Her Favorite Cowboy (The Watson Brothers #4)

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Her Favorite Cowboy (The Watson Brothers #4) Page 6

by Ann B. Harrison

  “I’m not—”

  His father cut him off with the raise of a hand. “Yes, you are and don’t argue with me. You know I’m right. You haven’t been to any family dinners at Chance’s, Evan’s, or Rory’s. You’ve hardly been into town lately. It’s like you’ve avoided all of us since Layla announced she was pregnant. We notice these things, son. Hell, it was your idea to catch up as a family once a week for a meal and since Layla made her announcement you’re the one missing. Don’t seem right somehow to hide yourself away from the family when you need us.” His father reached out and gripped his arm. “Come to dinner tomorrow. For me.”

  “I have enough to do here. Got some bookings for this weekend and I want to make sure things are just right.” He looked away, embarrassed his father would see through his lies.

  He had been avoiding them all. Chance was good friends with Layla and she had the support of his brother and his wife, so feeling at ease at the house was no longer possible. Gina too was very friendly with Layla. Rory was the only one Tyson felt comfortable with these days and he had his own life to deal with twins on the way.

  Tyson’s problem was his own and that was the way he wanted to keep it. Once the baby was born, he would make contact and sort out shared parenting rights. Until then he was giving her a wide berth. It was too painful to see the way she looked at him and wonder what was going through her mind.

  “Come to dinner, son. For me, please.” The pain in his father’s eyes was the undoing of him.


  “Great. Well, I’d better get up the hill to Chance’s place. Got to help him bring in some cows for branding this morning.” He patted Tyson on the back. “I’ll see you up there tomorrow night then for dinner.” Tyson watched him walk back to his car and waved as he reversed and drove away.

  Chapter Eight

  Layla concentrated on the words in front of her, going over a client’s file when there was a knock on her door and it opened. “You have a prenatal appointment up at the hospital.”

  Layla looked from Emily to the clock on the wall. “I forgot. Thanks for reminding me.” She grabbed her car keys and purse and pushed herself out of her chair, pausing to rub her belly.

  “Junior been a bit active has he?” Emily smiled. She was fast becoming Layla’s surrogate mother and all-round protector.

  “Yes, he is. I swear I got no sleep last night. Soon as I lay down he started kicking me under the ribs. He was still rolling around at two a.m.”

  “In my day, we’d have said that meant you were in for a wild ride in early childhood. Nowadays, I reckon it’s pretty normal.”

  “Yes, I suppose it is. Right, I’ll be back soon. Thanks, Emily.” She hurried out the door and slipped into her car.

  On the short drive to the hospital, Layla pondered over her life in town since she’d moved here. The sense of belonging was wonderful and she’d made more friends here in the short time since the move than she ever did in Denver. But that was to be expected. Her job was a lot less high profile now with a different cliental. Mainly wills and powers of attorney and home sales, something that she used to pass down to another colleague. The odd court case for minor infringements kept her mind active but it was nothing like she was used to and she was finding more and more that the quieter side of business suited her. Who would have thought, the “killer in the courtroom lawyer” would turn into a small, country town fan?

  She turned into the hospital parking lot, pulled over into the first free spot she found, and made her way into the hospital and the doctor’s rooms. Layla gave her name to the receptionist and sat down with a magazine to wait for her turn.

  “Ms. Cox, you can go in now.” A smiling nurse held the door open and Layla rose, walked in. Evan waited for her and he held out his hand. “You’re looking good.” He kissed her cheek and perched on the edge of his desk. “How are you feeling?”


  “That’s to be expected at this stage. Have you given thought to what I suggested last visit?”

  “Cutting back my days? Yes, I have. Only Monday to Thursday now and I finish midafternoon so I can have a nap.”

  “Great. I wish all my patients were as easy to deal with as you. Having three Watson woman pregnant at the same time is dicey to say the least. I might have to get you to talk to my wife.” He reached for her arm and wrapped the blood pressure cuff around it.

