The Adorned

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The Adorned Page 29

by Elimelec Gonzalez-Roman





  Another Morning…

  “Hey Sam.” I heard Ms. William’s heartwarming voice, “You had me so worried sweetie!”

  I opened my eyes and saw Ms. William starring down at me with a big smile, “Welcome back.” She pulled me off the bed and gave me a tight hug, “Sam you’re my responsibility… you-you can’t just go moping about without permission honey! It’s dangerous, the Council gave word that that thing is still out and about! Just think if you would have bumped into it”

  “It’s no monster Ms. William,” I croaked and bit my lip.

  Did I just realize that that little bit of random information that just blurted out of my mouth could in fact be actuality?

  Dr. Harris is that monster.

  “It’s a person…” I took a deep breath turned my head and stared at the wall, averting any contact with Ms. William's eyes.

  I had no clue what brought about this childish attitude but this cleaving tension just wrought my slight anger. I was still frustrated with everything. The Council, and even Oliver, or Thomas: he out of all the people had to go against my wishes and take Dr. Harris… now perhaps I’ll never see him again.

  “A person?” She asked curiously; her voice had this edge to it: as though she’d had already made an assumption to who it was.

  I turned to the Jane’s idle screen and then faced Ms. William, “I need my medicine Ms. William.” I said coolly, “And I better start getting ready for school.” I smirked, “Don’t want to be late.”

  I tried to add as much enthusiasm in my voice as I could… but how well can a robotic piece of machinery entail every humanly characteristic through form of speech?

  Her face remained grave, but she nodded in concur, “I’ll-uh-I’ll get some business done real fast and then go get breakfast ready honey.” She left my room.

  Many things had me boggled, for one, I couldn’t trust my words any longer; I had to watch what I said around here, especially with Jane there, her monitoring had no bound, it was constant: a shadow to my every move, every word.

  I turned to the clock: 9:51 A.M. the pills and glass of crystal clear water were placed in the exact same place. I sat up took the pills and walked out of the room.

  “Sweetie, breakfast is ready!” Ms. William yelled from the kitchen.

  I stood there in the hallway staring at the picture with the beautiful sunset. I felt slightly deprived that I didn’t get to witness this in the so called: Funerals that was actually a beach local.

  I also continued to imagine the reason it was called the Funerals; I mean what that word could mean… perhaps Jane might know, or maybe Ms. William might know the definition of Funeral.

  I went in the kitchen and sat down. Ms. William was still wearing her silky, hot pink nightgown with little blue pokey-dots plastered all-throughout.

  Her hair was done in a pony-tail and her face smothered in green refining mask; that still made me grin: even with all my confusion and somewhat hatred stirring about, I still grinned.

  She turned around and burrowed her eyebrows, but then, softened them to her motherly warmth with a smile in return, “Sorry Sam,” she laughed nervously, “I was just thinking sweetie,” she placed the spatula down next to the pan and went to the refrigerator, “By the way, we need to get you a haircut, you’re looking like a barbarian with your shaggy hair!”

  Ms. William had two small round containers, one full of diced onions and the other diced celery.

  “So did I get in any trouble Ms. William?” I had to ask, it was something pestering me: however, if I didn’t get in trouble I had this assumption that the reason being would more than likely be because: Sam assisted the Council with the capture of a dangerous fugitive:

  I grinned to myself, but at the same time hatred sprung; I clinched my fist. I know there has to be more to it, it’s strange enough that I never get into trouble when I do anything out of alignment; but I don’t even know what consequences are to any action I’ve done.

  “Not really. John from the Council and that odd man Oliver, who carried you in his arms: you were unconscious, Sam!” She said horrified, “They came really early this morning and didn’t say much, just telling me they found you in the restricted section fast-asleep”

  “Nothing else?” I quickly added.

  Before she said anything else, someone at the door knocked. I knew it was probably Jane informing the Council officials that I was finally awake so they sent somebody to come and take me away.

  Or perhaps it was our rather deviating conversation about my whereabouts that could lead me into exposing something I witnessed in my absence?

