Three Thousand Miles - Jealousy (book #2 of Three Thousand Miles Series)

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Three Thousand Miles - Jealousy (book #2 of Three Thousand Miles Series) Page 35

by Deila Longford

  “Adrian, I am sorry,”

  “Alanna don’t apologise I am sick of hearing you say sorry?” I feel guilty for pushing him on this so I gently get up from the sofa and make my way over to him. He clasps my face in his hands as he kisses me. I pull back from him.

  “You won’t lose me and we can weather any storm because I love you. I will always stand by you and don’t ever feel that you are not good enough. Because you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I would be lost without you.” Adrian does not respond with words, he simply pulls me closer and he kisses me firmly.

  Adrian wakes me bright and early the next day, as we have to leave for Edinburgh. I quickly take a shower and then I begin to pack. I throw a few things into my overnight bag but Adrian quickly stops me.

  “Baby what are doing?”

  “Packing for Edinburgh?” He smiles at me.

  “You better pack all you things as tomorrow we will be flying straight from Edinburgh to New York.”

  “Crap I forgot, thanks for reminding me.” I say as I hurry into my closet. I begin to lift all the clothes out from the closet and then I go back for my suitcases. I jump as I hear a knock at the door. Adrian smiles at me as he makes his way to answer the door. I quickly feel secure as I hear Sophie. I dump my clothes onto my suitcase as I see Sophie popping her head in the door.

  “Oh my god,” she says in a sarcastic tone. “How much clothes do you have Alanna?” I smile as I again begin to pack.

  “So what’s up?” I say smoothly. Sophie makes her way further into the room and she sits carefully on my bed.

  “I am leaving,” Sophie says calmly.

  “Oh when?”

  “Today, Adrian booked me a flight.” I sigh as Adrian thinks of everything.

  “Adrian has to go to Edinburgh for business and I kind of to go with him. Hey at least you won’t have to fly home alone?” Sophie shakes her head at my words.

  “That’s exactly what I have to do.”


  “She hasn’t told you?”

  “Told me what?”

  “Katharine is spending the rest of the summer in London with Jeff.” My jaw literally falls to the floor as I hear Sophie’s words. I cannot believe that things have moved so fast between Katharine and Jeff.

  “Wow, she doesn’t waste any time does she?” I say and Sophie and I burst into giggles.

  “Anyway I just came to say goodbye,” I smile at Sophie as I reach out for a hug. Sophie quickly gets up from the bed and she makes her way into the lounge. I follow her and I escort her to the door. Adrian walks over to us and he briefly flashes Sophie a smile. She beams at him as she says,

  “Adrian I want to thank you for everything, I really loved my time here in London.” Adrian nods to her and I reach out for another hug.

  “Call me when you land,” I shout as Sophie marches down the hallway with Mitch at her side. I turn to Adrian.

  “Where is Mitch going?” Adrian smiles at me.

  “Baby did you really think I would let your friend go to the airport by herself?” I cannot contain my smile as his words ring in my ears. I lunge into his arms and I kiss him tenderly.

  Adrian escorts me down the stairs and out into the cold air of London. There is a black Mercedes with all black windows waiting to take us to the airport. Adrian sits me in the car while he talks with the driver. After what seems like forever, Adrian finally enters the car. I smile at him as the car pulls away.

  “What was that all about?” I ask nicely. Adrian smirks at me.

  “Nothing for you to worry about,”

  The car stops and Adrian instantly gets out. He is at my door and I take his hand. As soon as my foot hits the ground I see Adrian’s private jet waiting to take us to Edinburgh. Adrian walks me up the steps and onto the airplane. The same airhostess as last time greets me and I quickly remember the way she flirted with Adrian. I try to shake off my jealousy as I take my seat.

  “Mr Black, Alanna is it?” The airhostess says in a smug voice. I force a smile from my lips as I gaze at her.

  “Yes,” I say softly. She looks at me for half a second and then she turns to Adrian.

  “Can I get you anything Mr Black?”

  “Yes champagne for Alanna and water for me.”

