The Adorned

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The Adorned Page 25

by Elimelec Gonzalez-Roman



  Crack of Dawn


  I came in and Ms. William was sitting soundly next to her desk reading that book. She lowered her reading glasses and gave me a grin, “Hey honey, I have interesting news!” She said.

  Her complexion was a bit brighter; her mascara, light pink making her cheeks lush and attractive, she seemed so youthful, elegant, like a princess waiting for her gallant knight to take her away. I grinned back and then slumped on chair. I set my head on the table and closed my eyes, “What’s the news?” I mumbled unenthused.

  She was a bit hesitant to reply, perhaps my apparent distaste of her overly unexciting news got to her, “Well you’ll begin with your new teacher tomorrow… now a bit earlier too Sam… umm, she sent me a text stating: ten A.M.”

  I groaned, “Great!”

  She shuffled through my hair; her nails scratching my scallop and warm fingers rubbing against my temples; it was relaxing, making my entire being numb and ready to combust in an endless siesta.

  “The good news is you’ll be leaving earlier,” she said into my ear, “And you’ll have more time to go see Amy!”


  That night I was restless; dwindled by the lack of enthusiasm about tomorrow’s coming… a new day and a new teacher; have to wake up earlier now… unbelievably absurd.

  The following morning the warm rays of the sun woke me up; I didn’t even hear an alarm ding or anything. I checked Jane and her screen was idle, on the bottom right the time stated: 8:42 A.M.

  Next to me, on my night table, a silver tray, three red pills, and a glass of water were placed without me being conscious about it: I stared at it a bit dazzled. Could Ms. William have placed this here? Without another question I took the pills down with one gulp of water.

  “Good morning Sam,” Jane’s robotic voice said in the most unwelcoming voice I’ve heard her monotonous voice say; do AI’s have mood swings now? I giggled amused at my ridiculous thought.

  “Hi Jane.” I quickly remarked with my own uninterested and unpleased voice.

  “You’re to leave at 9:30 A.M from the new teacher’s request, her name: Ms. Benning. Her room and location will be automatically added as soon as you enter the Jefferson Building; move along until a door opens. Okay?”

  “Uh ok.” I said and then just left the room.

  The kitchen was brighter than usual; all the windows were opened, including the small-round window that was normally sealed on the front door. It was wonderful, the tile glazing with the sun’s orange touch, and itty-bitty specks of dust floating about, magnificent.

  On the table a silver tray full of apples, biscuits, and, some strange round pastry thing covered in chocolate and colorful sprinkles. I grabbed this unusually crafted piece of pastry and dug my teeth into the sweet and buttery chocolate; the small dots crunched under the prow of my jaw and brought a different taste, something syrupy, like caramel.

  After taking a couple of nibbles and bites from the rest of the food I left and did my share of affairs in the bathroom before Jane yelped in my ear to hurry up and get to class before I was late, as usual. I stared at myself, my eyes were a lot brighter today than normal, that very light green almost glowing like the sun.

  When I walked out of the bathroom Ms. William was sitting down on the chair next to the table, leg folded over her thigh, and hands munching on a red apple. She looked elegant like she came out of work to take me to class personally as she did before with Mr. Cove; that was the only explanation I had to her unexpected appearance.

  “Hey Ms. William,” I said a bit croaky and nervous, didn’t really know why, but my hands quivered, I had to dig them in my pockets just to compress this unusual coldness paralyzing my being.

  “Hey sweetie,” she said in her usual overly-happy voice, “Ms. Benning requested for my presence at our first class today”

  “Does this like… um, take me off my progression between classes?” I don’t know what brought me into asking this question, it just blurted out of my mouth.

  “Of course not, this is just… the same class as Mr. Cove teaches-it was just an excuse for him to take his leave Sam.” She explained a bit colder.

  I didn’t dwell on it too much, I just nodded and stomped my foot on the floor; straightened my posture and gave her the smile she deserved.

  “I’m ready I guess,” I chuckled.

  She giggled back, “Okay, come.”

  We made our way past the courtyard and vacant playground, sun in the cloudless sky embracing us with its warm touch. Ms. William was taller today than normal; she had these black-glossy heels on, a short tight skirt, and light blue blouse; her hair tied in a pony-tail and small purse over her shoulder.

  Click, click, click went her heels against the concrete ground, I was smirking as I stared at her: I mean she was strikingly gorgeous, but this was a bit beyond her normal simple beauty look I was so accustomed to… I guess looks change regularly?

