Dirty Little Brat

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Dirty Little Brat Page 14

by ChaShiree M

  “With pleasure. Anything else you need?” Ramone asks me on his way out the door.

  “As a matter of fact, have Zio and the others bring the woodchipper and the rat bait to the rathouse. I’m feeling particularly bloody right now.” Ramone shakes his head as he walks out the room. The last thing I hear him say to Manny is, “Shit. We are going to need plastic jumpsuits.”

  Damn straight.



  After leaving the hospital, I go home and take a shower. I need to take a moment and clear my head. My mind needs to be focused on the task at hand. See my family used to call me the butcher, before I became the business minded one. I like blood and gore. I get off on torture. Everyone assumes it’s Ramone, but that would be incorrect. Once I am out of the shower and dressed in my all black street clothes, I take a moment to walk around the house, taking in the little pieces of Lexi that she has put here and there.

  When we moved in, I gave her the option of hiring a decorator, but she refused. She said she and Lara had planned to go to college for this, so she wanted to do it. I absolutely had no problem with it. Being the man, I paid no attention to what she was actually doing, just content knowing she was happy doing it. But now, walking around in here without her, I can see the pops of color she has thrown into every room, brightening up the calm ambiance she has created. I walk past the coffee table and see the pictures of us on our wedding day and my heart begins to hum the driest of melodies. Taking a deep breath, I shake it off and leave to go and get revenge for my love.

  Pulling up to the rathouse, I can hear the woodchipper going. That sound gets my blood pumping. I can feel my veins beginning to bulge up. The blood flowing through it like an old shot of whiskey through your throat. I feel like a junkie, taking his first hit after years without it. Opening the door, I can hear the grunts and moans of the two shooters. I see one tied to the chair, gag in his mouth, the chair hopping up and down as he tries to say something. The other is hanging from the ceiling, blood dripping down his chest. “You started without me I see.” I say to Ramone.

  “Unc and the boys couldn’t find Ransom or Tripp. I tried to ask this one where they were, but he refused, so…”

  “I see. Did we find them yet?” I look to the one tied in the chair and address my question.

  “We have a lead but nothing concrete.” Well that just won’t do. Walking over to the tray table, I look through the instruments I have at my disposal. I notice that my brother and Manny are covered in the jumpsuits, looking like guys from the CDC. I chuckle. I am not going to bother putting one on. I sort of like being covered in my enemies blood. On the way over here, I had already decided how I was going to play this out. Turning to the one in the chair, I smile.

  “Tell me the plan.” I say to him taking the cloth out of his mouth.

  “Fuck you.” Ah. So, he is going to be brave is he. Ok. Grabbing the dental gag, I grip his mouth and pry it open against his struggling. Sticking it into his mouth, I turn the knob, making sure it holds open. But not so much that I can’t understand his words.

  “I will ask you again, what was the plan?” He continues to move about his chair, attempting to get loose. This doesn’t worry me. As a matter of fact, it makes me feel excited thinking about getting to take him down with my bare hands.

  “I am not telling you anything. When Ransom gets ahold of you, you can kiss ...Ahhhhhh!!!” I roll my eyes not interested in his dry threats. I simply take the forceps and remove one of his teeth. Not hard, since they are rotten. He continues to scream as the blood from his gums run down his chin. Grinding my teeth, I try to remind myself that I need one of them alive to tell us what we need to know. But the rage is building.

  “I am going to ask you again. What was the plan? Huh? Was it to kill everyone? Just me? Lexi?” I yell the questions in his face as I punch him over and over. The adrenaline growing, pulsing through me like a power surge. He begins to cough, his own blood choking him. When he spit his blood mixed saliva out of his mouth, he sneers at me.

  “Is that all you got?” I take a moment to admire his tenacity. Too bad it means nothing to me. I need to speed this up. Turning to Manny, I smirk.

  “Is it ready?” I ask him referring to the machine.

  “Yes.” he says a bit sheepishly. Manny is a bit squeamish about the machine.

