Zeke (The Powers That Be, Book 2)

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Zeke (The Powers That Be, Book 2) Page 14

by Harper Bentley

  He chuckled. “Grammy would be pissed.” I looked up to see his eyebrows raised and he had the cutest pout on his face begging me with his eyes to forgive him.

  So I did.

  But that didn’t mean I wasn’t going to make him pay.

  “Well…” I said, looking up at him, snippy attitude in full effect. “I think since I’ve forgiven you, I deserve a back massage… and a few other… things…”

  Half grin alert. Damn. “Baby, I can do that. And I can do some ‘things’ to you that’ll make your toes curl.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Promises, promises,” I mumbled then yelped when he scooped me up and took me to his bedroom, where, besides my back massage, he did “things” to me that definitely made my toes curl and then some.

  *Week Twelve and Counting*

  The rumors died down the week school was back on after spring break. People saw Sara with Drew Timmons and I guess from the way they acted together, all cuddly and sweet, just assumed he was the baby’s father so Zeke was off the hook, which neither of us could care less about anyway because we knew the truth.

  Everything went back to normal with me working at The Nook almost every morning and the Dean’s office in the evenings and going to class in the meantime. I learned that Zeke worked at his dad’s garage in his spare time which I don’t know why I hadn’t bothered to ask before but there you go.

  I’d taken over a whole dresser and bathroom drawer at his place which had been a huge step for me. I only had one panic attack and almost hyperventilated twice. But I mostly only stayed Fridays or Saturdays with him because I had responsibilities at home like cooking and taking Lane to school and I liked hanging out with my family too.

  And things between Zeke and me had been good although we’d hit a couple rocky patches. One in particular was the evening after I’d forgiven him for being a bonehead for not trusting me with the Sara situation.

  It was that next Monday night and I’d worked at the Dean’s office. And I’d been really bothered by the fact that Zeke hadn’t told me he loved me. Really bothered. As in brooding on it all day bothered. Anyway, Lane had a basketball game at eight because they’d started the league tournament (Lane, being a teenager, had just informed me about it that day when I’d picked him up from school). I’d tried calling Zeke to let him know but his phone was out of commission not even letting me leave a voicemail, so I knew he was on campus somewhere since he was getting no reception.

  When I left the Dean’s office at seven, I went by the weight room but he wasn’t there. I drove around campus when I spotted his truck at the student center, so I parked and was going in to tell him about Lane’s game and see if he wanted to go, but what I saw through the window made me turn around, get right back in my car and get the hell out of there.

  He and Ryker had been inside talking with two girls, one of whom was Jillian Snow, the Homecoming Queen, who Zeke had dated last fall, and I’d watched in horror as she tiptoed up and kissed him then threw her arms around him in a great big hug. And he’d hugged her back!


  I drove away thinking it was no wonder that he hadn’t told me he loved me the day before when we’d made up. It was because he didn’t! Duh. I was just another good time to him. I’d end up being one of those stories he’d tell Jillian—the woman he did love—just as he’d told me the one about his sleeping with Sara. I was his latest, “Not that I’m making excuses but this is the reason I fucked her” girl. God, every man cheated! And if I gave it time, I was sure he’d ask for a threesome with Jillian soon. When the hell was I going to learn?

  I’d called Grammy and said my phone was going to die (big fat lie) so if she needed anything to call Lane, then I’d turned mine off because I didn’t want to deal with Zeke and his lies. Then I’d gone on to Lane’s game and thank God I’d been so mad I hadn’t felt like crying. His team won and he’d scored seventeen points, so I’d taken him for an ice cream cone after with some of the extra tip money I’d made that morning.

  “How come Zeke didn’t come?”

  I shrugged. “He was busy.” I’d left it at that hoping he wouldn’t ask and luckily he hadn’t.

  Lane filled Grammy in on the game when we got home and when he went to take a shower, I’d told her about what I’d seen at the student center.

  “Oh, it’s probably just a misunderstanding,” she’d argued.

