Omega Virus (Book 2): Gamma Hour

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Omega Virus (Book 2): Gamma Hour Page 26

by Jake A. Strife

  Dragoon let Arik put his arm around Dyonna’s shoulder, and then she approached the catwalk.

  I held up a hand. “Be careful. I need both arms to kill those bastards.”

  She stared at me. “Is that a joke at my expense?”

  Guilt struck me. “Sorry! I didn’t mean—”

  “No apologies needed.” She pulled the catwalk with ease and gave me enough room to yank free.

  I joined the group, rubbing my arm. “This is where we split ways again.”

  Arik laughed. “Do you think I can’t fight?”

  With a chuckle, I punched his shoulder. “I appreciate the comic relief.”

  Dyonna stepped forward. “Girlo, you’re bringing me!”

  “This is my fight. I can’t ask you to get involved.”

  “Biotch, this ain’t just your fight any more. I’m coming with you if you like it or not.”

  “Couldn’t stop you if I wanted to, biotch.” I held out my hand.

  She smacked it away and punched my arm. “Don’t sound so happy!”

  “Now I have to start the fight with ninety-nine percent health.”

  Arik’s eyes trailed from my toes to the top of my head. “I think you’re lower than that.”

  “At least I’m not at five percent!”

  “Hey! I’m at six, thank you very much!”

  I gave him a light hug. “We’ll get you back to one hundred.”

  Arik looked sidelong. “Throw in a few punches for Charles!”

  “Don’t worry, I will.” I released him and turned to leave.

  Kiki popped before me. “What about your best sidekick?”

  I turned back. “You stay here.”

  “But—” She tried but Dragoon cut her short.

  “Kiki? That is your name, I believe.”

  “W-What?” She gasped, hiding behind me.

  “This isn’t a fight for us. Arik has multiple injuries, I am missing an arm, and you are far too young and are qualified to do minimal damage.”

  “I can fight!”


  Kiki looked for approval, and I shrugged. “I don’t like leaving any of you behind, but I know you’ll be fine. Dragoon will make sure of it.”

  The speakers crackled.

  “This is so touching!” Sister sang. “But we have things to do. Game producing. You know, we are a respectable company. Crunch time and all. Hurry to the orca stadium.”

  I shot Dyonna a look of determination, and she nodded. We turned and walked away from our friends.

  As we marched across the property of Seal Land, the soft music of Beethoven silenced, and a screechy metal song pounded through the speakers.

  Dyonna closed her eyes. “Never liked this music much but it fits the situation.”

  I smacked her back. “Couldn’t agree more.”

  Nothing got in our way. But without weapons, we had a sliver of a chance. However, giving up wasn’t a choice. Rage quitting wasn’t allowed either.

  The stadium came into view, dead center of the park. We said nothing as we walked into and through the tunnel entrance. As we emerged, we found the pair of siblings standing before us. DNA copies of Jeff and Jessie, they crossed their arms and grinned. They were both dressed in wetsuits, with pouches on their hips. Brother was topless, showing his toned abs.

  I scowled. “Brother. Sister. Face stealers.”

  “Dyonna.” Brother grinned.

  “Tiffany.” Sister snorted.

  “So here we are.” I put my hands on my hips. “This is where it ends.”

  “It is.” Brother gave a twisted smirk.

  Sister, hands on her hips, mocked me. “You better get ready to kill, Tiffany. I know you’ve had problems with that, poor girl.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “You don’t see Garrett around, do you?”

  Sister snickered.

  Dyonna mimicked our poses. “So ain’t this the part with the monologue?”

  “We won’t waste your time.” Brother shrugged. “Or ours.”

  At the same moment, we charged. Brother and Dyonna attacked each other as Sister and I met.

  She screamed in anger as she swung her fist. I ducked the punch and shoulder rammed her off her feet. With a kick, I meant to use her head as a football, but she dodged out of the way and thrust her foot straight into my chin. I stumbled back and tasted blood in my mouth. She’d busted my lip.

  A growl emerged from my throat, but before I charged a huge splash came from the orca tank behind our battle. I looked up in time to see an over-sized killer whale leap from the water and land with another huge splash.

