Desire From Hell (Demon Brotherhood Book 2)

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Desire From Hell (Demon Brotherhood Book 2) Page 15

by Avery Rae

  "Oh, get over yourself."

  Amberlynn tugged her in close. "Why don't you let me get all over you?"

  "That doesn't even make sense." Cheri rolled her eyes even though she was grinning from ear to ear. "But anytime, sugar."

  Priscilla clicked her tongue. “And you talk about our public displays of affection.”

  “It’s okay when I do it,” Amberlynn replied with a scoff. “Obviously.”

  "Anyway," I interrupted, itching to get to the point, "what was the plan for convincing him?"

  Priscilla produced a phone. “We figured a video from you should do the trick. Since, y'know, you can't come down there and all."

  "Well, actually," Gael interrupted, "we had this whole plan to have Prissy seduce the front desk clerk into making a key for the room.“

  "And you needed four people to do that?"

  He smiled. "They were plans B and C. You'd rather not know."

  "I . . . see." I shot them both wary looks before continuing. "I guess we could just go to the townhouse and get this thing filmed?"

  "What are you people even going on about?" Abby asked. I'd nearly forgotten she was even here.

  I looked at her and sighed. I really didn't have the patience to deal with her holier-than-thou attitude anymore. She was just as bad at being a Druid as I was but couldn't ever admit it. "Listen, Abby, it's in your best interests to forget you ever saw me. If not, I'm not responsible for what these people do to you."

  "And who are these people?" she asked, undeterred.

  "Demons, Abby," I replied with a shrug. "And they're all vicious criminals that are weirdly willing to defend me, so . . ."

  "Whatever, traitor," she hissed before taking off out of the alley, her footsteps increasingly faster the longer her back was to us.

  "Oh, so you can talk about the demon stuff all willy-nilly?" Cheri asked with a small smile. "Such double standards."

  "And it's not that weird that we're willing to fight for you," Priscilla added. "If one of ours cares for you, we all do."

  "You're the worst demons ever," I said with a laugh.

  "Or are we the best?" Priscilla asked with raised brows.

  I shot her a look, and she just grinned. If anyone had ever told me I could ever feel this safe among actual demons, I would've balked. But, as weird as it was, I was genuinely sad that I would never get to be with them in Hell again. But that was what I got for somehow making the personification of Hell my enemy. Now I just had to hope that didn't permanently spell the end for Edwin and me.



  I stood in the training room of the Brotherhood's fortress, staring at the stone wall, jaw tense. I'd been waiting a good thirty minutes for Gael to show up. I'd never been much of a physical fighter, but with the way things had been going, it seemed like the only way to vent the anger churning inside me. I was starting to understand why he and Priscilla spent so much time knocking each other around in here. I found such release in it.

  I'd been training with Gael ever since I lost Hazel. At first, it was because he recommended it. Now, it was the only thing that kept me from doing something terrible. After all, sparring with Gael was a hell of a lot better than me decking Samael every single time we were in the same room. I couldn't help but blame him.

  Judging by the way he looked at me, he wouldn't mind taking the blow. It would probably make him feel better about forcing me apart from the one woman I had ever truly loved. Everyone had explained to me that he didn't know the true repercussions of the crown. He was ignorant, they said. My only reply to that was he should've done his fucking research first.

  But then again, the same could have been said about me. I had been so desperate to keep her out of harm's way that I shoved her right into it. That makes a guy feel real incompetent. And maybe that was part of the reason why I was truly so damn angry I could barely handle it.

  Feeling my arms shake and an overwhelming urge to hit something, I clenched my fists and teeth. I'm sorry, Hazel. I'm so fucking sorry, it's unreal. I hope you're doing better without me.

  I was about to leave the training room when the door rapidly opened and Gael stepped inside, slamming it shut behind him.

  "What's the deal?" I asked through gritted teeth. "That hard getting out of your perfect little love nest?"

