The Adorned

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The Adorned Page 31

by Elimelec Gonzalez-Roman





  Rebecca and I stepped onto the sidewalk of the new Market Plaza...

  It was completely remodeled within the last year; at the center a big water fountain with a big statue of older gentleman, embraced with his cloak, left hand caressing a large book, and right hand aimed high with a torch: alit with a real flame.

  Surrounding the water fountain, a display of beautifully arranged different colored roses and lilies: it was for a lack of a better word: breathtaking.

  The plaza was unnaturally busy plenty of activity and chatter going about the area. I felt baffled: I couldn’t stop staring at the many faces just smothering together. Awkwardly of course, not a single male among the crowd: just females, caretakers around the same age, and the girls were from all ages ranging from first years up to third.

  “How’s Ms. William?” Rebecca turned to me with a big smile.

  “Oh,” I diverted my attention away from all this commotional admiration and connected eyes with Rebecca, “She was sad because of Ms. Johnson’s disappearance… what do you think of this?”

  She gave me this mused glare, “Do you really want to know?”

  I nodded. Of course I did, I was highly curious to see what thoughts she had: I mean just her authenticity about everything around us had me wandering about if she was really her age.

  “I think… she was...”

  “Old friends,” John, out of the blue, said out loud, interrupting Rebecca, “Sam, and Becca, how amusing to see you both together. How are both of you doing by the way?” His polished baldhead looked even smoother than marble.

  John’s kindness felt false, not his usual self.

  “We’re just here doing a little shopping.” Rebecca said.

  John glared at me, his brow straightened and smile erased, “Excited about what you see before you?”

  “You mean… the new coat of paint the Council added?” I asked. His question was a bit broad.

  “Of course, look how everything has changed...”

  Rebecca giggled, “Yeah your new offices look dashing!” Her sarcasm brought a grin to my face.

  John turned to her and smiled coldly, “I am glad you’re enjoying it Ms. Becca: all this before is for yours and every other child’s convenience.” He turned back to me, “You’ve grown quite a bit since we last spoke… you’re maturing, your body prepping itself for the LCP approaching.”

  “Too bad I don’t even know what I’m going to be doing.” I added.

  “Surprises await, Sam. Be patient.” He assured me.

  “How’s Oliver doing? Haven’t seen him in quite some time.”

  Rebecca gave me a quick Huh sort of glare.

  “He is doing great, Sam, just working mighty hard. I’ll tell him you send greetings; who knows, he might spawn tomorrow morning for all we know. He’s random at times.”

  Finally John’s personality felt less plastic and fraudulent and more like himself; or at least the way I recall him being.

  “Who’s Oliver?” Rebecca asked as she perked up.

  John turned to her, “Just a friend of Sam and myself.” He clapped his hands, “And I will let both of you back to your business. I hope not seeing either of you in my office… at all, in this next year.”

  I shook my head.

  “Good, now, I must take my leave. Good day both of you and enjoy the afternoon.”

  He left and disappeared amongst the swarm of folks; and now I, again, remained to be the only male presence amid this orchestra of females.

  “He didn’t seem like himself.” Rebecca said.

  “Nope… maybe since he’s in public... anyways, how do you even know him?” I said.

  She shook her head, “No, no… there’s something happening, I mean… I know there is; drastic changes like this don’t just happen in less than a year Sam… something.” She got closer to me, “If Thomas does appear, ask him about it.” She whispered.

  I grinned, “Gotcha.”

  She grabbed my hand and we started making our way pass the crowd of spectators staring at me; I didn’t know if it was the fact that I was a male and they’ve never seen one before, or if it was how Rebecca was holding my hand. Either way, I had this panicky combustion flowing through my veins with butterflies gnawing inside my stomach.

  Rebecca giggled and stared at me funny, “Why’s your face so red, Sam?” She said.

  “Um… I don’t know.” I replied.

