The Adorned

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The Adorned Page 3

by Elimelec Gonzalez-Roman





  From the moment I stepped out of my cubical…

  I was introduced to an endless series of white walls and tiles stretched from one end to the other. I couldn’t even see an end in either direction.

  I had trouble swallowing; I felt spooked by all of this.

  So this Preteritus Facility, could it just be one enormous nest of rooms like the one I just came out of? My speculation had to wait because Dr. Harris seemed a bit eager to leave.

  I sped forward to catch up, “So… uh, w-what is this place?” I asked a bit hesitant while I followed his quick stride.

  I heard him chuckle. “Curious one I see.” He muttered.

  I felt my cheeks burn after his comment.

  “These here are V-I Isolation Chambers,” he pointed at each individual door. “Purified air… each chamber entitled to its own AI system that assists in individual growth, learning operations, and authenticity. The official name is: Consolation Chambers.”

  “So the monitor inside there wasn’t a real p-person?” I interrupted.

  “Some are, but not too long ago a leak occurred that caused protocols to dictate immediate action… many were removed indefinitely… it wasn’t,” he paused as he gulped some air. “It wasn’t pretty. A word that you’re not taught and I’m going to introduce to you,” Dr. Harris stopped and faced me. “Tragedy.” He whispered. “It’s the exact opposite of happiness, which I’m aware you know.”

  “To feel joyful right?”

  He nodded. “That’s correct. Now twist that word, make it into something that wouldn’t be pleasant and joyful. What do you get?”

  I remained silent. Removed indefinitely seemed to consume the majority of my interest, what could he mean by that? The words weren’t familiar to me. And his dialect, the way he spoke… it was like he spoke from words written down on some piece of paper. Revised lines of texts.

  I tried again. To think about the opposite meaning to happiness… but I couldn’t find words to describe anything other than joyful and pleasant.


  I shook my head. “I-I don’t know.”

  Dr. Harris chuckled. “It’s okay, Sam. Just another thing that should make you wonder.” He pointed at his head and tapped, “Thinking helps you comprehend things that deem illogical. If you control the mind, then what would anyone have anything to ponder about?”

  He turned around and continued on, I followed.

  In all his chatter he failed to mention anything about the leaked information… could it be about that Jake Hartman what if that had anything to do with the leak?

  “Dr. Harris, s-sir, what kind of information was leaked?”

  “I’d love to share that with you Sam, but you’re too young to comprehend the exact nature to the circumstances. Every action has a consequence. It branches from one thing to another, until all there’s left is a gargantuan spider web of events that have a bunch of holes punctured in every direction.”

  What? What's he talking about?

  Dr. Harris stopped near this large, sterling silver, double-door reflecting our hazy images like a mirror plastered in soap.

  “This is it!” Dr. Harris placed his card over this card-reader object, it beeped and turned green. “There we go!”

  A high pitch ding rang and the elevator doors open.

  “Welcome Dr. Harrison Brown.” A robotic voice said, “How may I be of service?”

  “Come Sam.” Dr. Harris said as he set foot inside the elevator. He turned around, “Don’t be shy now. It isn’t dangerous.”

  I stepped on the elevator and felt my weight push down on the floor. After setting both feet into place the door slid closed. I gasped and leapt at Dr. Harris, who caught me.

  “Relax Sam!” Dr. Harris said giggling. “Nothing’s going to happen… this is just an easier form of travel.”

  The elevator dinged again. “Hello, what floor would you like to transverse to?” A robotic voice said.

  “Floor E101 please.” Dr. Harris answered.

  A monitor buzzed on.

  “The floor you’re requesting is undergoing Protocol: Dead Zone. The Seeker Warden requests identification, please scan your card.”

  A card reader turned on and Dr. Harris slid his card over it: beep.

  “Identification accepted, please be sure to renew your visa as soon as possible Dr. Harrison Brown.” The monitor said.

  I stared at the monitor’s mini-camera.

  I faced Dr. Harris. “So what’s on floor E101?”

  “You’ll see.” Dr. Harris replied.

  “So uh…”

  “Hmm?” Dr. Harris said.

  “Can you...”

  “Sam speak up son, learn how to project your voice. Keep your posture straight and your chin leveled.” He said.

  I adjusted my back and leveled my chin as he asked.

