Book Read Free

The Adorned

Page 30

by Elimelec Gonzalez-Roman





  “Let’s see here.”

  Said Dr. Nicky Kewell as she adjusted the two scales on this weight machine she had me step onto, “You’re one hundred and forty seven pounds.” Dr. Kewell, an unusually young and rather perky doctor: blonde hair combed in a ponytail and big blue eyes, jotted the information down on her clipboard.

  Ms. William cleared her throat, “And is that good or bad?”

  Dr. Kewell turned to her and smiled, “It’s excellent of course; he actually weighs just a tad bit lower than we anticipated in our Hormonical Progresser… so no need to panic.” She explained. “Anyways, you may step down from the scale and come to measure your height. Follow me.”

  I followed her, Ms. William closely behind me, her face flush and beautiful as usual. She stopped and turned around, showing us inside this small rectangular room. There was a bed on the far wall, two comfy chairs, and a sink cluttered very neatly with a bunch of medical supplies: from bandages, to syringes, and antibacterial wipes.

  “Ok, now Sam, please come stand by me, just press your back to this wall and I’ll measure your height.” She said.

  On the wall I was about to press against there was a long measuring tape that stretched to the roof. I faced Ms. William; she smiled her lovely motherly smile at me, and then I pressed by back against the wall.

  “Alright, you’re five-feet seven-inches.” Dr. Kewell said, and then jotted it down again on her clipboard.

  “You’re no longer my baby boy!” Ms. William lamented sarcastically, “You’re already taller than me!”

  Dr. Kewell giggled, “Yeah they seem to grow faster than we anticipate… anyways,” she turned to me and smiled, “I’ll be right back in a couple. I’ll have nurse: Amelia Thompson come to do the other necessary procedures.” She explained and then left the room, shutting the door behind her.

  I stretched my arms as I walked towards this small twin sized bed covered by a long, white piece of paper. I sat uncomfortably as the paper shuffled and crunched beneath me. I groaned.

  “Want to know something Sam.” Ms. William whispered, “It’s a bit odd to see a female doctor…”

  “Really? Why do you say that?”

  Her eyebrows burrowed and then she grimaced, “Because normally only males can be doctors… wonder why the Council changed rather radically and out of the blue…”

  Someone knocked and then entered the room.

  “Hey there Mr. Sam.” Amelia said.

  I presumed this was Ms. Amelia Thompson: a middle-aged woman in an aqua-green nightgown type uniform that had little crescent moons as its design planted all over. She hauled in a silvery tray-cart with three capsules, a syringe, and some kind of green pills.

  “Well I’m here to take some blood and give you an antitoxin multi-vitamin pill to improve your overall growth and health. After this Dr. Kewell will return with the results.” She informed us.

  She rolled a small stool that was invisibly resting underneath the sink and set it next to her silver tray.

  “Sam, please come and have a seat here.” She told me.

  I got off the noisy papery bed and sat on the cushioned stool. Ms. Thompson hit a lock beneath the stool and went back to the tray to prepare the syringe.

  She took one of those small antibacterial sprays from her pocket and sprayed her hands, and then put on some white plastic gloves. She rolled my long sleeve up my arm and patted my mid-arm, searching for my main blood-artery.

  “Mmm`k,” she muttered to herself, “I’m going to tightly tie this rubber-band around your arm, it won’t hurt.” Ms. Thompson informed me.

  She then tied the rubber band around my arm and then cleaned the small area of skin where she found my blood-artery with an alcohol swab.

  “Ok, don’t be spooked you should only feel a small prickle.”

  Just staring at this sharp object about to puncture into my skin left me petrified: I was spooked and terrified… I didn’t know what was going over me. A side of me was lost in thought to what exactly this object was going to do to me, and would it even hurt; however, another side, this strange natural, perhaps, humanly feeling wanted me to avoid this at all cost.

  The urge had me wanting to just leap off the stool and run away, as far away as I could possibly get from this thing…

  When the syringe made contact with my skin it slit through like nothing, I barely felt a prickle. After the three capsules were filled with my blood, Ms. Thompson removed the syringe from my arm and quickly covered the area with a small disinfectant towel.

  “There we go, good as new!” She told me.

  I started feeling woozy; my eyes kept losing focus.