  Ms. William wiped her hands with a small towel hanging from the oven handle and walked to the door. She looked through the hole and turned to me, her face slightly grave, “John and Oliver,” she whispered as she opened the door to let them in.

  They both stood there stiff, upright, and chin perfectly aligned with the straightness of their shoulders. Oliver or Thomas, perhaps I should start calling him that and see how he reacts: bit of a strange name change there, remained in his same unusual attire, white cloak, and his eyes, they were normal this time, just clean shade of light blue. John never changed, black suite, black shiny shoes, black eyes, and bald hair.

  “Good morning Ms. Elizabeth William, forgive us again for being here so early in the morning. We’d like to take Sam and ask him a couple of questions; I assure you we’ll get him ready for class from our location and he’ll go straight home afterwards.” John said very properly and confidently.

  She remained speechless with a grin on her face; she nodded, “Oh-ok, ok.” Ms. William answered timidly.

  Oliver faced me and smirked, “Ok Sam, follow us.” He said energetically.

  The door shut behind us, John set his hand on my shoulder, and leaned to my ear, “You’ve done nothing wrong,” he whispered coolly, “We just need to take you to the station to gather more information about Dr. you-know-who, ok?”

  I hesitated, “Uh ok.”

  “Good.” John said.

  The walk to the Council’s Station behind the main Jefferson Building remained as unapparent and bland as the last time I left it.

  Just a small square sized building with a door, no windows, or anything else. It did however seem dirtier, more residue and black, tarry strands crawling up the left side, near the door: possibly their preparing to paint?

  “We’re remodeling the location Sam.” John quickly answered my query,, “The outside will get a nice coating of paint, and added windows, and open offices: rather than that normal walk randomly and having a door open.” He said amused, “Mainly for higher security purposes. And we’ll discuss some really important things when we enter my office.” He stopped and faced Oliver, “You may take your leave: keep your Myrmidons’ heads on a swivel, and continue the search.”

  Oliver nodded, took one glanced at me: grinned, and then left towards the Jefferson Building.

  The double doors slid open and we were met with the nice cool air-condition, and a sweet aroma that I couldn’t quite differentiate.

  The interior seemed almost complete: no new embellishments decorated its walls and there were no door in range of the ending wall on the other side. However, the walls did have a brighter crème color and the square tiles were arranged differently: diamond shaped: colors black and white like a chessboard.

  We continued on until a random door opened, like usual; perhaps the next time I come in here: if I ever will be back, all the doors will be visible.

  “Well… this is my new office,” he said delighted, “No window yet however.” He laughed and led me inside, “You may take a seat.”

  I took a seat. He had a plain office desk with nothing on it, except for a sheet of paper. He took a seat on his very comfy looking charcoal colored chair, “Now… please excuse the barrenness but I have yet to situate: the Council recently assigned us individua
l rooms. Anyways, do you know why you’re here?”

  I nodded. I had a small hunch to what this was about; I mean what else would it be about; there was only one gargantuan event that occurred between now and the last time I fell asleep. Actually I don’t even remember falling asleep…

  “Ok Sam, that little incident that occurred yesterday can, by no means, be told to anyone, not even Elizabeth William or Amy Johnson, not a single comment… Sam, do you understand?” He said coolly, his voice precise and calm.

  “Yes Sir… by the way,” I hesitated, I didn’t know how this question might strike him, but I was curious, I had to ask, “Did uh… you catch him?” I whispered.

  He grinned, “We did.”

  A striking guilt shackled me, “What’s going to happen to him?”

  “That’s subject to change.” He answered as he rose, “Now Sam you may leave and remember this conversation. Do not repeat anything, pretend nothing had happened; do not say Dr. Harris Brown… and we will be highly monitoring you to keep your safety at bay.” He explained a bit more rigorously.

  Before I left I turned around to ask him another question, “Why such drastic changes in so little time?”

  He grinned, “Noticing huh?” Well, because the Council elected a new leader: so basically things are changing for the better… I hope…”







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