  “Grammy, I saw what I saw. And when I told him I loved him yesterday, I got nothing back. So there you go. And I swear, if he calls you and you try meddling again, well, I’ll be pissed.” What else could I tell her? She was too sweet for me to threaten.

  She shook her head at me like I was a fool but she let it be.

  After showering and getting in bed, I picked up my phone and turned it on to see the damage.

  Five missed calls, two voicemails and twelve texts from Zeke. I looked at the last one he’d sent twenty minutes ago.

  Text Message—Mon, Mar. 23, 10:33 p.m.

  Zeke: Babe. Where are you? If I don’t hear from you I’m coming by

  And right on schedule the doorbell rang. So getting up, I ran to Grammy’s room. “I’ve got it! You stay in here,” I’d hissed because I saw that she’d already been on her way out to answer the door and try to fix things.

  I went back to my room and grabbed a hoodie, pulling it over my head, pulled my hair into a ponytail and slipped on my moccasins. Then huffing out a breath, I went to let Zeke know I was onto him and that it was over, whatever “it” was.

  I opened the door and glared at him through the storm door. And this would’ve been the cool part in a movie that if I smoked, I’d have taken a puff and blown it at him. Anyway, back to reality, instead of letting him inside, I went outside on the porch with him.

  “Nice hoodie,” he said with a smirk.

  Shit. I’d grabbed his, of course. “Want it back?”

  He shook his head, eyes narrowed because he’d picked up on my pissy attitude. “Why haven’t you answered my calls or texts?” he asked.

  I donned my best apathetic demeanor and shrugged. “I turned my phone off. Didn’t want to be bothered.”

  Really narrowed eyes now, squinting eyes. “Wanna tell me what’s going on?”

  I looked up at him, crossing my arms over my chest. “Two words: Jillian. Snow.”

  He frowned and shook his head. “What the fuck’s that mean?”

  “I saw you, Zeke. I know you’re trying to get her back because you love her.” At the word “love” I’d pulled my hands up to my sides and given him spirit fingers. “So you can stop slumming it with me and go fuck yourself!” Wow. That wasn’t nice at all. But I’d really been pissed because this had built all day and it was now coming out at once.

  I turned to go in but he grabbed me by the upper arm and swung me back to face him. “Slumming it? Go fuck myself?” he all but roared.

  “Keep it down!” I hissed. “Lane and Grammy are asleep!” I knew Grammy wasn’t. Matter of fact, she probably had her ear to the door listening.

  He still had a hold of my arm and turned, walking to his truck and dragging me along behind him. Well, wasn’t this reminiscent of the night at Landon Knight’s party when Zeke had taken me upstairs. And, damn it, thinking of what’d happened between us that night had the butterflies slam dancing inside my womb like it was a friggin’ mosh pit. How could I still be so madly attracted to him when he was a lying, cheating jerk? He opened the driver’s door, practically shoving me in, not wanting to risk putting me in the passenger side and walking around because he knew I’d have escaped. Smart. Bastard. He started his truck and took off immediately, still not giving me a chance to get out. Very smart. Impressive.

  “Talk,” he barked making me jump.

  I fumbled with my seatbelt and after fastening it, looked at him. “About?”

  He glanced over at me and if looks could kill… “You know about what. Jillian.”

  Ugh. Hearing him say her name made me want to vomit. But still p
laying it cool, I rolled my eyes and filled him in on what he already knew. “Lane had a game tonight. I tried calling you but your phone wasn’t getting reception. When I left the Dean’s office, I went looking for you and found you at the student center. And that’s when I saw you making out with your girlfriend.”

  I turned and looked out my window more tired than I’d ever been. The entire week was just now falling on my shoulders, us being apart, the Sara shit, him not telling me he loved me and now Jillian. God, I couldn’t even think her name without saying it in a bitchy voice.

  And then my night got worse because he started laughing. And I’m not talking chuckling, I’m talking full-out guffawing. The jerk.

