The Boys Next Door

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The Boys Next Door Page 4

by Sierra Dafoe

  “I see you two found each other.”

  Tommy’s hands gripped her arms, turning her to face him. “You knew he was coming?” he demanded. Annie shook her head violently.

  “No! No, I…”

  I came here to ask about you, Tommy! He said he wasn’t coming. I didn’t know!

  But Tommy was already looking past her, his eyes narrowing dangerously as his gaze shifted to Judah. Under the force of his rage, the last traces of boyishness in his face disappeared. He tugged Annie back against him, his arms defiantly circling her waist.

  Only this time, it didn’t feel like protection. This time it felt like a cage.

  Judah’s denim work shirt was streaked with dirt, Annie noticed, his jeans coated with flecks of dry grass as if he’d come straight from the fields. His hair was damp, though, the wetness darkening it till it looked almost black. Broad, powerful, he stood there facing his brother, his face lined with careworn wrinkles she hadn’t noticed before.

  “What were you going to do, Ju? Just not mention she was here? Sneak off into town to see her without telling me? Was that it?” She could feel the tension running through Tommy’s frame, the muscles coiling beneath his skin like snakes poised to strike. “You weren’t even going to tell me she came back,” he spat. “Were you?”

  Judah’s jaw bunched as the questions buffeted him. His eyes grew blacker with each one, his fists clenching at his sides. Annie could see the tautness in him building higher, like a rope about to snap.

  It was happening again. It was all happening again! Despair and fury twisted together inside her. If only Judah had told her… If he hadn’t made her come looking…

  Yanking herself from Tommy’s arms, she whispered hoarsely, “Why did you lie to me, Judah? Why?”

  “Because I didn’t trust you not to hurt him again!” The words bellowed out of him, and Annie froze, staring.

  Oh God.

  Guilt twisted through her, freezing her blood. The most obvious reason, and it hadn’t even occurred to her.

  Then Tommy laughed into the sudden silence, the sound harsh and mocking. “Well, isn’t that noble of you, Ju. Swooping in to save your baby brother. I see you even bathed first.” His gaze flicked mockingly over Judah’s damp hair and dirty jeans.

  Judah’s head snapped back, one hand moving abortively toward his hair, then dropping. Tommy moved closer, his voice soft and insinuating. “It wouldn’t have anything to do with wanting her to think I was unavailable, would it? Nah, it wouldn’t have a thing to do with wanting her for yourself.”

  Judah merely watched him, his eyes glittering like onyx as they shifted. He might have been carved of granite.

  “Well in case you hadn’t noticed,” Tommy sneered, “I don’t need your protection. Come on, Annie. Let’s get out of here.”

  His hand hard on her arm, he tugged her toward the door.

  Judah stood unmoving as the two of them left, his gaze still fixed on the place where they’d been. He thought maybe Annie had looked back once. He couldn’t be sure.

  “I see you even bathed first.”

  Yes. That’s what had stopped him. That, and the realization that everything his brother had accused him of was true.

  He’d wanted Annie to believe Tommy was married. He’d wanted to see her again—he’d even told her where. And whatever deceptions he might try to kid himself into, Judah knew with a certain leaden heaviness that he never would have told Tommy she’d been there.

  It was true. It was all true.

  “I see you even bathed first.”

  He had, hadn’t he? At least as much as possible without returning to the house. Because Tommy would have heard him, or so he’d thought. Tommy would have wanted to know why he was getting changed, where he was going.

  Had he really managed to convince himself it had been about protecting Tommy? Judah’s mouth twisted in self-disgust.

  Except Tommy hadn’t even been there. He’d already been in town, running into Annie by sheerest bad luck. Only that wasn’t the truth either, was it? He’d met up with Annie because Judah had sent her here, to the pool hall. Sent her here so that he’d know where to find her.

  Christ, how many self-deceptions could one man stomach?

  God, I’ve missed you! Her laughing words, the way her eyes had shone through the tears, came back to torture him. Why hadn’t he simply kissed her silly right then and to hell with the consequences? Why couldn’t he just pull her onto a dance floor the way Tommy had done?

