The Steve Williams Series Boxed Set

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The Steve Williams Series Boxed Set Page 45

by J. E. Taylor

  “Hell, yeah, but…” He glanced at Jennifer. He ran his fingers along the cool metal barrel. And I’ll have to have Jack run a match on the bullet signature. Shit. He looked back at him. “I love it.”

  Charlie smiled and focused on the gift in his lap. He whistled as he pulled the bottle out. “This cost you a mint.” He glanced up at Steve. “Thank you, and I’m sorry about the…” He waved his hand toward the door. “The situation. I didn’t mean to ruin your evening.” Charlie set the bottle on the table and extended his hand toward Steve.

  He stared at Charlie’s hand and then back at his boss. “I really should be decking you for that stunt earlier.”

  Charlie dropped his hand and shrugged. “I had to see where her loyalties fell.”

  Steve wasn’t sure how to respond so he dropped his gaze to the floor before meeting Jennifer’s. “I already know where her loyalties lie, Charlie. You’re little test was unnecessary.” He swung his glare back toward Charlie. “And I was dead serious; I’ll pop a cap in your ass if you lay a hand on her again.”

  Charlie gave a nod and extended his hand.

  Steve grasped it and stood. “I think I’ll be taking Jennifer home, if you don’t mind.” He placed his hand on her head.

  She closed the box, latching it securely, and stood, meeting Charlie’s gaze. “Thank you for the eagle.” Her voice quivered.

  Charlie leaned forward, placing a light kiss on her cheek. “Thank you for the scotch.”

  She nodded but Steve could tell she was barely holding it together. Hell, he was barely holding it together.

  “Follow me.” Charlie opened the sliding glass doors to the balcony. He led them to the bedroom and then through the thinning crowd to the elevator, helping Jennifer with her coat.

  “I’ll be in a little late on Monday,” he said to Steve. His eyes flicked to Jennifer and back. “In the meantime, I’ll be watching.”

  “I figured that was a given. I’ll see you Monday.”

  * * * *

  Steve shook his head when they pulled out of the garage. He didn’t know if the car was bugged, and after the evening they’d just lived through, he didn’t want to tempt fate.

  “What have you gotten us into?” she asked.

  Steve turned toward her. “Don’t worry about it Jen, Charlie will take care of it.” The masquerade continued until he was sure the apartment was clear. Steve scanned the room. Nothing new had been added and he inspected both the eagle and the gun, finding nothing in the way of listening devices. He crossed to the window and, as promised, Manny was sitting out in the car watching the apartment. Steve sent a wave in his direction and got a nod in response before he pulled the shades closed.

  When Steve turned away from the window, Jennifer stepped out of the bathroom wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, her complexion still peaked and pale. He met her gaze and his guard shattered. “What the hell were you doing with Charlie?”

  “Me? You…”

  “You knew that happened.” He cut her off, pointing toward the kitchen. “You saw it in your vision in October. Why the hell did you let Charlie touch you?”

  “I… uh…”

  The anger boiled over. “You’re my wife, damn it!” He stormed over to the computer and flipped it open without speaking to her.

  He completed his full report to Jack and his disposable phone rang minutes after he pressed the send button.

  Steve flipped the phone open. “Monday. He’ll stop first thing before he heads to Manhattan and you have to nail the fucker before he sets foot in his office or you are screwed.” He met Jennifer’s gaze. “I want Jennifer in protective custody. You can get her from the theater on Sunday and we’ll need a decoy coming home with me.”

  “Are you okay?” Jack asked.

  “I’m fine. I’m just pissed. He killed her right in front of me and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do, just like with Lefty. One minute the gun was aimed at me, and the next, bam, her brains were all over the wall. Why the hell didn’t we know they were informants?”

  “I’m glad we didn’t because it works both ways and I’m keeping a lid on this until after the sting. Only FBI and DEA will execute on Monday. Stay away from the office. Give any excuse, but do not go to the office or anywhere in the vicinity of the warehouse, you understand?”