  The automatic doors opened and the cool breeze swept past like a brisk whip of wind. We walked aimlessly down endless corridors of white tile, cream-color and windowless walls until finally a random door slid open.

  Finally: I heard Ms. William murmur; she straightened her blouse, pressed down on her skirt, and, using her hand, somewhat combed her hair to the side.

  “This is it.” She said. “Come.” I followed her clicking heels inside this dim room.

  We entered, and to my surprise there was another student here, a very pale girl, brunette hair, hazel eyes, and pink flush cheeks with bits of freckles, smiled at me politely: I grinned back.

  Ms. William looked delighted, “Oh my gosh, Rebecca!” She clicked over to her and gave her a half hug, “How’s your mother doing?”

  “It’s great seeing you Ms. Elizabeth,” her smile captured me, I stared glued at her hazel eyes: beautiful, but this was a different kind of beauty, something that was majestic, something that didn’t-couldn’t compare with the same features I’m so acclimatized to seeing…

  “My mother is doing fantastic, beautiful as always, in her unbelievable perfection.” She said a bit sarcastically, her disdain obviously made Ms. William giggle: but I however was oblivious to her inside joke.

  “I didn’t know you were in this class too!” She turned to me, as though she were presenting a presentation, “This is my boy, Sam… I’m glad, so glad he’s finally going to get company instead of solo with his previous teacher.”

  Her smooth, chocolate eyes caught sight of me, she nodded and smiled warmly: she turned back to Ms. William.

  “Who was his teacher?” Rebecca asked; her same bright smile firm.

  “Mr. Cove.” Ms. William said bitterly.

  “Oh,” she smirked, “Have yet to hear of him.”

  Her dialect was different, I couldn’t explain it, or even justify what or where it could have come from: I loved it.

  “Sam dear this is Rebecca, a daughter to one of my dearest friends Ms. Malcolm”

  “Becca!” Rebecca quickly remarked.

  “Of course,” Ms. William rolled her eyes. “I’m sorry beautiful Becca.”

  “Well I’m glad we’re all formally acquainted.” Said a dry and hard voice, “I’m Ms. Benning and I’m the teacher.”

  Ms. Benning, the red haired angel, sat unapparent on the far right corner of the room: she gave me a crooked smile and a wink, “Thank you Ms. William. I’ll take it from here, and you may take your leave and go about your daily business as the Council instructs you to do. I’ll talk to you later and send you texts about Sam’s progress throughout my course.”

  Ms. William nodded, gave one last smile to Rebecca, hugged me, and then left.

  The wall sealed itself.

  “Sam, please take your seat next to Rebecca, and our course shall commence,” she clapped her hands: windows sealed, and big white board covering the front wall turned black: Loading… on the bottom right.

  “Hi,” I whispered, Rebecca gri
nned at me.

  “Now, Sam please don’t let that behavior that brought you to me continue to dwell; my classroom is not a playground; it’s a place for education and we must not let our little time be spent on useless chitchat: understand?”

  I nodded.

  “Good, now, Ms. Rebecca, please explain what we were studying before we left yesterday.” Ms. Benning said.

  “Um… ok…” Rebecca gave me a panicked stare, “Well… we were talking about the structure of speeches.”

  “Indeed, and please give me the speech you wrote yesterday.”

  “Uh Ms. Benning I completely forgot about it… I handed it back to you remember.”

  “And you can’t remember what was written down on your own piece of paper Ms. Rebecca; is there some sort of malfunction occurring in your memory that could possibly cause your own writing to flutter away into the vacant abyss in the corner of your brain?

  Unacceptable, I will not condone such irresponsibility out of my students, and you know what kind of caliber I teach too so why not instead of mopping about not remembering your speech and just say another one altogether: why not impress me...”

  Her cold words even hit me.

  Her cheeks turned bright red, “Yes Ma`am.”

  “Well?” Ms. Benning turned to me, “Sam, may you share a speech?”

  “I-I… ok I guess,” I stood up and watched Rebecca slump down on the chair, her eyes ready to overflow…

  I stood there for a second, and wandered about trying to find some sort of connection into how exactly communication to the masses through a speech worked: many things came to mind... out of the blue, without even remotely thinking of it: amaze, strike, inspire, humor.

  I cleared my throat, took another glance back at Rebecca, and turned back to the irritated-looking Ms. Benning; tapping her pencil frantically against the desk waiting on my speech.

