Brotherhood of District 23 Complete Series

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Brotherhood of District 23 Complete Series Page 47

by Amy Briggs

  “My parents are in New Jersey, where we used to live, taking care of my grandmother. We all live down here, but I’m ‘from’ there. I’m not sure when they’re coming back. I know they will eventually, but they keep trying to get me to go there to visit, and I don’t want to because it’s cold.”

  “I’m not a fan of the cold, either. I can’t really imagine living anywhere but here.”

  I watched her shoulders relax as she got more comfortable and she continued. “For real. They’ve been super overprotective since—“She stopped herself and looked around, trying to find words.

  “Since what, Viv?” I prodded.

  “Since my brother died. But I don’t want to talk about that. I’m sorry I brought it up. My parents are just super protective and want me to be with them all the time, is all I meant.” She took a sip of her wine and leaned back into her seat.

  “I’m sorry about your brother. And I’m sure your parents just worry about you, is all. Having family that gives a shit about you is special. Not everyone has that, you know?” I needed to change the subject. She looked uncomfortable. I was so horrible at this dating business. So far, I’d had to lift her into my douchebag truck not designed for sweet girls like her to climb into, and now I had brought up something that made her sad. Ugh.

  “It’s ok. It’s been about a year now. Anyway, right now it’s just me here doing my real estate thing.” She let the corners of her mouth turn up into a slight smile.

  “Ok, let’s change the subject. Tell me something you’ve always wanted to do but just haven’t for whatever reason.”

  “Hmm, good question.” She smiled big that time, thank God. “Sleep on the beach.”

  “Sleep on the beach? Really?”

  “Yeah, I’ve always wanted to camp out on the beach. Have a fire, snuggle up, and fall asleep listening to the waves crash. It seems like the absolutely most perfect moment. What about you?” she asked.

  “I want to steal yours,” I said. That sounded so peaceful and glorious. Like I might be able to fall asleep that way.

  “You can’t steal mine!” She laughed.

  “Oh, but I can, darlin’. That sounds magnificent. The only thing I’d have to add is doing all of that with someone special, because if you’re going to camp on the beach and watch the sunset, you need someone to cuddle up with.” I was back to flirting. I was really shameless.

  Blushing, she replied, “Well, hopefully you’ll find someone to share that moment with.”

  “Oh, I think I already have, Viv. She just doesn’t know it yet.” As her mouth fell open in shock from my blatant statement that was obviously about her, I felt victorious. I wasn’t trying to make her uncomfortable; I wanted her to feel wanted. Hell, she was wanted. From the minute she opened the door barefoot in her tight little jeans and tank top, I had to keep reminding myself to be a respectable guy and treat her like a respectable woman. The thoughts of getting my hands on her were overwhelming, and I caught myself dreaming about what she’d taste like.

  “You’re shameless,” was her reply. She just called me out on my shit.

  Laughing out loud, I had to agree. “You’re right, I am. But honestly, Viv, I feel like it’s totally your fault. You’re beautiful and smart. I’d be a fool not to lay it on thick.” I winked at her while she gave me a playful eye roll.

  “Oh, please. I can see you’re the kind of guy who likes to tell a girl what he thinks she wants to hear.”

  Almost hurt but knowing I deserved that, I leaned forward again to grab her attention. I lowered my voice, wanting her to pay close attention. “Vivian, I used to be that guy. I won’t lie to you. I wasn’t always the gentleman. But I’m working on that. I am genuinely interested in getting to know you, even though every time you speak I’m staring at those perfect lips of yours.” That was as honest as I could get, and I stared right at her pouty little mouth waiting for her reply.

  “That was quite possibly the most honest response anyone has ever given me, Mr. Jackson. Thank you.” She picked up her wine glass and held it up to clink against my beer bottle. I loved observing her. She was so confident at work, but had a silly side that I got to see at the grocery store, and I was witnessing her thoughtful side now as I watched her try to figure me out. Good luck with that one I thought. .