  “Good job. It’s important to always remain in appropriate stature.” Dr. Harris said. “Now, do you recall manners at all?”

  I nodded. “Yes sir.”

  He smiled. “Excellent. Let me give you a refresher. Always refer to those older than you as sir or madam, but if you know their name always say their last name. For example me, if I didn’t have the doctor, it would be what?”

  “Mr. Brown.”

  Dr. Harris clapped his hand. “Your first year teacher will go over the rest of the things I didn’t cover. Just remember, I know it’s new to you, but fear no one because nobody is going to hurt you, so be friendly and not timid. Now please continue.”

  After all that mumbo-jumbo I almost forgot that I was even going to ask a question. I hope that not all these older people are like Mr. Brown… ugh.

  “The leak you spoke of, can you tell me-me more about it?”

  He grinned. “Please.”

  “Yes-yes, please sir.”

  “And what brings your curious mind to even care about this leak I spoke of?” He asked.

  “Uh, not sure. It just interests me for some reason.”

  “Confidence Sam, don’t hesitate. Ask. Speak. Be confident.”

  I gulped and shrugged my shoulders. “Sir. I read something strange in the monitor, something about Jake Hartman and researchers… something about a Rever.”

  Dr. Harris bit his lip. He took a quick glance at this small black, oval shaped, sphere overhead and then peered back at me. “Ah. The Rever effect.” Dr. Harris rubbed the back of his neck. “I’ll have to explain...”

  The elevator dinged and felt it slow down.

  “Destination complete. Thank you, and have a good day.” Said the robotic voice.

  The doors slid open.

  “We’ll have to speak of this Rever thing at a different time Sam. Let’s get this final test over with then I’ll answer your questions. So please follow.”

  Dr. Harris stepped off and I followed close behind.

  Revers… what could a Rever be. Jake Hartman too, that name caused an ogle in his expression. He also referred to it as a Rever effect?

  Things weren’t clicking… or were they even supposed to? Was all this occurring before some orchestrated chain reaction that has been foreseen? Or is all of this out of sheer randomness?

  Nothing, I mean nothing came to mind. And this new thought process, the patterns that are coming, from questions to answers then a series of more questions kept me on the edge.

  Another lengthy hallway of nothing but white walls stretched abroad.

  I hurried to catch up. “S-so, is this entire place made up of white walls?”

  Dr. Harris cleared his throat, “Uh only this portion, don’t ponder too much to these white walls: Sam, I understand this is all new to you, but after today you’ll never set foot here again. So, like I said before, you’ll soon be introduced to reality and your caretaker will go over most of the things I don’t cover.”

  There he goes again, mentioning: reality, just like: real world. And a
caretaker, what’s a caretaker? I mean he’s spitting all this at me as though I’m supposed to know it already.

  “What do you mean by reality and my caretaker?”

  I heard him sigh. “You’ll see, all your questions will have answers in due time.” Dr. Harris said, “Just relax. Be patient.”

  He stopped, “Hmm, I think this is it, hopefully,” he tapped on the wall and out of the blue the wall magically sprung open.

  “Been quite a while since I visited this room,” he said, “A long time indeed.” He then whispered to himself.

  Dr. Harris walked into the room with his echoing footsteps accompanying his wake. He stopped at the center, clapped his hands, and a silver chair slid up from the floor.

  I stared all throughout the room, examining the bare and empty space, and trying to speculate any reason he’d take me here. My thoughts remained idle, nothing but emptiness.

  “Is there a trap door beneath the chair?” I asked with weary eyes.

  Dr. Harris gave me a blank stare, “T-trap door? Where’d you hear that from?”

  I honestly didn’t know why I said trap door in the first place, I just spoke out rationally, and again, that’s the second time I spoke out without thinking.

  “Uh Mary.” I replied.

  “Mary actually had the time to explain the likes of a trap door?” Dr. Harris said.


  “Well, it’s not a trap door, it’s a swivel.” Harris walked rotated it, “Nevertheless, you shouldn’t fear this, this final examination is to make sure your response time is accurate and exterminate all irregularities your body developed over time.” Dr. Harris rotated the chair to face me, “Go on, take a seat.”