  “Awesome. Why don’t we dunk our hanging friend inside? Let’s make it a show, shall we? Give our friend right here front row seats.” I turn the fucker’s chair around so he can see what he is in for if he keeps fucking with me. Ramone moves the machine lift, which our hanging friend is on, over the woodchipper. His eyes follow where he is going, and they become big. His legs begin to kick around as he realizes what his fate is going to be. The thing is, it’s not going to be quick. The button is pressed, and the lift begins to lower him into the mouth of the machine. As his feet come in contact first, the scream he releases can, I am sure, can be heard six blocks over. His blood squirts out, splattering all over the walls and my chest, evidence not to fuck with me. I look down at his partner in the chair and his chest heaves up and down as it begins to dawn on him that he is not dealing with a little boy.

  “AHHHHH!!!” His partner continues to scream. Nodding my head, Manny turns off the machine and pulls him up. His body, covered in blood, his legs shredded and basically gone. His hangs there, limply, not saying anything but the occasional moan. Turning to his partner, I lean in his face.

  “You’re next. I am only going to ask one more time. What was the plan?” When it looks like he is not going to answer, I nod for my brother and Manny to come over and he relents.

  “Alright, Alright! The plan was for us to kill you and take Lexi. He said she was promised to his son and he doesn’t like being cheated.”

  “Where is he right now?” My voice gets deeper as I get into war mode.

  “He has a building over on 77th. It’s where the girls are, the ones he traffics. You can find him there. See man. I told you what you wanted to know.”

  “True. You just bought yourself less pain.” I take out my gun and shoot him straight through the head spitting on him as I walk away.

  “You ready to go?” Ramone asks me, loading his Glock.

  “Yes.” I respond grabbing my holster from the table. We all walk through the door and my phone rings. I pull it from my pocket and alarm bells go off when I see it is my mom. Fuck! She is at the hospital with Lexi.

  “Mami, que pasa?” I ask her what’s wrong, my heart thumping.

  “She is awake, hijo. She just woke up and she is asking for you.” Shit. I wanted to be there when she awoke. I figured I had more time. My mind is torn needing to see this through and end these bastards. My heart on the other hand is clamoring to go to her.

  “I am on my way mama.”

  “Very good my son. I will tell her.” Turning to my brother and Manny I tell them the situation.

  “Lexi is awake. I need to go to her and check on her. Find them and bring them back here. Wait for me.” No way in hell I want to miss what we have planned for them. Dead fucks.

  “You got it.”

  I make it to the hospital in record time. I walk into the room as her stomach is being monitored. “Sax!” She says as she reaches for me. Walking to the bed, I sit on it, pulling her into my arms, smelling her hair. Jesus. I know in the broader scheme of things being shot in the arm is low on the scale, but it hasn’t stopped my heart from feeling like it was being dragged through the dark. Not seeing her smiling, mischievous, dirty, smirk as she tempts me to fuck here anywhere, we are. Having her say my name right now, with her arms open for me, brings back all the times she has laid there for me, spread, wet, and swollen. My body is coming back to life and thank fuck my world is set right. “Where were you? I woke up and you weren’t here?” She asks hiccupping as she cries into my chest. Rubbing her head and rocking her back and forth, I choose my words carefully.

  “I am sorry my love. I was taking care of some unfinish
ed business, involving what put you in here.”

  “Is it done?” She asks, her voice low, hesitant but determined.

  “Not quite, mi amore. But don’t worry about that. Tell me how you are feeling. Any pain?”

  “No. They gave me pain medicine right before you came in. Did they-did they tell you about the baby?” She whispers this has she buries her head under my arm. So innocent sometimes.

  “Yes. They told me while you were still unconscious, baby. Are you not happy about it?” I can feel myself getting defensive as I think about her not wanting my kid. Especially since that is all I have been thinking about from the moment I met her.

  “I’m happy. I just...just didn’t know if you would be. You know, us being married for only a short time and all.” She says, her face pleading with me to want it too.

