Brotherhood of District 23 Complete Series

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Brotherhood of District 23 Complete Series Page 6

by Amy Briggs

  I looked up at her, and she was watching me, smiling and breathing heavily while the water continued to roll over both of us. “Baby, I need to taste you again,” I started to circle her clit with my thumb, watching her react to me by touching herself, massaging her own breasts, and pinching her hard pink nipples. Fuck, that’s hot. My dick was aching to be inside her, but I was hungry for that pussy.

  I went in with one finger, and started to lick that hard little nub causing her to suck in air and cry out softly. “That feels so good!” She was trying to steady herself on one leg, leaning into the shower wall and reaching out on the tile, but I was holding onto her so tight, she wouldn’t fall. I kept licking and sucking at her folds, pumping two fingers inside her slowly, coaxing out her release.

  As she got closer, she gently grabbed onto my head with her other hand and started to moan and cried out, “Brian, I’m going to cum! Oh, my God, baby!” Her whole body shook and I could taste her juices as I continued licking gently, making it last as long as I could. When she was done, I stood up and kissed her hard, wanting her to taste herself on me.

  “Do you taste how delicious you are?” I growled at her, pressing my hard cock against her. “I need to be inside you, baby,” I said, not waiting for her answer. She looked satiated and I wasn’t done with her by a long shot.

  “Yes please,” she whispered to me, and gently bit my bottom lip, then ran her tongue across it.

  I grabbed her by the ass, lifted her and pressed her into the shower wall as she wrapped her legs around me. I slowly guided her down on my cock which was aching for her now. She grabbed onto me, yelling out as I thrust into her. Fuck her pussy was so tight, I could feel it adjusting to my size inside of her, squeezing my dick just enough to send chills all over me while I was slowly pumping into her and holding her against the wall. Sex has never been this amazing, it’s like bees buzzing all around me.

  “You like that, baby? You like my cock inside you?” I whispered in her ear. She was holding on to me tight while I fucked her against the wall.

  “I can’t get enough, baby,” she panted.

  I could feel my release coming, and I was trying to hold off until she was there. I started to try moving faster, and she moaned; giving me the go ahead. I started pumping into her hard, causing her to cry out with each thrust, driving me even crazier than I already was.

  “Oh yes! Brian! Fuck me, baby, that’s so good!” She started to shake, and I could feel her pussy tighten around my dick, bringing me to my climax, I pulled her down on my cock as hard as I could and let myself go inside of her, crying out myself.

  “Jo, oh, God!” I yelled out as every bit of cum I had was released inside her. I fucking loved coming inside her, there's no greater feeling. As we both finished, I gently let her down to her feet again, and just pressed my body against her, under the steaming hot water, relishing in the moment.

  “Damn, that was amazing. You have no idea how fucking sexy you are, do you?” I looked down at her beautiful, gray eyes looking back up at me.

  She smiled. “That was fantastic, baby," she said. "I’ve never had shower sex, we’ll have to keep this on the regular list of things to do in secret,” she laughed.

  After we got out and dried off, we dressed in her room. She put on leggings that had me staring at her ass and forgetting everything else. I laid down on her bed and sighed.

  “Tired, babe?” she climbed on top of me straddling her legs around me and looking down at me smiling that beautiful smile of hers. I grabbed her hips and rubbed the sides of her legs.

  “Not really, just super content actually,” I smiled from the inside out. “I’m really happy, Jo, I really like being with you.” Her presence was so warm and inviting, even when it wasn’t sexual, which it was for me almost all the time, but it was something different. I just wanted to be near her.

  “I’m happy too, Brian,” she replied, but she looked like she had something else to say.

  “But? It sounds like there’s a but,” I pushed myself up, causing her to put her arms around me to stay upright.