  “So, tell me about being a firefighter. I don’t know anything about it, but it’s very intriguing. It’s obviously dangerous; are you an adrenaline junkie?” She leaned back in her chair, crossing her legs and getting comfortable.

  “Well, no, I’m not an adrenaline junkie.” I grinned. “I will tell you that it is fun riding the fire truck, though. I think it’s every little boy’s dream to go cruising to a fire with the lights and sirens blaring. But that’s not why I do it. My dad was a firefighter before me. He was a volunteer; it wasn’t his career. I always had such a respect for him going to work all day as an electrician, and then answering calls and helping people in his spare time. I know my mom thought he spent way too much time at the firehouse, but it was something that made him feel important. We always related to each other in that way.” I thought about my dad and how he had taught me early on how important contribution was. I felt the darkness creep in as I realized how I’d lost sight of that in recent years.

  “I think that’s wonderful. It’s so important to feel like you are doing something important for people. So did you start out as a volunteer too?” She brought me back to the moment.

  “Yeah, I did. The section of town we lived in had a department that was a combination department, half paid staff, mostly during the day, and volunteer staff in the evenings and on weekends. So that’s how I got started. When we moved closer to the downtown area, I joined District 23 for a couple of years when I met Matt and Brian at school.”

  “Who’s Brian?” I totally forgot she didn’t know everyone. I was talking away, getting more comfortable just telling her my story, I didn’t even realize.

  “Oh, sorry. Brian is our Chief. He is Matt’s older brother. We went through high school together with Jo, who is now engaged to Brian and is Matt’s best friend.” As I thought about how complicated that sounded, I laughed. “That probably sounds way more Melrose Place than it really is. We all went to school together, and Jo is a firefighter too. Her dad was the Chief before he died, and Brian moved into the job.”

  “Were Brian and Jo high school sweethearts?” she asked.

  “Oh God, no. They didn’t get along at all. Which leads me to believe they probably loved each other since they were little kids.” I chuckled thinking about it. If I had a dollar for every time Jo rolled her eyes at Brian in high school, I’d be retired on a beach in the Mediterranean.

  “That’s funny. So you all work together now full time?” It was weird for me having this conversation; none of the women I usually spent time with were such good listeners or asked so many questions. It was nice.

  “Yeah, we’re like a family. It’s pretty cool. So what about you? How did you get into real estate at such a young age? I mean you must do pretty well. I see your face everywhere.” I wanted to get her to talk to me more about herself; I really wanted to get to know her better.

  “Well, I always worked for as long as I can remember. I’ve kind of always been an entrepreneur, I guess. I used to make friendship bracelets and sell them when I was a kid, then I would tutor or babysit. I was always working some kind of little job. When I was in college, I had saved up a pretty decent amount of money, when a little run-down house went up for sale and I decided to buy it and try to flip it. I wanted the challenge. I paid so much in commission on the sale of a run-down house, I decided to get my real estate license and broker my own deals. So I’ve been a realtor for almost five years now.” She had a proud smile on her face.

  “That’s fucking incredible. I don’t know anyone who would work like that; it’s admirable.” She was a little hustler. It was sexy.

  Our food had come, and we ate and continued exchanging stories, getting more comforta
ble as the evening continued. I realized that I was really enjoying myself, and she seemed like she was too. When the server brought our check, I paid—even though she tried to split it with me, which would never happen. Ever.

  I didn’t want the night to end, and it wasn’t that late, so I suggested a local bar nearby we could walk to for a couple of drinks.

  “I’d love to. Let’s go.” She picked up her giant purse, which looked expensive and like you could carry a small child in it. Literally, it was like a suitcase or something.

  “What the hell do you carry in a bag that big?” I had to ask her.

  “Well, I like to be prepared. Shut up.” She nudged me as we walked side by side. Inclined to put my arm around her, I refrained and kept my hands to myself.

  “Prepared for what? In case you have to sleep in it? Seriously, it’s huge. Is it heavy? Should I be carrying it for you?” I teased.