  She cleared her throat, “Ok,” she said coldly, “Please take a seat Sam.”

  Without hearing Ms. Benning twice I took my seat; I felt relieved.

  There was this ominous vibe just spiraling around me: First Mr. Cove and now this, this what-was-suppose-to-be a fun and pleasant angel that kept me company when I was EMQ room turned out to be a monster.

  “Today,” Ms. Benning rose and moved in front of the big board, “We’re going to cut to the chase and delve into the secrets of our past; the thing that has shaped everything around you to be as it is today. Read the board; afterwards I’ll explain and we’ll take a small quiz.”

  The black board has white letters typing themselves hastily across the screen:

  Historical Account

  Throughout the course of compromise, altercations, and consensuses, there was an equilibrium inquiry that was ahead of most marvel and dismal Kings’, Emperors’ and Presidents’ equilibrium in a sense of community, communications, alterations, and other necessary allocations to house civilizations to thrive, exist, and not disappear due to lack of nutrition, disease, and or destruction, vanishing, and panic: that could more than likely be caused by the uproars of wars.

  Compleace Vocabularial Clarity:

  War: Miscommunications that wrought bad confrontations: Caused by Religious movements, power-hungry Kings or Victors, and wide-spread panic.

  Equilibrium: Fancy word meaning “A Set Balance.”

  Pre Emporia Period:

  301 B.E.C

  The screen was black; the final line being: 301 B. E. C.

  “Now,” Ms. Benning said, “The first period we’re going to talk about is Emporia. What we’re going to understand is that though civilization’s technological advancement was but a puff of smoke wafting with a steady breeze; without something you can’t have anything.

  “In 301 B.E.C life was subject to survival”

  The white board flickered; Loading… on the bottom right: words typed themselves on the board:

  Survival: To endure; have will to stand through countless turmoil and not falter.

  Turmoil: Threshold of confusion that ignites catastrophe to devastate empires and individual people.

  Falter: To hesitate and fall short of the goal that was set in place.

  Ms. Benning abruptly cleared her throat.

  “These three individual words have a surprising meaning on Emporia’s Historical Accounts and we’ll finally begin our studies on the Emporia Period with the first Historical Hero Arresto Alaver Marques….”

  Ms. Benning’s uncanny blabber was justified with Rebecca’s elegant aurora of splendor, here and there I took my attention off Ms. Benning to unobtrusively stare at this glamorous seraph sitting next to me. Her beauty was not mundane plagued by the same blue eyes and golden hair, it was different, unique.

  “Arresto was not gifted with any special forms of prowess granted by gods; he was but a man determined to free those countless slaves and peasants that were confined by Arch Emperor Xavier Palestine and perhaps make a new society that wasn’t confined to slavery and sovereignty after he overthrows Xavier; of course however, it wouldn’t be good history unless it had its ups and downs, and in this time period: from what these ancient tomes say: there was plenty of trauma and drama to entertain an entire audience.

  “Arresto knew Xavier before he became Emperor. They grew up together in a small farming community outside the Grand Empire of Solace called: Aventura. I’ll discuss as to how exactly Xavier came into power on a later note. More than likely we will not finish with the Emporia period in today’s class.”

  Ms. Benning sighed and rubbed her temples, she looked annoyed, could reading this be that tedious?

  “Arresto’s father, Allecro Salvador Marques was a highly motivating man and well respected by the villagers. Allecro knew Emperor Leonardo De`mar quite well… De`mar wasn’t menacing or overpowering as Xavier had become: he was friendly to his people. He greeted them with compassion, had drinks with them like friends, and looked over their needs.

  “Arresto found a different form of fighting; as discreetly as possible mainly because the Emperor’s Nobles were always about and curious to the next big gossip and of course: to make favor with the Emperor to raise the planks… Arresto made up his own gossip. He began going about inside the church and arranged false chitchat between individual people he talked to beforehand and spoke of random High Nobles who were close to the Emperor; saying things like: the overthrow of Xavier Palestine, the Nobles rising to take control of the throne; and a host of other things to wind up and bring insecurity to Xavier Palestine’s rule…

  “Ironically, as I stated before, Xavier was once Arresto’s friend, but forgot about him with his rising glory… who else to go to but to Arresto…. Let me move off the subject and bring something a bit eccentric into perspective. I’ve read a lot… perhaps more than you’d imagine. look I don’t know if these Historical Accounts are accurate or even if they were crafted by some forerunner to-to give us some kind of… I don’t know-outlook from the past… I mean”

  Ms. Benning rolled her eyes as she leaned her head against the chair, “Both of you please understand, you either choose to believe this or not ok, I personally do not want you to have a mindset that everything you read is an actuality… remember anything, I mean anything can be altered: to a degree that makes a certain individual look better than the other.