  “Distracted!” Sister giggled.

  I glanced over to see her kick coming again. Her foot hit my jaw, and I tumbled onto my tailbone. A sharp pain ricocheted up my spine. Sister came at me; I had to intercept. I slapped the ground and sweep kicked her legs out from under her. Sister slammed, face first.


  I attacked her from the ground, kicking her in the side; hard. She fell flat and screamed as I stood and kicked her again and again. “Brother, help!”

  My hatred flowed through me with every attack. No matter what, I wanted this girl dead.

  “Hold on, dear Sister!” He gave Dyonna a right hook, and she fell back, giving Brother the second he needed to make his way to the bitch. I high kicked just as he came within reach. I may not have been wearing any shoes, but my foot smacked him hard under his chin, sending him sprawling. He stumbled to the edge where the orca jumped again.

  “Dyonna, get him!” I kicked Sister again before she moved.

  “This is your judgment day!” Dyonna charged and Brother saw her coming only a split second before she made it to him. With a strong punch and a loud crack, Brother flipped over the railing and fell into the water.

  “Brother!” Sister’s screech echoes across the stadium.

  I kicked again, but she rolled onto her back and grabbed my foot, twisting it and flipping me off my feet. I fell onto the ground again. Sister ran for the tank as Brother reached his arm out, but she moved too slow. The orca rose out of the water, chomping Brother, dragging him. With one last scream, he got dragged beneath the surface. A moment later, it leaped out, with Brother in its mouth; he screamed. It splashed under once more.

  “No, Brother, no!” Sister was frantic.

  I grinned, wiping blood from my lips, and standing. “He wasn’t so tough, was he? For Dyonna’s stat sheet, was that with Gamma Spheres?”

  “Without, you tramp!”

  “Looks like it.” Dyonna nodded as we converged on Sister.

  Her eyes filled with a mad rage. “Did you think it would be easy?”

  She reached into her pouch and pulled out a silver sphere.

  “No!” I moved to knock the sphere from her hand, but she popped it into her mouth. Dyonna and I charged, trying to make it in time.

  I brought back my fist. “Die!”

  We swung our punches but Sister’s hands shot up and grabbed each fist. The gamma sphere was active. We were too late. Sister’s head snapped up, and her eyes glowed bright green.

  “This is where I make you pay for killing my dear Brother!” Sister’s voice warped, deep, and evil.

  She thrust our arms to the sides and shoved out with both hands, smashing her palms into our chests. We were both launched from our feet and flew into the bleachers.

  An image appeared in my mind; the battle with Mog, and the lightning cube. I reached into my pocket but found it empty. I’d lost it somewhere.

  Sister stood as tall as a tiny girl could, and spit blood. She came forward, cracking her neck from side to side. “Who should I kill first?”

  “Yourself!” Dyonna leaped up, charging once more.

  I threw out my hands. “Wait!”

  Too late. Dyonna closed the gap between them. The G.O.D. Mode freak swung out her arm and clotheslined the charging warrioress. Dyonna flipped and crashed; hard.

  “No!” I charged. Sister stomped onto Dyonna’s st
omach and caused her to cry out.

  The bitch turned to look just as I leaped and speared her. I expected us both to hit the ground, but with her strength, we didn’t even budge. She slammed her fist into my side, knocking the air from my lungs. With no effort, she hoisted me over her head and then slammed me into the ground, back first. The worst pain I had ever felt exploded within me.

  I had to rise, but I couldn’t move my legs. Helpless, I watched as she stomped over to Dyonna. She put her foot on my partner’s throat and pushed.

  “N-No.” I tried to wiggle my toes, but nothing happened. She’d paralyzed me. Dyonna was dead.

  A glint beside me caught my eye. I turned my head and spotted a silver vial, lying next to me. It had to be the same one from my locket. It must’ve dropped in the fight.

  Dyonna struggled, grabbing at Sister’s foot.

  For Dyonna to live, I needed to swallow the OVNs. I reached and grasped the silver vial in my hand. With it above my mouth, I twisted off the top. At that moment Sister spotted me, her eyes wide. In my final act, I’d turn into a monster. Or if I had any luck, I’d become something akin to Zach. I hoped I’d hold onto my humanity long enough to end the battle.

