Imperfect Justice

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Imperfect Justice Page 23

by Olivia Jaymes

  “So…I guess I like kinky,” she said after they’d both laid there for a long time watching the shadows on the wall and the moon through the curtains. Misty didn’t think she’d ever be shy or embarrassed again after tonight. If being open-minded meant the sex was that amazing she needed to do it more often.

  Jared chuckled and turned so she could tuck her head onto his shoulder. “I guess you do. There are lots of things we can explore together. All you have to do is say the word. Whatever you want.”

  “What if I want that spanking? I think I might like it.” She was ready to admit that pain heightened pleasure for her and a spanking sounded…naughty and decadent all at the same time.

  “Not while you’re pregnant. You’ll have to pick something else. Not that I’m not dying to spank that cute little bottom because believe me, I am. I just won’t be doing it for awhile. Tomorrow morning I’ll let you go through the nightstand drawer. Maybe you’ll find something you want to try in there.”

  “I want to try everything.” She traced a line with her fingertip from his shoulder down to his hand.

  “Easy, honey. I’m pushing forty. Let’s take it one night at a time, okay?”

  They had all the time in the world.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Jared dropped their bags in the bedroom. It was the last load from unpacking the truck. The weekend in the cabin had been everything he’d wanted it to be. He felt closer to Misty than ever before.


  He’d totally wimped out and not told her how he felt. Deep in his heart he believed she felt the same way he did. Of course she hadn’t said anything about love either but wasn’t he supposed to man up and be the first to say it?

  What was the worst thing that could happen?

  Images of Misty refusing him raced through his mind and he shook his head to chase them away. This was no time be a pussy, as his friend Logan would say all the time. If she didn’t love him after what they’d shared this weekend then she never would.

  Filled with purpose and determination, he stomped into the kitchen where she was unpacking the cooler.

  “Misty,” he began. “Things are different between us now than they were in the beginning. I think we’re closer. Hell, I know we are. More intimate. We know each other better and we seem to fit together. And I don’t mean sexually. I mean our lives. Do you know what I mean?”

  Jesus, he was rambling. He needed to fucking pull himself together here. She shut the refrigerator door and took her time answering, confusion written across her delicate features.

  “I’m not sure I do, actually.”

  She’d thrown the ball back into his court. “I mean we’re a good couple, don’t you think? We make each other happy. At least I know I am.”

  Her lips curved into a smile and her shoulders seemed to relax. “I am too. Very happy. In fact I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy.”

  “So we’re good together,” he persisted. “We mesh. Blend. That sort of thing.”

  “Yes, I think we do,” she replied, her hands gripping the counter. “But I’m not sure where you’re going with this.”

  Jared wanted to cut through all this bullshit. He either believed in the two of them or he didn’t. He loved Misty and by God, she was going to love him. If not today, then someday. He’d do whatever needed to be done to make that happen in his lifetime.

  Throwing caution and good sense to the wind for the second time since meeting her, Jared dropped to one knee and grabbed her hands in his.

  “Dammit, Misty. I love you. I doubt I’ve done a very good job of hiding it so I assume you know. I love you and I want us to spend our lives together. And it’s not just because of the baby, although that’s a bonus as far as I’m concerned. I’d be happy with just you. You said you wanted the man you married to love you. Well, I do. More than I can even express in words. So will you put me out of my misery and marry me, woman? I don’t think I can rest until you do.”

  Tears were running down Misty’s cheeks and Jared didn’t know if that was good or bad. It was only when she cried out his name and fell to her knees, wrapping her arms around him and whispering “Yes” over and over that he realized she was doing that happy crying thing that women were known to do.

  He pulled her closer and captured her lips in a kiss that he hoped said everything he didn’t have the words for.

  How she’d changed his life and made him a better man.

  How he couldn’t wait to be a husband and father.

  How he’d love her for the rest of his life and beyond.

