The Marriage Mistake mtab-3

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The Marriage Mistake mtab-3 Page 13

by Jennifer Probst

  The blood drained from her face. Her harsh whisper reached his ears. “Dio, mi dispiace. I am so sorry. I didn’t think, I thought the deal was solid and I got excited and I spoke too soon. It is my fault, Max. I will take the consequences.”

  He groaned. “There are no consequences for you, Carina, only me. I never should have brought you in. I should have confirmed you should not speak at all and to only observe. I forgot that school training is completely different than in real life.”

  She marched up and blocked his next step. “There’s no need to protect me on this. What I did was inexcusable, I got carried away. I will call Michael and let him know what happened.”

  Max reached for a deep breath and tried to calm himself. Yelling at her wasn’t an option. He could tell Michael what happened, but he was responsible for this deal—not Carina. He gentled his voice. “I will think of something. There is no need to involve your brother at this point. Why don’t you go back to the pool and relax while I sort this out? Enjoy the hotel while we are here.”

  He expected a grateful smile. Instead, he got shoved back by a powerful push and stumbled once before he caught himself. Those gypsy eyes filled with fury and her body bristled with energy, reminding him of the night he kissed her. “How dare you patronize me, Maximus Gray!” She snarled and curled her fists. “Stop protecting me and treating me like a child about to burst into tears if she gets in trouble! I screwed up and there is no excuse. It is not your fault, and I’m sick to death of you taking the blame.”

  “Are you kidding me?” He shook his head in total exasperation. “I tell you to go to the damn pool and you’re yelling at me? I don’t need this right now. I’m not up to playing female games of figuring out what you want. You want to be treated like a regular employee? Fine, consider yourself officially out of this deal. You’ll go home tomorrow and oversee the home office while I try to dig myself out of this mess here. Better?”

  “Much.” The expression drained out of her face, and she backed up, wrapping her arms around her middle. Suddenly, she looked so alone. Emotion clogged his throat and every cell in his body screamed to take her in his arms. “I’m sorry, Max.” She let out a humorless laugh. “From the moment I began working here you’ve been scrambling around trying to put out my fires. I need some time to think if this is the best place for me.”

  “Carina . . .”

  She shook her head hard and scrambled toward the door. “No, don’t. I need to be alone for a while. I’ll see you later.”

  Before he could say another word, she fled.

  Max dropped his face into his hands and prayed for strength. Strength not to strangle her. Strength not to touch her. Strength to send her away so he didn’t have to deal with this mass of crazy emotions suddenly putting him in a spin.

  One night.

  He forced the tantalizing image from his head. Waited a beat. Then went after her.

  * * *

  Carina sat at the bar in the casino and fiddled with the edge of the napkin placed under her apple martini. The lovely green color soothed her, along with the tart slide of liquor. How decadent to drink in the afternoon in Vegas, where night blended into day and no one cared. Maybe she’d take a gondola ride later and send a photo to her mother and sisters. They’d get a kick out of their baby sister in such a glamorous setting.

  She choked back the tiny sob and gritted her teeth. God, she hated crying. It gave her bad memories of her rage of uncontrollable emotions years ago. While Venezia received vivacious beauty and Julietta a cool intellect, she got stuck with a junkyard of emotions. Always too giving, too trusting . . . too stupid. Always floating on the edges of life and watching others take chances. She’d thought the business world would knock her into shape and give her the direction she so badly craved. A place to finally belong and feel more comfortable in her own skin. Instead, it only stretched her more tightly to the point of pain.

  Whine, whine, whine.

  She smiled to herself as her inner goddess took control and slapped her. She’d screwed up. Bad. Now she had to fix it, instead of letting Max step in as usual and protect her. Defeat tasted bitter, but she intended to make it go down easier with her martini. Then slip on her big-girl panties and meet with Sawyer Wells. Alone.

  “Come here often?”

  She held back a sigh. He settled on the stool beside her, ordered a beer, and waited her out. “Max, when are you going to learn you don’t have to protect me? Can’t I even sit here and get sloshed? I’m alone. No big bad men. Middle of the afternoon. Go do something important.”

  “I am. Trying to drag you from the dismal depths of depression is important.” His innocent grin strangled a half laugh from her. Just being in his orbit toasted her brain, and her resolve. She lifted her drink and took another sip. “We all make mistakes in the beginning. I shouldn’t have yelled.”

  “That was the only good thing you did.”

  “Let’s call it a learning curve and move on, shall we?”

  “What about the deal?”

  “I’ll either take it or fix it. Maybe let Sawyer stew for a while. I’m not worried.”

  His concerned gaze shredded her heart. She felt as if she’d let him down. An MBA and she made the most basic mistake a beginner can. Show your hand too early.

  Yeah, welcome to Vegas.

  His hand slid across the bar and clasped her fingers. His strong, warm hand settled her nerves, and her usual defenses slid down. “I’m not sure this is right for me, Max.”

  “You’re still new, cara.”

  “It’s more than that. It took me a long time to learn how to balance my emotions with the need to be controlled in business. I actually enjoyed the challenge, but I’m afraid I’ll never be strong enough to succeed. Instead of kicking someone’s ass when they call in sick, I want to bring them chicken soup.”