  “I am here teaching you this history that I’ve read hundreds of times, but I’ve also kept an open mind, because however splendid something may sound, there is always some sort of modification that’s in effect… something is concluded in all of this, and it sounds like its crafted in order to give a message, to give some sort of meaning that plays a role in our lives.

  It’s always good to look at the past, we learn from mistakes, we read it, we see the possible consequence, but how do we know it will happen as it did in the past? How do we know that by making this simple mistake it would lead to this ultimatum? We don’t, because every individual thinks differently… their actions are done to further their belief, their po
wer, and perhaps their society, it’s all a matter of who it is, and what that individual’s intentions are.”

  Ms. Benning cleared her throat, “Now pressing on…”

  Was I ill conceived? Did I just get a small hitch of Ms. Benning’s true personality right there? I tried my best not to grin but I cracked…

  I didn’t even have time to talk to Rebecca. She left so quickly after the class: disappeared without a trace. I walked out into the courtyard and I didn’t catch another glimpse of her. I sighed assiduously and staggered through the unfilled courtyard; I had no eagerness at all, not after being placed in another class with another uninspiring professor… ugh, so tedious and irritating.

  I glanced around my surroundings to make sure no one was around, if ever, I chuckled deliriously at my cunning obliviousness, and stepped off the sidewalk and made my way through the perfectly cut grass towards the shrouded bushes and tall mass of trees that covered my special place.

  Like usual, the riverside felt tranquil and balmy; I laid relaxingly on the riverbed my head resting against my arms, legs outstretched, feet dangling over the edge.

  “Sam,” said a familiarly soft voice.

  I opened my eyes to catch sight of Amy, “Amy!” I said startled as I rose from the ground so fast that my head became woozy, “H-how did you know I was… here?”

  She smirked, “I um… kind of followed you here,” her cheeks reddened, her smile wide, “So… how long have you known of this place?” Amy asked as she timidly stepped forward closer to the riverbed.

  “For a bit,” I replied, “Beautiful isn’t it?”

  “Yes! Exquisite!” She over-implied, grinning rigorously amused at herself, “A new word we learned Sam! It means beyond beautiful,” her blue eyes twinkled with the river’s diamond glittering surface.

  I smirked, “I like it.” I said and sat down on prickly moist grass. I curled and rocked myself a bit; there was some sort of portentous feeling just spiraling about that kept me conscious, I was afraid if Oliver found Amy and I here, or what if John found out, I couldn’t put Amy in this predicament… what actions would they be force to condone upon her.

  I for one was already impelling at this freedom I’ve been given, I mean if it weren’t for my knowledge of Dr. Harris would I be given this freedom; or would I have been already prosecuted?

  Amy sat next to me, “So Sam, mom told me they put you in a different class… how’s that turning out?”

  I mused for a second trying my best to come up with the word to describe the wondrous unrelenting enthusiasm that Ms. Benning expressed in my first class with her, “Ms. Benning is… bland like Mr. Cove,” I sighed, “I don’t know Amy, I guess I’ll have to get used to it.”

  “Well, at least next school year you’ll get to suffer with others too Sam.”

  “Huh… what do you mean?” I asked lucidly; her words were a bit vivacious and wry.

  “Mom told me the Council is going to roster multiple students per teacher next year, so you’ll have company...” her voice was lacking keenness; obviously she was choked up by the fact that they were going to do this after her final year here.

  I was however aware of this: Ms. William did in fact inform me; but I never really gave it much thought.

  The silence was a bit uncomforting, especially since this was Amy! How can I be and feel this sore around her, my lips wouldn’t budge, all I could do was stare aimlessly across the river, my eyes not once connecting with hers yet.

  “You ok Sam?” She asked a bit monotonously.

  I tried my best to grin, “Of course I am Amy,” I said as believably as I possibly could.

  I heard her sigh, it sank my heart with such emotional strain that I felt my lips numb up more. She set her head on my shoulder; her cotton soft hair brushed over my skin like silk.