  “I got it. Just take the fucker down.” Steve slammed the phone down and closed the computer, glaring at Jennifer.

  She glared back at him. She hadn’t moved since he opened the computer and he closed his eyes, putting his head down on his arms.

  “You didn’t tell me everything, Steve.”

  He lifted his head. “You’re the one who warned me about not going with my instincts at the warehouse.”

  “I wasn’t talking about that.” Her voice waivered. “I’m talking about the kitchen. You didn’t tell me everything.” If fire could sprout from someone’s eyes, he would have been toast.

  “What are you talking about?” He stood and took a step toward her, but stopped when she put her hands up.

  “Charlie showed me the video, Steve. He showed me what you did to Desiree.”

  Confused, he tilted his head. “And what was that?”

  “You… you…” She pointed toward the corner. “You propped her on the counter and… and…” She couldn’t finish her sentence.

  “And what?” His face grew hot, flushing with the growing anger burrowing in his skin.

  “You went down on her.”

  Steve’s eyebrows rose and he shook his head. “I don’t think so, Jen.”

  “I saw the video. I saw!”

  He pressed his lips together and inhaled through his nose. “I didn’t touch her. She remained fully clothed while…” He waved at the corner. “While she did her thing. So whatever you think you saw, it wasn’t me.”

  “And I’m supposed to believe that?”

  “Yes, I told you what happened here.”

  “That’s bullshit. You wouldn’t have said a thing if I hadn’t had the vision.”

  Steve chewed on the inside of his lip. She was right, he wouldn’t have said a word if she didn’t already know. “True. But omission isn’t the same as lying outright and I’m not lying to you.”

  They stared at each other from across the room. Jennifer’s mouth opened and closed and she studied him. Her eyes narrowed and she tilted her head slightly. “You didn’t?”

  “No, Jen, I didn’t. I admit I was wrong, I should have never let her start what she did, but I stopped it pretty quickly. There’s no way in hell I would have done what you’re talking about.”

  She sat on the edge of the bed, staring at Steve. Her eyes dropped to her hands, they narrowed, and he knew she was reviewing the evening. Her eyes widened and her gaze shot back to his face, her jaw loosening and falling open.

  “Charlie.” They both said at the same time.

  Charlie manufactured that video just for Jennifer’s benefit. “That bastard!”

  “I told you…” He stopped and inhaled, crossing to her and taking her hands in his. “Charlie’s been interested in you since day one and I knew that. You’re just lucky he opted to take this route rather than a more drastic solution to his problem.”

  Jennifer bit her lip, tears sprouting again, and she met his gaze. “I’m sorry.”

  “You really didn’t do anything, Jen. He manipulated you and took advantage of a moment of weakness.” He was glad he wasn’t going to be near the warehouse on Monday. If he was, he might shoot Charlie on sight.

  Chapter 44

  The knock on the door echoed through the empty apartment and Charlie crossed, glancing through the peephole. He raised his eyebrows in surprise and threw the door open. “Damn, I didn’t know you moonlighted as a cleaner.”

  Kyle smiled back and shrugged. “Tony sent me after your call. What the hell did you do?”

  “Killed an informant and the cop she was feeding information to,” he said and led Kyle down the hall to the den and opened the d
oor to the mess that once was Desiree.

  Kyle let his eyes graze over her perfect form and huffed. “Such a waste.” He looked around the room. “You said there were witnesses?”

  “My lawyer and his fiancé. They won’t talk.”

  “Why are you so sure they won’t talk?”

  “He’s my lawyer.”

  “And her?”

  “She’s marrying my lawyer in a couple of weeks.”

  He nodded and turned toward the body in the corner. “Where’s the trash from the party?”

  Charlie shrugged. The servant staff started cleaning after the last person left. He told them this room was fine and left the door locked.

  Kyle turned toward Charlie. “Go find out. We want this to go in the incinerator at the same time. Where’s the cop?”

  “In his car on the street.”

  “Did you use your gun to kill him?”