  Ms. Thompson went to the sink, opened the cupboard, and grabbed a paper cup. She filled it with water, handed it to me with three green pills.

  “Ok, drink those up and go lay down until the pills take effect, your wariness and drowsiness should subside. Dr. Kewell will be back shortly.” Ms. Thompson informed me, “Good day both of you.” She said and then left.

  I held the pills and just stared, eyes focusing and losing focus a second later… these pills left me wondering in all of this traumatizing raucousness and weariness twisting my stomach: Dr. Harris came to mind.

  I still couldn’t believe it was already almost a little over a year since that incident occurred with Dr. Harris Brown… witnessing the beauty of this place called: The Funerals, but all it was, was a ceaseless starry ocean. That picture I took sight of was nothing short of perfection; nothing would ever amount to it…

  “Sweetie, they’re not going to swallow themselves.” Ms. William said.

  I snapped out of my daydream and gulped down the pills. I had this moment of amnesia; I didn’t know why I was there, or what was happening: I didn’t even know why I took those pills… but then everything snapped back into place.

  I found myself, unexpectedly, and not even remembering how: but I was lying on that uncomfortable twin sized bed staring at the ceiling. I shuffled over the paper strand placed over it and turned to Ms. William.

  “Are you ok, honey?” She yelped concerned.

  I couldn’t really comprehend what had just happened to me, so I just nodded and laid my head back down on the crackling pillow.

  Someone knocked, and Dr. Kewell entered, her clipboard tucked under her arm, and her left hand holding an envelope, “Well the results are in and everything checks out fine, you both are free to be on your way.” She said.

  Dr. Kewell handed Ms. William a letter, “The statement enclosed has acknowledged that you, as Sam’s Caretaker, have taken the Council’s request to have your Adoptole checked for any abnormality.”

  She explained, she then turned to me, “And you have a wonderful last year Sam!” After she said that she left the room.

  “Well,” Ms. William said as she stood, “We have to go buy you some attire because tomorrow it’s your big day! You get to meet all your new teachers!” She said.

  “Really? Already?!” I shrugged and then staggered at the sound of this grand tragedy, “Great!” I said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes.

  We left the new Medical Facility that was recently built next to the now apparent and redesigned Council Offices. Plenty of windows, a new white coat of paint, and a vinyl of black streaks near the roof. They also added a second floor. Over the door it has written: Quebec Facility.

  “Well I got to tell you, this place is sure blossoming in this short year.” Ms. William giggled.

  I nodded. I noticed, I guess they didn’t inform the regular people that the Council accepted a new leader. I am glad he’s changing things for the better, or so it seems.

  But remember what Dr. Harris said about society blossoming before the Dark Times occurred… I mean, what if history repeats itself? I pondered at all the possible outcomes, I mean: ever since John told me about a new leader or should I call him: President: what could he be envisioning t
o make him do this? Could his vision be of a different society, one not shackled by such seclusion?

  “Yeah.” I finally said.

  “It’s getting beautiful again.” Her smile was broad, her pink coated lips glossily shining with the bright sun; it felt as though she kept on getting more beautiful as the times continued on.

  Personally I didn’t know what kind of attraction I felt for her, I know I loved her, but it was a different kind of love: a love bonded by a mother and a child: That love that Ms. Johnson and Amy had.

  I shook my head as discreetly as possible trying to knock those thoughts clouding my judgment away; I’ve been getting them a lot lately. I see Ms. William, her beauty reminding me of Amy: who is now lost to me… and I don’t even know if I’ll ever get to see her again.

  I mean it has felt so short of a time, two years have already gone pass: and now I am in my last year, my LCP soon to hammer on my door: my unclassified LCP.

  Ms. William wrapped her hand around my waist and set her cheek against my shoulder, “This is your last year.” She croaked, her voice breaking.

  I gave Ms. William a curious stare, “Can you read minds Ms. William?”

  “No. Why?” She quickly asked.

  “I was just thinking of that…,” I stopped and turned to her, “When is Amy leaving?”

  Ms. William’s eyebrows burrowed sorrowfully and her eyes glazed like her lush lips, “She left three days ago Sam… and Amber has vanished.” She exclaimed as she hugged me.

  I felt her sobs as she pressed herself against my chest.