  I still felt apprehensive about this, even if it was just a swiveling chair. I saw it come up from the floor, there had to be something else that he’s not telling me. I took a deep breath and stepped inside.

  “Are you sure it’s safe?”

  “Absolutely, look, you have nothing to worry about Sam.” He assured me.

  I took a seat on the chair, and with it a table slid up from the armrest. Dr. Harris slapped a notebook in front of me and slid a pen next to it.

  “Jot down the vision that you had and give me a meaning to it. At the same time share your queries.” He said.

  I was hoping I didn’t have to do this… Mary made me do this all the time before bedtime, jot random gibberish about the lessons I’ve learned that day. I locked my jaw and started to write:

  Journal Entry number 2014

  Hello, my name is Sam, and I’m a boy. Today, in my brief chat with Mary I learned a bit more about Nightmares and Dreams, how each are pretty much their opposites, like Tragedy and Happiness.

  I also learned about age, and how people start to look older when time passes by. I’m not entirely sure about time though, time is a word that springs to mind on more than one occasion, but Mary has never completely defined its meaning…

  Today is my birthday, I’m thirteen years old. Mary didn’t leave me with a birthday card, but she did leave me with some strange news about Revers and Scientists… about a decaying outside world: I’m not entirely sure what she meant by that but maybe Dr. Harris will explain more in the near future.

  With my thirteenth birthday I was released from the room I was in for such a long time. I didn’t really become aware of my isolation until now… I didn’t know why I was stuck in there in the first place, and why I wouldn’t question being locked in there either… but I find it really odd, at least now, now that my mind can think beyond a certain point.

  It’s like I discovered this new side of me that I never knew I had, my conscious {another word that springs to mind, but sounds right at this particular moment} can think outside the box… a phrase that also springs to mind, yet I think it’s right in this particular moment, but I don’t entirely know what it means.

  A doctor named Harris Brown introduced me to some place that I forgot the name of. He told me about the chamber I was in how it’s called a Consolation Chamber-something like that, and how chambers are entitled to their own AI… which led me wondering if Mary was in fact real or not.

  There had to be a real person there, or how would my Journal spring on my desk after my bathroom break, how did food appear on my table? There has got to be something I didn’t see when I was in there and right now that vague part of me that was stuck inside the chamber has no exact recollection as to the events that occurred, solely my teachings are fresh to mind.

  He mentioned something about a leak that made a lot of AI’s go away? Could he mean the AI or the person operating the AI? I’m not too sure about that one either, and he didn’t answer a lot of my questions.

  I turn the page and take a glance at Dr. Harris. He smiled and nodded. I turned back to the new page.

  “You’re doing wonderful Sam. Now use that page to describe the vision you saw.” He said.

  I nodded. “Ok.”

  After he gave me that shot… everything in my perspective changed. Writing felt a lot more natural, my vocabulary felt a lot more refined, and my overall feelings, thoughts, and every other thing that I’m not aware about felt instinctive.

  A host of random words jotted themselves down in my brain, words that I wasn’t aware I knew… brainwash, trust…

  I felt a prickle on my neck, and then everything turned black…


  “Good Morning Sam…”

  Said an unfamiliar and delicate voice, “You awake sweetie?”

  I opened my eyes and gasped at the sight of a woman staring at me with a smile.

  “Settle down Sam, settle down, don’t strain yourself,” her sapphire eyes welcomed me so wholly that I just let my head fall back on the pillow.

  “Welcome to your new home Sam, I’m Elizabeth William, and I’ve been entrusted to be your Caretaker until you’re ready to be on your own.”

  She’s my caretaker? Didn’t Dr. Harris tell me something about that? I tried to recall his exact words but it hurt so much to think. I felt as terrible as I did when Dr. Harris opened the Consolation thingy-or whatever it’s called. My head strained, and strained so much that I croaked with a sour aftertaste that burned in my mouth.

  “W-where’s ugh,” a rush slit through my throat and nose as I blurted out with a sneeze, “Sorry, what, what was t-that.” I sneezed again.

  Ms. William grinned. “That’s an allergic reaction sweetheart.”

  I studied her motion. Watched her move in this perfect harmony as she waltzed over to this table next to my bed. Her ivory skin tone and nails colored in a light blue dye, matching her azure eyes, fit her absolute dazzle. Her one-piece spaghetti strap dress, smothered in a lavender and aqua green flowers, glazed in the sunlight like a coating of ice.

