Dirty Little Brat

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Dirty Little Brat Page 5

by ChaShiree M

  Mmmmm ...Her hand, reaches into my boxers and grabs my cock, making him a happy son of a bitch. Her tiny little hand, squeezing him like she is trying to cut off his blood supply. So, fucking good. “Fuck Lexi. Your little hand feels good on my cock baby. That’s right. Rub him up and down. Squeeze harder baby. SHIT! Yes.” This girl is fucking made for me. Having her hands on me, with the smell of her wafting up toward my nose, I know I am not going to last. My hand moves faster up and down her sopping wet pussy, making sticky wet sound with each pass.

  “Sax. Yes. Please. Oh, Shit Sax!!!” Her mouth is going to get fucked so hard as soon we land. “SAX!! What’s happening? Oh g….” I kiss her muffling her pleas. I may be an asshole for having her spread for me in the middle of the Jet, but fuck if I’m going to be a motherfucking generous asshole letting the whole cockpit hear her pleasure. She continues to jerk me off as I slide my finger inside her in search of that spot. Son of a... she is tighter than a fucking soldered pipe. My cock likes it too. He jumps even more as her hand pumps faster, spreading my precum all over me. I bite her lip as I am chasing her tongue smashing her face into mine. On the next swipe of my mouth over hers, determined to eat her lips until they look like someone has claimed them, I taste metallic. Something about knowing the blood on her mouth is from the way I have begun my claiming, sends me over the edge.

  “Fuck fuck fuck!!! Shit Lexi. CUM!!!” I add a second finger and she shoots off like a rocket.

  “SAX!!! Ahhhhhhhh!!!!” I am so fucking dazed from my own damn finish, she gets to blow that one out. What. The. Fuck? I have never cum so hard in life. This girl is going to be the death of me. We cling to one another as we try to comeback from…. whatever the fuck that was.

  “You ok baby?” She hasn’t said anything, and I want to make sure I didn’t lose her somewhere in between.

  “Yeah,” she whispers. When she doesn’t look at me, I lift her chin with my finger. I need to see her eyes. She looks so shy and tentative right now. Nothing like the hellfire that has been wreaking havoc on my senses and my libido.

  “What’s wrong Alexis?” I use her full first name, so she knows I am serious.

  “Nothing. I just…. I’m just not sure if it was good for you. I mean...you’re so experienced and I’m well ...not.” My sweet little contradiction.

  “Look at me.” When she does, the uncertainty in her eyes, almost unmans me. I never want her to doubt what she is to me. What the fuck Sax. Have you told her anything since you kidnapped her last night? What is she supposed to think? Give me a fucking break. I am but a mere man. Sometimes we are morons.

  “Sweet girl. That was simply amazing. I like that you don’t have experience. It means I will be your first for everything. Everything you learn will be with me and because of me. I know we need to talk, and we will. As soon as we land. But right now, I need you to go put some clothes on. I would hate to have to kill someone thousands of feet in the air for getting a look at you like this. Ok?”

  She cocks her head, studying me yet again. I would love to know what she is looking for. Finally, she nods her head slightly and makes to get up but stops. “What’s wrong baby?” She bites the side of her lip and I can’t stop the noise that leaves my chest. All I want to do is chew on that lip as my cock decimates her pussy over and over again. Shit. I need to take a drink.

  “I want to ask you something, but I’m not sure if I can.”

  “You can ask me anything. We are going to be everything to one another for the rest of our lives. So, there is nothing, you can’t ask me. Now, somethings are not meant for you to worry about. Some stuff is my job as your man, provider, and protector to deal with. So, when I deem it that, I may tell you not to worry about it, or let you know it doesn’t concern you, but you can always ask. Understand?” She looks at me quizzically, not quite sure how to take what I just said. I am sure her pussy-ass father has never done anything so manly in all of his life, let alone hers, so this would be new for her, but it is non-negotiable. “So, ask away.”

  “Well, it's just that the news says that your family is old Spanish Mob and that you are the heir apparent. You obviously have a lot of money and people respect and fear you. So, I was just wondering if it was true?” Ah. I wondered when this was going to come up.