  “No!” Sister’s jaw hit the floor.

  I grinned, seeing her look of fear, then poured the OVNs into my mouth and swallowed.

  LEVEL 39:


  Sister screamed, rage contorting her features. With a roar, she charged, but fell flat on her face. Dyonna grasped her ankle. The G.O.D. Mode brat broke free and leaped to her feet. She stomped my friend’s stomach. Dyonna groaned and rolled onto her side.

  A scowl spread across my face as I watched her attack my friend. I wanted to stand and snap the little bitch’s neck. Dyonna lost the fight, her eyes were half closed, and she struggled to breathe.

  Sister turned back and produced a wildcat growl. She took a step in my direction as a blast of electrical energy shot up my spine and into my brain. Something inside changed. Hundreds, maybe thousands of images flashed before my eyes. Zach’s uncle, Beauregard held a baby. Before him stood my parents, and they were smiling.

  He handed the bundle of joy to my mother. “Thank you for agreeing to raise Tiffany. Her survival is of the utmost importance. She’ll still be the mother of the Silver Star, but don’t worry, I’ve altered her DNA. She’ll have the Chrono Star this time, too. We might stand a chance.”

  I shook my head. Was I adopted? He altered my DNA? Was Chrono Star my son? And what did he mean this time?

  “I will not let Silver end my game.” A familiar, evil man’s voice entered my mind. “If I fail to prevent her, I will rewrite her story. This time, I’ll turn her into a destroyer of everything.”

  Bright lights flashed again. I was laying in a hospital bed and my stomach bulging. Dragoon stood at the end of the bed, between my legs. My face contorted in pain as the android yelled something I didn’t understand.

  Bright lights again.

  “You. Will. Die. Tiffany! Even if I can’t do it myself, I will get someone to take your wretched life!”

  “No!” My glass-shattering screech, opened my eyes, and energy erupted from my fingertips; electricity webbed its way across the wet ground. Dyonna and Sister both screamed as the energy zapped them. I sidelong glared at Sister. My hatred burned and my eyes produced flames.

  I flexed my fingers; immense energy flowing out of each of them. The voltage; to increase it, meant killing Sister now, but not without killing Dyonna in the crossfire. It took every iota of my willpower I had to ball my hands into fists and cut off the flow.

  Sister collapsed, thrashing as Dyonna twitched on the ground.

  I looked to my friend. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, girlo...” Dyonna struggled over her words. “Before she gets up, finish this bitch!”

  I looked at my feet and wiggled my toes. No more paralysis! I brought my legs back and flipped to my feet. As I turned to face Sister’s prone form, I felt the full extent of the power burning in my blood. I’d never been so alive, so aware of my every sense, and even new senses. The orca in the tank, corpses and zombeasts hundreds of yards away; I sensed each one of them.

  “So, this is what the OVNs do?” I examined my hands. Neon green veins glowed through my skin.

  “You moron!” Sister stood. “Your body won’t adapt. In less than five minutes it’ll tear you apart from the inside out! You can’t handle the true power of the Omega Virus!”

  I cocked my head and studied my hands again. Her words were true. Although it empowered me, it was consuming.

  “Five minutes?” I lifted my eyes. “I’ll just have to destroy you before that. Your power is temporary, too. How much longer will yours last?”

  Sister’s eyes narrowed. “Long enough!”

  “Let’s get this over with, then.” I cracked my neck. “Dyonna, can you move?”

  Dyonna managed to her knees nodding, but Sister turned and rushed her way.

  I raised my hand. “You will not touch her.”

  Sister stopped, frozen mid-stride. She grunted and tried to go forward, but she couldn’t. I held her in place with will alone. I closed my eye, but through my eyelids, her entire vein network glowed green. The virus. That’s what I held; the virus.

  “What’re you doing?” Sister trembled.

  I twisted my wrist, and she spun to face me. “This ability to cheat? I won’t use it. I’ll give you a chance. So, round two. Fight.”

  The moment I lowered my hand, Sister came at me. She moved in slow motion as she threw a punch. I pushed hers to the side.