  “Look at me.” I wait for her to raise her head and look me in my eyes. “What do you think I have been trying to do? Soaking your pussy in my seed every chance I got. Baby, nothing makes me feel more like a man than knowing I did that to you. I love you so fucking much, Lexi. You and our baby.” When our lips touch for the first time in mere hours it feels like I have been given a second chance.

  “I just want to know the truth, Saxson. Did my dad have something to do with this?” I take in her face, so serious and filled with trepidation at learning the truth. However, I also read anger and determination. I won’t lie to her.

  “Yes. Yes, he did.” I look at her, not sure what her reaction will be. What I certainly don’t expect is her answer.

  “Make sure he pays.” She says, her face full of the venom I feel. My fucking wife is made for me.

  “I promise baby.” Right then my phone buzzes. It’s Ramone telling me that they have found them both and are headed back. I can see her dozing off as her medicine starts to work. Leaning into her ear I tell her, “I will be back. I promise.” She doesn’t move. My mom walks back in as I say goodbye to her thanking her for being here. Now I am just anxious to get this done so I can come back to my family. MY family. My wife and child. Fuck that feels good to say.

  I make back to the rathouse and I am just in time for the fun to begin. See, we call it the rathouse because we built a wall behind the room, reinforced with steel. My dad and his brothers, had a bunch of rats, bred in laboratories and from the street, brought in and dropped inside that room. There are sprinkler like pipes overhead, that line the room, down the corridor, also encased in steel, so the rats can’t climb it or eat their way through it, and into another room called the bait room. This is the room where we trap our enemies and bait the rats into it. They come through a trapdoor, much like a much smaller doggie door. Have you seen hundreds of rats savagely gnawing at its meal? Eating the flesh off their victims, as the still breathing corpse screams and begs for help? Yea. Not for the faint of heart.

  “Where are they?” I ask putting my gloves on. We don’t go in that room without removing our shoes and putting on gloves making sure to never touch the walls or the people we have in them.

  “Secured to the floor.”

  “You guys are free to go. Just make sure the cleaning crew knows to come by here tomorrow and rebate the rats back into the cage.”

  “The remains?” Manny asks.

  “We haven’t paid the farm a visit in a while. I’m sure the boars would love an extra treat.” They nod as they walk out, putting their shoes back on and removing their gloves. I take a second, relishing in what is about to happen. My mind on Lexi, wondering if she is really going to be ok knowing that I killed her father. Not that it matters. When you try to harm my woman and my family, you die. Maybe the devil would have mercy on you, but I ain’t him.

  Walking into the room, I take in the fact that they are both tied to the floor, not sure what is happening, clothes and body soaked from the bate dripping down from overhead. Maybe, if I were a halfway decent man, I would feel something for these bastards, but nope. Nothing. “So, you thought you could take me out huh. Try to take my wife from me. Is that what you thought?” I circle them like a lion does his prey, the veins in my neck alerting them to their fate. Her dad shakes his head back and forth unable to speak. At this point, I have no desire to hear anything. “I want this to be the last thing you remember: what is going to happen to your wives with you two gone? Neither of them is worth anything. Think maybe they will have to sell themselves like the girls you force to do that every day?” I barely stop myself from yelling. They both are struggling, trying to fight to get up. “Don’t worry. I don't hurt women and children. What happens to them, will be as a result of your actions. Your son on the other hand, Ransom, consider him torched.” With that I release the switch and walk out of the room. The last sound I hear is of them screaming, before I shut the warehouse door and lock it not giving them a second thought.

  Time to go back to my wife.



  Six Weeks Later

  It has been six weeks since the shootout and to say I am frustrated, is an understatement. Not because my husband killed my father. I mean don’t get me wrong, I had some conflicting feelings about it and not because I was upset. I told him to take care of it. He tried to kill my husband, putting me and my baby in jeopardy. Let’s face it, he never loved me anyway. My mother on the other hand, never even tried to reach out to me after everything happened. I heard from a few people here and there, that she went back to Montana where she is from. Sayonara is what I say. I am moving on with my life. The real issue is something else.

