Blood Purple

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Blood Purple Page 3

by Ashley Nemer

  Nikole ignored her and took her straw, swirling it in the fresh rum and coke before her. “Did you come tonight just to bust me up, or are we going to have some fun?” Nikole heard Adara sigh as she took a drink.

  “Do you have someone in mind already, or are we just going to play it by ear like always? I saw some humans downstairs at the bar; a couple of them were pretty hot.

  A wide grin covered Nikole’s face, her tongue running over her teeth as she looked in the direction of the bar. “I think the fellows at the bar will be sufficient for helping us on our quest tonight. I have not had a good hunt in weeks. Besides, that one in the blue was here last night, offered me a drink. Might as well take him up on it.”

  Taking her cue from Adara, they sauntered over to the edge of the bar, eying the two males sitting on the other side. Adara smiled at them, while Nikole casually ignored the attention it was drawing; they pretended to laugh to each other while showing off their fangs. Their pheromones were seeping out, causing more of the men to notice them. Nikole took a strand of her hair, twirling it around her finger and staring off at the wall, keeping an eye on the males out of her peripherals. She noticed them stand and start to come towards them. Nikole tapped Adara's hand, indicating that the two men were taking the bait. Leaning over, Nikole whispered, “Don't look now, but tall dark and yummy are walking this way; hunting should be this easy every night.”

  The two girls laughed together as the tall one smiled at them. Nikole batted her eyes and turned toward him while his friend spoke. “Hello Ladies, I am Dominic and this is Derrik. We couldn't help noticing you two beauties sitting here without the company of a male. Mind if we join you?”

  Nikole smiled at Derrik and motioned her hand to the chair beside her. Adara stood to shake Dominic's hand. “Aren't you a cute one?” Nikole heard her say and laughed inwardly before focusing on Derrik and continuing to play with her hair, twirling it around her fingers smiling at him.

  He looked down at the beautiful woman and smiled, “You nervous, Precious, or do you always eye the men with desire?” He said while ordering another drink.

  “Have we met before? Do I know you?” Her curiosity was piqued by the title he just used. “You do not look familiar.”

  He shook his head, taking her hand and kissing it before placing his other hand around it. “I offered to buy you a drink last night and you blew me off. Other than that, no my lady, I have not had the pleasure of your company before.”

  She ran her tongue across her teeth as his words dance in her mind. “My name is Nikole, and do they usually work on girls, those lines of yours?”

  He let out a small laugh as he took a sip from his drink. “I am not in the habit of coming onto women, but you were eying me from across the bar, and I felt I owed it to you to show you what those eyes can do to a man.”

  Holding back a laugh, she slowly brought her drink to her lips and took a sip, thinking about what he said. Looking at the mirror behind the bar, she saw Adara and Dominic hitting it off and moving to one of the back rooms. Thinking to herself that this was just getting easier and easier, she turned back to Derrik. “Would you like to go for a walk outside?”

  He stood, leaving her hand in his. “I have the perfect spot, Precious. Come, follow me.” Walking out of the bar Nikole sent a smile to the bouncers as they headed toward the tree lines.

  They walked along the edge of the building and then turned in the direction of the trees. She could smell the animals, the life, and the excitement. “Do you enjoy nature, Derrik?” Walking into the tree line and hearing him follow behind her; she paused to smell the different scents in the air from the array of animals around.

  “I do enjoy hunting wolves; I like the chase. Would you care to join me?” Derrik approached slowly, taking his jacket off and hanging it on a branch. “I think hunting sounds like a great idea, Precious, and maybe later we can find something tastier to hunt together.”

  She turned her head back, eying him over her shoulder. He seemed safe, so she dropped her guard. “Maybe, if you’re lucky.” She took off into the forest, running against the wind, catching the scent of a few deer and some bears off in the distance. She felt Derrik come up from behind, his presence overpowering against hers. He suddenly shifted directions and started heading east. She adjusted her pace and followed him, catching the scent that he was following. It was definitely a human; she could smell the evil on him.

