Brotherhood of District 23 Complete Series

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Brotherhood of District 23 Complete Series Page 25

by Amy Briggs

My heart was racing, but I knew I had to go. I couldn’t get that close and let him know what I really wanted. That was just a momentary lapse in judgment. We all need to feel some skin after all. The fact of the matter was I really liked wild sex, and that wasn’t something you shared with someone you were definitely going to see in the field or on scenes. I was very free with my sexuality, and I would have fucked him in that alley if I didn’t think I’d see him at work or if I wasn’t making plans with his best friend to do girly things later in the week. I was comfortable with what I liked, but I also didn’t want it out in the open either.

  As I hopped into my baby, I checked the glove box for my gun out of routine. It was right where I’d left it, and I started up the engine. I was still really hot, and my panties were soaked from that session in the alley. I couldn’t help but wonder if he was the kind of guy who was able to give me what I needed to be satisfied. He was so fucking hot; thinking of the way he’d slammed me up against the building gave me goose bumps all over again. I was definitely going to have to get out my little toy when I got home to curb that desire.

  The rumble from my car’s engine only fueled my need for release. I couldn’t get home fast enough. I slowly touched myself, massaging between my legs on the ride, thinking about the alley. Normally, when I got home, I poured myself a drink, but I couldn’t wait to pleasure myself and immediately stripped down to my bra and panties and headed for my bedroom practically panting. I was completely soaked, and the cool between my legs when the air hit the wetness had me heading for the drawer next to my bed immediately.

  Thinking of Matt and his huge cock pressed up against me, I grabbed the big one; the one you only pulled out once in awhile. I leaned back on my bed, turning the soft vibration on, and touched it to my most sensitive spot, rubbing it along my clit over my underwear. With my other hand, I pulled down my bra, exposing one of my breasts. I licked my finger and started to circle my nipple, making it even harder than it was before. I couldn’t stand to wait any longer, so I used my vibrator to push my panties aside and slid it inside me slowly while increasing the vibration’s intensity. It felt like it was jerking inside me with an intense vibrating pattern, and I felt my release coming faster. Pinching my own nipple, imagining Matt biting gently on it then flicking at it with his tongue, the wave came up on me, and I cried out, arching my back, with my vibrator deep inside me, coaxing me through.

  After I finished, I lay there on my bed for a moment thinking about how it would feel to have Matt actually finish me off the way I wanted. He was a single guy, not appearing to want to be tied down. Maybe he would have been a good choice to take to my bed. I certainly wasn’t going to go home with him. He had a roommate. I didn’t want roommates in my business, and I felt safe at my place. I wondered when I’d see him again. He certainly left an impression, I mused to myself, staring at the ceiling fan above my bed.

  The last thing I remembered was watching it whirl around, cooling me down, when my alarm went off. I woke startled and realized I must have passed out the night before. I went into the bathroom and inspected myself in the mirror, raising my fingers gently to my lips, thinking of the night before. Our moment in the alley was hot, and I was getting turned on just thinking of touching his tight abs and how he’d slammed me against the wall. And could he kiss, oh my God. I shuddered at the thought of his touch and got my ass ready for the gym. I worked out almost every day, definitely at least six days a week. I had always been pretty obsessed with it.

  I belonged to a martial arts gym that mostly trained fighters and mixed martial artists. I didn’t train to fight, and I never competed, but the workouts consisted of such intense agility and strength training that I really felt like it was the best mix for me to stay in absolute top condition. I hated running, but I’d do it once in awhile. My sister loved doing fun races like 5Ks for charity, so I did those with her as long as there were celebratory cocktails afterwards. She was the runner for sure; in fact, she had done a handful of marathons, which I couldn’t even fathom. I mostly worked with a trainer and did crossfit type workouts, which were varied every day but always intense.

  One of my favorite workouts was Muay Thai, which was essentially kickboxing that allowed you to throw elbows and knees at your opponent or the bag, which I simply loved to do. That’s where I learned how to throw the elbow I gave Matt to those beautiful abs of his, and I knew I had hit him pretty hard. All really great self defense tactics, but also for someone as small as me, and in my line of work, having multiple ways to get a leg up on an unruly perp was critical. I had a tendency to drink fairly often, but other than that, I took my health and my fitness seriously.