  “My family is indeed old money, amor, and I have all different types of businesses all over the world. Some more than legal, others, in the gray area. Anything besides that, is not for you to worry about. You will always be safe and uninvolved in any and all of my businesses other than reaping the rewards. Anything else, baby?” She shakes her head and gets up to get dressed.

  “Oh. I don’t know where we are going so I don't know what weather to dress for.”

  “Think smoldering hot baby. Plus, whatever it is, you won’t be wearing it long.” Her pink face, smirks as she runs out of the room. Fuck my chest hurts. Damn girl has me all fucked up.



  Phew. I think fanning myself. That man is lethal and potent. I have not stopped juicing since the moment we stepped on this plane. Hmmm ...because we spent so much time arguing, I didn’t grab my bag, so I have no clue what to wear. I look out the window of the jet and notice that everything below appears blue. Water. Yes!! I think shimming around the cabin. I hate being cold with a passion. So, taking me somewhere tropical is the best thing he could do.

  Deciding to look around, I start with the closet. Opening it, I stumble back a bit, completely stunned by the closet full of clothes. Not just any clothes. Looking at some of these labels, he went to the good place. Harrods. Did I mention all of them has tags on them? Shaking my tits, a bit, I jump up and down, looking at all I have to choose from. Deciding on a blue and yellow sundress, I take off the nightgown I am wearing, noting how hard my nipples are. I rub my hands across them and moan picturing it being his mouth. Shit. I am like a barely lit fuse. One more spark and I am going to combust.

  Slowly, I pull the dress over my head. Standing in front of the mirror, I admire the way the red and yellow sundress accentuates my curves. Deciding to take it a step further, I pull my hair down from on top of my head and brush it out. When I am satisfied with the shine and bounce, I slip my sandals back on and take a deep breath.

  I need a second. I know I come off like I know what I am doing, and I know so much about the world around me and to an extent, that is true. But I have never had my heart involved in anything before. I learned early from my parents that ‘feeling’ anything was a death sentence. Not even for your own child. So, I played the game and moved the pieces. But from the moment he spoke to me, Saxson moved something else entirely inside of me. I felt almost as if he was sent there, for me. To save me, love me, protect me. The problem is ...I am not sure if he feels the same. So, for the first time in my life, I have something to lose.

  Myself. If he rejects me. I have to try though. Right? If I don't give him a shot, I have lost anyway. With that thought, I walk out into the main room.

  “There you are. I thought I was going to have to come find you. Come. We need to eat.” I walk to my seat which is right next to him. A simple stroll to my chair. No big deal right? Wrong. Every step I take, I am keenly aware of him staring at me, devouring me with his eyes like a Kobe Steak on display. “You look beautiful baby.” My cheeks heat up. I’m used to compliments, but coming from him, they mean more.

  “Thank you. So, what's for breakfast?”

  “Just a simple egg with croissants. Some fruit and juice.”

  “Sounds good.”

  We eat. No words shared. However, I wouldn’t call it silence. With every breath he takes, his eyes never leave me. His mouth smirking as he takes me in. Every bite he takes, swallow he produces, is a promise. A promise my body shudders and drips to fulfill. I can taste nothing of what I am eating, anticipation filling me inch by inch. We finish just in time for the landing which is uneventful. Before I know it, we are packed away in the car that is waiting for us as Sax drives us to our destination.
  “So now that we have landed, do you want to tell me where we are?”

  “Corfu. I own a villa here on the beach. Well actually, I own the whole beach. So, we will have plenty of privacy and security. No one comes on this island without my knowing.” Holy shit!!!! He owns a whole beach.

  “Wow. I have never been to Greece.” I am about to thank him for bringing me when he slows down and in front of me is the biggest fucking villa I have ever seen. When people say villa, I think a tiny little hut or something. Maybe surrounded by some flowers to make it look appealing. This? This is a freaking mansion on a beach. The outside is cream and gold. The pillars are practically shining as the sun beams off it. The steps leading up it to are covered in some sort of marble, that looks like you’re walking on a cloud. I knew he was wealthy. But this makes my family look like mere paupers. “I thought you said this was a villa? This is not a villa Sax. This is…...paradise.” I say with exasperation because it’s true.