  She held on tight to me, bringing me in for a hug, and playing with the hair at the back of my neck, sending tingles through my head. “There’s no ‘but’, this is actually really wonderful,” she kissed my temple sweetly, and rested her head on my shoulder. I brought her in tight, rubbing her back softly while she sighed into me. I’m in, one hundred percent. This chick is all that’s right in the world. How did I even consider saying no to this in the past? I have seen the error of my ways, everyone should feel this content with someone.

  “I promise you, it will always be wonderful,” I pulled her away just enough to get lost in her eyes. “I’m serious. You need to understand I don’t consider this a fling, something is happening here.” God, I almost wanted to tell her I love her right now, but I’ve never said that to anyone, ever.

  “I don’t consider this a fling, Brian, honestly I don’t,” she smiled sweetly, leaning in for a kiss. I wrapped my arms completely around her, kissing her as softly as I could. She stirred up an animal need in me, but the passion in just that sweet kiss overwhelmed me. I held onto her in a hug that felt almost desperate, like I was afraid to break it and let her go. She sat up and released me first, to my dismay. I could have held her all night.

  “As much as I’d love you to stay, babe, you’ve gotta go,” she crawled off me and walked across the room, grabbing a sweatshirt and pulling it on over her head. She looked kind of like she just woke up, she was fucking adorable.

  “Alright, alright. You win this time, but I prefer waking up next to you, in my bed. So that needs to get on the schedule asap,” I was going to insist on this in the very near future.

  She slinked her sexy ass over to me, and put her arms around my midsection and looked up. “I think that can be arranged,” I leaned down and kissed her. God, I’d never get tired of kissing her, I needed my lips on her constantly. “Now next time you swing by, park out back. That big truck of yours is a pretty huge eyesore in my driveway for all to see,” she gave me a sideways glance, meaning business.

  “Ugh, Jo, I hate hiding. Do we have to hide? Seriously?” I was still holding onto her and rolled my eyes.

  “Yes, we do if you want to keep doing this. It’s not anyone’s business anyway. And before you ask, no, I’m not telling Matt either, so don’t think it’s easy for me. This is just the best for now, trust me,” she laid her head on my chest.

  Kissing the top of her head, I agreed. “Okay, for now. But let me be clear, this isn’t just about sex. Do you understand me?” Honestly, I’d do anything to keep her, to keep this feeling. She was like a drug and now that I’d had her, I couldn’t get enough.

  “Yes, I understand,” she reached around me and scratched my back softly, sending chills up my spine. “Now get your ass out of here,” she laughed.

  “Booo. Fine. I’ll text you later, baby,” I cupped her face in my hands and kissed her.

  I left her house a few minutes later, after we made out like teenagers in the doorway. Even though it was getting a bit late, I went to the gym at the firehouse. I called my brother and he said he’d meet me there. While I had a twenty-four hour shift the next day at seven a.m., a shitload of paperwork due to the new Chief appointment, I seriously needed to hit the gym a little tonight. Jo gets me so fired up, and I just couldn’t fathom how Jack dealt with all the bureaucracy and red tape bullshit that comes with being Chief.

  Matt was already there when I pulled up. “Where have you been all day, bro?” he asked me.

  “I went fishing at the beach,” I lied, like she wanted me to.

  “You don’t have any poles in your truck, man,” Christ, I suck at this lying business already apparently.

  “Well, I went to the beach intending to fish. Since I didn’t have my poles, I basically just hung out. It’s been kind of a long couple days dealing with everything here at the station since Jack…” I trailed off.

  “Yeah, it has. I sure do miss
the old man. Closest thing to a dad we ever really had. It’s not the same without him giving us shit.” Matt chuckled. He was right. “It was probably nice out there just relaxing. We should actually go fishing like we used to out on the beach soon.”

  “Yea, let’s definitely do that soon. Come on, let’s pick up some heavy shit and put it down,” I laughed. Okay, so I covered myself that time. I was gonna have to get better at that though. I grabbed my cell out of my pocket and sent her a text.

