under her and split her buttcheeks wide, driving my long, gnarled middle finger deep into her tight little asshole as she thrashes and bucks her hips again in my face. She comes again, this time squirting directly down my throat as I almost pass out from the fucking insanity of how her taste and scent is enveloping me, invading me, taking me over from the inside, making me feel helpless even though she’s spread wide and moaning for me, my finger up her rear hole, my tongue driving into her sex.

  Finally I can’t hold back anymore, and I pull my head away and draw back. A moment later I’m out of the car, racing around to her side, where she’s hanging out the door, still gasping from how hard I made her come. I whip my jacket off, laying the well-worn leather down on the rough asphalt and then pulling Helen down out of the car until she’s on her knees. We’re well-hidden from the highway, and I know there’s a massive truck-stop a couple miles down the road, so nobody’s gonna pull in here and interrupt us. Not that I’d be able to stop anyway. I’m too fucking gone.

  “So are you,” I whisper as I brush away a strand of her dark hair and look upon her pretty face, stroke her smooth round cheeks, kiss her soft, full lips. Her tang is still heavy on my lips and beard, and I grin when she flutters her eyelids and looks at me like she’s only just realized that she’s tasting herself on my mouth.

  “I’m what?” she asks, looking down for a moment and then gasping when she sees that I’ve unbuttoned, unbuckled, and unzipped, my cock pushing my black underwear so far out it looks like a fucking torpedo about to explode out of my crotch. “Oh, God, Hawk. You’re so . . . oh, shit.”

  I groan as she reaches between us and carefully closes her fist around my cock. She’s hesitant, and she glances up at me as if she’s asking if this is OK or some shit. Her touch sends waves of raw ecstasy through me, and I can barely see, let alone fucking speak. How the fuck can this woman have such an effect on me? There must be something in her pussy-juice, I think in my wild arousal, grinning and nodding as I lick my lips and kiss her once more before standing so I can get my jeans off.

  Helen is on her knees before me, naked and shining in the sun like a fucking angel. Her breasts are still glistening with my saliva, those big red nipples still pert and tight with her arousal. The sight of that dark triangle between her hips makes me weak in the knees as I push my jeans and underwear down, and I can feel my cock yearn to slide in there, to part that bush and drive deep into that warm slit, to satisfy that craving that’s coming from my balls, a craving to empty myse
lf into her, fill her until she overflows down her creamy thighs, and then fucking fill her again just to make sure.

  My cock springs out and stands straight up, hard and thick, my cockhead shining with the pre-cum that’s been oozing out of me all night, from the moment I first set eyes on my girl’s round ass in those tights. All I can think about is getting back down there and ramming into her, unloading with all the urgency I’m feeling right now. But then I groan and clutch the open door as Helen grasps my naked cock and brings her face close, looking up at me with those pretty brown eyes, opening her lips, sliding her delicate tongue out and licking the underside of my throbbing shaft.

  “Oh, fuck!” I roar, arching my neck back and almost breaking the door off this tiny fucking car as Helen slowly takes me into her mouth, tentatively at first, like she’s not sure she can fit all of me down her throat. My balls seize up and I almost bite my fucking tongue off as I try to hold back my orgasm. “What the fuck are you doing to me, Helen? I’m gonna get a fucking heart attack if you keep . . . oh, shit, yeah, do that, just like that, fuck I like that.”

  I’m babbling like an idiot as she blinks and then closes her eyes, taking me all the way into her hot mouth, closing those warm lips around my shaft. I still gotta hold on to the door with one hand, but with my other hand I reach down and grip her hair, fisting her thick locks and slowly moving her head back and forth as she starts to suck.

  I lean my head back and let out a low, guttural groan as Helen slides her lips over my thick shaft. I’ve never been erect like this, never been so fucking hard and big in my life, never felt arousal that even came close to this. I want this to last forever, just the two of us alone with our pleasure, with each other, without the world fucking with us. My whole life swirls before my mind’s eye as Helen sucks me with more confidence, as if her body is responding just like mine. I’m slowly pumping my hips, feeling my cock go down her throat as she opens up for me, gagging a little but still taking me like we were designed for each other.


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