  I kept my eyes on my window as tears now rolled down my face wishing someone would please tell me this was all me PMSing because damn. But how cruel was he? I’d caught him red-handed and he was laughing to rub it in. And I’d thought he was a nice guy.

  He pulled into his driveway and turned off his truck. We sat there in silence for a while, well, I was sniffing, but whatever. Then I heard him let out a breath. “When’s it ever gonna be enough, Scarlett?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I answered, the back of my head still to him. I brought a hand up and wiped my face.

  “I feel like I’ve given you everything: my body, my heart, my fucking soul. What else do you want?”

  I turned and faced him with a scowl. “Are you fucking kidding me? Your heart? Whatever, Zeke!”

  He scowled back and we had a standoff then he shook his head. “Don’t know what else to do.”

  I shrugged a shoulder. “Nothing you can do. You can’t force yourself to love someone you don’t.”

  “See, I don’t know what you’re talking about right now.”

  Seriously? Did I really have to spell it out for him? When he kept looking at me, I guessed I did. “I told you last night that I love you. You didn’t say it back.” I bit my lips trying not to cry again. “And when I saw you kissing Jillian, I knew. Knew you didn’t say it because you don’t love me. You love her. It makes sense. Football star and Homecoming Queen. Perfect assholish couple.” Ugh. I really needed to get my anger and blurting under control.

  He stabbed a hand through his hair and I knew he was angry now. “You keep doing this shit, Scarlett. Why in the fuck can’t you accept that you’re it for me? Huh? Are you that fucking insecure that every time you see me with another woman you think I’m cheating? Told you from the beginning I’m not like those assholes you dated. Jillian was excited because I gave up a scholarship since I’m probably going pro and by default, she got it. She was thanking me. She kissed my cheek and hugged me and that was it. Jesus! Listen closely. I’ll never fucking cheat on you!”

  “Yeah, but you don’t love me!”

  I swear his eyes about bugged out of his head along with glowing in the dark. Yikes.

  “I do too fucking love you! I’ve already told you! Told you last night!” Suddenly he jumped out of the truck leaving his door open and got in the bed of it and started screaming, “I love Scarlett Elizabeth O’Rourke!” over and over at the top of his lungs.

  Holy shit!

  I got out of the truck waving my arms at him and hissing, “Shhhh!” trying to get him to be quiet.

  “Dude! Shut the fuck up before the neighbors call the police!” Gable called from the front door with his phone at his ear probably talking to Scout then he went back inside slamming the door.

  Zeke stopped yelling and looked down at me. “Good enough?” I nodded, my face hot, embarrassed because I was an idiot and watched as he jumped down. “Figured something out just now,” he said walking to me.

  “What?” I whispered.

  “We’re both hotheads.” I started to protest and he gave me a look and I realized he was right. “But I need you to do something for me. I know you’ve had shit boyfriends in the past. I’m not like them. Never will be. Need you to get a new mindset.”

  I nodded because he was right.

  “I love you, Scarlett.” I saw his mouth go up in his beautiful half grin. “And I did tell you last night.”

  I frowned and shook my head. “No, you didn’t.”

  “I did.”

  “You didn’t.”



  “Told you when you were coming the second time.”

  My mouth fell open. “Well, that doesn’t count!”

  He snorted, wrapping his arm around my neck and pulling me into him, kissing the top of my head. “Why doesn’t it count?”

  “I don’t know. It’s just a rule that you don’t say it during sex because a lot of guys don’t mean it.”

  He nodded. “Makes sense.” Then he leaned down and whispered in my ear. “But I meant it. Stay with me tonight and I’ll prove it.” I shivered and he chuckled.

  “I’ll call Grammy.”

  As I made my call he got his keys out of the ignition of his truck and locked it. When I hung up, he put his arm across my shoulders and led me inside.

  Then I got a new mindset when Zeke proved to me that he really did love me. Several times over.