  “Right away sir,” she says as she heads over to the bar.

  The flight is short and I am excited to experience Scotland. I know that there is a lot of history and culture that surrounds this country and I am anxious to witness it for myself. Adrian whisks me from the jet and down the stairs. My heart nearly stops as I feel the freezing cold against my skin. The sky above us is grey and filled with clouds and I could swear that I heard thunder. As we reach the bottom of the stairs, Adrian smirks as he sees our car. He quickly opens the door of the dark grey, Aston Martin that sits nicely parked in front of the jet. I sit in the car and I sink into the leather seats. Adrian takes the wheel and I smile as the car speeds off.

  As we drive around the city of Edinburgh, I cannot help but think of Adrian’s father. It plagues me that he is here somewhere and that Adrian does not seem to care. I look at him as he drives in his dark blue pin striped suit and I am mesmerized but, at the same time, I cannot understand him. If the roles were reversed and if it were I that had no father then I would be itching to meet him. I could not fly to a city where he is and not look for him. No matter what logic my head was telling me I would have to listen to my heart. I would need to find my father and I really wish that Adrian felt the same way. As I stare at him, I feel that maybe now that we are here in Edinburgh that he possibly would change his mind. I don’t want to anger him but I feel that I wouldn’t be a very good girlfriend if I didn’t push him on this. I take a deep breath as I try to change his mind.

  “Adrian, now that we here in Edinburgh have you thought about your father?” I say in a slow voice. Adrian shakes his head at me but I don’t think he is mad at me as he takes my hand.

  “Baby we have talked about this,”

  “I know but aren’t you even the slightest bit curious to find him?”

  “No Alanna, now please stop talking about this.” Adrian’s words are final and I give in and change the subject.

  “Edinburgh is very beautiful,” Adrian, laughs as he we come to a red light. He reaches over and grabs my face firmly in his hand.

  “No beauty compares to yours.” I lunge forward and kiss him and then he pulls back quickly as the light turns to green.

  Adrian pulls the car in front of a massive stonebuilt building and he stops the engine.

  “Now baby, I must go and have a brief meeting with my business partners.” I smile at him and then he gets out of the car. Adrian marches me into the building. We are greeted like royalty as we enter and a dark haired girl quickly escorts along the bright hallway. The floors are white marble and everything is finished in glass. The windows reach from the ceiling to the floor and there are massive displays of white lilies. The girl quickly escorts me into the waiting room as Adrian heads to his meeting.

  As I wait for Adrian, the girl showers me coffee and magazines. I thank her and then she makes her way out of the room. I am alone in this massive area and I am beginning to get bored. I franticly lift a magazine from the pile and I begin to flick through the pages. I roll my eyes as I read about the latest Kardashian drama and I instantly place the magazine back onto the pile. I sip my coffee as my mind begins to wander. I have not stopped to think that tomorrow is my birthday. I will be twenty-three in a matter of hours and I am terrified of what crazy event my mom has planned. I don’t think it has set in that I am no longer at college. I have no idea what to do when I return to New York. My heart slightly races at my new fears. I don’t have an apartment in the city and I don’t have a job. I have a very good idea of what I would like to do but I have no idea of how to get it. Then there is Adrian, after tomorrow I have no idea what he has planned. We have not discussed if he is returning to London or if he will be staying in New York
for a while. I sigh as we have many things that we need to sort out.

  “Baby,” Adrian beams as he enters the room. I smile at him as I quickly rush over.

  “Wow that was quick!” I say in an impressed voice. Adrian smiles at me as he takes my arm in his.

  We make our way out of the building and again into Adrian’s grey sports car. I cannot contain my smile at the sight of it as I gush to Adrian.

  “You are like James Bond in this car,” Adrian laughs as he pushes me into the seat. I turn to face him when he climbs into the car.

  “If I am James Bond then you must be my Bond girl?” I let out a giggle at Adrian’s words and then he grips my hand.

  “Alanna I have a surprise planned for you.” I reply with a smile as the car speeds off once again.