  A look of utter shock crossed her face. She growled and punched fast with both fists. I brought up each arm, deflecting them, then stepped away, watching her punch at nothing but air. Her useless attacks continued for several seconds before she realized I’d moved.

  She kept coming. “Damn you!”

  I smirked. “Come on! I’m giving you an opportunity.”

  Sister screeched and kicked, aiming for my head. I touched her big toe and spun her. She stumbled away as I walked behind her, put my foot on her ass and pushed. She landed on her side, and her hip pouch popped open. Gamma Spheres rolled across the ground.

  “I’ll beat you!” Sister dove for the spheres, grabbing one and shoving it into her mouth. She swallowed it and grabbed another, eating that one too. I walked towards her as she popped them akin to Ms. Pacman.

  “You think it’ll stop me?” I stood above the prone girl and brought my foot above my head. It was time to end her!

  With a whoosh of wind, she disappeared. Sister grabbed me under my arms from behind, just as Dragoon had grabbed Mog. Even though she’d grown stronger and faster, it’d never be enough. I slammed my head into her face, and she released me.

  In came a punch, cracking against my jaw. I slid back toward the tank and teetered on the edge. She appeared before me again, but I grabbed her wrists and threw her over my shoulder. Sister went flying, clearing the orca tank. The killer whale jumped to snap her out of the air but missed.

  I leaped across, landing on the top of the whale’s snout before it to could splash, then I launched myself across the pool and to the stands where Sister had flown.

  Upon landing, I looked around but didn’t see the brat anywhere. “Where’d you go? This was your game. Come out and play it.”

  “I bet you won’t find me!” Sister’s voice came from the speakers. “You’ll die a horrible death and never see your precious Zach again!”

  “You’re buying time? Predictable.” I shut my eyes again; I could see the green glow of the virus in every direction.

  “Answer me this. Do you love him?”

  I tried to focus, shutting my eyes as tight as I could. Where’d she go?

  “What’ll you do if you see him again?” Sister giggled. “Do you think you can hug him? Kiss him? Jump his bones? No, he belongs to Jessie.”

  “Don’t give into the mind games.” I spoke under my breath.

nbsp; “They’ve already done it. Oh yes. That’s what Jessie wants; oh, boy there were many lonely nights in bed, she fantasized about that! She’d give herself up in an instant. They’re so in love. So passionate about one another.”

  A low growl escaped my trembling lips. I couldn’t let her in my head.

  Her laugh became maniacal. “Do you want to know how she’d do it? What she would do to him? Because I can, in great detail. I remember my first time and what I did. Everything she would do. He screamed her name. Oh, Jessie!”

  “Shut up!” Intense power burst out from my fingers. I thrust my palms into the air and released two beams of lightning. They crackled, tearing into the sky, shooting through the clouds.

  “Have I hit a nerve? Poor baby! Don’t lose control now!” Sister materialized in front of me and launched a punch right into the center of my chest.

  I skidded back and glared. Her evil smile curled, and again I knew then she had nothing in common with Jessie. I brought back both hands, then thrust them forward. Lightning beams flew from my palms. Sister leaped away and off went a huge explosion. When the smoke cleared, there was a major chunk of the stadium missing.

  “Fierce!” Sister snapped her teeth.

  She spun around me, and I found a foot kicking me in the face. I fell back, dazed. The world spun, and my head ached. Inside my stomach, I felt a sudden sharp pain. I cried and fell to my knees. Sister stood before me again.

  She lifted my chin with a single finger. “Is it already hurting? Let me put you out of your misery.”

  Sister backhanded me, and I flew, denting a bleacher. She placed her foot on my throat and pushed, crushing the life out of me. “Are you ready to die, Tiffany Gainsborough?”

  I gritted my teeth. “I’ll die when I’m good and ready!”

  “Well, that’s too bad! Because—”

  Her victory speech stopped mid-sentence, and she screamed in pain. The insane girl stumbled away, and I saw a harpoon sticking out of her back, attached to a rope.

  “What the hell?” I gasped.

  Dyonna stood across the tank, holding a harpoon gun. She yanked the rope and pulled Sister back, flailing and screaming. We both watched as Jessie’s doppelgänger fell toward the water.


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