  My lips need to be all over you. When can I see you?

  She replied immediately

  You just left!

  I’m already hard thinking about you. When?

  I couldn’t help myself.

  Oh please lol. I can come by the station tomorrow after my shift at 19 to say hi, but we can’t do anything there. Day after maybe when you’re not working.

  You’re working at 19 tomorrow? We need to discuss that. And maybe nothing. You’re mine. Tomorrow.

  Now I was pushing my luck but fuck it. I was already getting half hard just thinking about it. And as for her working at 19 with that dickbag? No. That needed to stop immediately.

  I have to work, there’s nothing to discuss. And we’ll see about tomorrow. Goodnight, Cavanaugh.

  Goodnight my beautiful, Josephine.

  She has no idea who she’s messing with. I get what I want. We were absolutely going to discuss her not working at all these different places though. And definitely not with that Danny asshole, something about him really bothers me. He’s shady as fuck and I don’t trust him. I put my phone away and killed my upper body at the gym.

  I loved that he called me by my full name sometimes. No one did really, even my dad rarely did. Actually he and Brian are the only two people to call me Josephine, ever. It was my mom’s middle name. Everyone else called me Jo. After he left, I laid down on the couch and thought about how excited he makes me. I wondered if he really meant what he said, that it wasn’t about sex, that it was something more. Lord knows it was something more to me, but I just wasn’t sure with him.

  I was disappointed that I told him to leave, and I was almost disappointed in myself that I was letting this happen, but it felt so good. Couldn’t really be bad, could it? Something that felt so right? Okay maybe, but maybe it was time for me to start living a little instead of being so wound up all the time. I had a reputation for being pretty high strung and fussy. Not in a girly kind of way, just particular about things. Around the firehouse, even as a young girl, I was like the “mom” of the group always making sure nobody got hurt if I could avoid it, always knowing all the “rules”. That probably had a bit to do with my dad too, but it was my nature to look after people. It was in my genes to take care of people.

  I really needed to make some decisions about work too; I had too many part-time jobs. I had been working per diem at another fire department —Danny’s fire department actually, and as a fire inspector I picked up some work, in addition to co-teaching a class at the community college in fire science of course, and a part time gig as a per diem paramedic sometimes, but I had not picked up any shifts at Station 23 in quite a while. I wasn't sure why I had been avoiding working there, it was actually my favorite place to work. I didn’t have to prove myself anymore, and I liked just about everyone there. My teaching semester was over, and Matt had suggested I talk to Brian about picking up some shifts at the station and stopping work at Station 19, since it was the same department Danny belonged to. I needed to be there for work tomorrow though, I had been on the schedule a while. I’d need to think that over. Brian certainly didn’t like it. I didn’t like personal issues becoming work business, but Danny showing up at dad’s funeral was too much. I didn’t need him making work unsafe. Something about his behavior really gave me the chills.

  After my shower, I made myself a sandwich for dinner, and sat down at my dad’s desk. I wanted to go through some of his papers, and start getting things in order. Since I was living at Danny’s until a couple months ago, I didn’t have another place except here, and I was planning to stay here until some other plan came to mind. I needed to start sorting through my dad’s stuff and getting rid of some of the junk he’d been collecting. And the papers, that man had notebooks and papers everywhere. He kept regular and meticulous notes on calls he was on, in case he ever needed to refer to them in court, or for his reports. I turned the scanner on; I liked the background noise, and hearing what emergencies were going on across the county actually made me feel safe, and sometimes people said some really hilarious, and dumb, stuff over the air.