  Their running came to a slow jog as the scent of the humans overwhelmed Nikole’s mind. She could hear their hearts beating fast. “Derrik, do you smell that? There are some men causing trouble. What do you say we go and teach them a lesson?”

  He looks over his shoulder at her. “Tell you what, Precious, why don't you let me handle them and bring your dinner to you.”

  Nikole shook her head listening to his cockiness. Maybe she should tell him how unattractive it was. “Derrik, I am capable of taking down a human man. I am not a weak girl. You don’t know what kind of woman you’re dealing with.”

  He started to laugh, taking his hand and grasping her shoulder lightly. “Precious, you misunderstand me. I just want to give you something nice, not make it seem like you can't do it. I have faith that you are one powerful Algula.”

  Moving in front of him, she flashed a fanged smile. “Tell you what; if you can catch me, you can see just how powerful I am.” She rushed away and into the back alley where three men were attacking someone at knifepoint. Walking down the side of a building and seeing one of the men pull out a gun and aim at the victim, she could feel her hands get hot, the tips of her fingers igniting. She felt the fire start to rise up her hand.

  “Precious, you can't burn them.”

  Jumping at the sound of Derrik's voice, she said, “Oh no? Watch me.”

  She stepped out into the light. “Let the man go.” Walking up to the criminals smiling, her fangs dropped and the fire on her arm accelerated. Seeing them backing up letting the victim go and beginning to run, she rushed to the leader and picked him up by his neck; the fire from her hands burned his skin, the smell permeating the air. She threw him against the wall, grinning as she heard his bones crack.

  “Nikole!” Derrik shouted as he ran up to one of the other men, sinking his fangs into him and ripping out the man’s throat. Nikole laughed while walking up to the leader who was scrambling against the wall. His eyes dilated with fear; she could smell it pouring off him. Growling, she approached him, then sank her fangs in his neck and started to feed on him. The blood flowed from his vein into her mouth, the sweet metallic taste of it filling her senses with the smell of rust. She could hear Derrik behind her, attacking the third guy and smelled his arousal from the fight. The adrenalin from taking a life was a natural aphrodisiac to them. Her food went limp in her arms and started to feel cooler as she drained the last few drops from his veins. Tossing the remains onto the concrete she went and grabbed Derrik's first victim and put him on top of the leader. Derrik tossed the third body into the pile while Nikole concentrated on the bodies. She ignited the bodies with a flick of her wrist.

  “Now, what were you saying about me catching you?” Derrik said as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

  Laughing, Nikole flashed back to the woods, the sound lingering in Derrik’s mind. She rubbed her scent along the trees as she walked by so he could track her later.

  Derrik walked along the forest. He thought it was a myth, the royal family being in the States, let alone Colorado, but she had the eyes, the violet eyes, and she teleported. He shook his head at the realization running through his mind. He was with the Princess, not just a typical woman but his cousin. What was he going to do? He walked down a trail, a smile touching his lips as he caught her scent on every tree. Traveling down the path she took, he vowed to find her again.

  Flashing back to her car, Nikole hopped in, realizing Adara might still be at the bar, so she sent her a text message telling her to call in the morning. Kevin was out in the parking lot; she stopped beside him
and rolled the window down.

  “Hey Kev, that guy I left with? Derrik? Do you know him?”

  Kevin paused before he started to talk. “Nikole, I would avoid him; he’s trouble. I hear someone is hunting him. The guy he was with, those two are deadly. You don't want to get wrapped up in that. Promise you will be careful.”

  She laughed as she shook her head while smiling. Nikole thanked him for everything before they said their goodbyes. Pulling out onto the open highway, she dropped into fifth gear and took off. With the wind in her hair and adrenaline still rushing through her body, Nikole whispered to herself. “Derrik, Derrik, Derrik.... Mr. Deadly, I think I will be getting to know you better...”


  Slapping at her phone, thinking it was her alarm, she groaned as it kept ringing.

  “Damn, who the hell is calling me so bloody early?!” Picking it up, she saw it was Adara and wondered why she wasn't asleep.

  “Hey, why are you not asleep?”

  “I need to come over, Nikole, right now. I was given a note and instructed to hand deliver it to you right after sunrise.”