  If it had been any other man, Judah would have flattened him. Mopped the damn floor with his low-down ass. But the expression on Annie’s face…

  Her eyes had been closed, savoring the feel of Tommy’s lips on her neck, her whole body leaning into his, warm and trusting. Judah had frozen to the spot, buffeted by emotions he couldn’t suppress.

  He’d wanted to rip Tommy’s hands off for daring to touch her. Wanted to grab her and pull her against him, savaging her mouth with kisses till she saw nothing, felt nothing, thought nothing but of him.

  But Tommy with his easygoing smile, his naïve conviction that the world would be kind to him, had a sort of fool’s courage Judah knew he lacked. Having had his heart shattered once, he’d sworn he would never risk it again—not until he saw Tommy blithely risking his, putting himself out there for one more chance with Annie.

  All the time that Judah had been putting up fences, Tommy had been here dancing with Annie in his arms.

  Which one of them did that make the fool?

  Worse, though, was the fact that he loved his brother—and had been willing to stab him in the back anyway. As vicious as Tommy’s words had sounded, they weren’t half as hateful as the actions they’d described.

  And whose fault is that, Judah? Whose dishonesty just caused that little scene?

  A dull flush of shame coated his cheeks, and Judah turned to leave the pool hall. For a fleeting moment, the idea of getting blind, stinking drunk made him pause.

  But no matter how drunk he got, he wouldn’t forget, would he? Wouldn’t forget what he’d just tried to do. Wouldn’t forget the humiliating, inescapable knowledge that no matter how much he loved his brother, he wanted Annie more.

  Chapter Six

  Tommy didn’t stop at the boarding house, as she’d half expected him to. Annie glanced over at him almost fearfully—he looked so grim, his sandy brows knotted low above his eyes as he scowled ahead through the windshield.

  In profile, she could see the muscles in his jaw leaping.


  Abruptly, he rammed on the brakes, pulling the truck over in front of the Melgrove Supermart. “Do you want me or not, Annie? Tell me now.”

  In the wash of orange light from the scattered streetlamps his expression looked fierce, even wild. “Tommy, I…”

  “Yes or no, Annie.” His gaze fixed her, piercing so sharply she could barely breathe.

  She should lie, she thought frantically. It was too much, the way he was looking at her, the way the blood was surging through her veins…

  He was Tommy Ambinder. He was her oldest friend. She couldn’t lie to him, not even if she wanted to.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  And with that one tiny word the wild fury left his features, leaving only the fierceness behind. With something like a sob, he dragged her against him, his mouth closing over hers with a hunger that left her whole body shaking. She felt devoured, possessed utterly. She felt like a banquet spread out before a starving man.

  Slowly, his kisses softened, growing longer, deeper. His chest heaved beneath her fingers as he held her close, his hands sliding over her arms, her hair, his tongue tracing tendrils of fire as it slid against hers. It felt so good, slick and sweet and warm, that Annie couldn’t help it—she moaned.

  Keeping his mouth locked to hers, Tommy started stripping off his flannel shirt. The sleeves tangled, trapping his arms between them. With a low oath, he stopped kissing her long enough to yank at the cuff buttons. Laug
hing, Annie helped him.

  “You goof. There. You’re free.”

  He flung himself back against the driver’s door in his white T-shirt, panting, his eyes drinking in the sight of her as if he couldn’t get enough. He was hard, she knew—she could tell by the bulge outlined against his jeans.

  Slowly, his mouth curved in a dazed half-smile, his expression compounded equally of wonder and lust. Reaching out, he played with her tousled hair, then drew her to him, breathing her name into her open mouth. “Oh Annie…”

  Her heart flipped over. Warm heat filled her groin. Her whole body went limp in his arms as he kissed her, long and deep. When her eyelids finally fluttered back open, she found Tommy gazing down at her, grinning in contentment.

  “You liked that, huh?”

  “Mmmm,” she murmured, still slumped against him. She could feel the throb of his erection against her hip. She wondered if she had the courage to just reach down and stroke it.