  She got closer to me, her nose touching mine, “You’re embarrassed that I’m holding your hand in front of so many other girls?” She pecked my cheek with her warm lips.

  I stared into her green eyes, my thoughts just dwindling and fantasizing about her: her beautiful aurora just capturing me, something in me just wanted me to caress her…

  “Come Sam!” She turned away and yanked me up a flight of stairs, “Let’s go eat. My mom told me there’s a new restaurant up here that serves all kinds of something called Italian food!”

  A Restaurant I recalled being some kind of eating lounge of some sort: from Mary’s explanation. Couldn’t believe I actually recalled it since then; other than that the word’s definition came natural to me.

  Other than that, I was lamenting about Rebecca’s strange attitude; like I don’t know, for not even knowing her that well she sure acted as though she knows me a lot more than I’d imagine: could Amy have had something to do with her knowledge about me.

  My answer came rather quickly as I sat on a booth on the balcony of this outdoor restaurant.

  “Do you miss Amy, Sam?”

  “Um, sometimes… I mean, she was like the only person I did anything with besides Ms. William.” I answered truthfully. And then there it was: this traumatic incision goggling at me like the first time I took in a breath of fresh air. This fear kept me coupled.

  Rebecca nodded her head, “Well that’s understandable… it is a bit too secluded, but hopefully this last year with this new change, changes that… I mean look at us now, Amy isn’t the only girl you can hang with anymore… especially since she’s gone now.”

  She is gone... and that truth is always a thorn puncturing in my side.

  Before I could say anything a waitress came up to us, she eyed me, and quickly turned to Rebecca.

  “Hello,” she greeted, “Welcome to Garden Alexia, here’s our menu. And I’ll bring the water shortly.” She slid the menus’ on the table; she seemed really edgy when she slid it to me; giving me a freaked out glare “I’ll be back.”

  Rebecca kept her stare at me, “So?”

  I sighed, “Becca, I think I should go, I have to go check on Ms. William.” I said. I had this unexpected fear grapple my heart: I feared for Ms. William… I feared she’d disappear like Ms. Johnson.

  I leaped off the chair and made my way out of the restaurant. I didn’t even give Rebecca one last look; but I knew I more than likely left her trailing… but I couldn’t abandon Ms. William.

  I slipped through the crowd and left the market district and walked into another empty, vague, representation of what life used to be: or perhaps is still: an emptiness abiding like the jet black taint on the soil.

  The sidewalks were empty, not a single individual alongside me, ahead of me, behind me: nothing… the Council is nothing but a murk that seek to adorn the lives and then extinguish them, making them disappear from our lives forever.

  Amy is gone, Ms. Johnson is gone: the people I cared are being taken away from me one by one: Dr. Harris, who wouldn’t hurt anyone, was taken because of a reason I don’t even know about… and who is next? Ms. William? No, no, that won’t happen.


  I heard Rebecca call out.

  “Please stop…” She pleaded.

  I turned and stared at her, “I have to check on Ms. William. I’m afraid, Becca, I'm afraid the Council will come around and… and take the last person I-I care about.” I explained.

she’ll be fine… I just need to tell you something that Amy wanted me to tell you… I need to get inside their house because she left an important letter that she didn’t have time to give me before she left… without a trace, without even saying a farewell, Sam… nothing. She was my friend too, and you don’t care that, she didn’t even get to spend one last time with you before she was taken away?”

  My heart sunk at the words she just spoke. Because Rebecca was right... I didn't even see her smile one more time, I didn't get to embrace her one last time... nothing, she just vanished. And it hurt so much knowing that I didn't get to tell her how much I cared for her.

  “What did she want you to say to me?”

  “She didn’t have time to tell me anything before she left, Sam, she told me that if this did happen to her the letter would be in between her mattress…”

  “Ok… but first, please let’s go see Ms. William, and then we can head to Ms. Johnson’s residence.” I said.