  "You're—" Gael took a moment to catch his breath, holding up a finger. "You're going to feel like a real asshole in a minute when you see what I've done for you."

  "I doubt it."

  He drew himself up to his full height and held out a phone. Priscilla's, judging by the looks of it.

  "You stole your girlfriend's phone for me to look at?"

  "No, you idiot." He thrust the phone toward me. "Take it. There's something you need to see on there."

  I took the phone, then stared at the phone, then him. "You know I don't know how to use this."

  "Well, old man, if you would get with the times . . ."

  "It's not like I need a phone down here."

  "It'd be nice if we could call you when we're out on hunts."

  "Don't count on it."

  Gael yanked the phone away from me and pressed the buttons, making it turn on and do . . . something else. A second later, I saw a familiar face on the screen, and it was my turn to yank it out of his hand.

  "Hazel? Is that you?" I asked in a rush. "Why aren't you hiding? Why—" I paused and stared at the screen. "This is a video, isn't it?"

  Gael nodded, a hand over his mouth, but I could tell he was smiling. I punched him on the shoulder. "How do I make it go?"

  "Just touch a finger to that sideways triangle."

  I did, and my heart leapt out of my chest as Hazel started smiling. She brushed a stray soft brown hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear.

  "Um, hey, Edwin," she began, her smile turning awkward and sweet. "Sorry if I sound stupid, but I didn't really think about what I was going to say before I started this. I guess, first of all, I just want to say . . . please don't get mad at any of them for finding me. They didn't have to try hard or anything. I made it really easy."

  She grimaced, as if she knew just how badly I was cursing her out in my mind right then. And I was. I couldn't believe she would do something so damn stupid. I told her to run and hide. But maybe I was the foolish one for expecting her to listen.

  "I made it so easy because I was hoping you would come find me. But apparently you had no plans of doing that, so here I am. In video form. Anyway, there's something really, really important I haven't had the chance to tell you yet. If you want to find out, come see me. Gael has my current address." Sadness flickered in her eyes, and she lowered them. "No pressure or anything. I mean, it's up to you, right? Okay, yeah, uh . . . bye."

  "Is that seriously how you're going to end the video?" Amberlynn's voice came from off screen. "Fucking spare me."

  Someone hushed her from behind the camera—Priscilla, judging by the sound of it—then the video shut off. It looped back to Hazel's face, staring back at me from the screen, unseeing. All of my happiness at seeing her began to wane as I considered the danger she was still in. All this time, I had been so sure she was at least on the run. Not waiting for me.

  I swallowed deeply as I looked up at Gael. "I told you it wasn't safe for her to be with me. Why would you endanger her like this?"

  "And we've all told you that's bullshit. But you won't listen. Fair's fair." Gael rubbed a hand along his jaw and sighed. "Look, just go talk to Samael. You can make up your mind after that."

  I furrowed my brow. What did Samael have to do with any of this? If he was sticking his nose into things again, I would lose my mind.

  A short while later, I stood in the hallway and knocked on Samael's door, my thoughts running away from me, taking off somewhere far away with Hazel. Somewhere I wished I could be. The fallen angel slowly opened his door and motioned for me to enter.

  I stepped inside, arms folded across my chest, eyeing him warily. "You were expecting
me, I see."

  "Yes, Edwin." His eyes were solemn as he spoke. "There's something I wish to propose to you."

  "Thrill me," I said as I took a seat in front of his fireplace. I toyed with the books on the side table closest to me as he took his seat. I clenched my other fist against my thigh. Don't deck your boss, man. You know better than that.

  "Hazel needs protection."

  I jerked my head up, pulse quickening. "What do you mean? Is someone threatening her?"

  "She is never not going to be threatened, is she?" Samael gave me a quick smile that disappeared in an instant. "Hiding will not be enough to keep her safe. I assure you, the Druids have not been deterred. She might be safe from Heaven and Hell, but not from them. They've undoubtedly been looking for her."