  “Sam go on and buy yourself some stuff at the shopping district,” she let go of me, her mascara soiled by the tears she shed, “I’m going home to rest.”

  Ms. William had me worried. I’ve never seen her tear up like that. But it is kind of strange how Ms. Johnson could out of the blue disappear without a trace. I didn’t ask her any questions about her unexpected vanish but it must have been something obvious if she implied it so well.

  Instead of heading to the shopping area, I chose to take a slight detour towards the Johnson residence. I followed the empty sidewalk and clutter of bundled together townhouses stretching down the left side: their small look-alike fenced front yards, and same framed archway leading to their numbered doors… it sickened me every time I noticed this uncanny perfection.

  The Johnson residence: 0188

  The archway leading to the doorway remained open, moving slight with the push and pull of wind. I stood for a second just examining the area. The windows were screened at this time of day. I passed through the archway and stepped onto the grass, heading towards the narrow alleyway that led to their backyard.

  I stared past the alleyway and into the backyard and noticed a young girl that I could have sworn was Rebecca, her eyes connected to mine, and then she broke for the forest.

  I rushed through the alleyway and began chasing this now darkened figure through this forest I never really ever had the need to explore this forest section before, but it was thicker.

  My shoulder slammed against a misplaced tree that sent me barreling over the ground until I hit a pile of foliage. I felt a splintering ache enveloping my right side, I couldn’t flex at all.

  “I’d strongly suggest return, in.” said a familiar voice.

  “R-Rebecca?” I murmured.

  “Becca,” she said, “How many times do I have to tell you that, Sam?”

  She outstretched her hand, “Come on hurry up and follow me, we must leave like right now.” Rebecca said.

  I groaned, “Wait, wait,” I crunched my eyes closed and held my breath, trying my hardest to ignore the pain, “I think I hurt something.”

  “Eh you should be fine, it’s probably just the aftershock… didn’t you go visit the doctor today?”

  I nodded.

  “I think they take blood from your right arm, you probably hit that side and just hurt it a little bit more than you should have… here give me a second.” She said as she stooped over, taking my numb hand and rolling up my sleeve, “Yeah, you did bruise it pretty badly… the bruise should go away pretty quickly, and the numbness is just temporary, you’ll get feeling back in a matter of time.” Rebecca said.

  “So what are you doing out here Becca?” I asked.

  It was rather suspicious she be out wandering about in this isolated place that I’ve never had a chance to even notice, on top of that, behind the Johnson residence.

  “I uh…” she hesitated and smiled, for a second there I was captivated by her unnatural and rare beauty, “Well… did you know Amber Johnson and Amy Johnson?”

  I nodded. Now I was truly curious; Rebecca knew them too well Ms. William does know Rebecca by way of her caretaker. I forgot her name, so perhaps Amy and Ms. Johnson knew her the same way.

  “Well my mother told me Ms. Johnson vanished… and I was worried so I had to come and see for myself… and if you look the windows are blocked, and her back porch is locked.” She stood and turned around, “Sam.” She whispered, “We’ve got to leave now, come on, you’re a boy!”

  I rose as quickly as I could, “Ok I’ll follow you.”

  She took my hand with care. Her beautiful hazel eyes deadlocked on mine and her breathtaking smile embraced her lush face.

  We made our way through this thick forest with a stride. Her hand still holding mine, my thoughts abloom with her majesty… I didn’t know what was going over me, I mean, she… she made me feel hot all over.

  “Welcome to Monarch’s Reach, Sam,” Rebecca said, finally breaking the silence.

  “This area has a name?” I deferred.

  She nodded, “Uh yah,” she giggled, “Well… it doesn’t really have a name, I just felt free to call it that… I always took this route when I headed to Ms. Johnson’s residence.”

  “Did you know Amy too?”

  She nodded, “She spoke highly of you Sam. She, uh…” Rebecca paused, her hair swayed in the waking breeze sweeping through while she turned and stared at me with a curious smirk, “She said she loved you.”

  I didn’t say anything.

  Rebecca stopped.

  “What’s up Becca?”

  She sniffed, “Hmm… Sam, ever heard the term: Myrmidons?”

  I nodded, “Yes I have... but… what does that have anything to do with anything?”