  His arms wrap around me. “No baby. I haven’t taken you to paradise. Yet. Now, let’s go inside.”

  Shit. I am going to need to throw these panties away. Walking into the VillaMansion, it is even more amazing than the outside. It's all creams and beiges. Furniture made out of linen and cotton. Carpet as plush as my ass, and shelves and shelves of books. It feels…. homey. Like it was meant for a family to live in and enjoy. Not like a showpiece. It makes me fall in love with it even more. But now I am curious. “Why Greece? I guessed you were Mexican or something. Not Greek.” I don’t know how I got so bold as to openly admit that I have been thinking about him so extensively, but oh well. It's out there now.

  “My curious one. My father is half Spaniard and half Italian. My mother is Mexican, but she has Greek ancestry. So, I speak, Italian and Greek but mostly Spanish.”

  “Wow! It must be amazing to have such exotic and deep roots. And to know about them.” I have often wondered what made my father the way he is. My grandfather died when I was very young, so I don’t remember him. And my mother, well she doesn’t talk about her life before she met my dad at all. It's like she came from the clouds and poof.

  “Do you not know your ancestry pequeña?”

  “No. Nothing.” I say barely above a whisper with my head down. Just answering that question from him makes me feel ...less than. It's so frustrating. I have always been this confident, self-assured person. I have never felt less than anyone. Something about Saxson though, makes me feel...inferior.

  “Hey. You pick your head up. You have nothing to feel any type of way about. What you didn’t get from the family that made you, you will get ten times over from the family we make together. I will be your roots baby. Count on that. Now come. Take my hand and follow me. But only if you’re sure. Once you put your hand in mine willingly, you are essentially signing on the dotted line before the papers have been set before you. Do you understand what I am saying to you?” My heartbeat is increasing as my mind races. Going over the words he just spoke, assigning meaning to each and every one, trying to expel the hidden implications.

  “Is this like some Anastasia and Christian type shit? Cause I have to tell you, as hot as Jamie Dornan is, I will castrate you if you hit me with a belt.” Don’t get me wrong, I was as intrigued by the movie as the next person, but the bitch was crazy for going back.

  “Listen brat, I don't know who the hell these people are you are talking about, but I promise you, when I beat you with something it won’t be no belt and the end result will be you covered in my saltwater milk. Now come.” He says, holding his hand out. My mind just went from being in shock that he has never heard of 50 Shades of Grey to panting picturing the rest of his sentence. I place my hand in his because I am done making excuses. I want him. I need him. Hell. I love him. I think for me it was love at first sight. He invaded my mind, my senses, my desires. He became my everything, before he became my anything.

  “Ok Saxson. Lead me.” I say. Knowing in my soul, I am not going to regret this.



  Leading her up the stairs, I can feel the blood pumping through my body. I feel like I did when I was 16 and I was fighting in the underground clubs. Adrenaline pulsing through my veins. Mind coursing with so much chaos and righteous noise. Ears ringing, body twitching and ready to go. This has been my endgame. Getting her under me and claiming her. Her fucking 18-year-old pussy won’t know what hit it when I am done bludgeoning it to death. In fucking shreds is where it is going to be.

  We make it to the door, and I hear the sharp intake of her breath. She is taking in the picture before her. I had the maids come and strew rose petals all around the room. Place beautiful pink curtains over the window and light 100 scented candles to give the room a soft glow. There are lilies all around as well. Mom said girls love that. What the hell do I know.

  “Oh Sax. It’s...it’s beautiful. All this?” she asks with a question in her voice as she spins around taking it all in.

  “For you baby. I wanted your first time to be special. I hope it's ok?”

  “OK!?? Saxson, this is…. beyond. I... thank you.” She walks to me and reaches out to touch me.