  “I’m scared Sam,” her warm breath touched my skin and her smooth, minty breath, raised the hair on the back of my neck, “It-it’s closing in already,” she whispered, “It’s coming faster and faster every day that passes by…”

  “Huh… what’s approaching, what are you talking about?”

  I felt a cool drop of water slither down my neck and down my back, “I-I can’t tell you Sam…” she croaked.

  “You’re afraid of your LCP aren’t you?”

  “I am… and-and I don’t want to tell mom about it either. So please Sam… don’t say anything about this to anyone.” She pleaded.

  “I won’t Amy, I promise…”

  Her grip tightened around me.

  “Stay with me Sam… I-I don’t want to go home yet…”

  “I won’t.” I warmly replied.

  “You promise?” She said voice slightly dozing off.

  “I promise…”

  It was nearly dusk and the same cool breeze swept along the riverbed bringing in twinkling specks of pollen like stars in twilight. Amy was cuddled on my arms resting soundly. I stared at the orange sky; the sun nearly setting behind the batch of trees past the lively river.

  “Hey Amy,” I whispered, “It’s nearly sunset, we should get going home…”

  She opened her eyes slowly and then squinted at the sight of the setting sun, “Mm’k,” she said rather enervated as she closed her eyes.

  I kept on pondering though; wondering what exactly could Amy’s LCP have stated that has made her dread it so much; should I feel the same way; should I dread my classified LCP? Just musing over it left my heartbeat racing frantically.

  I managed to slip Amy off my arm and rest her head gently on the grass: she remained sleeping sound. I stretched and move closer to the river’s edge and stared at its burning, glittering surface.

  I heard Amy’s supple groan and listened to her shuffle across the grass, “How long was I out Sam?”

  I turned to her, “Eh…,” I grinned, “I lost track of time. But seeing that the sun is due to set...”

  She giggled, “Cleary quite a while Sam!”

  “I think we should get going before.”

  “Mm-mm,” Amy neglected quickly, “We’re going to stay and look at the stars Sam! I have never seen them before.” She lavishly fluttered her hands in the air and danced blissfully, “Come Sam, come! Dance with me!”

  I grinned rigorously at her cunning attractiveness blooming to life with her flawless personality dancing admits the golden blaze of the setting sun. I couldn’t help but join her and start wobbling around, dancing wildly to the sooth rhythm of the dashing river.

  She wrapped her hands around my neck, her burning eyes just embracing me with her stare, and twirled around together until we fell on the grass and rolled to a stop.

  “Thank you Sam.” Amy said softly as her lips touched mine.

  “For what?” I added.

  “For giving me the pleasure of getting to know you.”

  My heartbeat pounded against my chest; my face flush and red, I tried my best to suppress my hyperventilation but the potency of this unnatural urge slit through my veins uncontrollably. I had to push Amy off

  “Please Amy, this doesn’t feel right, we’ve got to get going home,” I rose and inclined my hand to assist her up, “Come-the stars will have to wait for another day.”

  Amy slapped my hand away and sat down on the ground; arms crossed and eyes squinted, trying her best to ignore my keen and surprised gesture at her childish attitude, “We’re going to see the stars Sam!” She insisted.

  I didn’t feel like arguing so I nodded and accepted the fact Amy wasn’t going to budge from her spot, so I just sat next to her.

  I was a bit nervous, and this was brought by a bunch of little things like for starters: I felt famished, not only that but I was afraid of the consequence staying here would bring. I didn’t normally think of the future much but I was doing so now, I gave no rationalization to give Ms. William a peace of mind as to where I am, not only that that monster-thing was still out and about too. My head felt due to implode with all my rampant thoughts… but my main concern was Amy’s safety

  Before I knew it something had occurred, there was something missing, a noise I was accustomed to vanished: the explosive combustion of the river’s roar had gone quiet. I quickly got on my four and crawled closer to the edge. The water died down to a small steady streak of water burrowed in a giant trench. I stared jaw-dropped. I dug my hands deep into the moist soil until my entire fist had mud gushing from the sides.

  “Wh-what happened?” I said grimly, “The water is gone!”

  I felt deprived; the sonata of tranquility had vanished before my eyes vanished before I even noticed its departure. How could I have been so absentminded? Was Amy’s chatter or admiration more important to me than this sacred place?

  Amy was over me staring down into the trench, startled, “Where did the water go Sam?”