  She started to giggle and leaned into me again, setting my heart racing. “Be quiet. I have girl stuff in here. And sometimes I put my laptop in here. So it’s gotta be big enough for that stuff.”

  “Let me look in it. Come on.” I grabbed the edge of it with my finger and pulled it open slightly to peek inside.

  Gently swatting at me, she exclaimed, “You get out of there, Seth Jackson! You don’t go through a woman’s purse!”

  “The more you fight, the more intrigued I am. You realize this, right?”

  “I just realized that. But I’m still not giving away all of my secrets, so stay out.” She smiled up at me and pulled her arms around herself.

  “Are you cold? You look cold.” I saw her let out a little shiver.

  “No, no, I’m ok.”

  “You’re cold. Come here.” I pulled her into me and put my arm around her, causing her to put her hand on my ribs, which sent chills through me that landed right in my cock. I was hoping she didn’t notice, but having her that close was such a fucking turn-on, and pulling her in to keep her warm felt good.

  “I forgot my jacket in the truck. I’m sorry,” she said quietly.

  “Don’t apologize. I wanted you to forget it, so I could get my arms around you. All part of my plan, you see.” I gave her a little squeeze and felt her relax. “We’re almost there, and we’ll warm you up with a cocktail. Sound good, darlin’?”

  “Yeah, that sounds great.”

  When he pulled me close and put his arm around me, I almost fainted. As my hand rested on his ribs to steady myself, I felt what good shape he was in. I couldn’t resist the urge to slide my hand along his side to feel that rock hard body; all I could think about was what it would be like to touch him without being so sneaky. He was so sexy, and I was having such a good time. I was happy he’d suggested getting drinks after dinner, because I really didn’t want the night to end, but didn’t know how to extend it myself.

  “Here we are, milady.” We stopped in front of an Irish pub, where he took his arm back and pulled the door open for me to enter. I immediately missed his closeness.

  “Great. This place looks fun,” I said.

  “It’s got a nice, chill vibe. I thought it would be cool to continue our getting to know you chat over drinks on the patio out back here. There’re some patio heaters here, too, so you shouldn’t be cold, but if you are, we can stay inside.” Looking at him as he awaited my reply, I noticed his eyes sparkle from the neon lights around the bar.

  “No, I like the fresh air. Let’s go outside. If I get cold, I’ll just have to steal your arm again,” I flirted. I actually flirted a little bit. I was making myself blush.

  “I like your style, Viv.” He put his arm around me and led us out to the patio. There were no tables left, so we went up to the bar, where he found two seats and helped me climb up onto one.

  “Thank you, Seth. You’re always lifting me up, I guess,” I joked around. I really didn’t think I was that short or small, but around him, I felt tiny.

  “I’m at your service, darlin’. Now, what can I get you to drink?”

  “Why don’t you let me get the drinks since you got dinner?” I didn’t want him to have to pay for everything. I had plenty of money.

  “Let’s get one thing straight right now, Vivian.” He got serious, and I felt my eyes get big. “When you’re with me, your wallet stays in that giant purse of yours. This is not a negotiation, either, you understand me?” Lightening up, he winked at me, melting me again.

  “Ok, ok. I understand.” I pretended to pout, sticking my lower lip out dramatically.

  “You better put that lip away, Viv,” he leaned in and said quietly, his closeness making my heart race.

  “Or else, what?” I whispered back.

  Reaching his hand up near the back of my neck, he pulled my face even closer to his. The corners of his full lips turned up into a smile before he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine gently, sending a burn through my entire body, taking my breath away.

  As he pulled away gently, he replied, “Or I’ll have to kiss you, darlin’.” I couldn’t even remember what I wasn’t supposed to do or I’d get kissed, but I wanted to do it all the time.

  I caught my breath as he leaned back on his stool and flagged the bartender for us. “Did you want the same wine you had before, Viv?”

  Shaking myself back to reality, I shook my head. “I’ll have a Guinness this time.”

  “Excellent choice. I’ll have the same.” He motioned to the bartender then turned back to me. I think I hadn’t moved since he kissed me. “So where were we, darlin’?”