  She blushed. “I’m not a Watson woman, Evan, but I get your point. How’s Denver doing? I haven’t seen her for awhile.”

  “I’m sorry. I know you and Tyson aren’t married but I can’t help but think of you as one of the family.”

  “It’s okay, I understand.” She watched the gauge rise and fall slowly as he checked her vitals.

  “That looks good, a little high but within the boundaries. Denver is being Denver. Fights me every step of the way with this bed resting. She’s up in her office if you have time to go and say hello. I’ve given her two hours then she’s to go home and put her feet up.”

  “You’re a lovely husband, Evan. She’s a very lucky woman.” He helped her up and held her arm as she stepped up to hop on the bed. When she was lying down, he called the nurse in and proceeded to prod her stomach.

  “Baby is growing well by the feel of things. I want you to have an ultrasound today. About time we double-checked this little guy’s important data.”

  “Fine. I’ll do that straight away and then go up and say hello to Denver. If I don’t get back to work, Emily will worry herself silly.”

  “You fell on your feet getting her for your secretary. From what I understand, she’s taking her mothering duties very seriously.” He grinned down at her, wrote a note on her file.

  “She’s amazing. I was hesitant at first because I thought she’d like to retire but not a chance. The woman is fantastic. Makes sure I look after myself too and she has way more energy than I do, don’t know how she does it.” Layla sat up with his help and swung her feet over the edge of the bed. “I’ll understand if you don’t want to discuss this, but how is Tyson?”

  Evan looked up and frowned at her. “I thought you two were talking.” He tapped his pen on his lip.

  “That was the plan but he hasn’t contacted me and I haven’t called him either. I guessed he was waiting for the baby to be born before he sorted out his fatherly duties.”

  “So he hasn’t even seen a picture of the baby then?”


  “Does he know he’s having a boy?”

  “I haven’t told him.” She could feel the heat rising in her cheeks. “How can I, when we don’t talk? He doesn’t put in an appearance at family gatherings so I figured he was giving me a wide berth.”

  He shook his head. “You two need a good shaking, honestly you do. Layla, let me be honest here okay? As your doctor and as a friend. I think you’re both making a huge mistake.”

  “I’ll take what you say on board, Evan, but it takes two as you know. Now I’d better go and have that ultrasound and catch up with Denver before she goes home.”

  “I’m sorry you feel this way, but I have to say what I think. You two can butt heads all you like but you’re having a baby together and that is something special.”

  Layla paused and then looked at him, deciding the risk was worth the pain she might get in return. “Has he decided on a bride, do you know?”

  “I don’t know what you mean.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Seriously?”

  “Seriously. I thought you two would be getting married and I’m waiting for you to share the news with me. Do I have it all wrong?”

  “Yes, you do. Tyson advertised for a wife and I was the one who vetted the replies. I sent two resumes to him a couple of months ago of suitable brides which makes me think he never took the ad down when I told him my news.”

  “You’re kidding me, right?” He wiped a hand over his face and stared at her, face pale with shock.

  Layla shook her head and pushed back the emotion
s. “No. I didn’t mean to be the one to tell you but I figured you’d understand my position a little better if you did.”

  “You could have floored me with that information. Does Rory know?”

  Layla shrugged her shoulders. “I think Tyson told him. Gina and Callie know so I guess so.”

  “Nice of them to pass it along. Layla, I’m really sorry. It should be you he’s marrying.”

  “I don’t think so. We’re not that suitable, Evan. Too different to make it work. I’d better get a move on if I want to catch up with Denver.”

  “You take care and tell my wife I’ll be up later to take her home.”

  “Thanks, Evan.” She smiled and walked out without saying another word about Tyson.

  Disappointment burned as she left the doctor’s clinic. She still wanted Tyson more than she thought possible. Lying alone in bed at night holding on to her stomach while their baby kicked and moved was gut wrenching and more often than not she cried herself to sleep. It wasn’t only the baby’s nocturnal movements that kept her awake. The longer this pregnancy progressed, the harder it was getting for her. She didn’t know how she was going to cope for the next three months.