  Irritated, my sudden rise left me baffled momentarily as the ground beneath my feet collapsed and left me barreling down the trench until I landed face-flat in the mud with a loud splat. My muscles wouldn’t budge, only throbbing enveloping my entire being; every part of my body was numb, the cold, warm feeling running down the back of my head had me wondering if it was muddy water or blood. I heard Amy’s distorted yelp in the background; my brain couldn’t quite decipher her exact chatter.

  “Sam,” I felt a tap on my shoulder, “Sam you ok?” It was clearly Amy’s comforting voice.

  I managed to open my eyes and catch the blazing red dusk sky still at bloom, “H-how long was I out?” I shrugged and groaned at my gnawing headache.

  “Um,” she giggled as I felt her cotton soft hands press against my forehead, “Like four minutes… maybe less; I’m surprised you sprung to conscious so quickly.” I managed to squint my eyes long enough to catch her perfect face full of sympathy and worry embrace me with a warm smile.

  My body’s full motion was back in my control. I staggered to stoop over to see myself covered in mud and completely soaked from head to toe. Amy however managed to keep herself clean, only her feet doused in mud.

  Amy helped me up. I straightened and stretched my arms high: I felt Amy wrap her arms around me tightly, “I’m so happy you’re ok Sam! I panicked when I saw you fall,” she rested her chin on my shoulder, she sniffled, “You’re all wet,” she giggled.

  I chuckled lightly, “Obviously.”

  “I’m ready to go home Sam.”

  “So am I.” I replied.

  My heartbeat quickened as I stared down the vacant cavity where the river once flowed. It was endless, extending far beyond my eyes could see on either side; I was petrified. Amy had already climbed up the trench before I even noticed she wasn’t in my arms anymore.

  I stood there arms dangling by my side, head arched forward staring aimless to the mush black soil. The wind howled awkwardly vicious through the trench, like a whimpering wolf.

  “Are you coming Sam?” Amy’s arms were on her hips as her foot tapped on the ground impatiently.

  “Amy you can go,” I hesitated for a second and turned around, staring up at the opposite end of the trench, “I want to check something out”

  “Sam!” She bellowed, “You don’t plan on crossing to the other side d-do you?” Her voice was weighty.

  I nodded, “Uh yeah”

  “Sam please don’t go, please don’t go!” She pleaded, “I don’t want you getting in trouble”

  I giggled, “I’ll be fine Amy-it’s you I’m worried more about than myself,” I turned to her and caught her dread-filled face, “Best that you leave.”

  I said my farewell to Amy and continued on. I climbed the steep slope, sliding down and splashing into the mud a couple of times too, joy, but I managed to spring myself up to the other side of the riverbed.

  I laid on the cool grass for some time just staring into the almost night sky; strands of thin clouds slithered overhead with the perfect breeze sweeping and shivering the grass. I laid stiff for a bit; for one I was truly cold, my wet attire stuck to my skin like glue, and second I felt hypocritical after just sending Amy off that way, she so wholeheartedly wanted to witness a night sky… I did care for her. But I was unaware if this feeling was that term: Love or just some kind of bond I formed with her since she was the always the only person I’d ever, apart from Ms. William, sit down and conversed with.

  I turned and faced the thick forest ahead of me-paranoia had crippled me for a second there, like I felt overwhelmed by this. Was I really pushing my luck beyond its threshold by venturing about like this? I grinned. Nevertheless I did question all the freedom I have been given-and here I am taking advantage of that; but curiosity was just stabbing into my side. I want to see this outside world; I want to see the things Mary talked to me about: not be deprived, confined as I was back in my Consolation Chamber… somewhere out there.

  I made my way through the thick forest, rustling the piles leaves beneath my feet, finally seeing small blotches of bare brown soil throughout the forest floor. Imperfection: natural, not aberrant.

  I continued, on and on, the view never changed, just a series of endless cluttered trees throughout my perimeter. I came across a small and perfectly round, open meadow; beautiful red roses carpeted throughout like a natural work of art. But I knew it was too good to be true, not even nature can generate such perfection. I peered up into the sky to only see the pale bleached outcast of a beautiful dawn day. I fell on my knees, jaw-dropped, perplexed beyond the shadow of a doubt, there was no night.

  Ache ravaged me; my heartbeat quickened, and slammed against my chest like a fist battering against a hallow wall.

  A brisk breeze brushed through the forest; the leaves rustled and the flowers danced. A spread of dark clouds hovered overhead and took the beautiful dawn blue and tainted to this black and grey mash of disorientation, crackling and sending powerful earth-quivering thunder to exude and howl all-around the forest. Seconds later sheets of small beads of icy water began to fall.