  Charlie smiled and shook his head. “I used the gun I gave my lawyer for Christmas.”

  “Sweet. Now go get me a large trash bag.”

  Charlie left the room and Kyle focused on the broken blonde on the floor. Bending her into a garbage bag might be problematic, but as he looked around the room, the roll of Christmas ribbon that sat on the side table caught his attention. “That just might do,” he said aloud and began the tedious task of making her the size of a tight one hundred and forty pound abdominal ball.

  She went in the service elevator to the incinerator with the rest of the garbage and Kyle fed each bag in, watching as all the trash turned to dust. He stripped the mechanical suit and donned a bathrobe he had in the final garbage bag. The last of the evidence burned quickly and he took the elevator back upstairs. The sunrise was beginning and all over the city, children were waking their parents, excitedly reporting that Santa had come.

  Chapter 45

  Steve woke around ten with Jennifer lying on his numb arm. He pushed her off and climbed out of bed, heading into the bathroom to strip off the clothes along with the hideous thoughts and images from the prior night. The warm stream felt good on his skin and he hung his head, letting the water pulse on his neck. He pulled a deep breath into his lungs and held it for a moment before letting it out.

  He stepped out of the shower and dressed. Heading for the kitchen, he whipped up her favorite breakfast, strawberry crepes.

  He sat down at the table at the same time she came out of the bathroom, dressed in stretchy jeans and an oversized sweater. She met his gaze, crossing the room and sliding into the seat across from him.

  “Merry Christmas,” he said and waited until she took a bite of her crepes. “I need to go out for a little while.”

  She raised her bloodshot eyes. “On Christmas?” Her chin quivered.

  He nodded. “I have to get something from the office and we can open the gifts when I get back, okay?” He stood up and put his empty dishes in the sink. “I won’t be long. Lock the deadbolt behind me.”

  * * * *

  He stood in his office, scanning the contents with a sigh. There was nothing he wanted to take with him, nothing but the mock wedding gift and the full vial of powder sitting in the top drawer. Unlocking the desk, he opened the lower drawer, pulling out the black velvet box. He flipped it open and sighed at the sparkling diamonds. Diamonds he paid for with some of the unreported under the table cash Charlie gave him. A nugget of guilt laced his mouth, as bitter as spoiled milk. This wasn’t the primary reason for coming to the office and he knew it.

  He slid the top-drawer open and pocketed the vial of cocaine, still staring at the necklace. With a sigh, he snapped the box closed and headed out. “God I hope this makes Christmas better,” he said as the elevator doors closed on the office.

  Back home, he unlocked the deadbolt and swung the door open, stepping inside empty–handed, the box tucked under his arm out of sight.

  Jennifer’s reaction was instant irritation. “What was so important at the office? Your last stash of drugs?”

  He counted to ten before he turned his back to her and reached under the sweater. The velvet box appeared as if by magic and he set it on the middle of the kitchen table. “This was supposed to be your wedding gift, but I figured we both could use a Merry Christmas.”

  “Oh.” Her voice softened and she looked at the box.

  He sat down at the table and she sat across from him.

  Steve offered a smile. “I love you, Jen.” He pushed the box toward her.

  Her chin started to quiver and her hands shook as much as they had in Charlie’s den. She reached for the box and gasped when she opened the top. The diamond eternity necklace sparkled on the black velvet. Her hand fluttered to her mouth and her wide green eyes shot up to his. “Oh, Steve, my gift is lame compared to this,” she said from behind her hand.

  He chuckled, moving around the side of the table, and pulled her into his arms. “I could care less about what you got me for Christmas. I’m just glad you’re here with me.” He kissed the top of her head.

  She looked up at him with a nod, blinking back tears. “When we get home we can talk about what happened, but for now, I’d like to pretend that neither of us crossed the line. I want our happy marriage back for the next couple of days, okay?”

  Steve nodded. For her, he could do that. For her, he would do anything.

  Chapter 46

  Steve stood inside the back wing of the theater. His heart hammered in his chest and he scanned the chaos backstage. “You sure you’ve got a safe place for Jen?”