  I wanted to get my workout in early, so I could hit the gun range in the afternoon and stay there as long as I wanted. I had qualifications coming up again, which I wasn’t worried about, but it was always wise to get out and practice a little. Plus, I really enjoyed shooting. My partner, Kevin, usually went with me, but he wasn’t available today; he was helping his parents with some home improvement projects. He was very handy and always helped them keep their house up. He was a good guy, and I was lucky to have him for a partner. Since it was just going to be me, I planned to take some of my other personal guns to play around with. It was looking like a good day ahead.

  I woke up the next day annoyed as fuck, and it was because of that goddamn detective. Who the fuck acts that way? Not only did she hit me, fucking hard, she left me hanging and hard as hell in the alley, which I still could not believe. I had no appreciation for a tease like that, and I went to bed feeling dumbfounded, turned on, and pissed off all at the same time. I got up and shook off the night before as I got myself ready for the gym. I usually worked out with my brother or Jax or both, but since we all had the day off from work, Brian was hanging out with Jo and going to the beach. They did that a lot on their days off, and I actually even went with them sometimes. Brian and I would fish, while Jo read books and lay in the sun with SPF 2 billion on so she wouldn’t burn like a lobster.

  I walked into the kitchen, where Jax was dressed already, but not for the gym. “Hey, are you gonna hit the gym with me today? I was planning to go shooting later too.”

  He was finishing his coffee and shook his head as he put his cup in the sink. “I have an appointment at the VA today. I’ll probably be there all fucking day, so count me out for this afternoon.”

  “Maybe someday they’ll get their shit together, man. Sorry. Everything ok?”

  He grabbed his keys by the door. “Yea, of course. Just routine shit. No big deal. I just never know how long it’s going to take, is all. I’ll catch up with you later.” He headed out the door quickly.

  “Later, man.” I waved in his general direction. Jax got out of the Marines two years prior, and he really didn’t talk about it very much at all, other than that his platoon were his brothers and that the desert was awful. He had been deployed three times in the eight years he had been in, and said he’d never go back. We went to high school together, and besides being a firefighter, all he’d ever wanted to do was serve his country. We all thought he would make a career out of it and were shocked when he decided not to re-enlist after his last tour. He had become one of my best friends besides Jo, of course, before he’d left. He had already been to the fire academy with us when we were young and was a staple down at the station just like the rest of us through high school. Always happy and always a friend to everyone. He came back different; more quiet and thoughtful. But when we asked about it when he first came back, he said he was just happy to be home, in the U.S., and never really elaborated. I made a note to ask him again when he wasn’t in a hurry sometime soon, and I headed to the gym.

  Even though I enjoyed going out, and I certainly liked to have a few drinks, working out was really important to me. The job was fun, I couldn’t imagine doing anything else in the world, but it was physically demanding and stressful sometimes. We’ve always been into working out; Brian and I both played sports since we were little, so it
was just something we’d always done. I didn’t go to a fancy gym. I worked out at the firehouse gym, which was actually pretty nice. It was early in the day, so there wouldn’t be too many people there, and I could get my workout in and get cleaned up and out on the range around midday.

  I ran into a few of the guys from the other shift at the firehouse, but I was still so rattled by Isabel that I didn’t stop to shoot the shit like I normally would have. I absolutely hated running, but I did it every single day, even if it was only two miles. As much as I loathed the hamster wheel of a treadmill, I hopped on it, popped my ear buds in, and ran. I listened to System of a Down and a bunch of other hard rock. It always pumped me up and got me going, and with the mood I was in, I was able to take my aggression out on the run.