  “I love you too.” The words came out choked with emotion but he could see the happiness shining in her violet eyes. “I love you so much and I wasn’t sure if you loved me too. I couldn’t be sure. I thought you might though.”

  “I damn well do. You’re going to marry me, right? I won’t let you out of the house until you say yes.”

  Misty giggled and pressed a kiss to his jaw. “I’ve already said yes but I’ll say it again. Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  “I want you to have the wedding of your dreams. White dress. Big fancy cake. The whole nine yards. I want to put on a wedding this town will talk about for years.”

  “I don’t need it.” Misty was shaking her head but Jared was adamant.

  “We’re not going to run off like we’re ashamed, honey. We’re going to stand up tall and proud and proclaim our love and commitment. And I sure as hell want everyone in Fielding to know that I’m in love with Misty Foster and plan to spend the rest of my life with her.” Jared tilted her chin up so she was looking him in the eye. “You do need this. You need to exorcise any remaining ghosts.”

  “You’re being bossy again.” Misty didn’t look like she minded though. In fact, she was looking at him like he was sliced bread or fried chicken.

  “I am,” he agreed because—well, he was. “But you know when to put me in my place. You’re the first woman who has ever been able to, you know. It’s one of the reasons I love you.”

  She was chewing on her lip in thought. “I’ll think about the wedding. We don’t have to make the decision today.”

  “We need to tell Dad and the family. Maybe we can schedule lunch with everyone tomorrow and tell them the good news.”

  “Can Rayne come too?” Misty asked eagerly. “I don’t want her to hear from someone else.”

  “Of course. She’s going to be family. Maybe we can fix her up with Royce,” he teased.

  “I’m not sure we’re in any position to match-make,” Misty warned with a laugh. “Besides, Rayne is very picky about men. I think she might be single forever.”

  “We’ll inspire her with our happiness.” Jared stood and swept Misty up into his arms. “I think there’s a bed calling our names.”

  “You’re insatiable but I like that about you.” Misty ran her fingers through his hair and gave him a brilliant smile. His heart ached in his chest at the thought that he’d be seeing that smile every day for the rest of his life. Damn, he was one lucky son of a bitch.

  “Your engagement ring is in the bureau in the bedroom too,” he revealed. He couldn’t wait to see her face when he slid the platinum and diamond ring on her dainty finger.

  “I don’t need a ring. I only need you.”

  “Lucky for you you’re getting both.”

  Jared was getting everything he’d ever hoped for. It was turning out better than he’d ever dreamed.

  “Ty and Royce are going to meet us at the diner,” Jared said to Misty and his father after she parked her economy car along the main road in Fielding. He made a mental note that they needed to replace that vehicle as soon as possible. With everything going on he’d overlooked how old and unreliable it was. He didn’t want her driving around in a car that wasn’t completely safe.

  Gerald Monroe slapped Jared on the back and grinned. “Damn, it’s a gorgeous day. I think the warm weather is here to stay.”

  It was beautiful, warm and sunny. After a long, cold winter every
one was anxious to shed their coats and gloves and enjoy the good weather. Gerald did most of all, as he’d been stuck in the house the last week with a head cold.

  “I think it might be, Dad, although we’re supposed to get another cool snap by the weekend.”

  “I don’t mind cool,” Gerald chuckled, rubbing his arms. “It’s the cold that gets into my bones. Getting old is hell.”

  Misty linked her arm through his. “Don’t even go there. You’re still a handsome man. I know where Jared gets his looks.”

  Misty had Gerald Monroe wrapped around her little finger. He beamed at the compliment and patted her hand. “My Rita would have loved you. You have her same spirit.”

  Jared cleared his throat of the lump that had formed at the mention of his mother. It was times like today that he missed her most. And yes, she would have adored Misty.

  “Are you two done with the mutual admiration society? We need to grab a table at the diner. It’s always busy this time of day.”

  Gerald winked at Misty. “I think he’s jealous.”