  Half an hour later she was sitting in Denver’s office ensconced on a comfortable couch with her feet up on the coffee table.

  “I can’t wait for this child to make its appearance. I feel like a beached whale.” Denver rubbed her huge belly and sighed. “Two more weeks and if she doesn’t make a start on her own, Frank is going to induce her.” She glanced over at Layla. “Enough about me. Let me see those photos of my nephew.” She held out her hand and waited until they were passed over, cooing and smiling at the black and white print.

  “He is so cute. Just look at that little nose. Has Tyson seen your scans?”

  “No.” She bit her lip, willing the tears to stay away and not embarrass herself.


  Tyson did the buttons up on his shirt and looked in the mirror, checking he’d washed all of the shaving cream off his chin. No point giving his brothers anything to rib him over because they’d take every opportunity. They always did.

  Picking up his hat, he headed out of his house and climbed in his truck. He’d missed the friendly dinners but not the accusing looks he got from his family. They only knew what Layla had told them and, it seemed to him, what he said didn’t really matter. Not that he let that get to him too much. Rory knew the story and so did Pa. The others could think what they liked, but still it rankled him.

  He drove up and parked in front of the big ranch house seconds before Rory pulled in and stopped beside him. He cursed when he saw a strange car. It had to be Layla’s. It was small and sporty. The kind a city person would drive. And it was red, a rich, flashy cherry that suited her to a “T”. He couldn’t very well back out now, not with his brother right there.

  Not if he wanted to go through with the appearance of “managing just fine, thank you.” Layla was far too observant as it was. Last thing he needed was for her to think he was hankering after her. Besides, he’d known deep down that she would be here and still he agreed to come.

  He got out and waited for Rory to join him. “Tyson, nice of you to bother. Thought for minute I’d have to come and give you a hurry up. This was your idea to begin with, if I recall.”

  “Give me a break, all right? I’ve had other things on my mind.”

  “Yeah, but that doesn’t mean you were right.” He shut his car door and reached into the back seat for a bag.

  “Nice to see you, Tyson, even if I think you’re being stupid.” Gina took Fisher from his car seat before she reached up and kissed Tyson’s cheek and handed him the little boy. “Take your nephew while I grab the dinner.”

  Her belly was huge and he was surprised. It’d been a while since he’d seen her and her baby bump had expanded way more than he thought it should have.

  She noticed him gawking. “Yep, big isn’t it? Two in there, that’s why.”

  “Two?” He paled at the thought and looked to Rory.

  “When I do something, I do it right.” Rory winked, seemingly very pleased with what he and Gina had produced. “One of each. We wanted to keep it a surprise for a while but since Gina is so big, we figured we should let everyone know. How’s that for perfection?”

  Tyson gulped. “Does it hurt?” He couldn’t begin to imagine how she was managing.

  “Not really. It’s getting rather uncomfortable but it’s all part and parcel.” She laughed as he continued to stare, Fisher resting in his arms. “Here, feel it for yourself, they’re moving around.” She grabbed his hand and pressed it against her stomach, watching his face.

  Tyson tensed, giving Rory a quick glance. His brother stared at him, a huge goofy grin on his face. Then he felt it, the ripple of movement under his hand and then a wave of motion as one of the babies moved and Gina’s belly changed shape. He watched as the baby rose and then settled down under his fingers.

  “That was, just…”

  “Amazing, right?”

  “Yeah.” His throat tightened and he forced himself to swallow.

  It was the first time he’d felt a baby move like that. He was missing this with his own child and the hole it punched in his gut hurt more than anything he could ever remember. There had to be something he could do to change Layla’s mind. It was his child she was carrying. He’d never doubted it, not for a moment. But he wanted more. No, he needed more. He wanted a relationship with the mother of his child and, damn it, he was going to get it. Once he figured out how to get over the biggest hurdle.