  There was a small car accident on the other side of town, an MVA, with no injuries, and some fluids on the ground. A boring gig for a firefighter, you’re basically spreading cat litter all over the road to soak up the oil and grease, and sweeping it up. There was a respiratory emergency at the nursing home, which didn’t require the FD, just an ambulance. That was a pretty common call unfortunately. That, and slip and falls. In Florida, you’re required to be both a paramedic and a firefighter to work, and I admitted, with the exception of helping the elderly, and people that have been in car accidents, fire was really my favorite. The camaraderie of the brotherhood as we call it, is a lot like police or guys in the military. They become your family, and really you’re only as good as the sum of your parts on the team. Everyone has a specialty of some kind, something that they love about the job, and a role they have on a truck. There were no calls for our department, which made me feel good. As fun as it is to be a firefighter, when the tones drop, you don’t always know what you’re walking into, and I did always fear for the safety of my friends.

  My favorite was engine work; I just wasn't a ladder girl. I hated ladders at the academy, and I’d climbed on top of buildings to do work when needed, but I really hated it. I hated carrying heavy shit up a ladder even more. That vertigo-like sick feeling that you’re going to fall. I'd read someplace that there are only two fears we're born with, the fear of falling, and a fear of loud noises. You didn’t grow up in a firehouse maintaining a fear of loud noises, in fact, I loved the sounds of the trucks, the saws, the sirens. The fear of falling, that never went away.

  I was smaller than most of the guys, so rescue in tight spaces was usually my job. I was on the tactical rescue team, which was ideal since I could squeeze into cars that are all smashed up to help stabilize patients, crawl in a storm drain to save baby geese easier, things like that. I could haul hose wherever it needs to go, and carry all the same stuff the guys could, we just all have our specialty and our preference. On a fire, I was usually on the hose, or doing some searches, that kind of thing. The engine was for fire suppression and water supply and the ladder was for ventilation, search and rescue. This was all relative, and depended on what you saw when you showed up at a scene and what other stations or equipment were available.

  My dad insisted that if I was really going to make a career out of it, that I get certified in basically everything there was and made myself as good as possible at every activity in the service I could. He knew that even with him at the helm, I’d face some challenges as a female firefighter, and he knew I didn’t want special treatment. Even though he felt the real learning was on the streets, there was something to be said for attending all of the classes, for exposure to other departments, and for credibility later on. It’s actually helped me a lot, I’d kind of become a jack of all trades and literally, I had a laundry list of certifications that while interesting, aren’t especially common.

  Brian was a ladder guy, so we didn’t ride the same truck usually, although he didn’t ride a truck that much anyway now since becoming deputy chief, and now chief of course. He had his own duty truck to take to scenes. Ladder guys, or truck guys, love climbing on roofs, going up ladders, hell as a kid he loved climbing trees and stuff like that so I guessed it made sense. Matt and Brian are actually on the same schedule and typically work together most of the time. I used to be on the same shift pretty often as well, just a different truck th
an Brian. We used to have a lot of fun at the station. I was the only woman, but our department is progressive, so it was never an issue really, plus I guess looking back, my dad being the chief meant that people would respect me, or at the very least be nice to me. In fact, I think that people expected a lot more out of me than others sometimes because my dad was so good at what he did.

  Matt and Brian have been in my life literally since Matt and I were babies, and Brian was three. We grew up together. I didn’t want this fling with Brian to ruin what little family I really have left, but I also couldn’t stop thinking of getting him back in bed. As long as it remained a secret, that was okay. I wished it didn’t have to be a fling, but I knew that we could never go public, and to be totally honest with myself, there’s no way that he could be serious about me for long. It’s just not who he is.

  Thinking about her working at Station 19 was making it a long day. It made my blood boil, I knew that douchebag Danny was going to do something, I just didn’t know what. He rubbed me the wrong way for more than one reason, there’s something just off about him, I didn’t want him anywhere near Jo. He’s up to no good, and I made a mental note to do some digging on the guy. She needed to just come back to this department already. I was sitting at my desk with a mountain of paperwork in front of me and a huge cup of coffee, but I couldn’t concentrate, I tapped my fingers, just being pissed off about her working there, and also half turned on because I was thinking about her.


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