  “I think you’re right,” Misty said as they followed Jared down the block and into the restaurant.

  It was busy this time of day but Ty was already sitting at a table he’d commandeered, sipping an iced tea and chatting with the diners next to him. That was Ty all over. He was friends with pretty much every human being, dog, cat, and maybe even cow in the entire county.

  “Where’s Royce?” Jared asked as they sat down, Misty next to Jared and his father on her other side while Ty sat across the table.

  “He’s not going to be able to make it.” Ty signaled the waitress. “He had to meet with that counselor and the only time she was free was now. The rehab place recommended he see someone for the first year after getting sober.”

  Jared felt a stab of disappointment that Royce wouldn’t be joining them but also pride that his brother had finally grown up and taken control of his life. Since being back Royce was like a new man. Or maybe like his old self. Either way it was damn good to see.

  “Rayne’s not here yet?” Misty frowned, looking around. “I hope she’s not stuck at the shop.”

  There was no way Misty would want to make their announcement about being engaged without Rayne there. As it was Misty had shoved her left hand in her pocket so no one would see the sparkly new ring on her finger.

  Misty checked her phone, her frown growing deeper. “She’s not answering my texts either. I’m going to run down there and see if she’s stuck with a customer. I won’t be long.”

  Jared stood at the same time as Misty. “I’ll go with you.”

  Misty rolled her eyes in that manner that told him he was being bossy and controlling again. “I think I can manage to walk two blocks there and back without something bad happening to me. You stay here with your family. I’ll text you if Rayne is stuck with a client.”

  They were going to be her family too as soon as he could convince her to schedule the wedding, but she was right. The tattoo shop was only a couple of blocks away and she’d be fine. He was worrying too much again. Misty was the picture of health these days. It was true what they said about a pregnancy glow.

  Jared dropped back into the chair. “Fine. We’ll order drinks. What do you and Rayne want?”

  Misty gave him their order before exiting the diner, her pale gold hair shining in the midday sun. She was wearing her new clothes today, her belly just a slight curve under the loose crimson blouse but Jared knew it was there. He’d run his hand over it this morning as they’d lounged in bed an extra ten minutes after the alarm had gone off.

  “Damn, you got it bad,” Ty drawled. “Never thought I’d see the day the great Jared Monroe would be felled by ordinary love.”

  His and Misty’s love was anything but ordinary.

  “I wouldn’t call myself great but you can if you want to,” Jared laughed. “And if you’re asking if Misty and I are happy the answer is yes. Were you rooting against us?”

  Ty held up his hands in surrender. “Not at all, but things weren’t looking too good last time I saw you both together.”

  “Things have changed,” Jared said softly. No one but he and Misty truly understood how much each of them had changed since the day they’d met. She had embraced her sensual nature and was no longer ashamed of her desires. He’d been more cognizant of trying to push her – and everyone else – to bend to his will. He’d caught himself several times and when he hadn’t? She had let him know, no longer silent on the issue.

  Things between them had never been better.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Misty breezed into Rayne’s tattoo shop and found an empty front room. Shaking her head, she went through the curtain that separated the back office area. Rayne must have lost track of time working on some paperwork. She always had tons of it stacked up on the rickety old desk shoved in the corner of the back room.

  “C’mon, girl. You’re late.” Misty laughed as she spied Rayne sitting at the desk chair. “Are you ready to go?”

  Rayne looked at her watch and groaned. “Shit. I lost all track of time. Dammit, you should have called.”

  Misty giggled and pointed to Rayne’s phone sitting on the desk. “I did. Is your phone dead again? You always forget to plug it in.”

  Rayne checked her phone and then tossed it back down in disgust. “Deader than a doornail. And yes, I forgot to plug it in. Again. I’ve been so busy lately I’d forget my head if it wasn’t attached.”

  “Business is good. That’s nothing to complain about.”

  “I’m not complaining, just observing.” Rayne reached for her purse hung on a hook. “It will be nice to get outside. I opened the front and back doors but it’s not the same.”