  “You go and check on Ms. William, I’ll be behind your townhouse near the forest.” She trailed off the sidewalk, hopped over a fence, and slipped through the narrow alleyway until the black shadow consumed her.

  I stood there motionlessly; my thoughts ridden by all sorts of perpetual sorrows and agonies: Amy however was my main drought and now this random and unwanted feeling of loosing Ms. William? No, I can’t let that happen, I at least must get to her to find if this feeling is an actuality.

  I ran, ran as fast as I could down the vacant courtyard until I saw my townhouse ahead of me. I opened the gate rushed through my yard and ran inside.

  “Ms. William?” I said.

  The inside was dark, blinds were closed: only the light from the front door embellished the kitchen.

  “Hey Ms. William… Ma`am you here?” I yelped a bit louder.

  A knock on the door left me petrified; I gasp stumped.

  “Relax Sam,” Rebecca said as she entered, “It’s just me.” She giggled, “So uh… where’s Ms. William.”

  “I don’t know. This place appears empty.”

  Rebecca flicked the lights on.

  “Maybe she is out doing something Sam; she’ll be here by the time we get back from the Johnson’s I promise.” Rebecca said.

  “Becca… she doesn’t normally go anywhere without telling me anything or taking me with her”

  “SAM!” She bellowed and then grabbed my face with her warm hands, pulling me closer to hers, “Look, Sam what has gone over you?! What is it with this spastic attitude? What’s happening? Tell me.” She persisted.

  I stared into her beautiful eyes, my bodily emotion wanted to get closer to her, embrace her: my heartbeat thumped against my chest, and my body scorched in this sensation erupting throughout me. I had to fight it off; I couldn’t give in to this, this temptation.

  “I-I don’t know.” I finally said.

  Rebecca giggled; her sweet breath tickled my nose as I breathed it in, “Then relax, nothing to worry about.”

  I closed my eyes and sighed, “I’m sorry… it’s just Amy and Ms. Johnson were family to me, Becca… just knowing that I won’t ever get to see them again hurts so much.”

  “And who said you won’t ever see them again Sam?” Rebecca interrupted, “Sam, for all we know Amber and Amy left together.”

  She did have a point there.

  “Ok, I’ll follow you to the Johnson’s.” I said.

  She let go of my face and exited the house.

  “Ever wondered if the Council had hidden microphones all over the place to like listen to what we were saying.” Rebecca said.

  “You mean like they’re spying on us without us knowing?”

  “Yeah… I mean they are supposed to be highly monitoring you… how exactly can you keep tabs on someone without physically being there? Everything around us does seem a bit… too perfect.” She turned briefly and grinned rigorously.

  I grinned back. “I ask myself that too.”

  “Maybe Scott is the one keeping tabs on you? Ever thought of that?” Rebecca implied.

  I scoffed, “That could be a theory.” Rebecca had some really interesting perceptions about things… her speculations and assumptions were all too believable.

  Rebecca perked up and crossed her arms, “Well, what do you think?”

  I grimaced, “Well, how do you know me so well?”

  “Because somehow or another you got into my class last year… and only those who’ve committed acts of bad behaviors are placed there.”

  “Or an arrogant teacher who didn’t like their student.” I quickly added.

  She pressed her finger against my lips, “Come on Sam… I know you’ve speculated over and over again about all of this surrounding us. I know you probably feel like you’re the only person noticing it too,” she got closer to me, her lips yet again grazing mine, her warm, minty breath rising up my nostrils, “You’re not.”

  She quickly turned and slapped my face with her hair. She passed a random unlocked fence from townhouse: 1245 and stepped into the alleyway making her way to Monarch’s Reach.

  “Strange that the fence was unlocked.” I said.

  “Townhouse: 1245 was abandoned late last year… someone blamed the Caretaker for saying too much and unleashing some sort of fiend to wander about.” Rebecca said.

  “Wait, explain a bit more.”

  She giggled, faced me, with her arms crossed, and foot tapping, “Sam that was old news.”