  We drive out of the city and out into the Scottish countryside. I gasp as I take in the views of the hills and the lakes. My mind is spinning from the beauty but I have to say the dark grey sky is slightly ruining my moment. We seem to be driving further into the countryside as the car speeds freely through the traffic. Adrian is very quiet and I do not want to ruin the moment by talking. The road is winding and seems to go on forever. The trees are stunning and in the distance, I can see what looks like a castle. As we get closer and I get chance to see the building close up. I realise that it is a castle hotel. There is a huge lake at the front and dark green trees surround the outside. The car turns off the main road and slowly drives up to Cameron House. I lean forward as we get closer and my face is almost hitting the window. Adrian cannot hold in his laugh as he stares at me.

  “Welcome to Loch Lomond,” he says in a proud voice. I turn to face him as the rain begins to beat hard onto the car. I frown at Adrian.

  “I knew that sky was trouble,” Adrian rolls his eyes as he gets out of the car. He quickly whisks me into the hotel but no matter how quick we were I am still soaked to core. When we enter the hotel, I gasp.

  “Wow,” Is all I manage to say.

  “Welcome,” the woman behind desk greets us as we make our way over to the reception.

  “I have a reservation under Black,” Adrian says as he pushes his wet hair from his face.

  “Okay Mr Black here is your room keys, dinner will be served in your room as you requested. Oh and just a little warning there is a storm expected for tonight and I highly suggest that you stay in this evening.” The little blonde haired woman says in a bright Scottish accent. I smile, as I have never heard such an amazing voice. Adrian takes the keys from her and he quickly thanks her. A bellman dressed in tartan escorts us to our room as he carries our bags.

  “Okay Mr Black here is your room,” the man says as he opens the door. Adrian pushes me in first and then he follows. I cannot contain my smile as this has to be the most beautiful and romantic room ever. The furniture is dark and the bed is huge. Thick fluffy tartan pillows lie neatly on the bed. I walk further into the room and there is a freestanding bathtub that looks out onto the stunning lake. Adrian gives the guy a huge a tip and I hear the door gently close.

  “Adrian this room is stunning and I love it here, thanks so much for bringing me.” Adrian glides over to me and grips me tightly. His lips are on mine and his hands are slipping down my waist. I feel his passion and my heart races. Is tonight when it finally happens, Adrian breaks free from me.

  “Baby you need to get out of those wet clothes.” I blush at his words but I instantly agree. I grab my suitcase and I begin to rummage through the clothes. Adrian strides over to my side and he gently touches my hand.

  “We won’t be leaving the room tonight so wear something comfortable.” I blush again at his smug words. I take a deep breath as I choose, loose jeans and a plain white t-shirt. I make my way into the bathroom and I quickly get dressed. I scrunch my hair into a bun and then I apply a little lip-gloss. I stare at myself in the mirror and I smile at the girl that gazes back. I head back into the room and I smile when I see Adrian in his, jeans and black shirt. He instantly frowns at me and I know why. Therefore, I loosen by hair tie and as my curls fall around my face Adrian steps over to me. He lifts me into his arms as he kisses me. When he sets me down, I stumble onto the bed. I rest my head against the pillow and I gaze out the window at the pouring rain. Adrian leaps onto the bed and he takes the position next to me. I instantly turn to face him and he smiles at me.

  “Baby what is on your mind?” He says he strokes my arm with his index finger.

  “I am thinking of how beautiful it is here. The room is gorgeous and you are perfect.” Adrian eyes burn through me, as he remains silent.

  “I could spend the rest of my life in this moment, I love you so much Adrian.”

  Later that evening as the rain belts against the window Adrian and I dine in soft candlelight. The food is amazing and Adrian is gorgeous. His eyes are glowing green and his hair is messy. I take a bite of my steak as I smile at him. As I stare into his eyes, I forget everything. The Marshalls no longer exist and I am not in danger. There is no Zara or Chad to ruin us and there is no drama. I forget my feelings for Michael and in my head; he is just Adrian’s stepbrother. I do not feel drawn him and he does not care for me either. I gently close my eyes as I think of how much easier my life would be if my dream were true.