  Midday sunshine streamed through the open back door giving the drab gray workroom a more cheery appeal.

  “Let me lock the front of the store and post the Closed sign and we can go out the back.” Rayne left her purse on the desk and headed to the front through the curtain.

  Misty walked around the room admiring the photos on the wall of designs Rayne had created. She was incredibly talented with a special flair for capturing the essence of each client.

  A thud from the front room caught Misty’s attention. It sounded as if Rayne had dropped something heavy.

  “Rayne,” Misty called, heading toward the curtained opening and her friend. “Do you need some help?”

  After only a few steps, the curtain lifted and a woman with a gun walked into the back room. Misty’s heart skipped a beat and her breath caught in her throat. Somebody was robbing Rayne’s tattoo shop. And where was Rayne?

  “Have a seat, Miss Foster,” the unknown woman invited, her dark hair in disarray and her cheeks red. “You and your friend won’t be going anywhere.”

  “How do you know who I am? And where is Rayne?”

  “Rayne is fine. As for me? I’ll be happy to tell you.” The woman waved her gun toward a chair. “But first…have a seat and stay there. No heroics or I’ll have to pull the trigger and that would ruin everything.”

  On shaking legs Misty dropped down into the chair, her gaze darting around the room looking for something – anything – she could use as a weapon or perhaps another exit she’d never noticed. Of course there wasn’t one and there were several objects that she might throw, but nothing that was going to neutralize a woman with a gun. The back door, however, was still wide open and if Misty could distract the woman perhaps she could make a run for it.

  A protective hand instinctually pressed against her abdomen and the stranger noticed the action. “Worried about your baby? I know what that feels like. I’m a mother too. I have a daughter. At least I did.”

  “You’re a mother? Then why are you doing this? If you need money there has to be a better way than robbing someone.”

  Perhaps reasoning with the woman might work. Misty didn’t have any other options. She needed to talk this woman out of robbing the shop and she needed to make sure Rayne was okay.
Misty strained to hear a sound from the front of the shop but it was silent.

  “I’m not robbing anyone.” The woman sat down in a chair opposite Misty and pointed the gun with both hands. “Your money is quite safe actually. I’ve come to see you. But first let’s get comfortable.”

  The woman reached into her handbag but this time she pulled out a pair of handcuffs. “Cuff your wrist to that pipe on the wall. Do it,” she commanded, tossing the cuffs to Misty and pointing to an old metal pipe about two inches in circumference.

  Keeping one eye on the woman, Misty wrapped the cold metal around her wrist, the lock clicking into place. It only took an extra second to lock the cuff around the pipe and she was essentially a prisoner and helpless. So much for making a run for the open door.

  Her knees practically knocking together and her skin damp under her arms, Misty faced the woman head on trying not to show any fear.

  “Relax,” the woman urged, pointing the gun straight at Misty. “We’re just going to chat for a few minutes.”

  “What do you want with me?” Misty demanded. “I don’t even know you.”

  “That’s a good question.” The woman set her purse down on a table covered with supplies, knocking bottles and boxes onto the floor, her hands trembling. “You haven’t figured out who I am have you?”

  Misty shook her head, fear making it hard to think. She took in the woman’s appearance but it didn’t ring any bells of remembrance. The woman was average height with a slim build. Wearing khaki pants with a white blouse, she could have been any number of wives or mothers that inhabited Fielding. Except that this woman was visibly shaking, flushed and sweating. “Should I have? Have we met?”

  “We’ve never met,” the woman conceded, her voice hoarse and tortured. “But I know your boyfriend, Sheriff Monroe. I know him well as a matter of fact. And I’ve come to know quite a bit about you. It seems this town loves to talk about you. I found it all very interesting.”

  Misty winced at the thought of what might have been said. But the part of knowing Jared stuck out in her mind. “You know Jared? How do you know him?”


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