  Her stubbornness. Oh yeah, and that mail-order bride thing. He should have done something about that instead of ignoring it.

  Chapter Nine

  “I can’t believe how time has flown. You only have three months left, Layla.” Callie handed her a glass of water before sitting beside her on the couch. She reached out a hand and rubbed her friend’s belly.

  Layla grinned up at Chance. “Isn’t it time you did something about your wife’s penchant for pregnant bellies?”

  He smiled indulgently. “Nope. She insists she’s not ready. Doesn’t mind practicing but the real thing is still some ways off yet. Besides, she gets her fill with you ladies. I really can’t believe the three of you are all pregnant at the same time. You wouldn’t read about it.” Chance leaned on the mantel over the fireplace and watched his wife with a look that bordered on obsessive.

  Layla couldn’t believe how lucky he had been to find the love of his life with an ad in a cattle magazine. She wished she could follow suit but that didn’t seem to be happening no matter how much she might wish it was the truth. Real love evaded her and others had answered the ad she’d placed for Tyson, which only added to her resolve to leave him alone.

  True, she’d settled down well in town with her new business. The locals kept her busy enough to stop her mind wandering too much but it was at nighttime when she was in her little rented cottage the loneliness crept in. If only she wasn’t too stubborn she would go after what she desperately needed. Things could be a whole lot better if she could get over her pride and talk to Tyson about what she really wanted out of life. Not like her to be so slow in coming forward. The thought of putting in a fake resume for his wife crossed her mind every now and then but common sense prevailed and so far she’d not bothered.

  “Yes, well, not like it was planned that way, was it?” She shook of her feeling of impending doom and smiled. “So, how is Denver feeling? I thought they would be here tonight.”

  Callie laughed. “I did too but Evan called up before and I could hear her in the background yelling at him. She seemed a little bit put out that he cancelled. Claims she is not feeling the best, something about her blood pressure being up and she complained about aches and pains so he’s not taking any chances.”

  “Fair enough. I saw her last week and she was getting pretty antsy being placed on part-time duties.” She shook her head, brushing away the hair hanging over her eye. “Mus
t be hard near the end when you can hardly do anything.”

  Chance looked at her from his position by the fireplace. “Look, tell me to mind my own business if you want to, but what are you going to do? I mean, are you going to have Tyson with you when the baby is born? I think he’d want to be there.”

  Layla sighed. “I don’t know, Chance.”

  “Not like you to be unsure of anything, Layla. Since I’ve known you, you would have to be the most organized, driven person I know.”

  She laughed, bitterness creeping in. “You’ve never seen me pregnant and alone before.” She reached into her oversized, bright red handbag and brought out a couple of photos. “Look what I got. The latest pics of the little man. Evan is happy with me and the baby. He seems to be growing well.”

  Callie tore the photos from her hand and squealed. “He is so cute. Chance, look at that little nose.” She uncurled herself from the couch and hurried over to her husband, flashing the photos in front of his face.

  “He has the Watson look about him.” Chance grinned at Layla and dropped his gaze to the pictures again, taking them from his wife. “Nice strong forehead and that nose, well I guess he’ll grow into it.”

  Callie nudged him in the ribs. “That is just plain mean. It’s a cute nose.”

  Layla leaned back on her cushion and listened to them argue over her unborn son, happy she had at least some support from loved ones. This child wouldn’t be lonely. It was only her that would feel that kind of pain.

  The door from the front porch slammed and she tensed hearing a voice she knew only too well. The last few family dinners had been easy because he wasn’t here. It seemed that tonight he’d had a change of heart about being amongst family. Tyson walked in with Fisher in his arms and stood at the door looking in. “Evening all.” He nodded at Layla. “Evening.” His cool gaze raked over her and she resisted the urge to squirm. Was it longing she saw behind that stare or was it disdain? Most likely the latter.


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