  “Yes, I’m sure,” Jack said. “I’ll call when we get there.”

  “Thank you,” he said, but apprehension still bit at the surface of his skin and he wouldn’t settle down until that call came in. He turned to the woman standing next to him. “Are you ready?”

  Carson Freeman, a petite brunette who could pass as Jennifer from a distance, nodded. “Yes, sir.”

  Jennifer, having donned a blonde wig and a flannel jacket, approached them. She stopped in front of Steve. Her green eyes carved with worry as she tilted her head.

  “I know. I’ll be careful,” he said before she could talk. He leaned in and gave her a soft kiss. “You’re in good hands.” He glanced at Jack and then back to her.

  “When will I see you?”

  “In a couple of days.”

  She nodded and wrapped her arms around him.

  Her heart beat so hard he felt it against his chest. “It will be okay, I promise,” he whispered in her ear. “I love you, babe.”

  “I love you, too,” she whispered and stepped out the door with Jack.

  Steve stood in the wings for another twenty minutes with Carson standing by his side. He neither saw nor heard the commotion around him. His mind was with Jennifer and he hoped his silent prayers would be heard.

  “You about ready?” Carson asked, bringing him back to the present.

  He nodded and helped put the scarf over her head. He led her out into the alley and to his car that was parked on the road in plain sight of Manny. The familiar tail followed them home and parked outside the building.

  “You can sleep on the bed; I’ll crash on the couch,” he said as they entered the apartment.

  Carson changed and snuggled under the covers, while he stretched out in his clothes, staring at the ceiling.

  “She’ll be all right. Jack’s with her.”

  “I know,” he said, glancing over at Carson. “Thanks.”

  “No problem.”

  He continued to stare at the ceiling, mulling over the possible scenarios that could happen the next day, from the easiest outcome to the worst. Nothing he imagined could have prepared him for what actually happened on that unseasonably warm December morning.

  Chapter 47

  Jennifer stared at the passing scenery in silence, chewing on her lower lip.

  “Everything will be fine,” Jack said. Her emerald eyes swung his way.

  “I’m not sure I know what fine is anymore,” she admitted. “Not with everything that’
s happened.”

  Jack glanced at her.

  Jennifer sighed and silence filled the car again. She looked out the passenger window. “I wasn’t any better than Steve was.”

  The admission shocked Jack enough that his hands jerked on the wheel. The car followed suit on the road. “Does Steve know?”


  “Someone at the theater?”


  This time the swerve was more severe and Jack sent a sideways glance at Jennifer. He almost turned the car around, but he’d promised to get Jennifer to safety. “Change in plans,” Jack said as he pulled onto the Mass Turnpike and glanced at her. “Just in case.”

  She swallowed and nodded. “It was a big mistake. Charlie showed me a video of Steve and Desiree and… and things got out of hand.”

  Jack listened and drove. The bastard had a tape? God, Steve, I hope to hell this doesn’t blow up in our faces. “Does Steve know it was Charlie?”

  “Yeah. He got the full viewing, just like I did.”


  “Christmas Eve. It all happened Christmas Eve.”

  Jack blew the air out of his lungs. That was the same night they witnessed Desiree’s murder. “Holy shit.”

  “Made for a really shitty Christmas this year. You have no idea how much I hate Steve’s job right now.” She glanced at him.

  “Steve’s the best I have,” he said. “The very best. For ten years, we’ve been trying to take Charlie Wisnowski down. Umpteen agents ended up like that girl. Steve’s the only one who’s ever gotten this close.” He took a breath. “I know you hate what he’s done on this case, but it’s been necessary.”

  “So, are you telling me getting a blowjob in my kitchen was necessary?”

  Jack glanced in her direction and shrugged. “I wasn’t there. I can’t say whether it was a screw-up or if he knew about the tape and played a part.” He shook his head. “Under normal circumstances he wouldn’t be caught dead crossing the line. The man loves you, so you’ve got to take that into consideration.”


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