  With a wicked twinkle in his eyes, Tommy nudged her back upright, started the truck back up and pulled away from the curb.

  “Where are we going, Tommy?”

  “You’ll see,” he said, winking.

  She nestled against him, her head pillowed on his shoulder. He turned down Sycamore, then onto the school drive. Circling behind the high school, he parked deep in the shadows and got out of the truck. “C’mon, Annie.”

  She didn’t question. She simply followed him out, letting him lift her from the bench seat as if she were a princess. Setting her on her feet, he kissed her forehead, then hugged her close a minute before taking her hand.


  “Shhh.” Leading her between the buildings, they skirted the football field. The slatted shadows of bleachers loomed over her head.

  Oh God. She knew these shadows. Knew the intimate darkness beneath them…

  Annie paused, hesitating. “Tommy…”

  “Almost there.” Tugging her between the stands, he led her across the field to the long, low brick building that served as both the half-time locker room and equipment storage. He let go of her hand and moved ahead of her in the darkness. After a second, she heard a small snick.

  “Come on,” he said, beckoning her closer. “Up you go.”

  Looking up, she saw a small utility window set into the wall of the field house, just about even with Tommy’s eyes. “Isn’t this kind of like breaking and entering?”

  “Nah.” He grinned. “It’s never locked. Come on, I’ll boost you.”

  “Never, huh?” Planting her hands on her hips, she gave him a stern glance. “And exactly how many of your girlfriends have you hoisted through there?”

  “Not a one,” he said, deadpan. “They’re all too chubby.”

  “Tommy Ambinder!”

  He chuckled. “Hey, that’s what you get for asking.”

  She’d forgotten what a colossal tease he could be. Cocking one eyebrow, she forced back a grin, glaring at him steadily till he dropped his eyes.

  “C’mon, Annie. It was twenty years. And I swear on my ma’s dumplings, I never brought any of ’em here.”

  Feigning haughtiness, she condescended to let him lift her high enough to scramble through the window. It was so short she had to slither in head-first, on her belly. She tumbled over the lip, terrified of the drop, and landed with a whoof on something both firm and springy.

  “Annie?” Tommy’s worried whisper followed her into the blackness. “Annie, you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Your turn. Come on.”

  She could see the outline of his body blocking the meager light from the window. “Uh…I can’t.”

  “What do you mean you can’t?”

  “My shoulders won’t fit.”

  Well, great. “Now what?”

  “Feel along the wall to your left.”

  Her hand encountered a light switch, flicked it on. Tommy’s bright blue eyes peered at her out of a beet-red face, and she laughed. She couldn’t help it. He’d worked his head and one shoulder through the window and was wedged there, looking rather like how she felt when putting on her reeeally tight jeans.

  “Are you going to help or just laugh like a loon?” he growled. Immediately, she shaped her expression into one of contrition and started shoving. “Ow! Not so hard!” He dropped back to the ground outside. “Well, that was a great idea.”

  “Told you you got bigger,” she said, standing on tiptoe to peer out the window.

  “Guess I did,” he said ruefully, rubbing one shoulder. “So you’ll just have to unlock the door for me.”

  “Say please.”

  He scowled. “Please.”

  “Say pretty please.”


  “Say pretty please.” She pouted.

  Tommy closed his eyes. “All right, pretty please.” Before he could open them, she ducked out of sight.

  “Annie? Annie!”

  Keeping low, she scurried out the open doorway of the room, stifling her giggles. Outside was a utilitarian cinderblock hall, with another door set into the wall a few feet away, this one painted green. She pushed on it, peered into what was obviously the locker room, let it drop shut and went to the third door at the end. She leaned her ear against it, listening. “Tommy?”

  “Little pig, little pig, let me in.” His voice was muted by the metal door, but she could hear him grinning.

  “Not by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin.”

  “You don’t have hair on your chin, doofus. Now, open up.”

  Pushing against the safety bar, she opened the door. Slipping in fast, he caught her in his arms. She squealed as he tickled her, then pinned her to the wall, taking advantage of her breathlessness to kiss her silly.