  Hearing how shaky Adara’s voice was, Nikole’s skin turned to ice. “Someone gave you a note? What the hell...what kind of note?” Sitting up in bed, she rubbed her free hand against her forehead, feeling the morning hangover start to set in.

  “That guy you were with last night, he found Dominic and me and told me I had to do this no matter what. Now, can I come over?”

  Nikole let out a sigh. “Yeah, come on over.” Hanging up the phone, she got out of bed and headed straight to the bathroom to wash away the lingering effects of the night before.

  The smell of eggs frying and bread toasting floated through the kitchen as Nikole prepared breakfast. Her mind was racing over the man she’d met last night. Could she have been wrong by thinking him safe? A soft tap at the side door followed by the click of it opening had Nikole looking over her shoulder as Adara popped in, wearing the same outfit from last night.

  “Look at you; did you have fun with Dominic?” she asked, laughing as she applied butter to her toast.

  The red flush that crept over Adara’s cheeks showed her embarrassment. “Oh, hush. I know you went out with this guy.” She waved the note around in her hand. “Why did he have me give you this?”

  Taking the letter from her hand, Nikole set it down. “I don’t know. We went hunting; I flirted and teased. Nothing to require love notes the next morning.”

  Staring down at the paper Adara said, “Open it up. Let’s see what he has to say.” Taking it out of the tan envelope, Nikole spied the formal lettering of a noble family.

  She picked up a hand-sketched map that fell out as she unfolded the letter. Her breath caught as she looked at the language of the old country written in formal penmanship.

  Adara looked over her shoulder in shock as Nikole read. “Can you read that? I have not taken lessons in the old language.”

  Nodding, Nikole read it twice and set it down. “Here, I will read it to you.”


  I know you are the Princess of our race. I thought it was a rumour that you were here. No one thinks you and your akh would actually settle in America, let alone Colorado. I am sure you will check up on me, so I wanted to tell you, I am a mercenary for one of the noble families. I travel carrying out his orders. I hope that you will see me again. I know this lake; it’s not too far from here. Please meet me there, tomorrow night at sunset.

  Till then, Princess


  Adara and Nikole sat at the table in silence for a bit until her friend piped up. “What are you going to do? He knows your identity and he is a mercenary. You have to tell Zayn. He needs to know your safety is compromised.”

  Nikole shook her head. He would be furious if he knew she was recognized. “Adara, you cannot tell anyone, you hear me! No one but us can know this. Zayn already doesn't trust me to take care of myself; this will just prove him right if he realizes I was careless enough to get spotted. He will lock me up and make it so I have no freedom.” She placed the folded up letter in her pocket. “This is our secret. Promise me.”

  Adara looked away as the stressful tension grew. “Fine, I promise.”

  She stood and turned to leave. “But if something happens to you, I'm telling him. End of story.” Without another word, she left, the screen door shutting behind her.

  Alone again, Nikole headed back to her room, studying the note once more. Tomorrow night. Sunset. He wanted to see her again. Omm was right; hard to get really does work. Lying on the bed, she put the letter to her nose. His scent reminded her of the forest after a downpour, light and crisp, her favorite smell. She pulled out the sketch of the map and noticed that the lake was next to Garden of the Gods; it must be Valley Reservoir. Closing her eyes, she brought his image to her mind. He was tall, over 6' foot. Hard muscles thickened his large frame, easily weighing in at 220, and he moved as swift as the wind. Shining brown hair set of a magnificent pair of deep, hazel eyes. Opening her eyes, she placed the letter back in her drawer and curled up in bed, hoping to sleep some more.

  Looking through his desk, Zayn attempted to find the papers to allow Nikole into the military. He wanted to surprise her and make it official. He realized the best way to keep her safe was to have someone with her at all times. “Where did I put those fucking papers?” He tossed a stack on the floor, getting angry at his lack of organization. Feeling pressured by the stress, he got up and poured himself a drink. Hearing a knock on the door he sighed, knowing it was going to be Nasir. All that man did was worry. “Come in.” He turned around from the bar table and to his shock he saw Kevin, Nikole’s friend. “Well this can't be good. Come, have a seat.” Kevin bowed his head. Zayn could feel the man’s nervousness. “Just spit it out Kevin. What’s wrong?”

