Blood Trail

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Blood Trail Page 12

by David Rhodes

Lauren thought for a second and said, “I guess you’re right. Still, I hope I’m worrying about nothing, but afraid I’m not.”

  Lisa looked at Charles and asked, “What about you?”

  Charles smiled and said, “I have to admit I was impressed with everything I saw and heard. Steve, Ben, and the team atmosphere all struck a nice chord with me. I did like the part about cheaper energy and our military being able to better take care of themselves. I also liked how Steve, the boss, helped…what bird was he?”

  “Stork,” everyone said in unison.

  Charles smiled as he said, “Yes, Stork. There didn’t seem to be a big divide between upper management and lower personnel so to speak. He seemed like he really wanted to help Stork. But I also share the same concerns Lauren does. I’m starting to think more like she does. How will you explain a human fossil inside of a Rex? You’d be forced to admit to time travel and that would open a whole new load of problems for you. All of you. Everything in the past that seemed suspicious, or ever went wrong in history, would be linked to you. Your time would be spent defending yourself against accusations and possibly even fighting off lawsuits.

  “Then there is me. All paths would lead back to me, the one person who has always tried to fly under the radar. My life would be a constant stream of people wanting to travel with me, or they would want me to bring them things, artifacts, live specimens. I don’t want to sound self-centered, but I have always been a private person. A few years ago, there would never have been this many people in my house. I didn’t have that many friends and didn’t want them. I had my work and that’s all I needed.

  “So, if Danny goes along tomorrow I think I’ll go too. Not,” he said to Lauren, “for the thrill of a jump. I just want to see how they handle things. I want to know if they mean what they say. I’ll keep an open mind also.”

  Ron smiled and said, “This is great. We’ll go with them and you can see for yourself. We can talk later and if you have any reservations you will let us know so we’ll keep an open mind also.”

  “That’s right,” Lisa said.

  “Well, okay,” Lauren said. “I guess we’re all going to keep an open mind.”

  “Is anyone hungry?” Ron asked. “Lisa and I will run out and get something, okay? Maybe Mexican.”

  “Sounds good,” Danny told him. Everyone else agreed and as Ron and Lisa left Danny told Charles and Lauren, “I think I’m going to take a nap.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Charles said. “Let me…” then he paused and didn’t say anything else.

  “Charles, is there something wrong?” Lauren asked.

  “No, I wanted to make sure they were gone and that any listening devices in this room were compromised.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “That I need to talk to both of you without Ron and Lisa around, and without Steve listening to us.”


  Charles stuck his hand in his pocket and as he picked up a glass of water he answered, “Because I wasn’t quite truthful just a minute ago. My main reservation is that Steve is a liar.”

  “Okay, you’re way ahead of us here,” Lauren told him. “Slow down and tell us what you are talking about.”

  “Steve, and probably, Ben, are liars.”

  “What do you base this on?”

  “This,” Charles told them as he pulled a small object from his pocket that looked like a garage door opener.

  “And that is…?” Danny asked.

  “It measures certain types of energy readings. I turned it on at different times today at EXENCO and found something very surprising.”

  “Or not,” Lauren said. “Considering you had it with you in the first place.”

  Charles nodded toward Lauren and said, “That’s why I married you. Smart, very smart. I’ll cover that in a moment, but I found my equipment energy signature in several places in EXENCO.”

  “That does sound strange,” Danny agreed. “But should all energy signatures be different? I mean, it all relates to time travel, right?”

  “It wouldn’t matter if we were talking about opening a can. What I make, I can differentiate from what someone else creates. Steve is using my technology.”

  “How did he get it?”

  “Well, unfortunately it wouldn’t have been hard. Remember, I didn’t have any type of safety for the house. Once he figured out things he would have gotten what he needed about me from Taggit’s records. He probably watched me and came in whenever he wanted to. It wouldn’t have taken him long to find what he was looking for.”

  “So, he just rebuilt all of your equipment and claimed credit for it? What did he take?”