  I stared at her blankly, “Uh… well where do you get your news from? I mean I feel so confined in my house… I barely get any news at all.”

  Her lips pursed, and brow slumped, “That’s a good question that I can’t answer just yet of course.” Her voice sounded as though she were sarcastically toying with me; yet had this captivating almost drawing and awing manifestation that made me want her… caress her, kiss her.

  She smiled warmly, her eyes just not losing focus off mine.

  This made me wonder if she were feeling the same way about me. Like Amy, however, she did express herself a bit more openly than Rebecca has thus far at least. I mean I’ve met her at Ms. Benning’s class, which she barely ever talked to me: look at me for a matter of fact, and now I’m already feeling this zoned to her… something about her, I couldn’t put my finger on it, kept on drawing me near.

  The forest drew near as our stride picked up passed the alleyway. Felt like Monarch’s Reach was stretching its branches like long withering hands stretched abroad to ensnare its prey. The wisps of breeze felt cool and the sky as clear as water.

  The shadowy and deathly feeling of the forest had me a bit spooked. Honestly it was more because I was afraid of what lurked within this place: it did look a bit less perfect now, with foliage everywhere; piles and piles of leaves, bare patches of soil. But then I remembered what Dr. Harrison Brown told me about how the Council removed all wildlife from these locals.

  “Anything um… alive around here?” I asked.

  I heard her giggle, “Not that I’m aware of Sam, it does look a bit too real huh?”

  “Yeah, every time I look I feel like something is going to jump at me.”

  Rebecca laughed, “Well, our destination isn’t too far off. All we’re doing is cutting the arch and splitting through the center.”

  She pointed ahead.

  “The clearing ahead should be the Johnson’s back yard, Sam.” Rebecca said.

  I peered over her shoulder and noticed the clearing approaching, and the back of a townhouse.

  “Oh by the way,” she briefly faced me, walking backwards, “Since we’re probably breaking the law by doing this we’ll go to a secret place deeper in this forest.” Rebecca said as she winked at me.

  “But their place will still probably be under surveillance by the AI system, wouldn’t it?”

  “Yup,” she stopped and turned to me, “I don’t know Sam, I mean-I guess we’ll have to see what happens,” Rebecca laughed a bit vacillated, “If we both end up in John’s office again
I guess we got caught.” She smiled from ear to ear.

  Rebecca tapped on the knob of the back porch door.

  “Expecting someone to answer.” I said.

  Rebecca turned to me and rolled her eyes, “Funny Sam.”

  She slightly stooped over and tapped again on the knob and twisted it a bit; it clicked, and remained firm and stiff; not budging any.

  “Becca it’s not going to unlock himself.” I said.

  Rebecca grimaced, “I know, then you try, go on, give it a whirl.” Rebecca slapped my shoulder, “Use your muscles!”

  I sighed and took the knob and twisted it; as I did the click made a loud clang and the knob just fell right off the door hinge.

  “Good job Sam! You’ve successfully broken into a townhouse,” she gave me thumbs up.

  She pushed the door open.

  “Sam let me go in alone ok.”

  I nodded and watched her disappear into the dwelling of my old friends. I relaxed my tension, because I was truly afraid, afraid for us, about our safety, as quickly as Ms. Johnson and Amy disappeared, so could we. It wasn’t safe, or at least I didn’t have that sense of security any longer.

  Without a moment longer, Rebecca appeared and handed me a brown envelope, “That’s for you.” She slapped it against my chest as it slipped onto my hands.

  “Gee thanks.” I stuck my tongue out at her; she got closer to me, her brows sunk, and emerald eyes ablaze: she grinned, and then turned away quickly, smacking me in the face with her hair again.

  I tickled my nose, “Thanks again.”

  She snatched my hand and yanked me off my perfectly comfortable position.

  “Hurry, I want to show you something!”

  She ran into the forest. I folded the envelope and stuffed it in my pocket, and ran after her…



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