  He reached up and tucked a stray curl behind her ear. The gentle gesture gave her enough courage to look him in the eye. Carved lips lifted in a half smile. “No one wants you to change who you are. In these few months, you’ve captured everyone’s heart and loyalty. And it’s not because you’re a pushover. It’s because you’re special, and everyone knows it.”

  “You’re just trying to make me feel better.”

  “No. I expected to babysit a girl and keep her out of trouble. Instead, I got a woman who knows exactly what to do and is just trying to find her way. You have a strength when it comes to relationships. You know what’s needed and aren’t afraid to give it.” He studied their interlocked hands. “And you were right about Robin.”

  The compliment warmed her blood. “I’m surprised you agree.”

  “Sometimes I take business too far and forget I’m dealing with people. People who make mistakes.”

  “Yeah, not like my problem.”

  “That’s easy to fix. Best thing to do is take a breath and step away from the situation. You have a tendency to give, so if you’re getting a request that tugs on your emotions, tell them you’ll call them back. Stall them on a decision. That way you can assess the situation more clearly and not trap yourself in a corner. Make sense?”

  Carina nodded slowly. “Yes, it does.”

  “I fucked up so bad when I first started working for Michael. I fed the wrong report to an executive on a deal we were about to close. Saved the guy half a million dollars. He signed it before I caught the mistake.”

  “What did Michael do?”

  His eyes twinkled. “Gave me hell. Made me feel like shit. Then moved on and he never mentioned it again or ever held it over my head. I never gave away another dollar for free.”

  Her spirit lightened. The casino lit up around them with energy, but for that moment, she felt completely alone with a man who seemed to know exactly what to say to soothe her heart. “I know one thing that would make me feel better. Less of a failure.”

  “Dare I ask?”

  “Celine Dion is doing a show tonight.”

  He shuddered. “Anything else. My car, my
money, my dog. Don’t make me listen to ‘My Heart Will Go On.’ ”

  “Hmm, how do you know the title of the song, Max?”

  He ignored her and took a long pull of his beer. His hand slid from hers and she tried not to mourn the loss. “I watched that movie Titanic for the action only.”

  Carina laughed. “You are so busted. We’re going. Seven o’clock show.”

  “How do you know I can get tickets? It’s probably sold out.”

  She snorted. “Go do what you do best. Charm some helpless female. Offer her your body. We’ll be all set.”

  “Fine. As long as we agree to close this topic of conversation. You screwed up. We’ll fix it and move on. Deal?”

  She smiled. “Deal.”

  “Good. I’ve got some meetings, so take the rest of the day off. I’ll take you to dinner before the show and we’ll test out the Venetian’s restaurant skills.”


  He threw a few bills on the bar and stood up. “Try not to get into any trouble.”

  “Good girls don’t get into trouble, do they?”

  He shot her a warning look and left. She nursed the rest of her martini and sifted through her options. One thing was clear. She needed to fix things on her own—no matter the cost. Unfortunately, there was one way left.

  Remove herself from the deal.

  She traced the rim of her glass and held back a sigh. Even with her skills, her mistakes far outweighed her benefit. Maybe it was time to dig a bit deeper and find out what she really wanted instead of trying to be a carbon copy of everyone else. Her soul itched for freedom and creativity. What if La Dolce Maggie couldn’t offer what she really needed?

  The thoughts danced in her head but she focused on the one thing she could control.

  Fix the mess. She drained her drink, grabbed her purse, and headed back to the room to contact Sawyer Wells.

  Chapter Nine

  Sawyer belonged in Vegas. Carina tamped down on her nervousness while he prowled across his office like a large jungle cat. He shook her hand and invited her to sit down, as if deciding to play with his food before taking a bite. And, dear God, he looked like he could bite. Sex vibrated around him in waves, but there was something deeper that scared the crap out of her. He reminded her of the blond vampire from True Blood, with golden-boy looks and seething amber eyes to hypnotize any helpless female. His lush lips held a cruel curve, and his face was a mass of hard lines with sharp cheekbones and a wicked scar that curved from his brow down his cheek. The scar only added to the dangerous appeal. He wore his hair extra long, almost like her brother, but not long enough to be held back with a tie.

  She’d done her homework and knew all the basics. The man boasted a long line of successful hotels he took over and pumped full of profit. Then something happened and he moved on to the next challenge. The Venetian was his current toy he took quite seriously, but the rumor mill hinted he planned to unveil a chain of luxury hotels throughout the country. He traveled to Italy frequently, and Max seemed to know him as more than a casual business partner.

  She took a seat across from the sprawling teak desk and glanced around. His office was housed on the top floor of the Venetian. Ceiling-to-floor windows displayed the city in its glory, and reminded her more of a suite than a workplace, with matching teak furniture, bookcases, and a wet bar. Gorgeous artwork filled the walls, an intriguing mix of raw landscapes and erotica. She studied the lines of a couple naked but in shadow, wrapped around each other. The simple sensuality stirred something inside of her until she longed to study the picture. He caught her staring and a blush stained her cheeks.