  “I’m not sure, I didn’t see any of the equipment itself. It probably looks different. I was trying to get into the computers but couldn’t.”

  “I don’t understand,” Danny told him. “How do you know it was yours then?”

  “I read the firewall configurations. Different setups in different places. Remember, we were in his office, the room where the time travel unit was and in the training area control room. All different, but all protected by me. Interesting.”

  “So, why did you think something was wrong in the first place?” Lauren asked.

  “I think he still has a way into the house. Things in my workshop have been moved around.”

  “He’s been in the house recently?” Lauren asked.

  Charles paused then answered, “Maybe. Or, he has a way of knowing what’s going on. That’s why I activated my bug jammer before we started talking.”

  “Well, that’s creepy. You mean he could be watching our every move?”

  Charles shook his head, “No, I don’t think he cares about what we do. He wants to know what I do, what I’m working on. I found a camera in the workshop a few weeks ago so I put a box in front of it so whoever put it there couldn’t watch. Now I believe that it is probably Steve and Ben.”

  “I’m going to punch him in the head,” Lauren muttered.

  “No, we can’t do that. Remember, the reason I’m going tomorrow is to see what I can find out. I may even have to become an employee. Whatever it takes. If he is creating weapons and new defenses for the military, what better way to fund what you are really doing than have the government helping you out.”

  “And you’re certain –” Danny started.

  “I’m only certain that he is a liar…and probably a burglar. I doubt that he has changed his ways just because he wants to create cheaper energy. He’s a criminal.”

  “Why didn’t you want Dad and Lisa here? They would have believed you,” Lauren said.

  “Because I don’t doubt that Steve knows by now I tried to get past his firewalls. I doubt if he realizes I know they were mine, but he will know I was poking around. He’ll expect me and you to still be skeptical. Danny is a detective, so he’ll even expect a little reluctance to accept things from him, even if he does the jump tomorrow. But let’s face it, if Ron and Lisa suspected anything, they couldn’t hide it. They are naturally outgoing, and he would immediately notice any change in their demeanor toward him. They can’t know. It’s that simple.”

  Danny nodded and said, “I agree. But just because you’re poking around doesn’t mean it just wasn’t professional curiosity. He can’t know for sure you’re actually on to him.”

  “That’s true, but he’ll be suspicious. And, I’m sure he’s thought about at least one other thing that I have.”

  “Which is?” Lauren asked.

  “Right now, there could be another five, ten, who knows how many, time travelers in the world. They could be in New York, Paris, Canada, Japan, anywhere. But you have to wonder, how could two different people, from different backgrounds and educations invent time travel…and they live in the same city? Not five miles from each other?”

  Danny and Lauren didn’t answer so Charles said, “Danny, start talking about your retirement and how you would like to work for EXENCO. I’m going to turn off the jammer at some point, so it will
seem like there was a problem with the bug and it just came back on.” As Danny started they heard Ron and Lisa coming up the drive.

  Steve watched the Team from the control room for a while and was glad to see they were responding to Danny’s scenario changes. Immediately they started reacting and functioning differently. Good. If Danny came on board he would put him in charge of them. Team Director. He couldn’t make up his mind about Charles and Lauren though. They could go either way, but that wouldn’t matter. He felt Ron and Lisa would stay and if Danny decided not to join, well, things would still be okay.

  He left the Team and as soon as he walked into his office Steve saw the message on his screen and clenched his jaw. It only took him a few seconds to locate the attempted security breaches and to figure out who it had been: Charles. What did he suspect? Steve looked closer at the attempts and decided it wasn’t anything to worry about. Four times in his office, three times by the unit but just once in the control room. Not the same number of times in each room and not repetitive, not a hundred times in one minute. And in each room, there were fewer attempts. Trial and error. Charles had just been fishing, trying to see what he could find out. Annoying and not very professional.