  After about thirty minutes, the endorphins kicked in, and I wasn’t feeling so deranged over a woman anymore while I got to the other part of my workout. I always started with a run, but I always finished with a crossfit type workout, because I really felt like it was the best kind for what we did for a living. You could lift heavy shit up and put it down, and you could curl your arms a thousand times, but that wouldn’t necessarily train you to be agile in an emergency situation, which was always my goal. We hadn’t had any particularly challenging fires in a while, and that always made me feel like we were about due for one. What we’d call the “big one.”

  A firefighter could go his whole career without the “big one,” the fire that you see on the news in some warehouse or giant office building; the fire that caused guys to wonder if they could really do the job. I was made for that fire, and I was always training for it. I think that was why Jax and I got along so well. He was like the resident Boy Scout that was always training too, and always prepared for an emergency. Our house was the same way. We were prepared for the apocalypse, frankly. We had everything you could possibly need to survive in a disaster situation in our basement; rope, candles, MRE pre-packed military food, tools, you name it. We also had weapons. Lots of them. I had become a bit of a gun collector over the years, and essentially, between Jax and me, we had a small arsenal.

  As I finished my last set of burpees, thinking about going shooting made me smile. The day might not have started out that great, but I knew it would be a great afternoon by myself, shooting and enjoying the sun.

  After my killer workout, I showered and gathered my two guns and supplies to go to the range. I just had my issued pistol, as well as a smaller pistol that was easier to conceal. I didn’t really see a need for much more than that. The range was outdoors, so I grabbed my sunscreen, my safety glasses, my guns, ammo, and ear protection and headed out.

  Normally, I wouldn’t wear my badge out and about on my day off, but since I was going to the gun range, I clipped it at the waist of my jeans. I didn’t especially care to explain myself as a woman when I went places like that, and with my badge, they’d just assign me a lane and send me on my way. While I knew the owner and most of the people who worked there, on occasion, some new guy wanted to show me how to shoot, or talk to me about shooting, and I couldn’t possibly be less interested in a conversation when I was going to focus.

  Thankfully, when I arrived, the owner was working, and I was able to go right outside to a lane by myself. As I set up my targets, I saw a familiar silhouette out of the corner of my eye. Sonofabitch, it’s Matt Cavanaugh. Walking my way. My pulse quickened, and I felt immediately short of breath as I flashed back to the night before. I looked away quickly, but it was too late; I had caught his eye, I could tell even through his aviator sunglasses. Was he this hot last night? I looked back up as he got closer and noticed his jeans fitting him snugly in all the right places and his t-shirt clinging to his muscular arms, while he carried what looked like quite a few things for a day at the range.

  He set his stuff down in the lane next to mine and turned to me, taking his sunglasses off. “Well, hello there, Detective. Fancy meeting you here today.” He smirked and rolled his eyes at me. I suppose I deserved that a little bit. I certainly didn’t think I’d see him this soon after last night.

  I took my sunglasses off and set them on the table next to me. “Well, I am an officer, Cavanaugh, so it’s not entirely unlikely I’d be out shooting.” I couldn’t tell if I was flirting or being a bitch, probably both. Sometimes I couldn’t help myself. I thought I’d better apologize, or at least make it sound more like I was flirting, or definitely change the subject, but I couldn’t speak.

  “I suppose you’re right, Detective.” It was really bothering me how he emphasized detective, like he didn’t want to say my name.

  “You can call me Isabel, Matt.” I huffed it at him.

  “Oh, we’re being friendly again, are we? Should I protect my ribs?” He dramatically took a step back and protected his body with his arms. I put my hands on my hips and cocked my head at him.

  “In my defense, you came running up behind me in a dark alley.” I paused and thought about what happened next. “And you seemed alright when I left last night.” I smiled.

  “Ohhhh, you call leaving someone like that alright, do you? Remind me never to get left not alright by you,” he retorted sarcastically, but gave me a huge smile. God, he and his brother really were beautiful. I looked at his eyes as he watched me, trying to figure out my next move, but all I could think of was getting lost in the green, with maybe flecks of blue that I could see. I wanted to get a closer look. Then I was brought back to reality. “Isabel, is everything ok?”