  “Well they are the guardians of the Council… basically they’re everywhere, except for this place… my Monarch’s Reach… or you want to know something I overheard,” she took a step towards me, her lips slightly grazing mine, “I’ve heard that the new Council Leader was once a Myrmidon… he was trained by a man named Thomas Vaile.” She pressed her lips against mine, giving me a kiss.

  She pulled back and then turned away so fast that her cotton soft hair slapped me in the face. I couldn’t help but grin.

  “Come we continue to the Johnson’s.” She said and took my hand again as we continued through the forest.

  “Where did you hear the word Myrmidon from, Becca?”

  “I’ll answer yours after you’ve answered mine: Who have you heard that word from?”

  “A friend”

  “A friend? Who, give me a name?” She said.

  “Oliver.” I answered.

  “Heh, sounds a bit too conspicuous to me, don’t you think, Sam? What’s his real name?”

  Her cunningness was a bit too commendable and precise: she knew I knew more, but how could she?

  “And what makes you think that?”

  “You’ve yet to answer my questions! One of us has to break the ice first before we spill our knowledge and it won’t be me. So go on.”

  “Fine. Thomas, is Oliver’s real name. Dr. Harris Brown exposed that when he took me to the Funerals.”

  Rebecca gasped. She stopped and turned to me, her face blank, “You’ve been to the Funerals?”

  I nodded.

  “It was blocked by a river… how did you go pass?”

  “The river was drained”

>   “Of course, of course!” She said baffled, “Don’t you see Sam… oh my gosh, I-I can finally put things together! Look, Dr. Harris Brown somehow sprouted back on the radar the year we were released from the Consolation Chamber ok… ok, now, the Council’s Myrmidons could have more than likely thought, that that river was Dr. Harris’s entry point… don’t you see that river there, has a connection with the other world… the world we’ll go after we depart from here: Preteritus, and begin our LCP’s. You see this area’s entries are so highly monitored that nobody could have just slipped through the cameras… I mean the ID machines, eye detectors… he passed through everything, Sam… how can one do that?”

  I chuckled with this unusual drought of obliviousness that hit me square in the face as she unloaded all this information at me. Information I actually thirsted for.

  “Umm… ok, can you please explain a bit more?”

  “We can’t here, let’s move fast before we get unwanted attention due to our disappearance… and I know you are being highly monitored by the Council… and I still have no clue why.”

  “Because of the information I know about Dr. Harris Brown, that’s why… they’re afraid I’ll leak this to a random sort… and I have, to you… and I hope that I don’t bring any unwanted ordeal towards you.” I had trouble swallowing my own words: and I truly was afraid for her, for us.

  She bit her lip and took a deep breath, “We’ll be fine, Sam.”

  We started moving again, her hand still tightly grasping mine.

  “But what I don’t understand is: If they’ve caught him already why speaking of him would be such a great offense.” I said thinking out loud.

  “Good question… so he quite possibly isn’t caught then. They probably lied to you.”

  I thought for a second, remembering all the things John spoke to Oliver about. One of them being the last moments: John told Oliver to keep his Myrmidons’ head on swivels… what possibly for?

  “He did tell Oliver… err I mean Scott, to tell his Myrmidons to keep their eyes open.”

  “Well that’s a bit obvious Sam, how couldn’t you have connected the dots there: somehow Dr. Harris Brown escaped!” Rebecca said.

  “But he couldn’t have… well...”

  “What happened at the Funerals?” She quickly asked.

  “I don’t remember, everything went black as soon as I turned to Scott… I mean I don’t even think I caught sight of Scott.” I said truthfully.

  She didn’t say anything after I told her that, but I did still have a couple of questions for her. One of them of course wondering how she got this information: how of all the people she and I are some of the only ones experiencing this abnormality.

  However she looked a lot different than the average girl too: not the blue yes, or blond hair, she was unique, like me; but I as an opposite sex.

  An opening embellished with rays of warm sunlight finally appeared after what felt like hours of walking aimlessly through Monarch’s Reach. She quickened her step, dragging my slow stride with her.

  “To be honest,” I said, “It really didn’t feel like I ran through here this far…”

  “That’s because we took a detour, look.” She said as she pointed ahead, “That’s the rear side of the shopping district.”

  “Oh… ok, I could have sworn we were going to the Johnson residence.”

  She shook her head, “Not yet… after we do what we were supposed to be doing, buy our necessary garments.”



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