  Kevin looked up at his King, “Nikole met this guy last night. I tried to warn her away from him but…”

  Pure anger laced Zayn’s tone. “Who did she meet?”

  Kevin backed the chair up a few inches. “Derrik.”

  Zayn didn’t even feel the glass in his hand break in his grip. “YOU let her around him! I agreed to let you be in business if you protected her from the people who might try and kill us! KEVIN, this is unacceptable! FUCK! NASIR, GET IN HERE!” Pacing back and forth, Zayn reached for his knife in his desk and slipped it into his side holster. The door opened, admitting Nasir. “Take Kevin away, and then get the riding team ready; we have a mercenary to hunt.”

  Sitting in the kitchen, hearing the commotion outside in the hallway, Nikole got up and walked into the hallway. She saw Zayn load his gun, knives in his holsters. “Zayn, where are you going? What’s going on?”

  He turned to her, frowning. “Nikole, go back in there. This does not concern you.” He turned around and headed out of the house. She saw Kevin and Nasir walking out the back door and realized Kevin must have told him. “Zayn, no, you can't go after him!”

  Zayn stopped and spun around to stare at her, his eyes bleeding to his golden yellow shade. “Do you know what kind of male that man is, Nikole? DO YOU? He is a mercenary.”

  “I know that, Zayn, he told me, he said he works for a noble family. I didn't tell him who I was; he figured it out! I promise.”

  Zayn let out a sharp laugh. “I suppose he does think he works for a noble family. His employer is Haydar....” Spinning back around, he left without another word.

  Hearing the front door slam shut and the cars starting, Nikole got her cell phone out and called Adara. Maybe she had Dominic's phone number and he could get a hold of Derrik. Pacing back and forth, she couldn’t take it. Hanging up, she sent a text message instead, explaining what happened. Hightailing it back to her room, she dressed to hunt on her own. Zayn wasn’t the only one who knew how. Grabbing her knife and slipping it into its sheath, she slid on her leather fighting pants and shirt before she slipped out of the window and headed down the side of the house.

  “I can't b
elieve she led him right to us. I thought you had people watching her,” Zayn said, moving through the forest. They had found their hunting grounds earlier in the night.

  “Nikole made it easy for him to find the house; she marked every tree along the fucking path. What was she thinking??”

  “She was fooled, Sire. We both know she would never knowingly put us in danger,” Nasir said as they pushed through the trees, stopping at the outskirts of the town and stumbling onto the dumping site of Nikole's kill.

  “She is showing off her Magik too. I can't take this; she is out of control! She is putting us into unnecessary danger, and she needs to realize this is unacceptable.” Zayn's anger boiled as he punched the brick wall next to him. Seeing a crack form along the structure, he cocked a smile and walked back towards the fences. “Clearly they are meeting up again, which will be a trap. Nasir, have your men tail her, and when you see him, bring him back alive.”

  Flashing off to the lake a day early, Nikole scoped out a site to hide and wait. I'm going to catch this mercenary and find out why he was following me and why he picked me up in the bar. Seeing a hiding spot off to the south, she moved there and set up the overnight essentials. Feeling the breeze on her skin, she settled in for the next twenty four hours. Finding a nice piece of wood, she pulled out her knife and began whittling a figure, concentrating on the details, making the image of a beautiful wolf while passing the time.


  Going through his things, looking for his missing knife, Zayn heard a knock and called out harshly for whomever it was to enter.

  “Sire, she is gone. She must have left when we did. No one has seen or heard from her in a day.”

  Glaring at his servant, anger filled him as he pictured Nikole with Derrik. “YOU find her NOW and bring her here. Call all her friends; see where she would be staying. Do NOT let him get away with her!” The servant turned and left, trying to think of where to look or who to call. He heard a loud crashing noise inside the office. It sounded like something had broken. He opened the door. “GET OUT!” He closed it fast as a paperweight started coming toward him. He got out his cell phone to inform Nasir of what just happened when he realized something. Adara. She was just here!


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