  He activated the camera and was surprised that it wasn’t working. Before he could touch anything though the kitchen appeared on the screen and he heard Danny saying, “…what I saw today. If tomorrow goes well I’m on board.” To Steve’s surprise Charles answered, “I have to admit I liked a lot of what I saw today. I think I’ll go too, I’d like to see how things are handled and talk to Steve a little more.” Lauren started, “Well, if you…” then Ron and Lisa walked in carrying plastic bags of food. Lauren switched to, “Let’s eat”, and they all walked out of view.

  Steve sat back in his chair and shook his head, something was wrong. Why had the camera not been working correctly to begin with? It was the second camera that had problems within two weeks and the other one was in…the workroom. Tony. It had to have been Tony. How had he been found out? It didn’t matter, he had been, and Charles was trying to put things together. Would he tell the others?

  Steve thought about turning on the dining room camera but then decided not to. It sounded like they were thinking about things and even leaning toward going with him tomorrow. Good. A few seconds of conversation when they arrived, and he would know who knew what. He turned off the computer.

  As Aria picked up Tony he asked, “Mom, can you run me by EXENCO? Boss said he wanted to talk to me for a minute.”

  “Should we pick up Paula first?”

  “No, let’s go see Boss first and then maybe I’ll have some good news for the New Year.”

  “Like what?”

  “Who knows. A raise or maybe a better job.”

  “Moving up in the world. Good for you.”

  “You should work there too. I mean it.”


  “And thanks again for driving us around tonight.”

  “Remember I don’t want to be out too late. We’re going to Lauren’s and wherever Paula’s family party is and then home by one.”

  “No problem. We won’t keep you up too late,” Tony laughed. “Hey, stop right here and I’ll be right back. No, wait. Come in and meet Boss. Let him know you’re interested in a job.”

  “Do you think it will be okay?”

  “Sure. Come on.”

  As they walked into EXENCO, Steve was waiting at the main entrance. He seemed surprised for a second then asked, “Tony, who is this?”

  “This is my Mom, Aria.”

  “Nice to meet you, Aria,” Steve said. “Please follow me to my office. Tony, I want to talk to you about your future with EXENCO.”

  Tony smiled and glanced at his mother as he replied, “Thank you, Boss. Mom might be interested in a future here also.”

  Steve looked at them both and smiled as he said, “I think I can take care of both of you.”

  As everyone met in the dining room the next morning Charles said, “Happy New Year again everyone.” Then he added, “Lauren has decided to jump too.”

  “That’s great,” Ron said. “What changed your mind?”

  “I want to see what EXENCO is up to and this seems the best way. A controlled jump and what they promise is a no risk field operation, what more could I ask for?”

  Lisa smiled and told Lauren, “You’ll see, they are different, it will be different.”

  “Well, it’s already different,” Charles said as he pointed at Danny. “Not going to tear your best pants this time, are you?”

  “No, I’m not,” Danny agreed as he patted his khakis. “These will hold up, maybe better than me this morning.”

  “What do you mean?” Lauren asked.

  “I’m not feeling very well,” Danny said. “A little touch of something I guess.”

  “Do you want to stay here?” Charles asked.

  “No, I’ll be okay…I think.”

  “In that case,” Charles said, “I have something for everyone.” He stepped out of the kitchen and was back in a few seconds with the five boxes he had brought in on Christmas Eve.

  “I’ve been wondering about those,” Lauren said.

  “Well, I had been meaning to surprise everyone with a vacation trip to Hawaii. Thought we could use these to hike around some of the volcanoes.” He pulled a tan pair of hiking boots from a box and told the others, “But, we can break them in on the jump and then head for the volcanoes later.”

  They quickly put their boots on and Lisa said, “These are really comfortable. Very nice. Thanks, Charles.”

  “And thanks for the trip to Hawaii too,” Danny told him.

  “Everyone just has to call me Boss Man while we’re there,” Charles said. “Does that work for everyone?”

  “It does until we get there Charles,” Lauren said. “I mean Boss Man.”