  “Do you enjoy art, Carina?”

  “Very much. I paint myself.”

  He settled in the leather chair behind his desk and studied her with a thoughtful air. “Interesting,” he murmured. “Professionally?”

  “No, I put it aside so I could finish my MBA. I miss it, though.”

  “You should never deny a part of your soul. Eventually it will wither and die, or fester inside until you cut it out.” His face shut down as if fighting an image from the past. “Life is too short for regrets.”

  “Yes.” The odd conversation rattled her. Holy crap, was that a king-size bed in the attached room? And why was she suddenly thinking he didn’t only sleep there, but did other things?

  “I have many contacts in the art world. If you ever think of holding a serious show, let me know. My dealer can spot talent immediately.”

  She gave a quizzical look. “You’ve never even seen my work.”

  “I have good instincts.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” Carina crossed her legs. His gaze snagged on the expanse of naked flesh from her skirt and slowly worked its way up her body. The appreciation in his eyes seemed to honor the woman inside rather than objectifying her body.

  His gravelly voice reminded her of morning-afters and lots of nakedness. “It’s a pleasure to have this time with you. My assistant said you wanted to talk about the deal. Is Max joining us?”

  She swiped her palms down her skirt, dug deep, and took the leap. “No, Max doesn’t know I am here. I’d like you to keep this between us.”

  He cocked his head. She caught her breath and wondered if he had the ability to see into her soul. “How interesting. I would usually decline, since you’re not heading the negotiations, but you’ve intrigued me. I can’t promise to keep anything from Max, though, if I disagree with your intentions.”

  She nodded. “Of course. I wanted to let you know I’m leaving Vegas and I’m off the deal.”

  A shadow flickered across his features. “Did you get fired?”

  “No, Mr. Wells.”



  He remained silent but she gave him no further information. After a few moments, a reluctant smile tugged at his lips. She congratulated herself on winning the minor skirmish. “Is that all you wish to tell me?”

  “The figure I gave you was incorrect. Max already told me he’ll walk from the deal if you insist on keeping to my assumption. There’s just not enough profit margin to take the leap in Vegas, especially when we’ll be competing with your in-house catering.”

  He studied her. A strange awareness trickled through her. Almost as if he catalogued her secrets and decided whether or not to challenge her. He steepled his fingers together. “Does Michael know?”

  “Not yet.”

  “I see. So you are removing yourself from the situation in order to save the deal.”

  “Correct. You can’t use my mistake against Max or my brother.”

  “Did you think I would threaten your brother? Use you as leverage for gaining more profit? Urge him to stick to the figure or fire you?”

  She lifted her chin and refused to cower. “Of course. You’re a businessman. If I were you, I would have called Michael and told him if they don’t give you that figure there will be no deal. I’d say his sister screwed up and now had to make good.” She paused. “If you push him on that issue, though, I will quit.”

  A flicker of surprise crossed his face. “You will go as far as that to save this deal?”

  “Yes. And Mr. Wells—”


  “I don’t bluff.”

  His lips twisted. “How intriguing. You have definitely complicated things.”

  Relief coursed through her. Finally, she’d done something beneficial for the company. At least Max started with a clean slate, and her brother wouldn’t be put in an awkward situation. “I’m sure you will find an alternate plan. You seem to be extremely adaptable.”

  “I will tell you this, Carina. Your mistake won’t hold up the negotiations moving forward.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Still, I think I’m owed something in this whole deal.”

  “Excuse me?”

  A smile played upon his lips. Her breath caught at the smoldering sensuality in his hooded gaze. “Be my date tonight.”


  “My date. Unless you and Max are an item?”

  She shook her head a bit too hard. “No, Max and I aren’t together. Why do you want to see me?”

  His tone held pure amusement. “You are a beautiful woman with guts. I’ll take you to dinner and then we’ll visit the club.”

  Carina tried to figure out what the game was. He was extremely attractive but out of her league. Wasn’t he? She let out a snort. “Don’t think you can get me to spill more secrets.”

  “You underestimate yourself. Seven?”

  “I’m having an early dinner and seeing a show with Max.”

  “Afterward, then. Ten.”

  Again, he waited her out. The leashed sexuality beat from him in waves. Isn’t this exactly what she needed? A man who wanted her and wasn’t afraid to ask? Instead of sitting next to Max hearing Celine sing about unrequited love, she could be getting to know Mr. Blond, Tall, and Sexy . . . and perhaps making her future one-night stand a bit jealous?

  He laughed and shook his head. “You are a delight. I haven’t had to work this hard to get a woman to agree to a cocktail in a while.”

  “Drinks before dinner. In the bar. Six.”


  She walked to her suite to shower and change for the evening, not sure how her biggest business mistake had scored her a hot date. She had one last night in Vegas before returning home and intended to make the most of it.

  Screw Celine Dion.

  * * *

  Carina walked through the doors of the famous V bar and looked for her date. The sleek, sultry lines of the lounge fit her mood. Double-sided leather chaise lounges flowed through the bar, and crowds had already gathered to sip their popular martinis. Frosty glass walls encased the room in privacy. Perfect for a quick cocktail before her dinner with Max.


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