  First of all, I’d like to thank my dad for being one stubborn son of a bitch and passing it on to me because if I wasn’t made that way, I’d never have ended up with Scarlett and what a shame that would have been.


  I’m not kidding.

  I knew she was the woman of my dreams from the day I set eyes on her, long legs, tiny waist, all that gorgeous brown hair, and then there were her chocolate eyes that were so expressive that I could read in them her every emotion—I just liked to act dumb sometimes to watch her assert herself which was sexy as hell.

  And although I loved the chase to get her, having her was so much better. She was smart, she was funny and she was sweet, everything I could ever ask for. At times she could be a handful, but that was probably the best part because she didn’t put up with my shit and I liked that. I knew that having someone challenge me daily (in a good way) was something to hold on to. And I was holding on tightly.

  She’s told me several times that I was her hero for helping with a textbook (which I got on scholarship but let her think it was a big deal so she’d have to talk to me) and for helping with her car (which I did because, of course, she needed it, but it also gave her a way to come to me). So, yeah, I might’ve had ulterior motives when it came to helping her with those things, but I knew from the very start that she was the one and when you find that person, you want to start your lives together as soon as possible even if they can’t see it yet.

  Before her, I think I was an okay guy but she’s made me better. Makes me want to be better for her. And that’s made all the difference in my life.

  So, was I her hero? Nah.

  No, when it comes to heroes, I’d have to say she’s mine and I wouldn’t have it any other way.


  I want to thank all the book bloggers who’ve gotten my name and books out there. Erin at Southern Belle Book Promotions, you’re amazing! Thank you so much, doll, for everything you do. You’re the best! <3 Trish and Megan over at Bedroom Bookworms, you guys are freakin’ fantastic! Thank you both for always helping a gal out with last minute stuff & also for loving my alpha dudes. Trish, you’re the marsh to my mallow ;) Cecily at Cecily’s Book Review, thank you for always cheering me on! I’m gonna buy you a Patriots cheerleading uniform (I’m really hoping I got the team right) lol Thanks also to Aesta’s Book Blog, A Pair of Okies, Mrs. Leif’s Two Fangs About It Book Reviews, Sassy Southern Book Affair and Summer’s Book Blog to name a few others.

  HUGE thanks to Franca, Melly & Sam. I don’t know what I’d do without you girls. Thank you for giving your precious time to make my words sparkle. Honestly, there’s nothing I can say to let you know how very much I appreciate you. I love you all!

  Anne Mercier, you’re an amazing woman & a fabulous friend. Thank you so much for
all you’ve done for me, from putting a chapter of Gable in your latest book to helping me when my words get all screwy. You’re the shit! Love you, woman! Can’t wait for Wrestlemania! Heh

  And to the readers, you truly amaze me. When Gable hit the USA Today Best Selling list I was floored and it’s all because of you. Thank you again, so very much, for making this fun! You make all the late nights worth it <3

  About the Author

  USA Today Best Selling author Harper Bentley has taught high school English for 22 years. Although she’s managed to maintain her sanity regardless of her career choice, jumping into the world of publishing her own books goes to show that she might be closer to the ledge than was previously thought.

  After traveling the nation in her younger years as a military brat, having lived in Alaska, Washington State and California, she now resides in Oklahoma with her teenage daughter, two dogs and one cat, happily writing stories that she hopes her readers will enjoy.

  You can contact her at [email protected], at harperbentleywrites.com, on Facebook or on Twitter @HarperBentley

  Check out other titles by Harper Bentley:

  The Powers That Be series:

  Gable (The Powers That Be, Book 1)

  CEP series:

  Being Chased (CEP #1)

  Unbreakable Hearts (CEP #2)

  Under the Gun (CEP #3) coming March 2015!

  Serenity Point series

  Bigger Than the Sky

  Always and Forever coming June 2015

  True Love series:

  Discovering Us (True Love #1)

  Finding Us (True Love #2)

  Finally Us (True Love #3)

  True Love Trilogy Boxed Set



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