  Her arms—which had been beating uselessly against his broad shoulders—went slack, draping around his neck as she let him kiss her. Their breaths echoed in the narrow hallway, growing shorter, more broken. His hands were moving over her as eagerly as if it were still high school, sliding up to her breasts, working down between her thighs…

  Turning his palm flat against her crotch, Tommy cupped it, pressing firmly against her clit through her jeans as he made circles with his hand. Annie moaned, dropping her head back, gazing up at the light streaking the ceiling from the open doorway.


  “Hmmm?” His mouth was busy at her neck, kissing it, nuzzling it. Annie closed her eyes a moment, felt his free hand slide to her breast.

  “Tommy, the light. Someone’ll see it.”

  “Let them,” he murmured, his tongue licking her ear.

  Oh Jesus. “Tommy!”

  “All right, all right,” he muttered. “Keep your shirt on.” Then he grinned at her. “Or better yet, don’t.”

  “You first,” she retorted—then fell silent as he released her, his gaze holding hers as he pulled his T-shirt over his head.

  Muscles rippled along his abdomen. His pectorals were hard and pronounced, flexing as he tugged the T-shirt upward. Wide-eyed, she traced every inch of him with her gaze, from the strong, solid hipbones just above his leather belt to the tendons in his neck as he tilted his head back. Soft golden stubble coated the line of his jaw, and Annie swallowed. Her focus dropped back down to the dip of his navel, the luscious trail of golden curls just below…

  Saliva flooded her mouth as heat flared inside her. Drawn on a level so deep it was almost primal, Annie went to her knees. She flicked her tongue along that golden trail, then licked a slow line over the flat of his belly.

  Smooth, warm skin, slightly salty, delighted her senses. Tommy groaned, freezing as she traced the waistband of his jeans with her tongue.

  He was watching her, she realized, his arms resting behind his neck as he gazed down, his blue eyes shading darker as her tongue trailed over him. She could see the broad curve of his ribcage, the hard, luscious points of his nipples. Running her hands up his thighs, she reveled in their firmness, the way they quivered like a horse’s flank under her soft car

  “Annie… Jesus, Annie.” Tommy’s voice was a hoarse groan, grating in his throat. He swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing, his eyes glued to her motions as she unbuckled his belt. She toyed with the button, tugging it with her teeth, and smiled to herself as his face drained of color.

  Keeping one hand on his hip, she stroked him with the other, palming and caressing the hard, straining length in his jeans till he moaned and pushed himself harder against her hand.

  God, she couldn’t wait to feel him inside her again! Her fingers slid to his zipper. Tommy’s hands caught hers urgently. “What about the lights?”

  “Fuck the lights,” she mumbled, struggling against his grip. His hands tightened, and she saw a flash of white teeth as he grinned above her.

  “Oh, no you don’t, Annie. Not after making me stop. Besides, this floor is concrete. I know something better.” Holding out a hand, he tugged her to her feet. Pausing only to steal one last deep, wet kiss, he turned up the hallway, pulling her along behind him.

  Not that he needed to pull, Annie admitted, watching the play of muscles in his broad, tanned back. God, his arms were as big around as her thighs, practically! And the hard curves of his ass, flexing under his jeans, made her want to cup them, squeeze them, run her hands down between them to feel his balls…

  Her knees went rubbery at the thought. Her breath came a little faster. She could barely keep her hands off him as he led her back into the equipment room. “There.”

  “There what?”

  He nodded at the far wall. Reluctantly, she tore her gaze from his body long enough to look.

  A pile of blue vinyl-coated wrestling mats were stacked under the window. That’s what she’d fallen on, she realized. Hard, yet springy. Yeah. Way better than concrete.

  Flicking off the overhead lights, Tommy crossed to the pile, an indistinct shape against the dim illumination of the window. He dragged two of the mats onto the floor, making a bed.

  At first, Annie resented not being able to see him clearly—but when he stooped, kicking off his boots and shoving down his jeans, she decided suddenly that she plumb didn’t care.


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