  “Uh, I was going to leave my wallet in my purse, I think?” I grinned, remembering that my pouty lip started it all.

  “Yes, yes, you are. And if you pout, I’ll have to stop you, but you don’t seem too upset about that part.”

  “No, the stopping part I’m a fan of.” I was still trying to flirt and felt my face get hot and flushed. “Makes me want to pout more.” I was laying it on thick.

  He laughed and rested his hand on my leg as our beers arrived. He rubbed my thigh gently and didn’t move his hand away for the rest of the night until we decided it was time to go. We had continued to chat about our jobs for most of the night, and the more we talked, the more comfortable I felt. I had forgotten how wonderful it felt to have a man’s company, let alone a good-looking, life-saving, interesting man.

  When we got back to the truck, he had to help me get in again, which was kind of awkward, even though he picked me up with such ease. If we went out again, I thought that perhaps I’d mention taking my car, but I didn’t want to get ahead of myself. I suspected that he wouldn’t love that idea.

  When we got in the truck, we were quiet for a moment before he turned to me and sighed.

  “Is everything ok?” I asked a bit nervously.

  “Viv, darlin’, everything is great. I had a really great time with you tonight, and I hope you did too.”

  “I really did, Jax.” I gave him a shy smile. He smiled back and reached across the seat to take my hand in his. He held my hand, rubbing along my palm with his thumb the entire ride back to my house.

  He of course helped me out of the truck again and walked me to my front door. “Would you like to come in?” I asked. I knew it was too soon for that, but he was so hot, and in that moment I’d have done just about anything with him.

  He leaned in close to me, pressing his body into mine gently against the front door. “Vivian, I would love nothing more than to come in, but I’m working on being a gentleman, so I’m going to take a rain check. Would you do me the honor of letting me take you out again?” His hand found its way to the base of my neck again, making my body tingle at his touch.

  “Yes, of course. I’d like that a lot, Seth,” I whispered.

  He lowered his face to my level, bringing his lips to mine again. This time, the kiss was more consuming, causing those butterflies in my core that make you forget who you are. As his lips parted, I let his tongue explore my mouth, while he pulled me in tight against him, giving me the opportunit
y to feel his heart. I could taste the faintest bit of Guinness and a mint he’d eaten on the ride home. That sweet flavor filled my mouth as my muscles relaxed, and I gave into the moment. I dropped my purse beside me and wrapped my arms around his torso, running my hands up his back as he deepened the kiss.

  Too soon for me, he pulled away, causing me to gasp slightly. “Viv.” He met my eyes with a soft glance.

  “Yes?” I breathed out.

  “You’re addicting.” He gave me a soft smile and rested his forehead against mine. I could feel his heart beating, and as he sighed, I relaxed into him and softened my grip on his back.

  “I hope that’s true,” I said quietly.

  As he pulled away, taking my face with both of his hands, he said, “You have no idea, Viv. Now, get inside and warm up. Can’t have you getting sick before we have another date, which I’d like to be sooner than later, darlin’.”

  “Thank you for tonight.” I felt wonderful, like I’d finally let myself enjoy an evening in a way I couldn’t even recall. Those first date, wonderful moment butterflies fluttered in my stomach, making me smile.

  “Oh no, thank you, darlin’. Thank you.” He planted his lips on mine one last time before pulling completely away, leaving me wanting so much more as he walked back to his truck.

  I let myself into the house and turned around to see him in his truck waiting for me to get inside. I gave a little wave, and after he waved back, I went inside, shut the door, and squealed while doing a happy dance as if I just scored the winning touchdown at the Superbowl.

  I waited for her to close the door before I left; I wanted to make sure she was safely inside. It also gave me a moment to get one last look at her. When she waved to me before closing the door, a pounding in my chest made me smile more than I can remember doing in a while. She was captivating, and if I weren’t following the doctor’s orders, I might have taken her up on the invitation inside, although this being a gentleman thing was kind of a fun challenge after tonight.


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