  “Baby you are very quiet,” Adrian says as my eyes jolt open. I smile at him and he looks at me suspiciously. I try to reassure him that everything is fine.

  “I am just basking in this moment,” Adrian presses a smirk from his full lips as he pops some food into his mouth. I cannot hold back my little giggles as I stare at him.

  “Alanna why are you laughing”

  “I am just… happy,” I say as I reach for his hand.

  After diner and once everything is cleared away, Adrian takes me over to window. He stands me in front of him and he wraps his arms around me.

  “Baby you smell so good,” he says as he kisses my neck. As Adrian’s lips collide with my skin I jump. The thunder rumbles through the sky and there is a bolt of lightning. The rain begins to get more violent as Adrian holds me in his arms. My heart is racing and I don’t know what is causing it. Could it be the stormy weather or could it be Adrian’s touch? He kisses my neck again but this time he spins me around so that I am facing him. He runs his finger along my chin and he smiles at me. He considers his words before he speaks and when he breaks his silence his smile quickly fades.

  “Alanna are you ready?” My throat dries up very quickly and I am lost for words. Adrian waits patiently for my response but I cannot think of one. I had a feeling that tonight this was going to happen and now that it has I don’t know how I feel. I love Adrian and I want nothing more than to be with him. But at the same time I think what if I disappoint him? What if he doesn’t feel the same way about me afterwards? My heart is pounding and I know that he is getting impatient. He gently runs his hand along my arm and I gasp at his touch. I look into his eyes and suddenly I know my answer.

  “Yes I am ready,” Adrian smiles at me as he leans in and kisses me. His lips are gentle and his hands are all over my body. He loosens his grip on me as he walks over to the dresser. He slides on the radio and I smile as I hear the song. Adrian stretches out his arm and I instantly lunge forward and grip it. He pulls me close and his kisses begin. This time they feel firmer and at first I feel a little uncomfortable but that soon fades when Adrian runs his fingers through my hair. He again pulls back and this time he walks me over to the bed.

  “Baby, are you sure about this?” I don’t answer instead I pull him towards me and I kiss him.

  The rain is thunderous and Gabrielle Aplin’s the power of love fills the room as Adrian kisses me firmly. I grab onto his hair and then it happens. His lips are all over me and our bodies are connected. His skin is soft and glowing and I bask in his presence. My heart is pounding and his cologne is strong. My mind is rushing and I cannot believe that we waited for so long. This feels natural and perfect. I know that Adrian is my soul mate and I can only describe t
his feeling as magic.

  Thursday June 6th- My Twenty-Third Birthday

  The next morning I wake and the sun is shining through the window. As my eyes open, I feel Adrian next to me. I am huddled into his chest as he sleeps soundly on his back. I lightly run my finger along his skin as I make a memory. I want to remember this moment for the rest of my life. I am with the most amazing guy and I love him. For the first time I am waking up next to him and this feeling is unbelievable. I lightly exhale as I take in his perfection. His hair is flopped against his forehead as he sleeps. His perfect chest lightly goes up and down as he breathes. His full lips gently twitch and I smile at the sight of them. I close my eyes and I remember last night. Adrian was perfect and I am glad that I waited for him. His touch was gentle in the stormy night and his kisses afterwards were romantic. I open my eyes again as I want to stare at him more.

  I watch Adrian sleep for what seems likes hours until he finally wakes. His dark eyelashes flick open and there are his green eyes. He smiles as he sees me and he instantly clasps my head in his hand.

  “Alanna, are you okay?” He says softly in his morning voice. I smile at him as I gently pat his chest.

  “I couldn’t be better,” Adrian, laughs and then he pulls my face onto his. He kisses me and again it feels like magic. He pulls away from me and then he stares deep into my eyes. His finger gently caresses my lower lip as he says,

  “Happy Birthday Alanna,”


  As soon as we arrive in New York, my anxiety about tonight is starting to show. My knees are twitching as Adrian and I sit in his black Rolls Royce. I nervously look at him and he instantly notices my emotions.


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