  She took a piece of paper out of some box. “Tissue paper.” She said.

  Her lush pink lips, glazing with the sun’s touch, turned into a captivating smile. The way her cheeks, eyes, and mouth portrayed her perfection kept me staring at her. I didn’t know why either. Why would I be so attracted to her?

  “Here you go, don’t be scared,” she giggled, “It’s just… I think,” she bit her bottom lip and then broke a smile again, “Uh your antidote has left your system so you’ll be well-introduced to the real oxygen, but no need to worry of course because your medication should remove all those nasty side-effects.”

  I shook my head and breathed in this air that burned as it slit through my nose and down my throat, “I’m lost… uh,” my eyes squinted with the bright beam of sunlight, cutting through the window blinds. “W-where did Dr. Harris go?”

  “Who?” Ms. William said, her eyes wide opened and giving me this spooked sort-of surprise after I mentioned his name.

  “Mr.-Dr. Harris Brown, the one...”

  “Dr. Harris? Harrison Brown?” Ms. William’s feisty reaction kept me petrified. She straightened and crossed her arms. “Where’d you hear that name from?”

  I felt baffled at Ms
. William’s sudden mood-shift. I shrugged and rubbed my forehead trying my best to recall Dr. Harris Brown. “He released me.”

  “That’s not possible, Dr.” she hesitated for a brief second as though the words soon to leap from her mouth were caught by a croak, “Dr. Scott Kelvin was the one set to release you, I’ll be right back,” without another word Ms. William left the room in a hurry.

  I wiped my nose. I wasn’t too concerned about the little mix up, but I did wonder how I got here and what happened during my little blackout. I couldn’t remember anything that happened after I sat on that silver chair.

  I got off the bed and stretched. I felt a stingy ache on my neck and arm; I rolled up my sleeve and saw a syringe bruise.

  I didn’t feel that injection. I felt the side of my next and rubbed on the sore lump that stung terribly.

  My eyes followed the beam of light that led me to the window. I hurried over and stared outside into the clear blue sky while I hurt my eyes as I gazed directly into the sun.

  This exhilaration coursed through my body that left my heartbeat pounding against my chest. “Oh m-my gosh… it-it’s the sky, and the sun!” I bellowed. My face reddened and my eyes moistened.

  A mechanical whir and a loud click brought my attention to a large monitor mounted on the wall. I stared at my dim reflection bouncing off the smooth glass like a mirror. A big monitor, a …Loading, on the upper right, and mechanical whir… great, an abnormally larger version of Mary? Possibly… ugh.

  “Hello Sam, I’m AI-1200 Jane, and I’ll be your daily agenda,” the monitor, Jane, buzzed on with a Loading… on the bottom right of the screen, “Please be sure that I will always inform you of your next activity or lesson; your first lesson is scheduled for today 12:00pm.”

  I rolled my eyes and sighed. Before I could even say anything, and thank this piece of artificial intelligence for ruining my moment, Ms. William walked into the room.

  She seemed calmer. She had this captivating aurora about her, I felt drawn to her in a way I couldn’t explain myself… she was extraordinarily beautiful.

  “Alright Sam, I know it’s very sudden, but your first lesson begins in thirty minutes, let’s get you acquainted with my home and we’re set to leave,” she turned towards the monitor, “Jane please inform Mr. Cove that Sam and I might be a few minutes tardy for the class.”

  “Understood Ms. William. The message has been sent.”

  “Thank you Jane, and I’d presume you two have met already,” Ms. William gave me another curious smile.

  “Yes Ms. William. I’ve already introduced myself.” Jane said.

  “Excellent!” Ms. William said.

  “Ms. William,” I said, “I-I… I feel weird,” I gasped at this strange irk that hit my side. I couldn’t gasp for air. I lost my balance and fell on the bed.

  Burning, burning, and more burning...

  I wanted to scream, but I couldn’t, the subduing pain gashed every single part of my paralyzed body… I couldn’t see, but I felt myself moving, running at a pace that I never knew I could achieve. And then it all went away, a cool calmness washed over me like a comforting warm shower… and then all traces of feeling vanished leaving my whole fending to the void.


  -Jake Hartman-



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