  “Don’t Lexi. I am a fucking beast right now. Don’t let my calmness fool you. I am barely a man at this moment. If you touch me now, I am going to fuck you right here against the nightstand. I need to take the edge off baby. I want to make it good for you. Sweet, even. I can’t do that if you touch me. Will you help me relieve some of this?” She looks at me. I can see the hesitation flit across her face quickly replaced by so much fucking lust, I can smell it seeping out of her skin.

  “Yes. Saxson. What do you need?” Shit. That made my cock jump.

  “I need you to take your clothes off slowly and lie back on the bed. Legs open and propped up baby. I need to see my entire possession laid out before me.” She sucks her lip into her mouth as she moves to do my bidding. Slowly, she pulls each of the straps of her dress down, biting her lip as she goes. When it pools at her feet, my mouth goes desert dry. “You are so fucking beautiful baby. How is it you’ve never been touched before now?” She shrugs her shoulders and pulls her panties down. Her bare pussy winks at me, teasing me, turning me into a feral beast.

  “Lie back on the bed Lexi.” The words come out harder and deeper than I intended, but I no longer have control over my emotions. Lexi is taking everything from me, and she doesn't even know it yet. When she slides across the bed and opens her legs, I swear my heart is going to give out. Wiping my hands down my face, I don’t bother wasting time. I remove all of my clothes, standing at the foot of the bed, watching her pussy weep, begging for me. Not yet. I need to calm down. Impossible.

  My eyes roam over the rest of her body, salivating over her plump tits, nipples standing at attention. I need those buttons in my mouth, sucking them as she bounces on and off my cock. My hands will be holding on to her wide hips, the ones made to carry my kids. She was made just for me. If I was a crying man, I would weep at the gift dropped in front of me the day I moved in.

  “Touch yourself, baby. I need to watch you tease my pussy. Run your fingers up and down that greedy little slit you have.” She looks almost shy as she does what I ask. Her shyness makes me harder, makes me want to slam my cock into her tight cunt and never stop. I stroke harder and harder, the muscles in my arms tensing up and my need for her grows with each stroke. “Touch your clit Lexi. Make yourself come. I want your sticky pussy to drench the sheets.” Her hand moves up and circles her clit. Her breathing begins to pick up and her lower half twitches.

  “Saxson. Please. I need to cum.” Oh fuck. My hands move faster and faster. My cock dripping down my balls as they swell, preparing to end this torture.

  “It’s ok baby. CUM.” She shakes as she yells and shouts for me. Watching her do as I ordered is enough to make me curse as it shoots out of me. Not wasting any time, I crawl on the bed over her and our mouths meet in a frenzy of need and desperation. I knee her legs open and line my cock up with her
pussy. I pull my mouth from hers noting how swollen and red her lips are.

  “Be sure this what you want Lexi. Once I take you, that’s it. You will never be rid of me. I won’t pull out. I am going to fill you with my baby, over and over until your stomach shows the proof. Is that what you want?” I try to be patient. To let her make up her mind. But the truth is, it's already too late. She just doesn’t need to know that.

  “Yes Saxson. I’m sure. I’m yours.” Fucking girl undoes me with words. Now I feel like a dick that I was just going to ram her. I look into her eyes, and in them, I see the love I feel reflected back at me. Which makes me more of an asshole because I haven’t told her. I move the hair out of her eye. I want her to see me.

  “I love you princess. You know that, right?” Her shock answers the question though she covers quickly.

  “Why princess. Why not Queen?” I chuckle. See why I love her?

  “Because, brat, a queen is expected to endure, whereas a princess is pampered.”

  “I never thought of it that way. Princess it is. Carry on.” Fucking brat. My brat. I laugh a little. I am about to slide on home when she grabs my face and looks me in the eyes.

  “I love you too Saxson. Now fuck me.” The Princess speaks.



  Shit. Shit. Shit. I knew it was going to hurt, but holy hell, he is huge. My eyes water as he slides in and out of me slowly, not going in completely, trying to make it hurt less, when he busts through the one barrier keeping me from really being his. I know I told him to fuck me, but…. I am so glad he is taking it slow. My body tingles everywhere as he moves further into my poor pussy.


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