  I had to clench both fists for that one. Why was he talking about protecting her again? Last time he tried that, she ended up nearly losing her mind. Not to mention, it got her expelled from the one place I could keep her safe. I gritted my teeth together.

  "So what, Samael? It's not like we can bring her down here. We know Hell will just spit her back out."

  "Yes, I imagine it shall." Remorse dulled the glow of the fallen angel's eyes. Good. "That is why I have asked you here to propose a solution, if you would like to hear it."

  "At least you're asking me this time." I settled back into the chair. "Hit me with it."

  "I have always known that you are worthy of my trust, which is why I do not doubt that I could allow you to stay Earth-side for a prolonged amount of time without worry."

  I leaned forward, hands clasped together. "Wait, you mean you're going to let me go up there? To be with her?"

  "Yes. You will still have to return a few times a month, which will leave Hazel vulnerable, so I suggest you take her far away, where the Druids cannot find her. I fear that without you, she will never go far enough. That is not a risk we can have looming over our heads. A holy war would only bring destruction."

  I wanted to say yes. Good God, did I ever want to leap at the opportunity. But I was worried this was Samael just trying to make amends, and that wouldn't do. I couldn't afford to make any more foolish decisions. None of us could. For everyone's sake. We had seen more chaos in Hell in the past year than we had in decades.

  "I don't know that it's the best—"

  "Edwin, I am being quite sincere," Samael said, his low rumble much louder than usual. "This is as much for Hazel as it is for you, and me, the Brotherhood, and the rest of Hell. It is the best thing for all of us."

  That was all the push I needed, if I were being honest with myself. All my uncertainty snapped in half with a few words because that was my Hazel. My girl. The one who I was willing to die for. And I ached to have her in my arms again.



  Each hour lasted longer than the last as I stared at my hotel room door. I wondered if Edwin had seen my video yet. I winced at the thought of it. The moment the camera was rolling, I immediately forgot the half-baked ideas in my head and rambled. I wasn't entirely certain what I had said. I just hoped it was convincing. Because I needed him. Even if I had to go back to only having him in small doses. It was worth it.

  A knock sounded at my door. I jumped to my feet and raced over to fling it open. I frowned at the sight of the empty hallway in front of me. The knock came again. I slowly turned around to see Edwin crouched on the ledge outside my window. My eyes widened.

  "Are you kidding me?!" I whispered tersely as I rushed over to open it and pull him inside. "What are you doing? Someone's going to call the cops. This is a nice hotel."

  Edwin chuckled. "As if a cheaper hotel would just accept someone scaling the side of the building."

  "True, but tell me, why didn't you just use the elevator like a normal person?"

  "Priscilla told me the front desk was worse than airport security. Whatever that means."

  I laughed as I closed the window. "They would've at least tried calling my room."

  "Ah, well, too late."

  Just in time, more like. My stomach was in knots. They were happy and nervous and all too overwhelming. I turned around to face Edwin. Silence fell between us. I was painfully aware of the fact that my hands were shaking. Why am I so nervous? This is Edwin. He's seen me naked more than once.

  "I missed you," I said quietly. My eyes fell to the floor, studying it as if it was the most fascinating thing in the world.

  Edwin stayed silent. I lifted my head, brow furrowed. He was simply staring at me.

  "What?" I asked as my heart slowly began to sink. "Is this going to be bad news? Should I sit down?"

  A slow smile spread across his face. "No, babe, you should come here."

  He opened his arms. I darted forward, flinging my arms around his chest. I pressed my face against him, inhaling his spicy scent. I tightened my arms, trying in earnest to bury myself in him. A chuckle rumbled through him.

  "Why didn't you come for me?" I asked softly.

  He pulled back, gripping both my arms as he stared me in the eyes. "I thought it was the best thing for you, even if it tore me up."

  "How could you be so stupid?" I shook off one of his hands and brought mine up to his cheek. "It's not like I was going to die without you, but it wasn't a life I wanted to live either. You're the only person who truly knows me."