  I am frustrated because once I got discharged from the hospital, the doctor said we had to take it easy for at least the first four weeks to give myself a chance to heal and to make sure the baby is going to be ok. I understood that. Would never want anything to happen to my baby. The problem is, no one told me that being pregnant was going to make me extra horny. I am horny all the time. I don’t even bother wearing panties anymore because I just end up throwing them away with how drenched they always are.

  I tried giving Saxson a blowjob in the third week of recovery and he acted like I had the Ebola virus or something. I have never seen a man jump up out of his seat so fast and hightail it into the restroom. It would have been humorous if I wasn’t so fucking needy. He won’t touch me, other than a kiss to the forehead, and he won’t let me touch him. I was so worked up and emotional one day, I cried. I mean like really cried. I accused him of having an affair since he obviously didn’t want me anymore. The jerk looked me in my face and made it worse. “Baby, your body needs no more stress. What do you think happens to it, when you get worked up like that? I am looking out for you and the baby. Don’t you know I haven’t noticed another woman since I laid eyes on you?” Well this made me cry even worse which he felt proved his point. See. Jerk.

  Now, here I am, into week six. We got the go ahead from the doctor a week ago and he still hasn’t touched me. Well I have had enough. I am on the elevator, riding up to his office, in nothing but a long coat and my trusty sidekick in my purse. When I get off on his office floor, his secretary sees me coming.

  “Mrs. Maldonado. He is in a meeting right now. I will let….” Like I give a shit about a meeting. Opening the door, I hear his intercom buzz. He looks at me and says into the phone, “I see her. Thank you, Lisa.” Coughing to my left reminds me that he is not alone.

  “Gentlemen. If you could give me and my husband an hour or so.” I ask them as I walk further into the room.

  “Lexi, I am in the middle of an important meeting. Perhaps we can talk when I get home.”

  “I’m sorry, Sex-son.” I say slowly and with my sultry voice. Turning toward him, making sure no one else can see a thing, I finish my sentence as I begin to untie the jacket. “You continue with your meeting. Maybe they would like to see….”

  “EVERYONE OUT NOW!!!” He yells as he walks over to the door opening it. I can't help the giggle that leaves my mouth as I wait for his office door to close so I can drop the jacket. “Lexi what the hell were you thi
nking? Do you know what would have happened if they would have seen you?” He asks, his face fuming. I can see him fighting himself. Trying to force himself to remain calm. But that is not what I want.

  “Then they just would have seen me.” I say winking at him walking toward his desk. I know that is not the answer but fuck it, I am beyond pleasing him. I need him to please me.

  “Wrong answer brat. I would have had to put a bullet in their head on sight. No one gets to see the sacred parts of you. That is only for me.”

  “Not like you been looking either,” I mumble.

  “What was that?” He asks, slowly walking toward me. I look at him and square my shoulders.

  “I said it’s not like you have been looking either, Saxson.” But I got something for his ass. Not bothering with any more words, I climb onto his desk and getting on my hands and knees, I turn with my ass and pussy facing him. I hear him suck in his breath. I know what he is seeing. He is seeing my swollen red pussy, so sensitive from being pregnant and needy and not touched in six weeks. He sees the wetness, the glossy sugar coating the lips, as my clit peeks out, begging for him to make it better. But this is not about him right now. It is about ME. It is about me finally getting what I need. One way or another.

  “Fuck baby. What are you doing to me? I am trying to do right by you but, Christ...”

  “Oh, I know babe. That’s why I don't ask you anymore to touch me and make me feel like your woman. I know you are trying to do the right thing.” I don’t bother saying anything else. Sticking my hand in my purse, I pull my secret weapon out and turn it on. Turning my head a little so I can see his face, I take the vibrator and rub it through my pussy lips. “Ssss.” I hiss the feeling shooting right through me. Moving it back and forth through the wetness between the lips and my plump clit, I can’t help but moan and rock back and forth. It doesn’t dawn on me my eyes are closed until I hear Saxson curse.


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