  The agonizing tension grasping my chest left me weary. My eyes became heavy, my sight blurry, I felt certain to capsize any moment.

  “It’s a beauty isn’t it?” A familiarly cold voice said, “Without a doubt nature’s prowess has shaped this meadow quite well-oh,” the next set of words was muffled by the sudden intensifying rain and whip of gusts.

  I tried to focus my eyes on this approaching blurred figure, “Oliver?” I said at first; it was the first name to come to mind since he always somehow knew where I was.

  “So you’ve already met that loud-mouthed imbecile,” he chuckled, “No, no, child.”

  I was finally able to recognize his voice it was him Dr. Harris Brown.

  “It’s me Harris.”

  “Did you,” I hesitated briefly, the pain still throbbing but lightly extinguishing, “Did you follow me here?”

  Dr. Harris scoffed, “A mere inept child like you already making accusations”

  “Because you’re feared… you’re-you’re being searched. Why should I trust you?” I quickly said to his little innocent remarked.

  He scoffed again, “Sam, you are growing up, as expected”

  “Did you follow me?” The pain that erupted against my chest had finally seized, and my sight came back to focus. Dr. Harris’s frail puppy dog eyes seemed sad; he was hunched over, perhaps his age was finally getting to him.

  “A man has to find an escape somewhere Sam.” He said halfhearted, “No, I did not follow you: you just happened to have stepped into my web,” he finally answered with some sly metaphoric connotation.

  The rain lightened, “Then why are you sought after?”

  “Hasn’t the loose-tongue informed you yet?”

  I shook my head, “He’s been shush about you... everyone has.”

  He straightened his posture and took a deep breath, “Actions and consequences Sam, there are things that we do that bring certain unwanted, and for the most part unexpected results… and perhaps the action I did wasn’t necessarily adequate in the eyes of the Council.” Dr. Harris explained more openly.

didn’t exactly see his rationalization, “Yet proper in your eyes?”

  “Everyone has an opinion about what’s right and what’s wrong,” Dr. Harris hesitated for a brief moment, “A thing that’s been lost to everyone Sam, choice.”

  I almost stooped over. My eyes kept on losing focus in the mess of things; the drizzling water running down my face and my soaked clothes sticking to my skin, even with all these negations my tired body still wanted rest.

  “Here Sam,” Dr. Harris reached into his coat’s pocket and pulled out that small canister of disinfectant. He sprayed his hands thoroughly, “Let me spray your hands.”

  I stretched out my hands in front of him and he sprayed them; the cool sensation prickled for a second and then the disinfectant evaporated leaving my hands smooth as silk.

  “I’m going to give you an N-Nutrition,” from his pants pocket he pulled out a prescription capsule full of pills, “Take one of these and it will keep you awake for forty-eight hours”

  He handed me the pill, I stared at it for a second, it looked exactly like the red pills I took, but this time it was a green, “Is it safe?”

  “Of course it is, I take them in order to keep awake. They’re perfectly healthy: I engineered them. They’re full of essential body nutrition that assists in growth and immunity to common abnormalities… in an easier note: it just does exactly what your body does when you sleep, but it does it while you’re wide awake.” He explained, “Just put it in your mouth and it dissolves, its effect is instant.” He winked at me with a big smile.

  I threw the pill in my mouth and as soon as my tongue made contact it just melted and disappeared; it was tasteless. Instantly the weariness lifted off my shoulders and I felt wide-awake.

  “Wow!” I said rather shocked, or perhaps it was the pill I just took that just sprung me to life, “So you make pills too?” I had to ask, it was rather intriguing that he engineered this pill.

  “Yes, I am a GP Doctor that focuses on treating most of the common abnormalities that could occur in the human body, but I am also a SSA Pharmacist; I designed a host of pills: those red pills you take, I designed those too.”

  Before I could say anything he continued.

  “Follow me Sam, I want to show you something.”

  I stood there petrified, contemplating whether to go or not. This man here was a wanted felon.

  Dr. Harris giggled beneath his breath, “Have I wronged you Sam?”

  I shook my head neglecting his question. He was right, he hasn’t ever tried to hurt me once; he’s helped me.


  “Then what makes you think I am going to start.” He gave me a heartwarming smile, “Come, I’m sure you’re going to enjoy what I’m going to show you.” He winked at me.



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