  "Same," Edwin said simply as he slid his fingers underneath the hem of my shirt. His fingers brushed against my skin, and his glowing eyes gleamed even brighter as they caught the room's light.

  "Same?" I replied with a laugh. "That's your big, romantic speech?"

  He brought my shirt up and over my head, then leaned forward to place a soft kiss against my lips. "I love you, Hazel, and that's all you need to hear. The rest can be said without words."

  I brushed my lips against his and whispered, "Then tell me everything."

  "I won't leave a single thing out." He crashed his lips against mine in a kiss so fierce that I nearly lost my footing. He picked me up in his arms and tossed me onto the bed. My clothes were gone in a flash—they just got in the way of everything that he was so eager to express with his perfect, full lips and his long fingers. He kissed and stroked every inch of my skin until I was trembling against the sheets, desperate for more.

  "Edwin," I whispered, my voice coming out in a moan. He smiled against my neck and rewarded me with a long kiss as he slid his fingers between my thighs. I was so sensitive that it only took a few masterful strokes to have me grabbing at him—arms, shoulders, hair—as my body bucked against his hand. When my body stilled, I crossed my arms behind his neck and curled a leg around his backside, bringing him closer as I pressed eager kisses along the side of his neck.

  When I came back up to his ear, I nipped at his earlobe and, with a ragged breath, I said, "I know how much you love me. Now I need you to show me how much you want me."

  He pulled back with a sly, half-cocked smile. "I would never say no to you."

  Then he was inside me, hard and fast, staking a claim with every stroke. Our hands and lips were everywhere at once. The only sounds in the air were our moans and heavy breathing as we sank into each other with ever-increasing frenzy. As we found our release together, crying out each other's names, I thought to myself that there could never be a more perfect moment in time than that one. But that was a silly thought. There could be, and there would be. Because Edwin and I had forever to make more perfect moments—and nobody could stop us. Not anymore.



  I stretched out on the couch with a smile despite the faint smoke in the air. Edwin was trying to learn how to cook, and it wasn't going well. But he wanted to learn how to be a modern man, as he said. Considering he was catered to the entire time he was alive, it took him a hot minute to master boiling water. Making a whole breakfast was a real stretch.

  "Doing alright in there?" I called out, biting at my lower lip to keep from laughing, which was something my life was finally filled to the brim with

  "I don't know why you feel the need to ask that."

  "You haven't noticed it smells like your old home in here?"

  He popped out of the kitchen, wielding a wooden spoon covered in burned egg. "I don't know what you're talking about. Now, I'm trying to focus, if you don't mind. I don't know how the hell my mother did this with six screaming kids tugging at her."

  He cursed and ducked back into the kitchen as a fresh cloud of smoke billowed out from inside. Hopefully we would still have this apartment when he was done and not a pile of rubble. I grinned and hugged a pillow to my chest, unworried. That was something I didn't have a lot of anymore, either. Worry. It was as if I had been completely reborn. Not just me, but the both of us.

  Sure, I was still me. I definitely decorated our new home—a cozy apartment in New York, at Edwin's request—with all sorts of thrifted floral monstrosities. Throw pillows. Porcelain. I had to replace everything I had left behind in my old place, because I made quick work of only grabbing the essentials. As for Edwin? He was still himself, but he was trying to learn how to be a better version. I thought he was great as is, but he insisted he had a ways to go.

  Our life together was simple and perfect. Something both of us had always quietly craved. I still worried about the Druids finding me, but between my powers and Edwin's, I would dare them to try anything.

  Edwin told me there were still ongoing debates in Hell about the crown, because the Druids showed no signs of giving up. I told Edwin that they wouldn't. If Berith wasn't going to take the crown, they needed to find someone else who could handle it. Quickly.

  They might've lost their chance to cause chaos on a massive level without me, but that wouldn't stop the Druids. They bred like rabbits. My family was unusual in that it didn't, even more so for the fact that my mother cheated on my father with, y'know, the devil himself.


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