  Everyone laughed as they climbed into the SUV and the ride wasn’t as quiet as the previous day. They discussed where they might be going, and Ron and Lisa described their thought and feelings again about all they saw and heard on their last jump. But as they talked, Lauren and Charles exchanged looks and more than once she squeezed his hand.

  Steve met them again at EXECON with “I’m so happy to see all of you.”

  Ron and Lisa greeted him warmly, but Charles told him as they shook hands, “Steve, I like a lot of what you said yesterday and I’m going to jump today to evaluate things. I’m sorry I can’t do better than that.”

  Steve replied, “I completely understand, Charles. If you have any questions, or doubts, about what we are doing bring them up immediately. Please, don’t hesitate. I want everything to be transparent to you.”

  Lauren said, “I’m afraid I’m in the same boat, Steve. I want to believe but after…well, after our last experience with –”

  “Taggit,” Steve finished for her. “Again, I understand. Don’t hesitate to call us out on anything. And I mean anything. We will be an open book for you.”

  Steve then turned to Danny who held up his palms and told him, “Steve, I like what you are doing, but I’m not sure I am going with you. I really don’t feel that well. I may drive back and see if I can come and pick everyone up later.”

  Ben had come up while Danny was talking, and he said, “Well, it actually won’t be that long. We’ll be traveling in about 30 minutes and no matter how long the Walk is I’ll still come back just a few seconds later in this time.”

  Danny shook his head and replied, “I forgot about that. A week for you could still be just a second here.”

  “Plus,” Ben continued, “the air in the Unit has various medicinal, uh, vapors floating through it. We don’t want anyone taking whatever to the past or bringing it to the future.”

  Charles shook his head and said, “I didn’t think about that before any of my jumps. Sounds interesting, I hope you can fill me in a little about it.”

  “Of course,” Ben said. “Anything you want.”

  As they walked into EX
ECON Steve fell behind them to think. Lisa and Ron seemed normal and as outgoing as ever. Though Danny was ill he did not seem different and neither did Lauren. In fact, even Charles seemed exactly the same. Maybe Charles was just curious about his time travel ability and was just snooping around. Still, very unprofessional. And suspicious. He’d keep an eye on all of them just the same.

  As they walked into the locker room they were greeted with a lot of kidding from the Team. “There they are, the ones who made us work until midnight,” Ricardo called out. “We missed New Year’s.”

  “And I got knocked down two more times,” Cat said which was answered by several members shouting, “Five more times.”

  “But, seriously, you made us better,” Major Donald said to Danny.

  Several people nodded as Ammo added, “A lot better.”

  Then Stoney asked, “Where did you get those boots? They are sooo cute.”

  Everyone laughed, and Charles turned red as he said, “It’s my fault, I got them because we are going to hike some volcanoes. Sorry they aren’t like yours.”

  “Paycheck, can Otto get them some real boots like these?”

  “Not today.” Ben replied as he looked at the boots. “And, maybe never. Let’s just think about what we’re going to accomplish today.”

  “Hey, can we call Stork before we go?” Ricardo asked. “Might as well poke him a little bit.”

  “I’ll call him in a little while,” Steve said. “Right now, though, I’ll be in the Unit like usual. Ron, you and Lisa will be with me. I think you will like this.”

  “I think you will too,” Ben agreed. “We’re going back 66 million years ago to where we lost four good men. First, we’re going to look for that sea monster for Ron and Lauren and then I want the Team to try and coax either the big Rex or the juvenile Rexes back…but they may have to walk to get to them. I doubt if we’ll be lucky enough that they will visit the beach again.”

  “We’ll get it done,” Major Donald said quickly. “We want to use the equipment for real. We’re excited.”

  “Aren’t you afraid?” Lauren asked.

  The Major paused then replied, “Of course there is fear. It’s the unknown. Going up against giants makes us all contemplate our own mortality. But where others run, we go forward willingly and with our eyes open. Just like all of you did.”


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