  “Oh, yea. Of course, it is.” I shuffled back to my lane to finish setting up my targets. “I have qualifications coming up again soon, and I enjoy practicing anyway. What brings you here today? It looks like you have a lot of stuff with you.”

  “I’m actually here quite a bit. And yes, I do have a lot of stuff with me. I have several different firearms. I’m a bit of a collector.” He started to settle into the lane next to me, which had my heart racing even more, and I was totally turned on by the fact he enjoyed shooting. I wasn’t sure why, because I never dated cops, and they all went shooting of course. There was something about him that kept catching my eye, but I did actually want to practice a bit.

  “That’s interesting. You’ll have to show me what you’ve got. Maybe after we practice a little bit.” I felt my lips curl into a little smile like I couldn’t stop them.

  “I’d love to.”

  He turned to finish unloading his arsenal, and I adjusted my holster so I could practice drawing my gun from it. It wasn’t particularly difficult once you were adept at using your firearm to be able to shoot a target consistently. What was more difficult and required practice, was safely drawing your gun, presenting it at the target, and assessing the situation quickly. There were a lot of different kinds of holsters, and we were allowed to use whichever we felt most comfortable with, which was nice.

  My preference was the outside-the-waistband holster, which was essentially a holster that attached to your waistband on the outside of your pants. I found this option was the best way to get a completely locked-in grip on my gun right from the holster. When I wasn’t on duty, I used an inside-the-waistband holster, depending on what I was wearing, which concealed the gun a bit better and slipped between you and your clothes. Most concealed weapons carriers used one of these two. I only concealed my weapon when I was off duty, and I didn’t really go out that much, so I didn’t have a need to conceal it often.

  Trying to ignore the ridiculously hot firefighter in the lane next to me, I practiced drawing my weapon quickly down range a few times before I got my eye and ear protection on. I took a deep breath as I looked down range at my target and tried to put Matt out of my mind for a moment to focus, which was damn near impossible. I was certain I could smell him, that manly, freshly-showered scent, and it was intoxicating me. As I checked my weapon, loaded it, and holstered it, I saw him watching me, and I glanced in his direction.

  “Do you mind if I watch?” he asked me softly.

  “No, not at all.�
� I smiled and refocused.

  I had the all clear to shoot, so I went for it. It wasn’t the first time I’d done that, of course, but for some reason it felt different having him watch me. It actually made me feel powerful, and with that realization, I drew my gun from the holster, set my sights on the target, and squeezed the trigger in rapid succession until the gun was empty, then dropped the magazine one handed, reloaded with the other hand, and did it again. A total of thirty shots fired in about two minutes. As an officer, I was allowed to carry a fifteen-round magazine, while most civilians carried a ten- to thirteen-round magazine, depending on the type of gun.

  I could tell I shot well, and the draw from my holster felt smooth, which was good. I didn’t draw my gun quickly often; in fact, I’d only ever had to do it twice on the job in the twelve years since I became a cop. I drew it from its holster on a regular basis, just not in this manner. I set my gun down on the counter in front of me and took off my ear protection.

  “Nice shooting!” Matt exclaimed.

  “Thanks,” I grinned at him. I knew I could shoot, but for some reason, I was feeling like I wanted to show off to him, show him what I could do. Being around him made me feel like a woman, and I wasn’t used to that. He made me feel feminine and strong at the same time. I was one of the guys at work, and of course, I had to be kind of tough, so I wasn’t used to feeling so soft. It was outside of my comfort zone, and yet I was enjoying it at the same time.

  “Let’s see it. That was what, thirty rounds?” He came and stood close enough for me to smell him again, making my head swim with desire. I felt my hands want to touch him, and I stopped myself. Maybe he’d let me see if I left a bruise on those delicious looking abs of his, I thought to myself before shaking it off.

  “Yea, thirty rounds. I can’t ever imagine a scenario in which I’d need to shoot that many, but it’s good practice and lets me see if my shots are consistent or not. Plus, it’s kind of fun to rapid fire like that, don’t you think?” I flipped the switch that brought my paper target back to me on a zip line, so we could take a closer look at it.


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